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Trump goes on tear against media, not Clinton


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Fascinating article about Facebook and how it's changing both media and the political discourse.  It shows how Trump gets many of his ideas on the media. 


Also a good explanation for content of many posts here. 




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8 minutes ago, thaihome said:

Fascinating article about Facebook and how it's changing both media and the political discourse.  It shows how Trump gets many of his ideas on the media. 


Also a good explanation for content of many posts here. 





A great read thanks.

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16 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:



It's not because you won't comment, it's because you cannot.    I didn't want an answer, I only asked why you hadn't and it elicited an answer that shows everyone how selective you are.   :wai:


Yeah, this is a thread about Trump attacking the media. if you really want me to talk about Clinton, how about the very latest poll that puts her lead at 10%?



"We are starting to hear the faint rumblings of a Hillary Clinton landslide as her 10-point lead is further proof that Donald Trump is in a downward spiral as the clock ticks," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.  ""


I'm sure Boon Mee and yourself will be positively buoyant at the news.






Election 2016 Presidential Polls
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1 hour ago, Chicog said:
1 hour ago, Chicog said:


Yeah, this is a thread about Trump attacking the media. if you really want me to talk about Clinton, how about the very latest poll that puts her lead at 10%?



I'm sure Boon Mee and yourself will be positively buoyant at the news.






Election 2016 Presidential Polls

Yeah, this is a thread about Trump attacking the media. if you really want me to talk about Clinton, how about the very latest poll that puts her lead at 10%?



I'm sure Boon Mee and yourself will be positively buoyant at the news.






Election 2016 Presidential Polls


If he's beaten, then he's beaten, so be it, the American people will have spoken and one must respect  that.  Polls can be easily manipulated, not saying those you referenced have but if you take them all as gospel, then you are being foolish.  The only poll that matters is the one on election day, and even then HC and Trump have to get the voters of their bums and to the booths given that voting is not compulsory.


Those of you in the Clinton camp have short memories but you should remember, you do not all ways get what you wish for.  Given the way she handled certain things when Secretary of State and although no criminal proceedings came to fruition, the FBI did not paint a real glowing picture of her. Neither has the investigation that looked into the way she handled the pay for play matter.  The result was not impressive but again, to date, nothing has come of it but it is still ongoing,. Might not hurt if you take a chill pill until it's all over.  And yes, Trump has a few problems too, so I am not blind to his failings.


Many on here quite clearly take pride in demeaning anything and everybody in what can only be described as the actions of a troll,  one who posts a deliberately provocative message with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.  They know who they are and others are able to see, so there's no need to go into that any further.. Then there are the polls.  People  can say many things when polled and this can be distorted, it all depends on what is asked and how it is phrased, so instead of baying at the moon at the present time lets wait another 70 odd days and see what happens. Many things can happen between now and then and it is not over until the fat lady sings.

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Paul Wolfowitz too? Even Paul Wolfowitz? Et Tu Paul?!!!


Here's what he said:

"It is important to make it clear how unacceptable he [Trump] is"


He is, according to Wolfowitz, an unacceptable security risk. Wolfowitz cites Trump's statements on China and Russia. 


Wolfowitz, fingers squeezing nose, will vote for Clinton.


For mine, Trump's temperament and Nuclear Weapons put together constitutes an existential threat to human civilization and as such should never ever be allowed to come to pass. I'm not being hyperbolic or exaggerating here, it is an existential threat to human civilization. if you doubt it read this book: "My Journey at the Nuclear Brink".


This man Trump simply cannot be put in a position where it is his judgement and it's exercise under pressure that stands between us and absolute annihilation . It's simply not acceptable and the dangers of his candidacy is something in which the whole world has a stake. I am confident that we will do the right thing by them.

Edited by Neurath
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On 8/25/2016 at 6:22 PM, ilostmypassword said:

If you like, I could send you an excel spreadsheet I did  of it which organizes the pollsters alphabetically, something that fivethirtyeight didn't do.

Is that like the one the pollsters did that predicted the Britex fiasco? :)

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15 minutes ago, Neurath said:

Paul Wolfowitz too? Even Paul Wolfowitz? Et Tu Paul?!!!


