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Crazed Nigerian on the loose - Bangkok police make arrest

Jonathan Fairfield

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31 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


You are correct that my views have stood the test of time.


Reasonable and unemotional and well thought out.


This is why "Elders" have always been revered in societies and cultures throughout the world...they offer the wisdom not shown by the younger members of the community. 




And yet, increasingly, those same "elders" are routinely ridiculed and berated as out of touch while their views are deemed as blinkered.


You're a relic of a bygone age where it was OK to make derogatory comments about people based on the colour of their skin, their sexual orientation or their physical proportions. 


You decry what you call PC and suggest that the very real discrimination suffered by minorities in advanced countries is somehow a figment of their imagination. What makes this so hypocritical is the fact that, now, as minorities in Thailand, you and the other bigots are all too quick to call out "racism" or "discrimination" when allegedly perpetrated against you by the Thais in the form of dual charging or use of the word "farang".


It's OK to cry racism or discrimination when you believe it's levelled at you but when it's aimed at those who, historically, have legitimate justification for complaint, you dismiss it.


That makes you two-faced  

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11 hours ago, 348GTS said:

I think some people are obsessed with racism to the point where they can't see anything else. It is a symptom of the cancer that is the PC that has infected and is slowly killing our society. People really need to understand the difference between stereotyping and racism, they are not the same thing.


And yet, a cursory browse through the Thaivisa forums will uncover any number of posts in which Westerners rail against the usage of the term "farang". "Racism" they bellow while demanding that Westerners refuse to tolerate its use by the locals. 


They whine about the proliferation of what they see as rampant PC in their homelands yet they want to create a small pocket of it right here in Thailand because their own umbrage at the use of the "F-word" is somehow seen as being more valid because they're white and from so-called "first world" countries. 

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25 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:


And yet, increasingly, those same "elders" are routinely ridiculed and berated as out of touch while their views are deemed as blinkered.


You're a relic of a bygone age where it was OK to make derogatory comments about people based on the colour of their skin, their sexual orientation or their physical proportions. 


You decry what you call PC and suggest that the very real discrimination suffered by minorities in advanced countries is somehow a figment of their imagination. What makes this so hypocritical is the fact that, now, as minorities in Thailand, you and the other bigots are all too quick to call out "racism" or "discrimination" when allegedly perpetrated against you by the Thais in the form of dual charging or use of the word "farang".


It's OK to cry racism or discrimination when you believe it's levelled at you but when it's aimed at those who, historically, have legitimate justification for complaint, you dismiss it.


That makes you two-faced  


Yes, ironically, today the only group allowed to be denigrated and discrimibated against  for their race, color and age are the white men that are the only target of the liberal PC- nazi movement.


 These forum pages are filled with yours and others liberals vitriol.


You have not done away with the "hate" you suggest and rail against, you only changed the target to a group that it is PC acceptable to attack.


I laugh at your self-righteousness.



Edited by ClutchClark
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26 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:


And yet, increasingly, those same "elders" are routinely ridiculed and berated as out of touch while their views are deemed as blinkered.


You're a relic of a bygone age where it was OK to make derogatory comments about people based on the colour of their skin, their sexual orientation or their physical proportions. 


You decry what you call PC and suggest that the very real discrimination suffered by minorities in advanced countries is somehow a figment of their imagination. What makes this so hypocritical is the fact that, now, as minorities in Thailand, you and the other bigots are all too quick to call out "racism" or "discrimination" when allegedly perpetrated against you by the Thais in the form of dual charging or use of the word "farang".


It's OK to cry racism or discrimination when you believe it's levelled at you but when it's aimed at those who, historically, have legitimate justification for complaint, you dismiss it.


That makes you two-faced  


You have me confused for someone else--I could care a less if someone calls me a farang.


I mgrew up in an era when everyone had thick skin and were not little panty-wastes crying about every perceived injustice.



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1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:


Yes, ironically, today the only group allowed to be denigrated and discrimibated against  for their race, color and age are the white men that are the only target of the liberal nazi movement.


these forum pages are filled with yours and others liberals vitriol.


You have not done away with the "hate" you suggest and rail against, you only changed the target it is PC acceptable to attack.


I laugh at your self-righteousness.




Please direct me to the sentence in which I said it was acceptable to discriminate against white men.

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9 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


You have me confused for someone else--I could care a less if someone calls me a farang.


