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Donut wars! Aggressive staff who confronted customers under investigation! 


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3 minutes ago, brling said:


You need to grow some skin and get a life.

Skin? I have a very nice life.


AND at least I have the integrity to fight what I believe in.


Do you think racism is acceptable? Explain please.

Edited by Johnniey
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When I lived in Hua Hin....once I counted 22 people working in the donut shop at the entrance to Tesco. I counted twice to make sure. They were stepping all over each other. Could have all the makings of a hostile work environment.  Mixed with hot grease....not a nice picture. Don't pass off the donut crew.

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You all can make fun of this , but it's really pretty serious stuff here!  

Im sure there will be a full and transparent investigation into this issue without glazing over the facts. A round of committees , sub committees as well as ad hoc committees need to be formed to get the "hole" truth in this sticky matter . 


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53 minutes ago, NickJ said:

When I lived in Hua Hin....once I counted 22 people working in the donut shop at the entrance to Tesco. I counted twice to make sure. They were stepping all over each other. Could have all the makings of a hostile work environment.  Mixed with hot grease....not a nice picture. Don't pass off the donut crew.

I was at an Amazon coffee at Fashion Island the other day...just really a kiosk, with about 6 tables.   They had 11 people working there.  Took them 6 minutes to get me a plain black no sugar iced coffee.

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45 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

Skin? I have a very nice life.


AND at least I have the integrity to fight what I believe in.


Do you think racism is acceptable? Explain please.

Hi Johnny - a little advice if I might.  Dont waste your time fighting with these people - many are bitter and twisted bigots and racists. They will never change and will never even remotely think they are wrong - until that day reality hits home and they make the news themselves.

They used to also make me angry - so angry that I was suspended several times and told them all to shove it and walked away.  Had been away so long my email account was changed and I had to start again.  But what is great about Thai Visa is its original purpose - provide advice to people and share experiences.  What is not great is the bigots and racists who troll the forums. 

The reason I re-joined is that I needed help and advice and I posted a question. Many fantastic people gave me great help and have made a huge difference to me and my Thai wife. I note that none of them are involved on this type of forum discussions making such inappropriate comments about Thais. 

I only saw these postings as I was curious as to how 3 pages could be made about such a trivial issue. I gotta stop listening to that cat !!!

Save your time and avoid the news forums postings - life is too short.

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Seems like my beloved shopping malls  have gain the  inheritance of festering stress full  mindless activity reaching a boiling point going over the top.This is just awful. Must be  deep under current  mental problems leading to all this.Where I live  when outside of Thailand it is just insane..People act crazy or badly all the time.You just shrug it off sidestep and go your own way.

I thought only farangs would stoop to this level and argue for about 8 min  or more  about customer service with staff in a donut shop.

Goes with the western baggage  of fast food culture franchises sprouting up endlessly in Thailand..So sorry..Its the world we live in ..Mindless...

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4 hours ago, Psimbo said:

I was in a KFC (yes I know) in Hang Dong a couple of months back and ordered some chicken. 'No hab' was the answer. What, you do not have chicken? 'No, no hab'. So, let me get you right- you are a KF CHICKEN and you have no chicken. "Yes, no hab 30 minute' (and this was at 1300). Customer service has a long way to go.


Further to this in the bank today to order some travellers checks- 'No, cannot'. Err, but KBank website clearly states TCs can be purchased from ALL branches. 'No, no hab, cannot'. OK where can I buy TC- 'no cannot, K Bank not buy sell TCs at the moment'.  This was after one of them had told me I could get at a main branch, what a crock.


Lol! I've certainly seen that one plenty of times here, Homepro are the masters... showed them a photo of a smoke alarm on my phone and said mee mai? Khor tot mai mee was the reply... they were in the next aisle...pure laziness and no accountability... although when we wanted a 30k oven they all wanted to help lol

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3 hours ago, Johnniey said:

What I don't understand is how 6 people on a usually adult forum can like such a racist post as this. Disgraceful. AND in your previous post you said, "there's something seriously wrong with THESE people"

My God man, I hope you haven't made friends with any Thai people let alone any relatives.

Buster Blood Vessel lives! Am I racist in observing exactly the same phenomena in my home country, (UK) where self-absorption and social media are 

so prevalent that suicide rates amongst the young who get dissed are sky high? I call it an observation and no need to get your politically correct knickers in a twist about it.


One can make observations about a society whilst at the same time interacting, i.e,  marrying  and living amongst Thai folks, and yes, having Thai friends, and getting to know them for being pretty much like people everywhere but with a Thai twist, and every country would have its idiosyncrasies that on being observed and then if commented upon would unleash the biggest scourge of the times, namely Mr or Mrs "I'm more politically correct than you you racist scumbag."


This thought control b.s. is the problem, not folks making good or bad observations which can be easily taken or left, up to you. 



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9 hours ago, Inn Between said:

Mr Dognuts must pay those girls very well to get such loyalty. Either that or an extremely effective training program.  


Section 4.7   What to do when customers complain:  Employees should all gather in an angry manner, close the store and search for said whiner(s). When found, employees should berate the unwanted customer(s) with a series of insults and general confrontation. At least one other employee should video the ugly situation. 


It's a narcissistic society.

