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Swiss and American hiding in Pattaya nabbed for overstay

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55 minutes ago, denkiblue555 said:


Foreigners can't own land - i.e., a proper house.

So I don't think your 'legal' claim to your last house on land was anything more than 0%? 

Condos are different of course.


So, in general I do support their "good guys in / bad guys out" - just helps you remember you will never be treated the same as a local, regardless of what your passport says.

I cant complain about treatment where i am.My step daughter told her boyfriend that i was on casual friendly relations with some of the police officers in my area, a few weeks later a police car drove up to our house and two policemen who i had never met before warned me that her boyfriend had tried to find out my financial status from the police with 'friendly banter' and warned me that they thought he was only interested in my step daughter for financial reasons. A little thing perhaps but it wasn't something that they needed to do.

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To be honest the Thai visa system is not very easy if you want to stay long term Philippines is much much easier. And you can stay 36 months without having to leave. On a visitors visa. Then come back start all over again. Vietnam you can buy and own a house. But having to leave every 90 days is a pain in the butt

2 hours ago, thhMan said:
2 hours ago, thhMan said:

Yeah... lets keep supporting this xenophobia ... Booyah (dont forget to report every 3 months, like a criminal though... or putting property/possessions in our gf/wife's possession.... Oh, don't forget to employ many thai staff, just to run your small business... AND... I am really waiting for my special SIM, so I don't have to wear an ankle bracelet )


Anyone know a good vet where I can get tracking collar for the mutt?

Yeah... lets keep supporting this xenophobia ... Booyah (dont forget to report every 3 months, like a criminal though... or putting property/possessions in our gf/wife's possession.... Oh, don't forget to employ many thai staff, just to run your small business... AND... I am really waiting for my special SIM, so I don't have to wear an ankle bracelet )


Anyone know a good vet where I can get tracking collar for the mutt?



It's not xenophobia to detain and deport illegals or who are wanted on warrants for crimes committed in their own or other countries.  All my possessions, two cars and the homes are in my name,  built on land owned and in the name of my wife.  I am treated exceptionally well at immigration when I report, never like a criminal.  But then I don't adopt the attitude that I am better than the Thais or act like an arse when things don't go my way.  Don't own any businesses so irrelevant and the special sim will never come into force.


I can't help some sneaking sympathy for the Swiss expat facing extradition to a homeland which employed fraud and theft on a grand scale to become the money-laundering and tax evasion capital of the world.


What delicious irony.


5 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

I cant complain about treatment where i am.My step daughter told her boyfriend that i was on casual friendly relations with some of the police officers in my area, a few weeks later a police car drove up to our house and two policemen who i had never met before warned me that her boyfriend had tried to find out my financial status from the police with 'friendly banter' and warned me that they thought he was only interested in my step daughter for financial reasons. A little thing perhaps but it wasn't something that they needed to do.


That is very impressive, worth keeping those new contacts I would think.

Don't know what I would say to the step-daughter though!



I'm sad as when I saw the headline that one was a Swiss I was peeing myself with excitement until I realised he wasn't Sepp Blatter.

3 hours ago, starchild5 said:

What if a guy is good as well as bad....


I'm a good guy, but I do indulge in some sin from time to time...I think majority of us are a mix of good and bad...


Thailand can be taught a lesson to respect humanity and not treat us like some Number when people spread out too other destinations in Asia.


Its all in the hands of Farangs, even if their population is lower than Chinese, they are trend setters...wherever they go, tourism picks up.


Look at Combodia, tourism is picking up there, more and more people are going to Philippines as well. Once the numbers come down, they will RELAX all these rules.


Farangs do it ...Make your way to other places...


it is always handy to have a plan B. there are so many tourist options nowadays.


i am curious how they managed to just pick a guy having a beer ( thousands are) and he turns out to be an over stayer and also wanted in his home country. lucky guess or information given to them?

3 hours ago, thhMan said:

Yeah... lets keep supporting this xenophobia ... Booyah (dont forget to report every 3 months, like a criminal though... or putting property/possessions in our gf/wife's possession.... Oh, don't forget to employ many thai staff, just to run your small business... AND... I am really waiting for my special SIM, so I don't have to wear an ankle bracelet )


Anyone know a good vet where I can get tracking collar for the mutt?

I'm just curious ... truly don't know the answer. But is it easier for foreigners (not talking refugees) to move to, let's say the USA or Australia, than to Thailand? Can I get a retirement visa and live by the beach cheaply in southern California or the Gold Coast indefinitely and without reporting requirements? If the answer is 'no', maybe we shouldn't complain so much about the rules set in Thailand. 

[My former Singapore gf, who had a master's degree from Canada and a high level job in a German company, was hassled at immigration when we visited Australia some years back. I suspect my Thai gf would have a tougher time ...]