I mgrew up in an era when everyone had thick skin and were not little panty-wastes crying about every perceived injustice.




Most whites grew up as part of the majority that dished out the discrimination so it's easy to sit there and say everyone had a thick skin but, the truth is, it's unlikely that your life, your livelihood and that of your loved ones was affected by the very real disadvantages of being different from the majority.


As evidenced by your claim that it's somehow perceived as being ok to denigrate white people, you don't like being on the the other side of the equation.

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4 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:


Most whites grew up as part of the majority that dished out the discrimination so it's easy to sit there and say everyone had a thick skin but, the truth is, it's unlikely that your life, your livelihood and that of your loved ones was affected by the very real disadvantages of being different from the majority.


As evidenced by your claim that it's somehow perceived as being ok to denigrate white people, you don't like being on the the other side of the equation.


Poor Sumo has to build a complete rewriting of history to fit his narrative.


but atleast you admit you simply wished to reverse the roles and not actually eliminate the practices you blame me for.


You are tiresome Sumo.


If you ever gain any self-introspection then come on back but in the meantime run along.



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1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:

BTW, where are you from Sumo?

What is your ethnic heritage?


I think you will find inequality has existed in every culture for longer than civilizations have existed.



I'm British and that's all you need to know.


Of course inequality has existed in every culture but some are more affected by it than others but, please, go ahead and try to deny it

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Officers put him on the sidewalk but he was gabbling incoherently and had no identification at all.

They could only determine that he was from Nigeria.


How did they determine his nationality without any identification?


I think the thought-process of the police goes something like this:


They assumed he was Nigerian because (according to them):


i) He's black

ii) He looked suspect / possibly on drugs / crazy

iii) All blacks in Thailand that look suspect/sell drugs/use drugs are Nigerian and they are illegals

iv) By extension, he must be Nigerian


Edited by varun
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4 hours ago, mcfish said:

Big differance between mentally ill and drug induced hallucinations. The mentally ill are very good at self preservation where as the druggie on a trip beleives they are immortal hence the laying down in the middle of the road for whatever reason.


The level of naivety on Here is truly astounding

I'll put the sarcasm alert on for you next time.

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8 hours ago, louse1953 said:

We need to be obsessed to keep up with you lot on TVF where covert and overt racism is rampant.

You only have to go back to page1 and you will get your racist comments and snide remarks


Lol... "you lot".... In your case  irony is the gift that keeps on giving. Many of "us lot" did follow this thread since page 1 yet amazingly didn't see any racist or snide remarks. Must have been following a different thread?? The problem with PC zealots such as yourself is exactly that. You are too obsessed with trying to police the world and brainwash everyone to adopt your way of thinking. It is no different to religious people who spend every moment of their free time trying to convert people, probably a psychological response to them not really believing what they are preaching so they all gang together and brow beat everyone as a collective.  By the way, who made you lord and master and gave you dominion over what classifies as "covert and overt racism" ?? Must be the invisible man talking to you in your head. Got it now.


7 hours ago, louse1953 said:

" it is not about joking about stereotypes or calling out certain nationalities or ethnicities on their behaviour"
Wrong again,the previous is exactly what racism is.Also a very typical racist arguement to refer to PC and loony,nut job left wing to try to denigrate when they call you out or disagree with your world view.


Yes you and "your lot"  have made it clear that everything that is not racism is racism, despite reality and common sense dictating otherwise. And now apparently calling someone out as being a overly politically correct loony tune is also racist ?? I am speechless.... Must be so nice to be able to win every debate by pressing the racist/hate speech button every time someone floors you with some rational logic or cold facts that you can't respond to so much easier for you to cheat by crying foul thereby ending all intelligent discourse.  Unfortunately it removes all doubt as to the level of contribution you provide to the conversation. So there really is no point to waste time continuing it.



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7 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


Lol... "you lot".... In your case  irony is the gift that keeps on giving. Many of "us lot" did follow this thread since page 1 yet amazingly didn't see any racist or snide remarks. Must have been following a different thread?? The problem with PC zealots such as yourself is exactly that. You are too obsessed with trying to police the world and brainwash everyone to adopt your way of thinking. It is no different to religious people who spend every moment of their free time trying to convert people, probably a psychological response to them not really believing what they are preaching so they all gang together and brow beat everyone as a collective.  By the way, who made you lord and master and gave you dominion over what classifies as "covert and overt racism" ?? Must be the invisible man talking to you in your head. Got it now.



