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“Clinton is our Angela Merkel” – Trump


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“Clinton is our Angela Merkel” – Trump




The US presidential campaign has taken another personal turn.


What did Trump say?

Speaking at a rally in the swing state of Ohio, Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump likened his Democrat rival to the Chancellor of Germany.


He then drew parallel’s with Europe’s migrant crisis.


“In short, Hillary Clinton wants to be America’s Angela Merkel and you know what a disaster this massive immigration has been to Germany and the people of Germany.”


“Crime has risen to levels that no one thought they would ever, ever see. It is a catastrophe.”


What did the Democrats say?

Speaking at a campaign rally with Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Vice President Joe Bidendismissed Trump’s comments as anti-constitutional and populist.


“Look, Trump’s ideas are not only profoundly wrong, they are very dangerous and they are very un-American.”


“They reveal a profound ignorance of our constitution. It is a recipe for playing into the hands of terrorists and their propaganda.”


Crime in Germany – Fact Check

Responding to similar claims by Trump in May, the website Politifact.com says the following:


“There are more criminal acts in Germany these days because there are more people, thanks to the influx of 1.1 million refugees in 2015 alone.”


But the data suggest the refugees tend to be better-behaved than the typical German. Even if you presume that refugee-related crime is underreported for political reasons, we could find no evidence in German media reports that the country warrants Trump’s ‘riddled-with-crime’ characterization.”


“Because his statement contains some element of truth but ignores critical facts that would give a different impression, we rate it Meist Falsch – Mostly False.”


Some facts:

  • Germany’s crime rate, particularly for violent crime, is far lower than the US.
  • The US murder rate is nearly six times higher than that of Germany, according to the most recent reportthe UN.
  • The number of refugees in Germany has risen fivefold – by 440%.
  • The Federal Criminal Police (BKA) say crimes by immigrants rose by 79% in 2015.
  • In numbers, this means 92,000 more crimes committed by migrants than in previous years
  • The BKA says the increase tailed off in the latter half of the year, according to Deutsche Welle
  • The majority are “petty offences” eg theft
  • Less than 1,000 (1%) are sex crimes, according to Die Welt
  • Concern over sex crimes peaked after New Year’s Eve after reports of mass assaults in the centre of Cologne.
  • A 2014 study found that 40% of refugees from North Africa got into legal trouble within 12 months of their arrival, compared to 0.5 % of Syrians.


Read the Politifact report for more in-depth analysis.


“We need extreme vetting of immigrants” – Trump

Earlier in his speech, Trump called for “extreme vetting” of immigrants seeking admission to the United States.


Trump vowed to block those who sympathise with extremist groups or who don’t embrace American values.



Trump has made the destruction of the extremist group the centrepiece of his foreign policy.


He has said he would partner with any countries that share the goal, specifically singling out Russia as a nation the US could have a better relationship with.


He also said his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton lacks the “mental and physical stamina” to take on ISIL.


Trump’s campaign aides say the new ideological test for admission to the US would vet applicants for their stance on issues like religious freedom, gender equality and gay rights.


The government would use questionnaires, social media, interviews with friends and family or other means to determine if applicants support American values like tolerance and pluralism.


Under Trump’s plan, the US would stop issuing visas in any case where it cannot perform adequate screenings.


What do his critics say?

While Trump has been harshly critical of President Barack Obama’s handling of the threat posed by ISIL, critics say his own policies for defeating the group remain vague.


His most specific prescriptions centre on changing US immigration policy to keep potential attackers from entering the country.

-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-08-16
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another astute comparison by mr trump…although I would say Angela doesn't lie as much, doesn't have a track record of taking millions from corporate sponsors to do their bidding and does not possess a shrill, shrieking, harridan-like voice.

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11 minutes ago, VillageIdiot said:

Does Trump come up with these memorable one-liners himself, or does he have aides writing for him?


He mostly finds them in far right Neo-Nazi websites.  But occasionally, he'll get choice material from the National Enquirer.  

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I'm impressed he knows who Angela Merkel is.


