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This Ought To Stir Up The Hornets Nest

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Many of us, such as myself come to this forum as a way to interact with other Farang (I hate the expression expatriate) to speak to knowledgeable people in the political and cultural arena, and in most cases to learn how we can help one another from our immigration experiences and stay within the new requirements of Thai Immigration laws.

However, of late I notice that the DEA, Australian Law Enforcement Agencies and countless other foreign and domestic Law Enforcement agencies trolling on this forum.

I have nothing to hide so I must chuckle at their attempts to get people to "call David's number" get someone to accompany them on a date in Bangkok, while they post from Chang Mai, and yet others that state "this is a fact" yet offer no other information. Not to mention those that “cry for help from Koan Kaen” and offer no apparent further response.

For all of you that live here, we know that the 14 days after a Thai arrest are for the benefit or investigation and that is what is surely going on. They seem to have little and are looking for friends, accomplices or collaborators in the alleged acts and are even resorting to spoofing email to forum members in hopes of getting more wood for their particular fire.

How do I know this? I can best explain in that I retired from the Law Enforcement field and after twenty years (16 of which were abroad) acquired a knowledge of such methods.

I also want to add that I wish everyone on this forum well and not be concerned even though these so-called “Investigators” can read your IP number when you post and can track you down to you home. Some of you surely remember that you had to provide a Passport page when registering with CSLoxinfo or other Internet Service Providers.

For those guilty of preying on children, I refuse to accept your behavior although such acts would have been normal 2,000 years ago and I hope that you burn in ######!!!

For those Law Enforcement types out there watching us and keeping the flames stoked, I suggest that you do your job and leave the judging to the Judges and stick to gathering facts rather than trying to discredit someone on the Internet and through our Forum. Allow the peers of the accused to judge them based on evidence and not rumors and innuendoes created by you and your somewhat zealous collaborators.

For those of you that are accused of a crime, I reserve my judgement cause I truly believe a person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt and sentenced so by a Judge and or Jury.

There! I have said my two cents worth and will now shut up.

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Passport to register? Since when? Any supermarket sell prepaid subscriptions to most of the ISP's here.

IP address? Ever heard of anonymous proxy servers?


Interesting, but I find it difficult to believe that the Law Enforcement Agencies have got the time to chase minor criminals when there are so many crimes going around.

What, I would ask, is the law enforcement angle on a guy asking for help in Khon Khaen?

If the law enforcement agencies are catching crooks on this website or anyother, then all well and good, but perhaps like yourself I have doubts over what is said on the internet and what is the actuality.

I run a website with a friend and we get all sorts posting messages and emails, a little digging reveals some are telling the truth, others can't possibly be doing so.


Dear Mouse,

I'm happy I have nothing to hide.

Even then I write this cause I think u are right.

Gathering info happens in many ways most of them undercover when people aren't aware and speak/write freely.

As far as it concerns tracking criminals, childmolestors,rappists, terrorists and all kinds of scum authorities can go quite far with my approval, not that they need it, but safety has a price and the innocent pay the highest.

beste regards



I think you guys have been watching a little too much "X Files", the conspiricy theory junkies are becoming vocal! :D

Of course, CIA, MI5 and the government agencies of all the western world scrutanise this forum in great detail, they scan all the posts, pulling off the IP addresses and traceing them back to your home telephone number so that they can observe your wrong doings, track down the international criminals and fine dodgers... its true, Tony Blair told me all about it the other night as we were crusing Soi Bangla looking for chicks (he was a little drunk though, he'd just drunk a whole bottle of Sang Som after spending the afternoon in Christines Massage)

There again, you only need to be worried if your actually guilty of something, that parking fine you never paid before fleeing the country... it will come back to haunt you!!!! :o

I really think some of you guys take this a little too far. :D

Many of us, such as myself come to this forum as a way to interact with other Farang (I hate the expression expatriate) to speak to knowledgeable people in the political and cultural arena, and in most cases to learn how we can help one another from our immigration experiences and stay within the new requirements of Thai Immigration laws.

However, of late I notice that the DEA, Australian Law Enforcement Agencies and countless other foreign and domestic Law Enforcement agencies trolling on this forum.

I have nothing to hide so I must chuckle at their attempts to get people to "call David's number"  get someone to accompany them on a date in Bangkok, while they post from Chang Mai, and yet others that state "this is a fact" yet offer no other information.  Not to mention those that “cry for help from Koan Kaen” and offer no apparent further response. 

