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Thai govt accused of exploiting bombings for political ends 


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3 hours ago, futsukayoi said:


You have this the wrong way round.  This approach was almost never used under Taksin. It has increased massively under the current regime.  The opposition are exploiting one of the few avenues the dictatorship leaves open to them.


You must have forgotten recent history - bombings of judges, courts, anti Shin protesters, innocent bystanders and children. Carried out by people the RTP and CAPO just couldn't seem to catch or prevent and cheered on Red Shirt rally stages, including by PTP politicians.


But don't that stop you pretending. Intimidation including shootings and bombings was a tactic previously used by certain terrorists who also advocated arson.


However, according to the scant reports so far, these bombs appear similar to those used by Southern separatists. Although, as always, they'll be conflicting stores, reports and statements as the police meander through their investigation.

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2 hours ago, Sakeopete said:

Seem like a page from Erdogan's play book. 

False flags are indeed more common than most people think. There was widespread suspicion that Erdogan engineered his coup, however many seem to think now it was genuine but rushed, badly implemented and him tipped off to boot.


Think also the Thai army had more to lose with egg on its face than to gain in a situation where they can pretty much do what they want anyway. Would assume the obvious suspect remains the obvious suspect.

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1 hour ago, robblok said:


Its a Thaksin policy even if guilty sue whoever says otherwise, soit just does not mean its not true.


The guy makes some nice points about the insurgents (and I still feel they are the most likely one to have done it but I don't rule out the red shirts until there is proof. The guy does seem a bit bias .. if the referendum was the cause they only had 3 days to plan. (stupid reason) Because you can plan in the event of, and then give a go to a plan or not if that event happens. Also saying they can't have done it because they were under watch.. do you think the insurgents are not under watch too ? 


Someone said what would Thaksin do if his back is against the wall.. now this new constitution pretty much destroys his chances to come back. So that could be a reason. But then would the others follow his orders or see its just vengeance and bad for the country and not obey.


Point is we can find reasons for both sides to do it but without proof.. its just that speculations. So I am going to wait and see (IF) they solve it or not and if the evidence is compelling or not.  


For those saying this is pure heaven because I like the junta (just dislike them less than the alternative). I doubt that the bombings were heaven for anyone with a sound mind that includes most junta supporters and most red supporters (extremist excluded).  The government is in full power and needs no false flag operations. It needs a good economy far more and this does not promote a good economy. 


Robbie, as usual you throw in the red herring to start then examine it in detail

i have another take on it that would not have crossed your mind

The military are responsible for these outrages, after all, look how quick our fearless leader was to speculate ( in front of the media) that it was the work of dissatisfied political parties( hint hint).

Now if I was the next goverment in waiting( you know who will win an election) why would I go around bombing the people who are going to vote for me and give old einstein an excuse to go on telly and point the finger at me??

Answer: of course I would not, it's self defeating and would not win me any votes.

But look at it from the military's point of view, they can whip up fear and loathing against their rivals, they can use it as an excuse to detain their rivals, they can use it to say they need to extend their use of draconian laws to maintain security, and that is exactly what they have done.

These guys are so dumb, most non Thais can see through their childish games, except for a few TV junta supporters.

This whole military takeover has been planned since back in 2009, nothing more than a power play by the elites to wrest control back from the people.


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"The southern mob don't care about Thailand or its economy because they don't see themselves as Thais. Thailand is their enemy. "

If you mean the Islamic insurgents then yes. If you mean other southerners then no. In the north there were people who wanted to start a Lanna state separated from Thailand

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25 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:


That's good that the system, back then, was throwing out vexatious defamation cases. Now they cannot report on anything, however TRUE, without a case


Don't think the system through them out - Thaksin either lost the judgement or withdrew them for whatever reason suited him.


He learned that technique from a certain late Mr. Lee in Singapore. Use the law to silence dissent and critics. Wonder what techniques he learned from his "eternal friend"  Mr. Hun Sen?

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We will probably never know with certainty who was responsible, just as we don't with Erewan, or Koh Tao, as the RTP and legal system have lost all credibility so even if they pin the tail on a donkey, we won't know if its the right ass they're kicking.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Anthony Davis, a writer for Jane's Defence Weekly, told The Associated Press that the Patani-Malay National Revolutionary Front separatist group was the sole opposition force that could carry out such a well-planned, well-coordinated operation in Thailand's southern region.


With the Red Shirt movement being closely monitored by the security forces, "the theory that they could have organized such a complex operation under the noses of the military government makes no sense," he said.


I understand his reasoning as regards the Red Shirt movement, but surely the same argument could be applied towards the Patani-Malay Revolutionary Front or are they allowed to go about their business unmonitored?

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howdy farangs, no you are not crazy,  by Western standards

the military coup is an odious futile

backwards development,  and the thirty percent

who voted for the fig leaf, ignoring that the emperor

has no clothes, were just going through the motions

We learn that story as children, the big lie of saying the emperor is not naked, 

can be defeated by the innocence of a child simply stating the obvious

You may have noticed Asian culture does not operate in that mode,

but saving face, not facing problems directly, the communal mode

of consciousness, authoritarianism,  over emphasis on blood family,

a certain dishonesty in other words , is prevalent.  That is not to say

it is good or bad, the history deserves respect, and is not subject

to Western judgmental mores, and the deductive reasoning prevalent there.

