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Video: Thai bouncers vs British tourists - two charged with assault

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10 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


Drivel. It is the most dangerous tourism destination for Brits, Swedes, Aussies and Americans according to their respective governments and the insurance companies. 

Only because they ride motorbikes pissed and no helmet and die of old age or boredom.

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12 hours ago, petedk said:

Why all this kicking in the head of someone already down?


Try watching western documentaries of security guards pacifying drunk party goers. Most of the action is verbal or in extreme cases a quick restraint.


These guys should be charged with attempted murder.  One well placed kick and the victim is dead.


Like one poster here said. "Thais fight to destroy"

I think you need to watch the news more. There are a few bouncers in Australia doing time for assault or worse. it's not just here.

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2 minutes ago, waighty said:

I think you need to watch the news more. There are a few bouncers in Australia doing time for assault or worse. it's not just here.


It will be interesting to check back here sfter the trial and find out how much time these bouncers will have to do.


Do bouncers in Australia actually leave the property of the bar/club they are supposed to protect and chase down someone 100 meters away simply because of an argument or being called a name?


No wonder they are doing time.

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10 hours ago, balo said:

Thailand is not the best country to be drunk and stupid in . Unfortunately , 1000's of them are coming here every day to drink and "have fun". . Incidents like these are waiting to happen . 

Alcohol,youth and attidude,always a recipe for disaster.

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1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:


It will be interesting to check back here sfter the trial and find out how much time these bouncers will have to do.


Do bouncers in Australia actually leave the property of the bar/club they are supposed to protect and chase down someone 100 meters away simply because of an argument or being called a name?


No wonder they are doing time.

Some of the bouncers I have seen couldn't spell METRES let alone run 100 of them

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8 hours ago, saminoz said:

It seems that there is a deep, simmering hatred of farang in Thailand now (at least around the tourist areas) and it just takes the slightest excuse for it to break out into sickening violence.  It does seem to be betting more commonplace and frequent.  Even in further flung places, it seems that the local youth are feeling ever more empowered to act like this towards foreigners too.

Try watching the movie "No Escape" filmed mostly in Chiang Mai in which, due to political upheavals (a coup following an assassination, if I remember rightly), the locals start to hunt down and kill any foreigners with the  blessing and collusion of the new "Government".  Scary stuff and you really begin to believe that it could happen here.......

They are just sick of pissheads that respect nothing, that have been abusing their hospitality for nearly 50 years.They have had enough.

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11 hours ago, Thian said:

My cousins are saving money to go backpacking in Asia...i hope they don't come to Thailand.


I've been a bouncer myself when i was 20 but i never had to fight...there are plenty other ways to get them away from the party.

thailand is still a safe place. yes i know i am going to get alot of replies, but the bombs, but the roads and so on. however if you behave yourself it is easy to stay out of trouble here. 10 years in and i never got close to being in a fight in thailand. i worked in security at crown casino in australia for 6 years for bit of extra cash. all round they guys i worked with were very professional. we worked in numbers as well and on rare occasions when things went physical we could restrain and remove the punter. the general public knew that they were probably not going to get wacked as that was not how we operated. i wonder how many westerners come here not really understanding that things work differently and go around thinking they can miss behave without consequences. avoid trouble by not starting it would be my advice to anyone coming to thailand.

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1 minute ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

thailand is still a safe place. yes i know i am going to get alot of replies, but the bombs, but the roads and so on. however if you behave yourself it is easy to stay out of trouble here. 10 years in and i never got close to being in a fight in thailand. i worked in security at crown casino in australia for 6 years for bit of extra cash. all round they guys i worked with were very professional. we worked in numbers as well and on rare occasions when things went physical we could restrain and remove the punter. the general public knew that they were probably not going to get wacked as that was not how we operated. i wonder how many westerners come here not really understanding that things work differently and go around thinking they can miss behave without consequences. avoid trouble by not starting it would be my advice to anyone coming to thailand.


Thailand is a safe place...until it is not.


And then it is very unsafe.

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12 hours ago, z42 said:

Absolutely ridiculous. Good security  personnel are supposed to be experts in peaceful resolution and helping to maintain order.

Booting some lad when he's on the deck is disgusting conduct. If the roles were reversed and the Thai guy was getting the boot stuck into him i would dread to think how heavy the punishment would be.

A simple assault charge is woefully inadequate given the footage available

Good security ?  These guys are thugs hired to beat the tarnation out of people. Seems they are expert enough at their job.

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11 hours ago, sweatalot said:


And you think that gives that pack of  bouncers the right to kick repeatedly at the head of their ONE opponent who is down already?

I'm happy that I 'm not suffering from your kind of logic

I'm with you, I'm also glad I don't suffer from this deranged heap of s**ts thinking. And I would bet you tell all your friends that all the Thai Girls LUB YOU MAK MAK. And for the record AUSTRALIANS don't fight in packs but maybe some of the crap now allowed into Australia do.