For all of you that live here, we know that the 14 days after a Thai arrest are for the benefit or investigation and that is what is surely going on.  They seem to have little and are looking for friends, accomplices or collaborators in the alleged acts and are even resorting to spoofing email to forum members in hopes of getting more wood for their particular fire.

How do I know this?  I can best explain in that I retired from the Law Enforcement field and after twenty years (16 of which were abroad) acquired a knowledge of such methods.

I also want to add that I wish everyone on this forum well and not be concerned even though these so-called “Investigators” can read your IP number when you post and can track you down to you home.  Some of you surely remember that you had to provide a Passport page when registering with CSLoxinfo or other Internet Service Providers.

For those guilty of preying on children, I refuse to accept your behavior although such acts would have been normal 2,000 years ago and I hope that you burn in ######!!! 

For those Law Enforcement types out there watching us and keeping the flames stoked, I suggest that you do your job and leave the judging to the Judges and stick to gathering facts rather than trying to discredit someone on the Internet and through our Forum. Allow the peers of the accused to judge them based on evidence and not rumors and innuendoes created by you and your somewhat zealous collaborators.

For those of you that are accused of a crime, I reserve my judgement cause I truly believe a person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt and sentenced so by a Judge and or Jury.

There!  I have said my two cents worth and will now shut up.

mouse, I am sorry to disagree with you, because you usually seem nice and fairly rational when I read your posts on Thaivisa.com, but what you have written here is paranoid.


Paranoid? No! for I live in a quiet and good life, in a remote of part in Thailand with my wife and kids and have no skeletons in my closet.

If you read some of the newbie posts carefully you can see that they are fishing. But then again I was a newbie too not too long ago, asking a lot of questions.

But, I have seen the frenzy with which some Law Enforcement operates and it resembles Pirahna feeding times. I saw it cause I was part of it until my retirement in 1990

A man is innocent until found guilty by a Judge and Jury. That principle was not adhered by the newbies in their postings. I could understand that from an old timer that knew David (I did not). But for a new guy to jump on our forum just when it was time to talk badly about someone, seems out of sync to me.

A note to the the other post: When I first signed up for Internet access more than 5 years ago and then again when I switched to ipStar, I had to produce copies of my Passport.


I would say add this though.

My own website is critical of Thailand's dual pricing policies and as such I am aware that it might upset a few people.

I discussed this with the service providers and they removed all identifying information from my registration data and replaced it with dummy information that they, and only they can link to the real address.

They also underake only to release that information under court order or if required to do so by the national laws governing web hosting.

I chose a host outside of Thailand to reduce the chances that this could happen.

The web is a great tool and reading the posts on this site it is clear that most people want to help and support each other, I furhter believe most people on this site are honest and moral in an older sense of the terms.

It is sad that not everyone uses the internet for honest reasons and I see nothing wrong with the authorities looking into ilegal activity.


Just because I have nothing to hide does not mean that I advocate that the Police can stop by my house and just do a quick check to make sure that I break no laws.

I consider my communications to this forum and it's members priveledged and not for scrutiny by outside Police agencies to see if I fit a profile or the like. :o

Trust me, this is not paranoia but experince talking.


Oh my god! Trolls and Sllort!

Remember, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you :D

Better keep an eye out for Ocre :o


Guy's an ip address is just that. Even if it links your name to it what can they do with that.

You think that even if i start to proclaim on this forum that i'm this or that type of criminal your so called authorities can do anything with it.

They still need to prove their case with real facts, blabering on forums is no fact.


Hey, just 'cause I'm paranoid don't mean I don't have real enemies! :o

Don't doubt for a minute what you've saying is a fact. All the easy busts have "gone down" and these guys are trolling... :D

Many of us, such as myself come to this forum as a way to interact with other Farang (I hate the expression expatriate) to speak to knowledgeable people in the political and cultural arena, and in most cases to learn how we can help one another from our immigration experiences and stay within the new requirements of Thai Immigration laws.

However, of late I notice that the DEA, Australian Law Enforcement Agencies and countless other foreign and domestic Law Enforcement agencies trolling on this forum.

I have nothing to hide so I must chuckle at their attempts to get people to "call David's number" get someone to accompany them on a date in Bangkok, while they post from Chang Mai, and yet others that state "this is a fact" yet offer no other information. Not to mention those that “cry for help from Koan Kaen” and offer no apparent further response.

For all of you that live here, we know that the 14 days after a Thai arrest are for the benefit or investigation and that is what is surely going on. They seem to have little and are looking for friends, accomplices or collaborators in the alleged acts and are even resorting to spoofing email to forum members in hopes of getting more wood for their particular fire.