But Asia is Westernizing, modernizing, integrating the best of the old and new,

and Thailand has fallen way behind the curve now, we sincerely hope

the better ways for them may emerge sooner rather than later, and can give

moral support and encouragement, and in worst case depression scenarios,

economic support, maybe there is no problem as the yogis say, or just by

\living you are curing any possible ones, keep on keeping on

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15 minutes ago, qwertyuiop said:

I understand his reasoning as regards the Red Shirt movement, but surely the same argument could be applied towards the Patani-Malay Revolutionary Front or are they allowed to go about their business unmonitored?


The Patani-Malay Revolutionary Front remains effective, monitored or not.  I'm not saying they did this, just that they have managed to carry out bombings consistently for the last 10-12 years.

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7 minutes ago, toddsaed said:

if they were legit, free speech and meetings would be encouraged,

what do they have to hide, or is it just ignorance and fear


Lol... Doesn't the new constitution grants these freedoms.... It's just that the country has to wait for a pogram, against detractors, before granting that constitutional right?



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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

The bombings and arsons in so many different locations will need some long elaborate planning and coordination. The junta being military people should have the smart to know that an operation like this cannot be carried out just 4-5 days after the referendum result. What a bunch of agenda driven idiots. 


IF. and I mean if, the UDD did want to carry out an operation like this, does it not occur to you that they would plan something like this a while ago and then dust off the plan and update it?


While there are many idiots in the UDD, Jatuporn being one of them, I would think that there are quite a few smart people in the background who may well be capable of long term planning an operation like this.


However, I cannot see any way that they would do something like this as the sensible ones can understand that there is no gain for them at all in this.


The UDD does not have a good track record for many things in Thailand and IF they did plan and carry it out then it would be their death knell, certainly for the unelected leadership and possibly for some of the rank and file too.


They have nothing to gain and too much to lose.

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3 hours ago, hansnl said:

Might the world economy slowdown, perhaps, be the reason for the slowdown of Thailand's economy.

Governments, in general, have very little influence on the economy.


What utter nonsense. Who on earth told you that only half expecting you to believe it?



Edited by Winniedapu
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9 minutes ago, billd766 said:

They have nothing to gain and too much to lose.


Really no motive for the UDD and even the red shirts. What would a few bombs do for them except more harassment, control, unlawful arrest and more misery. That few incidents will not change the government. To force the illegal government to step down, they will do the things they know best that is to march to Bangkok and occupy the city with their followers and there really nothing the army can do about it. Well except to shot them as in most times when threatened and that will be the straw that breaks the camel back and the people will raise against the military.


The bomb device and the opus operandi points to the Southern insurgents. Hard to ignore the police forensic. The Southern provinces are easy reach by the insurgents and Hua Hin was a symbolic attack. They could be aided by some anti junta radicals.    

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2 hours ago, LannaGuy said:


if someone had the time, I don't, I'm sure the data would show far, far less libel cases back then than under the Military Junta


either way this litigious atmosphere is toxic and the Junta don't need libel cases they just take you away 


Quite agree with your second comment, there's too much use of libel-law & LM to repress free-speech, compared to most farang countries. I wish there were any sign of this situation changing, but there just isn't, it's all too feudal & undemocratic. ;)

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2 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


That's what you'd like to believe, because it is hard for you to accept that Thaksin was extremely successful with the economy while the juntas and their Democrat proxies have utterly failed in this regard.

Thaksin was so successful the economic boom spread right around the planet. Just imagine how well the country would have done if he had paid his taxes and refrained from policies to benefit himself.

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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:


Really no motive for the UDD and even the red shirts. What would a few bombs do for them except more harassment, control, unlawful arrest and more misery. That few incidents will not change the government. To force the illegal government to step down, they will do the things they know best that is to march to Bangkok and occupy the city with their followers and there really nothing the army can do about it. Well except to shot them as in most times when threatened and that will be the straw that breaks the camel back and the people will raise against the military.


The bomb device and the opus operandi points to the Southern insurgents. Hard to ignore the police forensic. The Southern provinces are easy reach by the insurgents and Hua Hin was a symbolic attack. They could be aided by some anti junta radicals.    


I suspect that the army can and will stop the people going to BKK nor do I honestly think that there will be anything like the number of people going to BKK as there was back in 2010. The army will not allow the UDD and their supporters to take over an area of BKK as they did before.


Abhisit did and look at the problems that came out of that. He had no support from the RTP at all but the political scene has changed a lot since then.


I cannot agree that it will happen much as many people wish it to. If something like that does happen then there is a possibility, remote at the moment that a civil war may break out and the net result of that will be that everybody loses including Thailand.


That is something that nobody in their right mind wants to happen.