Yes you and "your lot"  have made it clear that everything that is not racism is racism, despite reality and common sense dictating otherwise. And now apparently calling someone out as being a overly politically correct loony tune is also racist ?? I am speechless.... Must be so nice to be able to win every debate by pressing the racist/hate speech button every time someone floors you with some rational logic or cold facts that you can't respond to so much easier for you to cheat by crying foul thereby ending all intelligent discourse.  Unfortunately it removes all doubt as to the level of contribution you provide to the conversation. So there really is no point to waste time continuing it.




You gave seen the same comments but in your fantasy land jokes cannot be racist, in reality if course they can and were.


You really are not putting across a very good argument, so far it consists of the assertion that your belief that a joke cannot be racist is "reality and common sense" unfortunately for you you appear unable to demonstrate that in any way and so instead just resort to repeating your original assertion that it just is so, your mention of logic and cold facts being the most ironic things said here so far as you have been given plenty but have produced none yourself.  Never mind, have fun down the alleyway you like to hang out in.

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6 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


Dissenting views are new, previously not held views, whereas yours are ancient views that the world is rapidly leaving behind, nothing dissenting about them.


Just because something is newer, does not make it better. That is a fundamentally flawed argument. Back in the dark ages some of the views were "new" and "not previously held". I am sure slavery and colonialism seemed like a great "new" idea at the time too. One of the left's biggest misconceptions is that the majority of the world's population agree with them. Unfortunately they are a minority who have hijacked the media and government and are restricting free speech and using fear of being labelled (or in some cases violence or death) as a method to do it. As Europe and Western Society drifts slowly into another dark ages, the history of our descendants will remember this time as the turning point and wonder why we didn't stop it. 


6 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:

Generalizing on a whole nationality based on the actions of some is unfair prejudice and you would have to be very dim not to see that.


Yes but that's clearly the point you're missing.... Generalizing and stereotyping do not stem from the actions of "some". They are perceptions built up over time and because a vast not insignificant percentage of those particular people have exhibited that behaviour and continue to exhibit it. But I guess you are now trying to redefine the meaning of those words as well?? Must be so nice to be able to redefine words to suit your whim and fancy every time you want to "win" a  debate. And you call me dim. (ahh the name calling again... sigh).


You sir are the one who is making things up and stating as fact words that you have redefined as some kind of justification for your "points" (or lack thereof). And now you are resorting to assumptions and personal insults as to "alleyways that I like to hangout in". It's pathetic really. At no time yet have you failed to live up to the stereotype (oh sorry, I meant racist hate speech, how silly of me) that most leftwing loons such as yourself just resort to name calling, insults, or threats of legal action / prison/ violence whenever someone disagrees or challenges their ridiculous views. You have still not grasped this simple point and continue to prove it on my behalf. So thanks for that. I will no longer be wasting any more of my time on you.





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4 hours ago, varun said:


How did they determine his nationality without any identification?


I think the thought-process of the police goes something like this:


They assumed he was Nigerian because (according to them):


i) He's black

ii) He looked suspect / possibly on drugs / crazy

iii) All blacks in Thailand that look suspect/sell drugs/use drugs are Nigerian and they are illegals

iv) By extension, he must be Nigerian



You make the wrong ssumption when you suggest "all".

Its simply the law of probability...most of the drugged up black guys with African accents they meet are Nigerian. 



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15 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


Just because something is newer, does not make it better. That is a fundamentally flawed argument. Back in the dark ages some of the views were "new" and "not previously held". I am sure slavery and colonialism seemed like a great "new" idea at the time too. One of the left's biggest misconceptions is that the majority of the world's population agree with them. Unfortunately they are a minority who have hijacked the media and government and are restricting free speech and using fear of being labelled (or in some cases violence or death) as a method to do it. As Europe and Western Society drifts slowly into another dark ages, the history of our descendants will remember this time as the turning point and wonder why we didn't stop it. 



Yes but that's clearly the point you're missing.... Generalizing and stereotyping do not stem from the actions of "some". They are perceptions built up over time and because a vast not insignificant percentage of those particular people have exhibited that behaviour and continue to exhibit it. But I guess you are now trying to redefine the meaning of those words as well?? Must be so nice to be able to redefine words to suit your whim and fancy every time you want to "win" a  debate. And you call me dim. (ahh the name calling again... sigh).


