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Trump shakes up staff, intent on finishing race on own terms


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If Trump were leading a military campaign, he would change generals every month. 


Trump is a like VW microbus (with a breadbox-sized motor) getting a make-over to try and look and sound like a Maserati.  You can change the color, add some racing stripes, but it's still essentially what it is.



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19 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

If Trump were leading a military campaign, he would change generals every month. 


Trump is a like VW microbus (with a breadbox-sized motor) getting a make-over to try and look and sound like a Maserati.  You can change the color, add some racing stripes, but it's still essentially what it is.




Or say a Yugo/Lambourgini or a...    OMG, endless Trump campaign fun. I like the VW comparison but I'm thinking Trump would be a Cordova...


Rich Corinthian Leather






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3 hours ago, Chicog said:


It got him success in the primaries because he was auditioning for a bunch of racist idiots.


That (most fortunately) does not constitute the majority of Americans.



Voting to take back your country is not racist…..by your reasoning, the UK is now a country of racist idiots.

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It's about to get even CRAZIER.:cheesy:



Trump’s campaign is also likely to look more extreme, which cannot help the flailing candidate in the suburban, highly educated precincts in states such as Pennsylvania, Virginia, Colorado and North Carolina where he is hemorrhaging more upscale Republican votes. Bannon’s fascination with Palin, who turned off many such voters to John McCain after he chose her as his running mate in 2008, could aggravate, rather than ease, this problem.


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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:


Voting to take back your country is not racist…..by your reasoning, the UK is now a country of racist idiots.


It is not "your" country to "take back" and I think you'll find come November that most Americans do not want to hand it to a bunch of bigoted, whinging god botherers or a sociopathic daddy's boy.






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So this is the real trump now.

We knew it all along.


Obsessed with conspiracy theories.  

Attractive to white supremacists and fascists.


And now for some interesting strangeness:






Fears of ‘alt-right’ anti-Semitic support for Trump mark latest campaign hire


WASHINGTON – A strain of the Republican Party loosely categorized as a coalition of the alternative Right, brought together by an anger-fueled mix of tribalism, white nationalism and anti-Semitism, has found a home in recent years on the pages of Breitbart.com, a site less devoted to news reportage than it is to promoting an “alt-right” interpretation of current events.


“Trump has decided to double down on his most small, nasty and divisive instincts by turning his campaign over to someone who is best known for running a so-called news site [that traffics in] racist, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories,” Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, said on Wednesday.



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41 minutes ago, Chicog said:


It is not "your" country to "take back" and I think you'll find come November that most Americans do not want to hand it to a bunch of bigoted, whinging god botherers or a sociopathic daddy's boy.







If you believe that, then I have some ocean front property in Arizona up for sale. The fact of the matter is that the country is not going to elect Obama 2.0 after the disastrous last 8 years. Trump will win big because hard working Americans are fed up of not being the priority in their own country.

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1 hour ago, Crowes said:


If you believe that, then I have some ocean front property in Arizona up for sale. The fact of the matter is that the country is not going to elect Obama 2.0 after the disastrous last 8 years. Trump will win big because hard working Americans are fed up of not being the priority in their own country.


That's right.

They've watched a useless and poisonous Republican Congress and Senate block anything that moves and doing anything they can to please their corporate owners.


I'm only looking at pretty well every poll that shows Trump being on the wrong end of an ar$e kicking; you of course are entitled to think otherwise in the face of overwhelming evidence.



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Both of these new people, Conway and Bannon, are steeped in the far-right tinfoil hat ideology of Trump's voters.  They don't bring anything  new to his campaign, his voters are already there.  Ailes is an evil genius, he's the one to keep an eye on.  He may give Cheeto Jesus a few new tricks for the debates (if they happen at all) but if the debates consist of anything more than insults and ad hominem barbs Trump is lost -- apples don't grow on cactus.


This will give you idea of where Bannon is coming from:




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17 hours ago, mike324 said:

when reputable republican members and top republican supporting business leaders are jumping ship....you know you are on the wrong ship if you are still on the Trump Cruise ship heading straight for the ice berg in the darkness of the night

Come on now. That iceberg is proof positive against the great global warming fraud. And if we've been lied to about global warming by the MSM, maybe it isn't an iceberg anyway, but a cloud floating on the water. With that cloud I will make the deserts bloom - and I'll make God pay for it. Believe me folks.


Republicans stick stuck with and on Trump are like those people who rush out to pick up curiosities in a newly exposed bay bottom. A bay bottom revealed and exposed by an incipient tsunami.

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45 minutes ago, Crowes said:

The liberal media would never skew polls to give the impression Hillary is leading, would they? NEVER!!! LMAO


The more she is "leading", the worse it tells me she is actually doing.

The darker it is, the more likely it is to be midday. The liberal media have blocked the sun - or it was stolen by Mexicans sporting melon-like calf muscles. 