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you cant blame them for suing each other, its the way they set up the laws, but we know who did the bombs, its one man whos name cant be said. its not like theres a war zone in the south thats on a par with the gaza strip, we can pretend thats not happening, if we can blame the invisible man

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From the outset following Thaksin's ouster, starting with the very similar NY Eve 2006 Bangkok bombs (and others), to the Samui blast last year, as well as the obfuscated Erawan Shrine investigation, the mostly red/pro-Thaksin police have proven time and time again they don't really want to investigate properly, seemingly more inclined to find scapegoats (also Koh Tao murder investigation) and ultimately 'serve and protect' influential persons (and a vocal minority on here appear to protect, deflect & obfuscate similarly, almost as if it were a full time 'job' for some;)

In the current cowardly attacks, the mastermind had the phones purchased from Malaysia = Southern militants = case effectively solved for some (nevermind the mastermind could have directed that Malaysian phones be used just for this 'simple' ruse). Once again  police investigators point to the lowest hanging fruit and the pattern continues. How convenient, well, until the NEXT blast (and with no one held to account since 2006, each incident gets more and more brazen).

The mastermind in the latest cowardly attacks was much more likely not happy with the referendum, targeting only Southern provinces (on a Royal day to add salt) and moreover appears bent on destroying tourism and destabilising Thailand in advance of a difficult transition period. Not a junta fan-boy but given many past incidents, patterns and what's likely coming, the Army is unfortunately/regretfully highly needed during this time period to maintain a civil society and to preserve law and order (cannot count on the police, as we've seen).

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3 hours ago, bobmac10 said:

Robbie, as usual you throw in the red herring to start then examine it in detail

i have another take on it that would not have crossed your mind

The military are responsible for these outrages, after all, look how quick our fearless leader was to speculate ( in front of the media) that it was the work of dissatisfied political parties( hint hint).

Now if I was the next goverment in waiting( you know who will win an election) why would I go around bombing the people who are going to vote for me and give old einstein an excuse to go on telly and point the finger at me??

Answer: of course I would not, it's self defeating and would not win me any votes.

But look at it from the military's point of view, they can whip up fear and loathing against their rivals, they can use it as an excuse to detain their rivals, they can use it to say they need to extend their use of draconian laws to maintain security, and that is exactly what they have done.

These guys are so dumb, most non Thais can see through their childish games, except for a few TV junta supporters.

This whole military takeover has been planned since back in 2009, nothing more than a power play by the elites to wrest control back from the people.


bet you need a lot of tin foil hats where you are with this sort of conspiracy garbage, you obviously have no idea how a thai mind works, the vote effectively shut the ptp/red/thaksin out of being elected/put back in power plus is eliminating all their chances of gaining through corruption again, then of course they have removed the chance of thaksin ever getting a pardon. All these things would blow a fuse in every red there is so they would not hesitate to kill and mame as they have done so often before to get their jollies and show everyone their manhood by killing innocents. The last thing the general needs is for the tourists to dry up which is what these bombs have a chance of doing but then the truth is always hard for tin foil hat people to accept

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9 hours ago, shirtless said:

Its laughable , as this was the sole purpose for the coup

And the Army will use this to stay in power without an election. Makes me wonder just who really planted the bombs in the first place.

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6 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

well put, a boot on the throat of the thai people. now the govt has a chance to leave article 44 running for as long as they want. if i was going to bet i would put money on the reds doing the bombing however it is hard to say for sure.

What a bloody idiotic thing to say.  The Reds are probably more devoted to  the royalty than  any of your Hi-so's.  They absolutely wordship HRH.   So the very last thing they would do is to bomb  the Royal holiday home (Hua Hin)  on the queens birthday of all days.  Your suggestion is stupid and unthinkable.

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25 minutes ago, oldsailor35 said:

What a bloody idiotic thing to say.  The Reds are probably more devoted to  the royalty than  any of your Hi-so's.  They absolutely wordship HRH.   So the very last thing they would do is to bomb  the Royal holiday home (Hua Hin)  on the queens birthday of all days.  Your suggestion is stupid and unthinkable.

who was it then? cops think it is the reds and they are reds.

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1 hour ago, LannaGuy said:


go learn something about Thailand and Thai politics is better than looking really silly

you think the reds would not bomb hua hin because every one of them loves the king. weak, very weak. so it was the yellows? very unlikely. more likely trouble makers from the south but they have never done anything on this scale. why would the yellows do something like this? they already have the power. this just makes them look bad. read the news, almost everyone including the cops who are reds think the reds did it. 

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8 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

you think the reds would not bomb hua hin because every one of them loves the king. weak, very weak. so it was the yellows? very unlikely. more likely trouble makers from the south but they have never done anything on this scale. why would the yellows do something like this? they already have the power. this just makes them look bad. read the news, almost everyone including the cops who are reds think the reds did it. 


"the cops who are reds"?  huh?  evidence?  or are you making it up?

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2 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:


"the cops who are reds"?  huh?  evidence?  or are you making it up?

what planet are you living on? you must be joking. the cops are reds. thaksin himself is a high ranking police officer who still holds his rank despite being a fugitive. chief of police wont revoke it because they are so buddy buddy. seriously, 4400 posts and you dont seem to have any idea what is happening in this country.  

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