Here's what he said:

"It is important to make it clear how unacceptable he [Trump] is"


He is, according to Wolfowitz, an unacceptable security risk. Wolfowitz cites Trump's statements on China and Russia. 


Wolfowitz, fingers squeezing nose, will vote for Clinton.


For mine, Trump's temperament and Nuclear Weapons put together constitutes an existential threat to human civilization and as such should never ever be allowed to come to pass. I'm not being hyperbolic or exaggerating here, it is an existential threat to human civilization. if you doubt it read this book: "My Journey at the Nuclear Brink".


This man Trump simply cannot be put in a position where it is his judgement and it's exercise under pressure that stands between us and absolute annihilation . It's simply not acceptable and the dangers of his candidacy is something in which the whole world has a stake. I am confident that we will do the right thing by them.


And you want to put this person up as you pin up boy in your effort to tell people why they should not vote for Trump?.  Does not have a real good history.  A loser who was the adviser to another but prominent loser, Jeb Bush, you know the one who took his bat and ball and went home after republican voters showed him the door during the Republican primaries.


And you have the temerity to put him up as someone who is credible and is so righteous that he has the God given right to degrade Trump.   Maybe a background would have been wise before making him the pin up boy. Check these out and there are many more if you would only do a little research before posting.






Just a little excerpt to highlight the type of this person he is.


 "And one name stood out: Paul Wolfowitz, a top policy architect of the Iraq War—for the prospect of Wolfowitz whispering into Jeb's ear ought to scare the bejeezus out of anyone who yearns for a rational national security policy."


Here's another.


"Wolfowitz, who was deputy defense secretary under George W. Bush, was a prominent neocon cheerleader for the invasion of Iraq. He was also the top conspiracy theorist in the Bush-Cheney crowd."


I could go on and on but I wont, so please, before brining someone to the fore, do a little checking.  Hardly a wise move on your behalf. :wai:



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4 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


And you want to put this person up as you pin up boy in your effort to tell people why they should not vote for Trump?.  Does not have a real good history.  A loser who was the adviser to another but prominent loser, Jeb Bush, you know the one who took his bat and ball and went home after republican voters showed him the door during the Republican primaries.


And you have the temerity to put him up as someone who is credible and is so righteous that he has the God given right to degrade Trump.   Maybe a background would have been wise before making him the pin up boy. Check these out and there are many more if you would only do a little research before posting.






Just a little excerpt to highlight the type of this person he is.


 "And one name stood out: Paul Wolfowitz, a top policy architect of the Iraq War—for the prospect of Wolfowitz whispering into Jeb's ear ought to scare the bejeezus out of anyone who yearns for a rational national security policy."


Here's another.


"Wolfowitz, who was deputy defense secretary under George W. Bush, was a prominent neocon cheerleader for the invasion of Iraq. He was also the top conspiracy theorist in the Bush-Cheney crowd."


I could go on and on but I wont, so please, before brining someone to the fore, do a little checking.  Hardly a wise move on your behalf. :wai:



He made a very wise move and valid point. A pity you don't understand it.

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11 minutes ago, stevenl said:

He made a very wise move and valid point. A pity you don't understand it.


Can't handle the truth. Don't understand what, that he's quoted some nondescript loser to try and get a point across.  There is no valid point nor it is wise to use the comments of someone who has no credibility whatsoever.   And I don't understand.  I would suggest you're the pot who is calling the kettle black.  :wai:

Edited by Si Thea01
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Something never seen in American politics.

A POTUS nomination in full attack mode against his own party.

From the authors of the RNC 2012 Autopsy Report:

"The Republican Party needs to stop talking to itself," .... "We have become expert in how to provide ideological reinforcement to like-minded people, but devastatingly we have lost the ability to be persuasive with, or welcoming to, those who do not agree with us on every issue. Instead of driving around in circles on an ideological cul-de-sac, we need a Party whose brand of conservatism invites and inspires new people to visit us."