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21 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

Trump shakes up staff, intent on finishing race on own terms


Or that fact that Paul Manafort is about to get tagged with his Russian activities is a goosd time to jetason ... and try and blame that on Hilary too, heh :D


The Associated Press is reporting that Manafort and his associate Rick Gates, while working as consultants for Ukraine’s pro-Russia Party of Regions in 2012, facilitated a relationship between two American lobbying firms and a nonprofit aligned with then-Ukranian President Viktor Yanukovych and his aforementioned party. According to the press, the nonprofit then allegedly paid the two firms $2.2 million “in a way that effectively obscured the foreign political party's efforts to influence U.S. policy.” Obscuring work for foreign political entities is a felony under the U.S. Foreign Agents Registration Act. From the AP:


Ooooooooooooooops   :whistling: The net grows tighter


Looks like you left out a minor detail, the American lobbying firm is run by the brother of Hillary's campaign chairman John Podesta.  Crooked Hillary has her fingers in everything that moves international lobbying money.


Among those who described Manafort’s and Gates’s relationship with the nonprofit are current and former employees of the Podesta Group. Some of them spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to reveal details about the work and because they remain subject to non-disclosure agreements.


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23 hours ago, Berkshire said:


Desperate times calls for desperate measures.  But these moves are bizarre--Trump is basically hiring people who can help him with winning his base...except he's already won his base.  Trump really needed to move beyond that, even within the Republican Party.  Whackjob Bannon is pretty much anti-Republican establishment, so he's just going to split the GOP even further.  Many believe these moves are more about building a far right media empire than trying to win a Presidential campaign.  Which would make sense.


I told you guys.  I'm not the only one saying this....


[The theory making the rounds is that Trump’s latest campaign reshuffle isn’t really about trying to win the election. In bringing in Steve Bannon, the executive chairman of Breitbart News, and recruiting Roger Ailes, the disgraced former head of Fox News, as an adviser, Trump is making a business play: he’s laying the groundwork for a new conservative media empire to challenge Fox. ]




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10 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


I told you guys.  I'm not the only one saying this....


[The theory making the rounds is that Trump’s latest campaign reshuffle isn’t really about trying to win the election. In bringing in Steve Bannon, the executive chairman of Breitbart News, and recruiting Roger Ailes, the disgraced former head of Fox News, as an adviser, Trump is making a business play: he’s laying the groundwork for a new conservative media empire to challenge Fox. ]





Yes, this surely looks like the play here. Take this all the way to November, building conspiracy theories of rigged elections, alien invasions or whatever other stuff morons eat up, and launch a new network that guts Fox news of the crazies. Recruit Hannity, (who is free to leave because his contract says if Ailes leaves, he can leave), and all the other loony toons. Ailes will ensure it will be a huge success with this viewership demographic, as he's proven already. 

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According to title of this thread; Trump is ".....intent on finishing race on own terms."


That's good news, because whether '.....on his own terms'  or  '....according to others' terms'  Trump is failing badly, and will flounder further.


Just be glad it wasn't Cruz.    At least Cruz had a handle on what he needed to say and do to try and impress the general electorate.  Cruz was a fatally flawed candidate in several ways, but Trump is worse.  That's good news for the vast majority of Americans who don't want to see their country get flushed down the drain.


If you like how Republican Governor Brownback of Kansas crippled his state's finances, then you'll love how Trump would hobble the US economy, using his fellow Republican's same disastrous tactics.

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Breaking News!! Trump regrets!!! 


Trump in his latest speech:


"Sometimes, in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don't choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. I have done that. And believe it or not, I regret it. And I do regret it, particularly where it may have caused personal pain."


"But one thing I can promise you, is this: I will always tell you the truth."


Wow, always tell the truth too! Is this the Trump 2.0 (or 3.0?) make over?

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2 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Breaking News!! Trump regrets!!! 


Trump in his latest speech:


"Sometimes, in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don't choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. I have done that. And believe it or not, I regret it. And I do regret it, particularly where it may have caused personal pain."


"But one thing I can promise you, is this: I will always tell you the truth."


Wow, always tell the truth too! Is this the Trump 2.0 (or 3.0?) make over?


The only thing Trump regrets is if he somehow cannot manage to funnel all those mom and pop contributions into his campaign into paying off any monies he put personally into the campaign. His goal is to have been out of pocket nothing at the end, get all the suckers to pay for his free venture to start a new TV network.  

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10 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


Voting to take back your country is not racist…..by your reasoning, the UK is now a country of racist idiots.

It is when you're voting to take it back from non-white citizens. In that case, it's explicitly and directly precisely that. Racist. The Dog Whistle is has become a Klaxon. That trope of 'taking our country back' is just new version of the trope of 'states rights' - an explicitly racist campaign to ensure that blacks not vote. Wear it with pride man, wear it with pride. 