3 hours ago, arithai12 said:

Why xenophobia? These guys had broken the law, they got caught.


a victimless crime is not a crime by any standard . i feel you are a foo foo wannabe ..... just saying 

17 minutes ago, sahibji said:

i am curious how they managed to just pick a guy having a beer ( thousands are) and he turns out to be an over stayer and also wanted in his home country. lucky guess or information given to them?

What do you think?




I've ran out of comments on this subject. However, there are a lot worse crimes committed in society and never ever has any overstayers affected my stay in Thailand nor will it in the future. 


Unfortunately, a majority of people who find themselves in this predicament are not bad people. 


This forum  has got to be one of the worst places on planet earth to expect any sympathy on this issue. 


Morning All :coffee1:

3 minutes ago, mikiea said:

a victimless crime is not a crime by any standard . i feel you are a foo foo wannabe ..... just saying 

I respect your authority on crime matters. now can you show me where was the word "crime" in my post?

19 minutes ago, sahibji said:

i am curious how they managed to just pick a guy having a beer ( thousands are) and he turns out to be an over stayer and also wanted in his home country. lucky guess or information given to them?

 The immigration police know when people have overstayed their visa and they have the address of those people.


A quick visit to the guy's place of abode and the odd query among the locals can determine where he's likely to be


Bottom line to all this is  the old saying



If you do the crime expect to do the time.



These guys both broke a law that has been highly published.


It is easy to see why one of them was overstay the american was probably because life here would be easier evenon overstay than being in the uS where he might have to work lol.




Overstay = Visa expired. Doesn't make anyone really bad. No need to get all hot and bothered over this. You pay = visa not expired. I don't care about other people's buying power (or visa in this case). 


Being banned from Thailand is a gift and blessing.

Free of the decaying evil and money sponge the dark place.

But the place is so corrupt ....anyone wishing to return have many ways in which to achieve that.

As for the good guys in.....why are so many Chinese and Russian?

Reality is few ""good people "" end up wanting to actually go there.
It's usually a poorly researched holiday mistake.


I like this administration. It's a big task from years and years of corruption but finally, they seem to be getting some sort of grip. All my years in Thailand and I have never experienced anything other than politeness and helpfulness from the Police, immigration and the general public. Then again, I am polite to them.I have never, ever had a problem with any of them.
I love it here. It is easy to be legal and obtain a visa to enable you to stay 5,10,20 years. How many other countries give you that option? There is nowhere else I really want to live. If you don't want to play by the rules here, then expect to the referee to send you off. 'Good guys in, bad guys out.......' You think it's tuff now? I have a feeling it has really only just started. The next 12 months is going to be a bit of an eye opener for some people as the clean up really notches up a gear.

2 hours ago, draks said:

Seems to me as an outsider foreigners are not over welcome in thailand , unless you have a good amount of money I guess


So newbie draks, what category are you in? Barely legal, broke and jealous or loadsamoney and smug?


1 hour ago, draks said:

To be honest the Thai visa system is not very easy if you want to stay long term Philippines is much much easier. And you can stay 36 months without having to leave. On a visitors visa. Then come back start all over again. Vietnam you can buy and own a house. But having to leave every 90 days is a pain in the butt


The Thai visa system is a walk in the park, even if you are 'short time' averse. The PI visa system is what it is and I am pretty sure the PI is chock full of fine upstanding foreigners due to their authorities benevolence... and having loadsamoney


Your claim about Vietnamese home ownership isn't true.


Getting out and about every 90 days is what keeps you fresh and unjaded. Sounds like you need a border run real bad.

40 minutes ago, Plutojames88 said:

Being banned from Thailand is a gift and blessing.

Free of the decaying evil and money sponge the dark place.

But the place is so corrupt ....anyone wishing to return have many ways in which to achieve that.

As for the good guys in.....why are so many Chinese and Russian?

Reality is few ""good people "" end up wanting to actually go there.
It's usually a poorly researched holiday mistake.

Won't be seeing you anytime soon then!! If you detest Thailand so much why are you viewing Thai Visa???? Just wondering

13 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

Don't let the plane door hit you in ......


Thanks for injecting a little mirth into an otherwise wet and dreary day here in Isaan.  :clap2:

4 hours ago, overherebc said:


Always surprised with these statements about putting everything in your wife's name. Both cars are in my name, bikes in my name, house is 50/50 owned, as was the last one and I got 50% of it when sold, although my wife pays the mortgage.

Sometimes I reckon people get some very bad advice out here.

But I'm also guessing that you have a quality wife...I don't know many farang who have married a Thai woman who was truly independent...of course many Thai women are, but most farang-Thai marriages represent a compromise--older farang who is financially better off with a younger Thai who needs security. I've met some couples who seemed perfectly matched and each individual was independent and strong...they are the happiest I think...but they are also in the fortunate minority, just from my informal observation...

4 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

be really interesting to hear why these guys overstay.


I am not saying they are right, but the most likely answer IMO would be because they have too many hoops to go through, not

everyone wants to get married, or is over fifty, or very rich that they can afford to throw away 800.000 Baht to stay here for ten years.

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