You sir are the one who is making things up and stating as fact words that you have redefined as some kind of justification for your "points" (or lack thereof). And now you are resorting to assumptions and personal insults as to "alleyways that I like to hangout in". It's pathetic really. At no time yet have you failed to live up to the stereotype (oh sorry, I meant racist hate speech, how silly of me) that most leftwing loons such as yourself just resort to name calling, insults, or threats of legal action / prison/ violence whenever someone disagrees or challenges their ridiculous views. You have still not grasped this simple point and continue to prove it on my behalf. So thanks for that. I will no longer be wasting any more of my time on you.






I wasn't arguing that my view was better, it obvioulsy is but that is not what I was saying there, I was saying that they were using a word they did not really understand, perhaps they though dissent made them sound progressive, I don't know, but it does not mean an old worn out view, that is for sure.


The vast percentage of the world are underprivileged disenfranchised persecuted people, of course the majority agrees with left wing politics, they just don't stand a chance of seeing the fruits of them because of the right wing dominating forces who control the vast majority of governments.  You are deluded if you think the media is majority left leaning, it is quite the opposite, the majority is bought by the corporations and very much serves the rights agenda.


No, stereotypes and the generalising that some make are not based on the experiences of very few, so what?  You seem to miss the entire point, if 99 out of 100 black men are proven thieves it is not fair to joke about the one that isn't also being a thief just because he is also black.  By your logic it is fine to label you as a loser alcoholic who frequents gogo bars looking for underage girls, that's a fair comment right as it is based on a stereotype I have made of your "kind"?  Plenty of experiences out there that support my claim that your people are like that, so is that OK with you?


I have not redefined any words, I have shown you how the word racist has been defined in international agreements that Thailand is a party to but you just disregard that and want to pretend that it was me, how pathetic.


sorry about the alleyway comment, perhaps it was clutchclark who was going on about the dirty little soi off Sukumvit that he hangs out in.


i note your failure to produce this so called logic or cold fact, I guess you don't have any.  Keep fighting for your right to be a racist, what goes around comes around.

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21 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


there are 18 psychiatric hospitals in Thailand, unsurprisingly all of them having psychiatrists working in them.


wow... Imagine getting inside a Thai's head

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1 hour ago, ClutchClark said:


You make the wrong ssumption when you suggest "all".

Its simply the law of probability...most of the drugged up black guys with African accents they meet are Nigerian. 




Again your astonishing ignorance pervades the thread much like the putrid stench of passed wind under a duvet


The overwhelming majority of Nigerians here are devout Christians.

A few friends who, shall I say, are casual users of illicit drugs, often complain about the difficulty they have finding a dealer to supply their party bits 'n' pieces late on a Saturday night.

It's because, they inform me, that all the dealers go to bed early in order to make Sunday morning mass.


They don't take coke/ecstasy/ice or whatever - they just supply a demand . . . almost exclusively to white punters

This much has been confirmed time and again by the off-duty cops I know who moonlight at some of the late-night clubs around Sukhumvit.

On the rare occasions the police piss test patrons at Western oriented clubs, they don't bother checking the Africans because they know (or at least genuinely believe) that illicit drug use is a thoroughly white thing.

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well you have finally made a joke,


"It's because, they inform me, that all the dealers go to bed early in order to make Sunday morning mass"


I think you must be sampling the product.


Be careful not to follow it up with any jokes about American god botherers though, or you will soon be consigned to the pits of TV hell.




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41 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:


Again your astonishing ignorance pervades the thread much like the putrid stench of passed wind under a duvet


The overwhelming majority of Nigerians here are devout Christians.

A few friends who, shall I say, are casual users of illicit drugs, often complain about the difficulty they have finding a dealer to supply their party bits 'n' pieces late on a Saturday night.

It's because, they inform me, that all the dealers go to bed early in order to make Sunday morning mass.


They don't take coke/ecstasy/ice or whatever - they just supply a demand . . . almost exclusively to white punters

This much has been confirmed time and again by the off-duty cops I know who moonlight at some of the late-night clubs around Sukhumvit.

On the rare occasions the police piss test patrons at Western oriented clubs, they don't bother checking the Africans because they know (or at least genuinely believe) that illicit drug use is a thoroughly white thing.