How do I know this? I can best explain in that I retired from the Law Enforcement field and after twenty years (16 of which were abroad) acquired a knowledge of such methods.

I also want to add that I wish everyone on this forum well and not be concerned even though these so-called “Investigators” can read your IP number when you post and can track you down to you home. Some of you surely remember that you had to provide a Passport page when registering with CSLoxinfo or other Internet Service Providers.

For those guilty of preying on children, I refuse to accept your behavior although such acts would have been normal 2,000 years ago and I hope that you burn in ######!!!

For those Law Enforcement types out there watching us and keeping the flames stoked, I suggest that you do your job and leave the judging to the Judges and stick to gathering facts rather than trying to discredit someone on the Internet and through our Forum. Allow the peers of the accused to judge them based on evidence and not rumors and innuendoes created by you and your somewhat zealous collaborators.

For those of you that are accused of a crime, I reserve my judgement cause I truly believe a person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt and sentenced so by a Judge and or Jury.

There! I have said my two cents worth and will now shut up.


I hope that you were not referring to me as any type of law enforcement agent. if so it is wrong.

I am a long term Chiang Mai resident that happened to comment on a subject that we in Chiang Mai find very irritating. David has an outstandingly bad reputation in Chiang Mai and everyone i have talked to here on the topic has said "about time and good riddence".

What we all could not beleive is the support this guy got from people who dont know him. That was the one and only reason we posted. You will notice no one from here accused him of being a pedofile (at least I did not). As you say guilty until proven.....BUT we all know him and know his utter dishonesty and bad business.....that is what we were commenting on. Its difficult as many will know to sue someone in Thailand...even to collect a debt is a waist of time as it involves court, so no one nailed him.

If anyone wants evidence of his activities in Chiang Mai come here and talk to a resident.

Perhaps people should think about how much attention this subject has gotten from CM residents, and why we are so annimated about it. We are not cops...just happy justice will have a chance to be done.....


Many of us, such as myself come to this forum as a way to interact with other Farang (I hate the expression expatriate) to speak to knowledgeable people in the political and cultural arena, and in most cases to learn how we can help one another from our immigration experiences and stay within the new requirements of Thai Immigration laws.

However, of late I notice that the DEA, Australian Law Enforcement Agencies and countless other foreign and domestic Law Enforcement agencies trolling on this forum.

I have nothing to hide so I must chuckle at their attempts to get people to "call David's number"  get someone to accompany them on a date in Bangkok, while they post from Chang Mai, and yet others that state "this is a fact" yet offer no other information.  Not to mention those that “cry for help from Koan Kaen” and offer no apparent further response. 

For all of you that live here, we know that the 14 days after a Thai arrest are for the benefit or investigation and that is what is surely going on.  They seem to have little and are looking for friends, accomplices or collaborators in the alleged acts and are even resorting to spoofing email to forum members in hopes of getting more wood for their particular fire.

How do I know this?  I can best explain in that I retired from the Law Enforcement field and after twenty years (16 of which were abroad) acquired a knowledge of such methods.

I also want to add that I wish everyone on this forum well and not be concerned even though these so-called “Investigators” can read your IP number when you post and can track you down to you home.  Some of you surely remember that you had to provide a Passport page when registering with CSLoxinfo or other Internet Service Providers.

For those guilty of preying on children, I refuse to accept your behavior although such acts would have been normal 2,000 years ago and I hope that you burn in ######!!! 

For those Law Enforcement types out there watching us and keeping the flames stoked, I suggest that you do your job and leave the judging to the Judges and stick to gathering facts rather than trying to discredit someone on the Internet and through our Forum. Allow the peers of the accused to judge them based on evidence and not rumors and innuendoes created by you and your somewhat zealous collaborators.

For those of you that are accused of a crime, I reserve my judgement cause I truly believe a person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt and sentenced so by a Judge and or Jury.

There!  I have said my two cents worth and will now shut up.


I hope that you were not referring to me as any type of law enforcement agent. if so it is wrong.

I am a long term Chiang Mai resident that happened to comment on a subject that we in Chiang Mai find very irritating. David has an outstandingly bad reputation in Chiang Mai and everyone i have talked to here on the topic has said "about time and good riddence".

What we all could not beleive is the support this guy got from people who dont know him. That was the one and only reason we posted. You will notice no one from here accused him of being a pedofile (at least I did not). As you say guilty until proven.....BUT we all know him and know his utter dishonesty and bad business.....that is what we were commenting on. Its difficult as many will know to sue someone in Thailand...even to collect a debt is a waist of time as it involves court, so no one nailed him.