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15 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


$50K annual salary for a couple is between low and middle income so I would say this example leans more towards my point that low & middle income can afford the new ACA healthcare.


They pay only $400/month, which is quite low.


Although the 70/30 co-pay does not tell us what the deductable and out-of-pocket are.


I have single grandkids who make just over $50K/annually and they do not qualify for a subsidy. They pay over $700/month with high co-pay and deductables. CO has its own State Website.


Also, not sure if you are aware of this but each State has its own cost factors. 





That's what happens when you have to settle for as half hearted system, because a real, proper healt care system has been systematically boycotted by the Republican party.

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11 minutes ago, stevenl said:

That's what happens when you have to settle for as half hearted system, because a real, proper healt care system has been systematically boycotted by the Republican party.


I quite possibly veer from the position of my esteemed conservative colleagues on here but I fully support a proper State-run HC System; however, you are quite mistaken it was only the GOP who does not support it.


Obie could have pushed through any legislation he wanted and all he wanted was what we have today. You better take another gander at the donations ALL of our politicians receive from big-pharma, big-health networks, big-insurance, etc..



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1 hour ago, Neurath said:

It is when you're voting to take it back from non-white citizens. In that case, it's explicitly and directly precisely that. Racist. The Dog Whistle is has become a Klaxon. That trope of 'taking our country back' is just new version of the trope of 'states rights' - an explicitly racist campaign to ensure that blacks not vote. Wear it with pride man, wear it with pride. 


I didn't think obama was running for a third term so where is the non-white we are trying to unseat?


And I have nothing against blacks voting as long as they are not ex-cons.

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8 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


I quite possibly veer from the position of my esteemed conservative colleagues on here but I fully support a proper State-run HC System




Me too. I want single-user health insurance in America. People working for minimum wage can not even pay the rent.

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Roger Ailes just got fired, so this plan must have been hatched over coke and hookers last week right?


To cover himself from rabid CNN and crooked hilary fanboyz mr trump should have said:


"But one thing I can promise you, is this: I will always tell you what I believe to be the truth."

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On Thursday, August 18, 2016 at 10:06 AM, mtls2005 said:

Many believe these moves are more about building a far right media empire


OMG, Trump News headed by Roger Ailes, Unfair, and Unbalanced.



Indeed and also to the point, it looks like Trump got sick and tired of winning but now Trump is sick and tired of losing...


And who can forget when he bragged that "We’re going to win so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of winning." Apparently Trump has reached that apex of winning. Having become sick and tired of it, as he predicted, he has abandoned it in favor of losing more pitifully than any presidential candidate before him. He's bound and determined to be the best loser with the hugest, most tremendous losses ever. Losing"big league," you might say.





Donald Trump has won the hearts of the heartless. The apex of his nonexistent campaign occurred yesterday when he brought in two elite champions of the fringe lunatic right, Roger Ailes of Faux and Stephen Bannon of Breitbart. A tv guy and a print and online propaganda czar guy, each of 'em a buddy, mate, chum, pal.


This gives a new meaning to the daily show.


By inauguration day January 20th 2017 Americans will also have the new Trump Propaganda and Home Shopping Network for those who'd rather not watch the historic inauguration. Buy things cheap made in China.

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2 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


I quite possibly veer from the position of my esteemed conservative colleagues on here but I fully support a proper State-run HC System; however, you are quite mistaken it was only the GOP who does not support it.


Obie could have pushed through any legislation he wanted and all he wanted was what we have today. You better take another gander at the donations ALL of our politicians receive from big-pharma, big-health networks, big-insurance, etc..



We're going way off topic here. But yes, it was not only GOP but mainly GOP. And no, he tried, but this was the best he could get. One can only hope his successor can finish the job.

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19 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Not sure what you are talking about with US  healthcare but the only ones who can afford health insurance today are the middle and low income who receive ACA subsidies and the weslthy who have ot paid by their employers. 


Its the hard working middle class earning over $40K who can't afford coverage but now are breaking the law if they are found not to have coverage. Thats right, those hard working Americans who can't afford $1K/month in premiums with $5K deductable are breaking the law if they don't have coverage. 


As for not able to do their own taxes...the software programs today make it quite easy for even dumb Americans to do their own taxes. They no longer have to even add or subtract. 


And no I am not a Trump supporter who watches Fox news before the names start flying. 





I think you significantly overstate Obama's influence in both the House and particularly the Senate, to say nothing of the critical  changes in the Senate during the debates on the ACA that impacted the bill that eventually was passed by both.


Republican partisanship in Senate was crucial to how the whole thing played out. The final bill includes many key provisions added at request of the Republicans, including the individual mandate, that they later voted against and claimed were unconstitutional in order to not be tied to something Obama was sponsoring. 


Here is a brief, footnoted, history of the legislation. 




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