Haha... nice... I don't even know where to start with this. Apparently "devout Christians" moonlight as drug dealers when they're not hypocritically praising God. Not sure where you get your religious stats from, but feel free to visit the Ramkamhaeng area in the afternoons and notice the amount of Nigerians piling out of the mosques there. Being religious (to whatever fake deity you choose) doesn't mean that you're somehow exempt you from being drug dealing scum, nor is it relevant to who buys the drugs from you. Having a majority white customer base is a coincidence and has more to do with the locations and area where they trade, a known tourist spot where mostly europeans/aussies/americans et al go to stay, club, drink, go go etc etc. I am sure if they stood around Pakred or Samut Prakan (ahem...) then it is doubtful they would get much 'white' trade. If the majority of their customers were not white, then that would somehow be a racist comment in the minds of some of the PC zealots on here. Furthermore, it is not the Nigerian's place or duty to supply that demand, so I am not sure what you're trying to imply there. But the fact that it is them that supply it and not 101 other nationalities does precious little to support the notion that Nigerians are unfairly stereotyped in Thailand as drug dealers!! :cheesy:

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57 minutes ago, 348GTS said:


Haha... nice... I don't even know where to start with this. Apparently "devout Christians" moonlight as drug dealers when they're not hypocritically praising God. Not sure where you get your religious stats from, but feel free to visit the Ramkamhaeng area in the afternoons and notice the amount of Nigerians piling out of the mosques there. Being religious (to whatever fake deity you choose) doesn't mean that you're somehow exempt you from being drug dealing scum, nor is it relevant to who buys the drugs from you. Having a majority white customer base is a coincidence and has more to do with the locations and area where they trade, a known tourist spot where mostly europeans/aussies/americans et al go to stay, club, drink, go go etc etc. I am sure if they stood around Pakred or Samut Prakan (ahem...) then it is doubtful they would get much 'white' trade. If the majority of their customers were not white, then that would somehow be a racist comment in the minds of some of the PC zealots on here. Furthermore, it is not the Nigerian's place or duty to supply that demand, so I am not sure what you're trying to imply there. But the fact that it is them that supply it and not 101 other nationalities does precious little to support the notion that Nigerians are unfairly stereotyped in Thailand as drug dealers!! :cheesy:


Amen brother.............. AAAAAAAAmen (Basso profundo)


LIttle touch of cognitive dissonance with our Nigerian bro. methinks.


I would hazard a guess its caused by sore knees affecting the brain stem.


All that praying can sure mess-up a body.

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1 hour ago, 348GTS said:


Haha... nice... I don't even know where to start with this. Apparently "devout Christians" moonlight as drug dealers when they're not hypocritically praising God. Not sure where you get your religious stats from, but feel free to visit the Ramkamhaeng area in the afternoons and notice the amount of Nigerians piling out of the mosques there. Being religious (to whatever fake deity you choose) doesn't mean that you're somehow exempt you from being drug dealing scum, nor is it relevant to who buys the drugs from you. Having a majority white customer base is a coincidence and has more to do with the locations and area where they trade, a known tourist spot where mostly europeans/aussies/americans et al go to stay, club, drink, go go etc etc. I am sure if they stood around Pakred or Samut Prakan (ahem...) then it is doubtful they would get much 'white' trade. If the majority of their customers were not white, then that would somehow be a racist comment in the minds of some of the PC zealots on here. Furthermore, it is not the Nigerian's place or duty to supply that demand, so I am not sure what you're trying to imply there. But the fact that it is them that supply it and not 101 other nationalities does precious little to support the notion that Nigerians are unfairly stereotyped in Thailand as drug dealers!! :cheesy:




I expected a response full to the brim with drivel and, true to form, you didn't disappoint.


How do you know they're Nigerians piling out of the mosque? How do you know they're not Ghanaian or Congolese? You don't, do you? You're just another ignoramus who thinks all Africans are Nigerians.


Of course being religious doesn't preclude one from dealing drugs or committing any other crime but the point, obviously lost on the more simplistic intellect here, is that they say their faith - regardless of how daft it sounds to you or I -  prevents them from consuming their own supply. 


The way they see it, the demand is there and they choose to supply that demand - they don't have any more of a right to do so than any other race or nationality but, certainly, in terms of sheer visibility in the tourist areas, one can't miss them. None of this is in dispute


Saying you're sure if they stood around Pakred or Samut Prakan, they'd get little in the way of white trade is the type of idiotic comment I've come to expect from the bigot camp. They don't stand there because there aren't enough white junkies to serve and, frankly, most Thai junkies get served by - wait for it - other Thais.



