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Minister Kobkarn hopes Pokemon Go will save Thailand's tourism industry


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25 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

Until then we can all rely on Pikachu.


One day many years from now Thai parents will be telling their children about how Pikachu saved Thailand.  There will probably be a 14 day holiday and you'll see Pikachu photos in every home and business (all of them totally unlicensed reproductions).  



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4 hours ago, mesterm said:


The cops might end up playing Pokemon Go there too.


Aye, they can use their helmets: look like a poke ball already :)


But Minister Kobkarn... PLEASE :cheesy::cheesy:


Leave some room for TAT maybe one or two days a week...

You are doing so many uber-stupid announcements on a daily basis that TAT can't keep up anymore....  



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8 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Words Fail   !

About time the people in white lab coats carrying a huge butterfly net came for this lady.


Well she understands bomb em and go, but poke them and go, the game starting to be banned in Europe, the most brain dead game ever seen.

If this is a reflection of calibre, which it is, then there is no light at the end of the tunnel for LOS

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Well its a good thing , you can gather many people in specific places, so the bombing would be more effective !

Maybe they can detect the bombers then and arrest them, before they bomb !!

Very very clever thinking !


Saving tourism with a game

Someone stop me laughing coz its killing me

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As I understand it Thai Tourism is around 10% of the Thai GDP. Surely Thai Tourism have people who are more strategically creative than the Minister for Tourism. To publicly come out with such a concept is an insult to the people of Thailand who depend on a viable tourism industry for their business and family income.

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"It is all part of an "Expat for Fun" initiative encouraging visitors to seek out Thai culture, shopping, tours and various food festivals. "


Pokemon Go will be inside Bacarra on Soi Cowboy? :)


If the Japanese are designing the software, more like Soi 33.







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Coming soon:



Champion foreign Pokemon player mysteriously falls off 14th floor condo, naked. 



Foreign Pokemon players hacked to death by angry taxi driver.



Monk defrocked for exposing himself to Pokemon.



Bus crash, 12 dead, 27 injured. Driver was chasing Pokemon instead of driving the bus. Driver is missing and wanting for questioning.

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jeez... first they want to Ban it, now Embrace it !!!


...bargirls will have to change their chant - to "Poke Moi...Poke Moi"


Celebrities will stop whitening their faces,

and start queuing for Simpsons complexion, with spotty red cheeks.

They already have the Anime eyes sorted out


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18 minutes ago, dcnx said:

Coming soon:



Champion foreign Pokemon player mysteriously falls off 14th floor condo, naked. 



Foreign Pokemon players hacked to death by angry taxi driver.



Monk defrocked for exposing himself to Pokemon.



Bus crash, 12 dead, 27 injured. Driver was chasing Pokemon instead of driving the bus. Driver is missing and wanting for questioning.



All those mishaps could be easily avoided if a Toshiba kettle were strapped to the ankle of every tourist entering the kingdom. 

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I am sure Thai visa makes up these news items with ludicrous statements from Thai ministers, fantastic way of generating clicks, page views, traffic and more potential Advertising revenue!!


How do we know what was really said and in what context it is quoted?

Edited by sapson
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9 hours ago, huanga said:

To save tourism industry - get this minister out of the office would be a first step in the right direction. Concrete plan with bold points on steps necessary (more lax visa rules, better infrastructure, harsh penalty for scams/cheats, etc) to attract tourists, and not marketing propaganda (inviting only the rich, clamp-down on the red light district and now the Pokémon)


Hot air and nothing will get done except for her probably going to temple everyday and asking the Oh Mighty Buddha to realize some achievement for her for doing absolutely nada to improve the tourism.   


you mean promote the Red light zones - stop closing bars and clubs- turn a blind eye to recreational drugs -  and er ......have free and open elections....promote the rules of law, offer risk free loans to ordiary thais and stop arresting people for peaceful protest, rescind the ban on books like 1984 and other acts of ludicrou oppression etc etc.

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17 minutes ago, sapson said:

I am sure Thai visa makes up these news items with ludicrous statements from Thai ministers, fantastic way of generating clicks, page views, traffic and more potential Advertising revenue!!


How do we know what was really said and in what context it is quoted?


I've thought that for some time, between TV and Coconuts, there is no telling what's true and what is made up for the sake of getting us to engage and be active. Some of it is just too strange to be true, and I honestly don't want to think anyone is as stupid as they are made out to be via the news. Then again, Amazing Thailand.

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34 minutes ago, asean said:

i shake my head. the only good thing about this is that it confirms that we are not dealing with a master race and they can easily be vanquished.


Thank Buddha for Natural Selection. Doesn't matter the race, NS is working overtime to ensure the future of life.

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She is not only a total disgrace to thais but the whole human race.  This mentally retarded women definately tarnishes Thailand's image every time she opens her mouth and that is no mean feat as Thailand under the current clusters of clowns has become the complete laughing stock of the world

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5 hours ago, Knocker33 said:

And only last week some other idiot in superposed control was saying they are going to ban it in Thailand.


When life deals you lemons, make lemonade.....................muddy water!

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2 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

"It is all part of an "Expat for Fun" initiative encouraging visitors to seek out Thai culture, shopping, tours and various food festivals. "



Could be the next slogan of the lady:


"Come enjoy Thai culture, we closed all  a gogo bars but we have bombs and Pokemon, come have a blast"

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Once again Thai authority using their brains (or not).  Minister Kobkarn is a complete idiot.  Like most Thai officials, no real business skills and a total lack of intelligence.  I can't believe they let these people run the country although they probably bought their position, in a country where money talks and nothing else matters. 

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