Did he pronounce her name correctly?



"...does not possess a shrill, shrieking, harridan-like voice."


Another classy rejoinder, and a three-syllable word for 12 points. Well done sir. 

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A great move for US German relationships. All politicians have their faults and it is up to the people to voice them. You do not have heads of state of allied countries slagging others off. Now whilst Trump may not be head of state that is the office he is aspiring to. He may have small hands but his feet are very large and he keeps sticking them in his mouth.

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He is making it too easy. He chose an excellent country to make some political comparison! 

If Clinton wants to be the Merkel of America, then Trump clearly wants to be the Hitler of America. Trouble (for America) is that he has probably more in common with Hitler, than Clinton has with Merkel....

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Less than 1,000 (1%) are sex crimes, according to Die Welt


Yeah less than a thousand. Nothing wrong with 946 women possibly scarred for life from sex crimes committed by refugees. :rolleyes:

Edited by mesterm
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6 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

What does that have to do with the OP?


That 946 sex crimes can be shrugged off when compared to gun violence in the US? Who cares what those women have to go through for the rest of their lives anyway.

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5 minutes ago, mesterm said:


That 946 sex crimes can be shrugged off when compared to gun violence in the US? Who cares what those women have to go through for the rest of their lives anyway.

dead is better? can you spend some time to investigate the number of sex crimes in the us before you give me another 'who cares' post, please?

here is a good starting point: http://www.bjs.gov/index.cfm?ty=tp&tid=31

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39 minutes ago, manfredtillmann said:

dead is better? can you spend some time to investigate the number of sex crimes in the us before you give me another 'who cares' post, please?

here is a good starting point: http://www.bjs.gov/index.cfm?ty=tp&tid=31


So because there are more sex crimes committed in the US, we should all be okay with refugees who were given shelter out of goodwill sexually assaulting women in their host country? Ok, got it.

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The whole world is hanging on the result of this election.


As a frequent visitor to east-coast USA, I appreciate that our American friends have a real dilemma.


Unlike the promised election here in Thailand (whenever that will be), your choice on November 8 may have significant implications for the rest of the world!


"...America’s Angela Merkel..." or a hairy beaver look-alike?




It may not be much of a choice for you guys, but (unlike here in Thailand) at least you have a choice!

Make sure you fire to right apprentice.

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Hillary and Merkel have similar immigration ideas....that being said, I think Hillary should provide her medical records for examination.  To her credit,  Merkel does not share the same "dufus" looking facial twitches....




Edited by slipperylobster
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Come come let's be honest, the President of the USA needs to be a Politician not a corrupt mafia assisted businessman who probably cannot even write his name. Whoever wins this race is going to be the police chief of the world . Trump is a jumped up spoilt arsxxhole Hilary also has her weaknesses but who as a Brit would I like to see in the white house ? Certainly not the mafia man, at least Hilary  has an ex president husband and has years as secretary  of state. And Trump a wife who is now being subjected to accusations of being an illegal immigrant. The whole Disney theme, yet Trump wants to triple check incoming residents ?

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16 minutes ago, DipStick said:

Trump is a jumped up spoilt arsxxhole Hilary also has her weaknesses ..... at least Hilary  has an ex president husband ....


Wow i have heard some flimsy reasons for electing hillary but this takes the cake. 

Edited by JHolmesJr
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5 hours ago, VillageIdiot said:

Does Trump come up with these memorable one-liners himself, or does he have aides writing for him?

When I buy an original Trump (tm) figurine he had better  come fully equipped with outrageous quotes when I pull a string, or I will surely complain to the company.  How can people still defend this embarrassment of a man?

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As usual, Trump is playing fast and loose with the facts.  The Germans aren't too happy about it:


[Michael Roth, Germany's European affairs minister, told Reuters Trump's statement was incorrect and it was important to correct campaign statements in other countries that were based on "fears, lies and half-truths", given the importance of the U.S. election for the world.

"I'm sorry that the Republican presidential candidate trumpets out things like that without any factual basis," Roth said.]




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