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11 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:




I expected a response full to the brim with drivel and, true to form, you didn't disappoint.


How do you know they're Nigerians piling out of the mosque? How do you know they're not Ghanaian or Congolese? You don't, do you? You're just another ignoramus who thinks all Africans are Nigerians.


Of course being religious doesn't preclude one from dealing drugs or committing any other crime but the point, obviously lost on the more simplistic intellect here, is that they say their faith - regardless of how daft it sounds to you or I -  prevents them from consuming their own supply. 


The way they see it, the demand is there and they choose to supply that demand - they don't have any more of a right to do so than any other race or nationality but, certainly, in terms of sheer visibility in the tourist areas, one can't miss them. None of this is in dispute


Saying you're sure if they stood around Pakred or Samut Prakan, they'd get little in the way of white trade is the type of idiotic comment I've come to expect from the bigot camp. They don't stand there because there aren't enough white junkies to serve and, frankly, most Thai junkies get served by - wait for it - other Thais.




So is Sumo now quoting self-described Nigerian drug dealers ?


It wasn't all that long ago that Sumo got very angry when I suggested the Nana crowd of Nigerians were drug dealers, pimps and touts.


Glad to see Sumo is "coming round" in his thinking.

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On Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at 1:56 PM, tomacht8 said:

...lying down in the middle of the road causing traffic to have to swerve round him.
Guess he wants to have a free flight ticket to fly home.

This isn't some nanny state back in Europe which will fly him back home - compliments of the state. One of the many things I like about SE Asia - no handouts. 

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24 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:




I expected a response full to the brim with drivel and, true to form, you didn't disappoint.


How do you know they're Nigerians piling out of the mosque? How do you know they're not Ghanaian or Congolese? You don't, do you? You're just another ignoramus who thinks all Africans are Nigerians.


Of course being religious doesn't preclude one from dealing drugs or committing any other crime but the point, obviously lost on the more simplistic intellect here, is that they say their faith - regardless of how daft it sounds to you or I -  prevents them from consuming their own supply. 


The way they see it, the demand is there and they choose to supply that demand - they don't have any more of a right to do so than any other race or nationality but, certainly, in terms of sheer visibility in the tourist areas, one can't miss them. None of this is in dispute


Saying you're sure if they stood around Pakred or Samut Prakan, they'd get little in the way of white trade is the type of idiotic comment I've come to expect from the bigot camp. They don't stand there because there aren't enough white junkies to serve and, frankly, most Thai junkies get served by - wait for it - other Thais.




You're clearly in denial Sumo... Again with the insults lol... You're just trying to pick holes in everything others say without understanding the irony of your own words. How do I know they're not Ghanaian or Congolese? How about you tell us why you seem so sure that they're NOT Nigerian?? If you can't, then I am curious why you brought it up  in the first place other than to make yourself look stupid. Considering the Congo is 90-95% Christian (oh darn... sorry, those pesky facts getting in the way of a good argument again), it is highly likely that they are not Congolese. Considering that half of Nigeria is muslim, and Nigeria is the most populated country in Africa, it would be statistically probable and more likely that those mosque attendees are Nigerian than from another African country. And again with the assumptions that I am in ignoramus with regards to Africa - what I have already forgotten about Africa would take you the rest of your life to learn. I know liberals don't like reason and facts to interfere with their agenda, so profuse apologies in bursting your little balloon there. Nevermind.


Since when should we believe what religious zealots say about whether they consume their own supply or not? Seems like you know more about the habits of Nigerian drug dealers than I do in that case. Most religions also condemn theft, prostitution, and murder and but I notice several  crimes taking place on a daily basis committed by "religious" people of African origin. Not to mention the religiously motivated horrors taking place in Northern Nigeria constantly. You accuse white people of being somehow complicit in the Nigerian drug trade, yet fail to acknowledge the fact that it is down to the area where they sell them. How can I be an "idiot or bigot" for suggesting they would sell less if they stood on a Pakred street corner?? That's quite a stretch of logic and reason.... even for you.... 


Really don't understand why you are so hellbent on convincing everyone that the person in the OP is not Nigerian?? What is your agenda?? Who cares where he is from, it is hardly relevant. I don't understand this obsession to defend Nigerians or their known reputation worldwide and take offense on their behalf. In the process you are making yourself seem like a weak self hating white apologist (or a Nigerian lol). Anyway, whatever... I'm done with you also. Sayonara!

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