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14 minutes ago, Fireyfish said:


or the pacific islander bouncers on the Gold Coast & Sydney  .... :crazy:


Once in a pooltable bar in Coogee beach Sydney there was a barfight going on. An Aussie broke his glass to stab another guy in the face with it. I saw it all happening.


The bar had 2 entrances with 2 big gorilla bouncers at each door. They came in, grabbed the guy at his shirt and dragged him to the door. There he grabbed  him at his belt and litterally threw him out like he was bag of garbage...He flew about 5 metres and landed on his face on the street.


Job done....:clap2:

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41 minutes ago, Brer Fox said:

More free advertising for TAT. Come to Thailand and get your head kicked in by Thai thugs. .


Most people that come to visit Thailand don't tell other Thais to "buck" off when they are drunk.

   Obviously not a reason to kick another person in the head but at least tell the full story.

Edited by dotpoom
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There would have been no issue had the foreigners simply moved on to another venue. Obviously they were drunk and disorderly and I am sure precipitated the bouncers becoming enraged. However, the bouncers should have never left their venue and accepted  the abuse as 'part of the job'. Kicking people when they are down is definitely assault and should be handled accordingly by the law. Everyone involved in this was wrong. The foreigners should be fined.The bouncers who kicked when the foreigner went down should do some time for assault. If I was the bar owner- I would fire the bouncers for leaving their post and causing a disruption . Foreigners need to remember one thing- that when insulted- most Thais will respond with violence and in packs. 

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go to the gold coast night clubs and the same stuff happens, doesn't make it ok, it just means if you go to places like that you should know there is always a risk especially when bouncers are pumped up on speed

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thais don't tolerate being verbally assaulted ...one F' You they may ignore it, but a couple more and drunk westerners tend to walk right in front of people - in your face and start shouting....that is what makes Thais explode...given that in the end its the bouncers fault for beating people up as well, bouncer would love to call the police, but in Thailand the police won't do anything with drunk westerns unlike the West which drunks can be arrested


Bouncers fighting guest are not a common occurrences in Thailand compare to the West. But when it does happen in Thailand its always more violent...in the West bouncers may throw a punch or two back and subdue the drunk guest and wait for the police

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As usual, when alcohol takes over all reason goes out the door.

If reported correctly,  Touros were refused entry to bar b/c one "..was very drunk", should have simply walked away, not argue w/ bouncers who were likely insulted/incited by what was said. 

There's fault on both sides. 

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3 minutes ago, mike324 said:

thais don't tolerate being verbally assaulted ...one F' You they may ignore it, but a couple more and drunk westerners tend to walk right in front of people - in your face and start shouting....that is what makes Thais explode...given that in the end its the bouncers fault for beating people up as well, bouncer would love to call the police, but in Thailand the police won't do anything with drunk westerns unlike the West which drunks can be arrested


Bouncers fighting guest are not a common occurrences in Thailand compare to the West. But when it does happen in Thailand its always more violent...in the West bouncers may throw a punch or two back and subdue the drunk guest and wait for the police


But, these bouncers chased the men down the street and attacked them. 


Anyway, the majority of bars and clubs in the US have CCTV and bouncers have very strict guidelines on the response they are allowed to give. They also complete training and the primary concern of every bar owner is litigation. They make quite certsin that their bouncers do not take a couple of extra jabs at unruly patrons...and these guys were not patrons and they were not inside the premises. They had departed. They had left the property. They were not a threat to anyone at the bar.


I don't claim to know anything about Australian bars, sadly I have never been there, but I do know how things work in the US.

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Tempers are running high, why ? with tourism" up" quality high spending Chinese visitors !.. no one making any profits simply put it anger and frustration and add to it, I am the boss  bouncer on Yaba so I will beat you up ,  locals forget that it is tourism that pays their bills 65% of the time.. Be nice to a drunk ..we all be there before..

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1 hour ago, evadgib said:

A 500 that fine? 'That'll learn 'em!'


As for the Brit bashers; In every community around the Kingdom in which foreigners are found in large numbers it is the Brits who are the most active re any initiative aimed at improving their community. I won't go too far off topic but the sort that fit the basher profile are usually ex colonials (but thankfully only a small minority) with a chip on THEIR shoulder, and with no interest whatsoever in stepping up to assist in their communities.


Anyone recognising themselves in this should give their head a wobble...


I think it is actually the Chinese are most active in community improvements, they start large companies and do things like build schools, not something you often see Brits doing.

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how come nobody is mentioning the fact the bouncer is using a weapon when hitting the guy on the floor


you can see it in his hand, and by the way he striking, that guy does deserve a heavier charge regardless of how it all started

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13 minutes ago, smew said:

Tempers are running high, why ? with tourism" up" quality high spending Chinese visitors !.. no one making any profits simply put it anger and frustration and add to it, I am the boss  bouncer on Yaba so I will beat you up ,  locals forget that it is tourism that pays their bills 65% of the time.. Be nice to a drunk ..we all be there before..


Whether its bouncers pummeling farangs or beach touts chasing off beachgoers or tuk-tuk and taxis ripping off fares or....


None of them seem to make the connection they are biting the hand that feeds them.

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