If anyone wants evidence of his activities in Chiang Mai come here and talk to a resident.

Perhaps people should think about how much attention this subject has gotten from CM residents, and why we are so annimated about it. We are not cops...just happy justice will have a chance to be done.....


incm, be that as it may, I am not a judge here but I do wonder why in the he11 you and others show up and register here in the forum just to tell us how bad someone is, I think this is absolute BS and you can get on down the road for my money, Frankly I don't give a dam@ about "David" and his reputation(don't know the man) in Chiang Mai but I do wonder why all the GD cockroaches(like you) surface at this time. Where in the he11 have you been before all this came down???? You seem to me to be just a shi+ stirrer.


Mouse - how you describe the operation could surely be reversed (as your troll to llort). In other words, the admin of this forum could check on the IPs and IDs of these 'newbies' and see if they all originate from one or two sources.


incm, be that as it may, I am not a judge here but I do wonder why in the he11 you and others show up and register here in the forum just to tell us how bad someone is, I think this is absolute BS and you can get on down the road for my money, Frankly I don't give a dam@ about "David" and his reputation(don't know the man) in Chiang Mai but I do wonder why all the GD cockroaches(like you) surface at this time. Where in the he11 have you been before all this came down???? You seem to me to be just a shi+ stirrer.

I post here because this is a topic I am interested in and have a comment on. Are you seriously trying to tell me and others dont post here unless you have something nice to say?

Or are you telling me and others that this is a closed forum for only u and your buddies?

Or are you telling me and others that becasue we use other forums and dont usually post here we are not welcome???

I was under the understanding that a web forum was a place where anyone could come and comment on a topic that interests them, as long as it is polite, is not racist, sexist etc. Am I wrong...is Thaivisa not interested in new posters.

I am not stirrer, I have an interest in this topic and a comment to make. Yes its a bad commentn about someone, but it was done in an intellegent, factual and polite way (just with a bit of passion as the person in topic appears to get people going)




incm, be that as it may, I am not a judge here but I do wonder why in the he11 you and others show up and register here in the forum just to tell us how bad someone is, I think this is absolute BS and you can get on down the road for my money, Frankly I don't give a dam@ about "David" and his reputation(don't know the man) in Chiang Mai but I do wonder why all the GD cockroaches(like you) surface at this time. Where in the he11 have you been before all this came down???? You seem to me to be just a shi+ stirrer.

I post here because this is a topic I am interested in and have a comment on. Are you seriously trying to tell me and others dont post here unless you have something nice to say?

Or are you telling me and others that this is a closed forum for only u and your buddies?

Or are you telling me and others that becasue we use other forums and dont usually post here we are not welcome???

I was under the understanding that a web forum was a place where anyone could come and comment on a topic that interests them, as long as it is polite, is not racist, sexist etc. Am I wrong...is Thaivisa not interested in new posters.

I am not stirrer, I have an interest in this topic and a comment to make. Yes its a bad commentn about someone, but it was done in an intellegent, factual and polite way (just with a bit of passion as the person in topic appears to get people going)


This is of course an open forum and I don't own it and you are free to post what you like but I do wonder why people like you only register to post crap! As I said I don't know this man and frankly don't give a rats as# about his plight, I only wonder where a##wipes like you come from all of a sudden just to kick someone in the bal&s.

Mouse - how you describe the operation could surely be reversed (as your troll to llort). In other words, the admin of this forum could check on the IPs and IDs of these 'newbies' and see if they all originate from one or two sources.

Exactly! Must be possible. Or they should properly identify themselves as to who they are. Even in the streets they have to show their identification when confronted. :o

hehe Dont hold back Goat Roper, just say what you mean and be done with it :D

Dam# I wish I were able to say what I mean. :o:D

But you can! Only problem is you might find youself suspended for a bit. Just ask the Gent. He speaks his mind from time to time and then goes away for a while! :D

hehe Dont hold back Goat Roper, just say what you mean and be done with it :D

Dam# I wish I were able to say what I mean. :o:D

But you can! Only problem is you might find youself suspended for a bit. Just ask the Gent. He speaks his mind from time to time and then goes away for a while! :D

That's ok Boon, I/we were thrown out of the Barbary Coast on Eddie street in San Francisco (skid row) so I have been exposed to a lot of the bad stuff but thanks for the warning. My mouth gets big sometimes but I'm harmless, had good teachers, my daddy and the military.

hehe Dont hold back Goat Roper, just say what you mean and be done with it :D

Dam# I wish I were able to say what I mean. :o:D

But you can! Only problem is you might find youself suspended for a bit. Just ask the Gent. He speaks his mind from time to time and then goes away for a while! :D

That's ok Boon, I/we were thrown out of the Barbary Coast on Eddie street in San Francisco (skid row) so I have been exposed to a lot of the bad stuff but thanks for the warning. My mouth gets big sometimes but I'm harmless, had good teachers, my daddy and the military.

