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Do expats need a relationship to be happy here?


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Lots of expats here maintain unhappy relationships with Thai women they have nothing in common with and moan and complain. Others throw themselves off balconies when a relationship ends.

I talk to some guys who go from relationship to relationship here with each one ending for the same reasons.

If relationships don't work wouldn't they be happier single?





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1 hour ago, transam said:

If you live here tell us your story and thoughts for starters....:)


I am content being single, being comfortable with myself and alone time

 I would take single over a dysfunctional relationship any day of the week.


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46 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

This is a good topic, unfortunately after the first half of the sentence I feel like I have been trolled. 


How about you reconfigure your thoughts better next time?


I have to cover everyone's thoughts? The phone screen is small and my typing fingers large.


To go further... there are many functional and happy relationships I see here that work.


But other ones do not. My personal view is they would be happier being single but when they are single they are miserable and focused on the next relationship.


Can they not be happy and single here?

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7 minutes ago, transam said:

Have you had a dysfunctional relationship then ...Tell us all about it.....What went wrong...?

Of course I have had a dysfunctional relationship...hasn't  everyone? That's why I choose single and happy over unhappy in a relationship.

Please dude, don't try and derail the thread... I have given my thoughts and u are welcome to give yours



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It is probably better to stay single until you meet the right person rather than be in a relationship that is not good. I feel I am kind of lucky as my wife worked on the cruise lines and also on land in the states for the cruise line companies office. She can communicate with me which to be honest is very important in a relationship. We spend time together but I also have my own private time so we do not get under each others feet, which is also very important as well. We both are working so this helps to give us something to talk about at the end of the day also. Each to their own but being in a foreign country and not having someone or at least a person you can talk to can be very lonely and would not wish it upon anyone.

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Absolutely nothing wrong with picking oneself up, dusting oneself off and starting all over again.


Absolutely nothing wrong with the alternative either.


If serial monogamy works for some and serial singlehood for others, who really cares what does and doesn't work for other people as long as you yourself are happy.


To be honest, the singletons on TV stick out like the proverbial, always starting threads about what other people should do.

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13 minutes ago, chowny77 said:

It is probably better to stay single until you meet the right person rather than be in a relationship that is not good. I feel I am kind of lucky as my wife worked on the cruise lines and also on land in the states for the cruise line companies office. She can communicate with me which to be honest is very important in a relationship. We spend time together but I also have my own private time so we do not get under each others feet, which is also very important as well. We both are working so this helps to give us something to talk about at the end of the day also. Each to their own but being in a foreign country and not having someone or at least a person you can talk to can be very lonely and would not wish it upon anyone.


You have a relationship that works which helps for a content and balanced life.


Your last point makes me consider whether some people here go for companionship because they are lonely.  They would rather have anyone than no one type of thing. 

 Loneliness can be debilitating ...if people are single and prone to loneliness they need some type of friend or dating network to keep things in balance.


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I think it is, on balance, better to be single ... have a girlfriend by all means but don't take to the marriage, house build, children level. I acknowledge that many expats in Thailand have good relationships and good experiences, so I'm not trying to denigrate anyone. I'm not sure that I could make a Thai marriage work ... so perhaps my comments are personal to me if I'm being honest.

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The right question is: Can we be happy solo?

To be or not expatriate is secondary in the case.

And for me having long tried both I would say that I was happy alone but I'm much more now with my pretty little wife.

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4 hours ago, transam said:

If you live here tell us your story and thoughts for starters....:)


Yeah from his posts l think he is here on some kind of religious psychological study can't quite make him out, clever but avoids many answers to post replies. :blink:  

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Comes down to whats inside your head, we are forever changing and in a particular state most wouldn't know any better, if someone is with someone else and they dont really care for them then its because they cant stay alone then you can have the single that cant commit to anyone and then you have every thing in-between.


As of the people that just keep moving from one relationship to another they often dont know what they want as well as making poor choices and not learning from the past some again dont want to be alone....


A lot of people are just complainers, pessimists got to voice some thing cant keep there mouth shut types,

now who knows who your dating or married to some are as you see is what you get then you get others for no reason after a time just change  or once a stressful situation comes up or a new person emerges.


And of course you can fall out of love with some one its quite common its not always mutual to end a relationship, you wont find me doing myself in over a woman but then i know how easy they can be replaced if i want one.

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55 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:


Yeah from his posts l think he is here on some kind of religious psychological study can't quite make him out, clever but avoids many answers to post replies. :blink:  

 i answered your relevant questions on the other thread.

I also answered  the other poster transams questions, as silly as they were.

Please try and stay on topic or be constructive dudes!

Share an opinion on the topic if u have one, not on me

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2 hours ago, happy Joe said:

The right question is: Can we be happy solo?

To be or not expatriate is secondary in the case.

And for me having long tried both I would say that I was happy alone but I'm much more now with my pretty little wife.


Being in a foreign country adds an extra dimension to being happy solo. A fair percentage of single guys come here for the women and from that it makes sense they would want a relationship.

In your case you were happy already then met someone and are more happy


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2 minutes ago, JJGreen said:

Could you expand on that?


I liked the comment because it reminded me of the movie "About A Boy", were Hugh Grant played the womanising playboy whose lifestyle was funded from royalties of an old Christmas song that his late father wrote. The character was referring to the famous quote: "no man is an island" ... his thought on the subject was, "I am. I'm Ibiza!" The point being that a person can be perfectly happy playing the field and being single ... until of course, the end of the movie, when he settled down with the character played by Daniel Craig's wife, a fine choice indeed. Ibiza's great, but at some point it comes to an end. And if you're lucky, a "happy ending".

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