The RNC 2016 Autopsy Report will need to include a new chapter, "We have become expert in how to provide ideological disharmony among like-minded people."


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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Is that like the one the pollsters did that predicted the Britex fiasco? :)

Your predilection for error only grows stronger with time.

First off, It seems to be a common trope among the right that the polls got the Brexit vote all wrong. In fact, the polls showed it to be pretty much of a tossup with lots of undecided votes at the end.  It was the pundits who got it wrong.


Second, even if your assertion about Brexit wasn't incorrect, it has nothing to do with the ratings compiled by fivethirtyeight.com  which are based on a rigorous statistical analysis. The same kind of statistics that are the backbone of modern science and business.

Unlike you, I don't cherry pick polls.  As I noted earlier, when a poll showed Hillary Clinton up by 16 points in Virginia, I noted that it was done by an organization that got a "C" rating.  So I discounted it.  You, on the other hand, are willing to scavenge any results that confirm your biases no matter how unreliable the source. That smacks of desperation.

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:


Those of us who don't want to see Crooked Hillary in Big White do not care a whit if we're considered 'desperate'

The first & second amendment the US Constitution and Bill of Rights hangs in the balance. :facepalm:

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3 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

The first & second amendment the US Constitution and Bill of Rights hangs in the balance.

Exactly how do they hang in the balance?

Two thirds or about 67% of both the US Senate and House is required to propose amendments to the US Constitution. And that's just the first step.

Even with the best results of the 2016 elections wherein the Democrats achieve a slim majority in the Senate, POTUS couldn't begin to attempt to amend any part of the US Constitution, assuming that was her agenda.


If Hillary have, as you suggest, to that degree of political power to sway two-thirds of the 2017 US Congress upon being sworn in as POTUS, then she has the making of a majority of the American people behind her to begin the process of constitutinal amendments. There's is nothing hanging in the balance.

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Inflammatory post removed.   Continue at your own peril.  


Please stay on the topic.   You are not required to respond to others, if you do not wish to.   If you do, please do so in a civil manner. 

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

You familiar with SCOTUS and the next replacements under a far-left POTUS? :facepalm:


Hillary's picks for the Supreme Court will help boost the coming Clinton Golden Age and solidify Obama's legacy.


Such a Court may finally do something about police killing American citizens. And don't worry, you can keep your guns to fetish over, you just won't be able to use them - as it should be.

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All we hear from the far left machine is how the Blacks are turning their collective backs on Donald Trump.  Might not be the case overall, eh?

To wit:

Black Men for Bernie’ Founder to End Democrat ‘Political Slavery’ of Minority Voters… by Campaigning for Trump


Black Men for Bernie founder Bruce Carter’s mission to restore black communities didn’t end when Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders lost to Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary. He opposed Hillary Clinton and the Democratic establishment then because he knew that they didn’t represent the minority communities he engaged in politics to fight for.


Carter told Breitbart News that his greatest awakening of how Democrats exploit minority voters came when he learned from the Washington Post that the Democratic Party spends less than 2 percent of its campaign resources with minority-owned companies, even though they get better than 90 percent of the black vote. It is a practice that Carter calls “political slavery.”




As been mentioned before, if Trumps even manages to get 20 to 25% of the Black vote, Grandma is Toast! :)


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17 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

All we hear from the far left machine is how the Blacks are turning their collective backs on Donald Trump.  Might not be the case overall, eh?

To wit:

Black Men for Bernie’ Founder to End Democrat ‘Political Slavery’ of Minority Voters… by Campaigning for Trump


Black Men for Bernie founder Bruce Carter’s mission to restore black communities didn’t end when Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders lost to Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary. He opposed Hillary Clinton and the Democratic establishment then because he knew that they didn’t represent the minority communities he engaged in politics to fight for.


Carter told Breitbart News that his greatest awakening of how Democrats exploit minority voters came when he learned from the Washington Post that the Democratic Party spends less than 2 percent of its campaign resources with minority-owned companies, even though they get better than 90 percent of the black vote. It is a practice that Carter calls “political slavery.”