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8 hours ago, poohy said:

One day the big do nut manageress next day unemployed or self employed i suspect (or at least hope)


I'm sure she'll end up managing a bar in a tourist area.  They seem to go out of their way to find the most surly job candidates.  

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9 hours ago, Winniedapu said:


Good comment Les.


Everywhere you go, you see them with their faces fixed on their phone screens. Cook and Zuckerberg must be laughing their boxes off at the rise of 'social media', by which is meant addictive tools to help social inadequates feel good about themselves by connecting with the hive-mind so they don't feel alone. There's always been social inadequates on the internet of course, 20 years ago it was Usenet and IRC, now its Fateboo and Linkedin, Line and half a dozen others.


These 'services' are directly marketed to the dim and inept. That's why Thailand has a user-per-population percentage higher than most other countries - the thicker the better for Marki and Timmi etc. It's also why Fateboo Thailand is happy to give the government user details on request.


Sad really, I've noticed a huge rise in numbers of people who I believe are narcissistic at best and quite possibly borderline sociopathic as well in the last 10 or 15 years... and I met a couple more this very day. It's a bit like meeting someone who appears to have just  snorted cocaine but who's actually just grown up like that and doesn't need chemical help to act obnoxiously. I fear for all of our futures.


It's all a bit of a worry really...




Yes, but before we criticize, keep in mind that one hour on Facebook reading vain postings from friends, the latest gossip from the internet, and "research" sent to them by a friend about beauty products that their friend is selling, equals more than two years worth what they would have read before Facebook.  



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7 hours ago, Johnniey said:

What I don't understand is how 6 people on a usually adult forum can like such a racist post as this. Disgraceful. AND in your previous post you said, "there's something seriously wrong with THESE people"

My God man, I hope you haven't made friends with any Thai people let alone any relatives.


Well, one man's racist is another man's fair commentator on cultural and behavioural inadequacy.


I don't mind if you call me a racist for observing behaviour, I'm a psychologist so that's what I do. Besides, there's nothing racist in my post, I did not single out any nation in the comment, That problem was gestated and developed in your mind, so perhaps you ought to dwell on your own mental processes for a while before jumping in the big pool.



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3 hours ago, digibum said:


Yes, but before we criticize, keep in mind that one hour on Facebook reading vain postings from friends, the latest gossip from the internet, and "research" sent to them by a friend about beauty products that their friend is selling, equals more than two years worth what they would have read before Facebook.  





You're a Fateboo user then?


It's a bit like saying that the Thai people are unintelligent, but that's OK because 50 years ago they were even worse.



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7 hours ago, Johnniey said:

Why are you embarrassed to say where you come from? Why the hatred for Thais? You have countless inane topics criticizing Thais. Are you made live here?


It's often the case that one man's criticism of Thais is called hatred by someone who fawns over them. I get that sometimes for my comments too. Nothing wrong with criticism, it's a way we can learn about the opinions of others.


If we're adult enough.


No point in sugar-coating the unacceptable, obnoxious is obnoxious, not "slightly sweet and quaint because they're still learning how to behave".



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What happened to the old adage, the customer is always right.


Won't be shopping at Mister Donut and these large American companies need to change their attitudes to customer service.   Totally disgusting training given to staff by the U.S.

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51 minutes ago, Winniedapu said:



You're a Fateboo user then?


It's a bit like saying that the Thai people are unintelligent, but that's OK because 50 years ago they were even worse.




Perhaps you need to adjust your sarcasm filter. 

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16 hours ago, Asiantravel said:

If the woman and her friend considered the service to be poor when they went in, consider how much worse it would have been later after the manager and several other staff were in  another area of the store arguing and filming ?:blink: Who was left to serve donuts then?:giggle:



They only had one and it was sold  :D

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14 hours ago, Johnniey said:

Why are you embarrassed to say where you come from? Why the hatred for Thais? You have countless inane topics criticizing Thais. Are you made live here?





Why does everything have to be extreme to the modern 'everything's alright as long as I agree with it' muppet brigade. There was no hatred in what the poster commented, only what I think was a realistic assessment of the Thai psyche. Yet here you are, blathering on about hatred.


The only hatred around here is the opinions of you and others who seem to think think it should be mandatory to agfee with your rathe wishy-washy view of the world. You ought to understand that your patronising is a lot more damaging to the dignity of Thai people than our criticism.




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4 hours ago, LawrenceN said:

OTOH, this qualifies them to run for President of the United States.


That shouldn't be funny by rights, though it is certainly true. And I'm sure Ronnie Raygun, Dubya Bush and the current Mr Drone would all agree with you.



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15 hours ago, Johnniey said:

Admit it you're a yank. Some real class in a developed country here. Spitting too!


Not as bad as another one in a developed country - guns involved here. What is wrong with these people?

 And you have the utter audacity to say the Thai clip is bad :cheesy:

The first one was amusing. The second not so!

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20 hours ago, The manic said:

I give a 1 baht coin with smile for bad service.


That's a really good way of demonstrating your feelings. I did that at the local passport office when they became difficult and unhelpful (give a Thai a uniform at your peril). I gave the dreadful woman a 20-baht tip in front of her boss and colleagues, and could literally see the consequent rush of blood to her head as she blushed profusely. Point made and sod all she could do about it, tipping being what it is in Thai culture.



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