Did you ever get down to a bar called the "Whinnie & Moo" (Horse & Cow)? It's an old Submarine bar. Good fun! :D

hehe Dont hold back Goat Roper, just say what you mean and be done with it :D

Dam# I wish I were able to say what I mean. :o:D

But you can! Only problem is you might find youself suspended for a bit. Just ask the Gent. He speaks his mind from time to time and then goes away for a while! :D

That's ok Boon, I/we were thrown out of the Barbary Coast on Eddie street in San Francisco (skid row) so I have been exposed to a lot of the bad stuff but thanks for the warning. My mouth gets big sometimes but I'm harmless, had good teachers, my daddy and the military.

Did you ever get down to a bar called the "Whinnie & Moo" (Horse & Cow)? It's an old Submarine bar. Good fun! :D

Sorry Boon don't recall that name but we spent three months in drydock at AAA shipyard and the only place we could afford to go was Eddie street but what fun and good memories, circa 1958.


If law enforcement is interested in certain members and if the forum admins has nothing to hide, why not just cooperate with the authorities instead of playing 'cat and mouse' games?

Many of us, such as myself come to this forum as a way to interact with other Farang (I hate the expression expatriate) to speak to knowledgeable people in the political and cultural arena, and in most cases to learn how we can help one another from our immigration experiences and stay within the new requirements of Thai Immigration laws.

However, of late I notice that the DEA, Australian Law Enforcement Agencies and countless other foreign and domestic Law Enforcement agencies trolling on this forum.

I have nothing to hide so I must chuckle at their attempts to get people to "call David's number" get someone to accompany them on a date in Bangkok, while they post from Chang Mai, and yet others that state "this is a fact" yet offer no other information. Not to mention those that “cry for help from Koan Kaen” and offer no apparent further response.

For all of you that live here, we know that the 14 days after a Thai arrest are for the benefit or investigation and that is what is surely going on. They seem to have little and are looking for friends, accomplices or collaborators in the alleged acts and are even resorting to spoofing email to forum members in hopes of getting more wood for their particular fire.

How do I know this? I can best explain in that I retired from the Law Enforcement field and after twenty years (16 of which were abroad) acquired a knowledge of such methods.

I also want to add that I wish everyone on this forum well and not be concerned even though these so-called “Investigators” can read your IP number when you post and can track you down to you home. Some of you surely remember that you had to provide a Passport page when registering with CSLoxinfo or other Internet Service Providers.

For those guilty of preying on children, I refuse to accept your behavior although such acts would have been normal 2,000 years ago and I hope that you burn in ######!!!

For those Law Enforcement types out there watching us and keeping the flames stoked, I suggest that you do your job and leave the judging to the Judges and stick to gathering facts rather than trying to discredit someone on the Internet and through our Forum. Allow the peers of the accused to judge them based on evidence and not rumors and innuendoes created by you and your somewhat zealous collaborators.

For those of you that are accused of a crime, I reserve my judgement cause I truly believe a person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt and sentenced so by a Judge and or Jury.

There! I have said my two cents worth and will now shut up.

WEll Mr. Mouse , this that cry for help from Khon Kaen.I gave further info on my situation only to have it erased and lastlyput 6 feet under by the Admin.,after defending a comment by a certain member that he should have saved for a more appropriate thread.This no troll,but I guess you are a superior judge of character by means of modem.And yes,at least there wa 1 person inquisitive enough and kind enough to try to help me.Perhaps you should take a good look at yourself.Are you really a good judge of character?

WEll Mr. Mouse , this that cry for help from Khon Kaen.I gave further info on my situation only to have it erased and lastlyput 6 feet under by the Admin.,after defending a comment by a certain member that he should have saved for a more appropriate thread.This no troll,but I guess you are a superior judge of character by means of modem.And yes,at least there wa 1 person inquisitive enough and kind enough to try to help me.Perhaps you should take a good look at yourself.Are you really a good judge of character?

Dear Sir, Please accept my apologies. It seems I erred in my judgement. Feel free to PM me for further aid, if needed and I will provide you with a cell number where you can reach me.


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