As been mentioned before, if Trumps even manages to get 20 to 25% of the Black vote, Grandma is Toast! :)



Very interesting reading.  Me thinks, given what is coming out that the times, they are a changing.

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1 hour ago, PTC said:


Hillary's picks for the Supreme Court will help boost the coming Clinton Golden Age and solidify Obama's legacy.


Such a Court may finally do something about police killing American citizens. And don't worry, you can keep your guns to fetish over, you just won't be able to use them - as it should be.


Yes, agree that something has to be done but make it for all American citizens; those who kill each other, those who kill cops, the list is endless.  All lives matter I would think.  Have to agree to disagree with the rest.

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33 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

All we hear from the far left machine is how the Blacks are turning their collective backs on Donald Trump.  Might not be the case overall, eh?

To wit:

Black Men for Bernie’ Founder to End Democrat ‘Political Slavery’ of Minority Voters… by Campaigning for Trump


Black Men for Bernie founder Bruce Carter’s mission to restore black communities didn’t end when Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders lost to Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary. He opposed Hillary Clinton and the Democratic establishment then because he knew that they didn’t represent the minority communities he engaged in politics to fight for.


Carter told Breitbart News that his greatest awakening of how Democrats exploit minority voters came when he learned from the Washington Post that the Democratic Party spends less than 2 percent of its campaign resources with minority-owned companies, even though they get better than 90 percent of the black vote. It is a practice that Carter calls “political slavery.”




As been mentioned before, if Trumps even manages to get 20 to 25% of the Black vote, Grandma is Toast! :)


Ever think of becoming an agricultural worker? You have a real gift for cherry picking. In this case, a very tiny cherry.

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12 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Have y'all seen this bit of news from the far-left HuffPo?

Doesn't sound like disinformation to this objective-focused poster. :)




You obviously have not read the piece or you would not proudly post it.


This wretched, ignorant, dangerous part-time clown and full time sociopath... 


Good description of Trump, but though he makes a good point that Jesse Ventura was indeed elected governor of Minnesota,  they also elected Al Franken senator so the sense of humor ? goes both ways.



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2 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Have y'all seen this bit of news from the far-left HuffPo?

Doesn't sound like disinformation to this objective-focused poster. :)



Will you be citing Michael Moore much in the future?

Anyway here's a quote from him:

"1. Midwest Math, or Welcome to Our Rust Belt Brexit. I believe Trump is going to focus much of his attention on the four blue states in the rustbelt of the upper Great Lakes - Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin... Trump is ahead of Hillary in the latest polls in Pennsylvania and tied with her in Ohio.   "

All the polls now show Moore doing very poorly in 3 of those 4 states, and significantly behind in Ohio.



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6 minutes ago, thaihome said:


You obviously have not read the piece or you would not proudly post it.




Good description of Trump, but though he makes a good point that Jesse Ventura was indeed elected governor of Minnesota,  they also elected Al Franken senator so the sense of humor ? goes both ways.



I remind you of the objectivity this poster operates from w/regard to good/bad news re Trump.

The final objective is to deny Crooked Hillary the White House. :whistling:

Edited by Boon Mee
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1 minute ago, Boon Mee said:

I remind you of the objectivity this poster operates from w/regard to good/bad news re Trump.

The final objective is to deny Crooked Hillary the White House. :whistling:

I remind you that Michael Moore is a polemicist. Often entertaining, but hardly someone who is a careful analyst of data.

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

I remind you that Michael Moore is a polemicist. Often entertaining, but hardly someone who is a careful analyst of data.

The HuffPo piece was simply something  interesting in that it was published by a notoriously liberal 'news sheet'

Nothing more...:)

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7 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

I remind you of the objectivity this poster operates from w/regard to good/bad news re Trump.

The final objective is to deny Crooked Hillary the White House. :whistling:


The inadvertent irony of said poster quoting a piece by a Hillary supporters whose intention is to remind rational voters that complacency could allow "Tom, Dick and Harry (and Bob and Joe and Billy Bob and Billy Joe and Billy Bob Joe) " to carry the election for Trump is obviously lost on the poster. We do appreciate the support for Hillary. 




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