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Trump says he regrets comments that may have caused pain


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^^ Hilarious….two kids on a chat show talking nonsense to bump their ratings….nothing new…lets move on.


Typical shady ploy by crooked hillarys supporters to paint mr trump with …...allegations.


They must not be so sure , despite their various polls, of scoring a landslide in november….no wonder they resort to such cheap shots.



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3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

^^ Hilarious….two kids on a chat show talking nonsense to bump their ratings….nothing new…lets move on.


Typical shady ploy by crooked hillarys supporters to paint mr trump with …...allegations.

The Hillary supporters are just following Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", the end justifies the means.... any means including lying....  and liars gotta lie.

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While Trump is in trouble there is still a lot of time and a lot going on in the world.


First there is still all the hype against Bill and his foundation.

Assange says he has new emails 


ISIS could do something in the US that would shatter the belief that the Dems have the right idea.


Obamacare is ready to crash at any time all it will take is one more major firm topull out and notices to reach people.


Then there are the debates  Hillary has more to answer for as far as here leadership.

Remember the phone ringing at 3.  She did not do so good.

What did she do that was productive while Secretary of state.

What did she do forhte people of NEW YORK that she promised jobs to.


Trump has his issues and definitely may not have a cake walk but it is till possible.


Then there is the republican party and the whiners.  If Kasich finally mans up and honors the pledge that he and the rest badgered Trump into signing along with others.


Like I said there is still a lot of time and a lot that can happen.  Either way it will be interesting too bad Hillary will not speak to the press.





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19 minutes ago, AoChalong said:

The Hillary supporters are just following Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", the end justifies the means.... any means including lying....  and liars gotta lie.


 just following Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", the end justifies the means.... any means including lying....  and liars gotta lie.

And the Trump supporters don´t? 

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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


So now I need evidence …. why?….because I mentioned hillary


Wheres the evidence that trump raped a child?


All that exists is someone accusing him…someone who could have been a hillary stooge…like the Paki soldiers father.



You can not let this go, can you? The kid was NOT a Paki, he was an American citizen and soldier who died fighting for his country. Show some f******g respect!!

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Trumps new handlers are launching an 'apology tour'. Trump is really looking weak now, reading from the teleprompter. They will not let him speak. Look for Mike Pence to be more out front while Trump is being managed and kept quiet. Sad, if all the crazy talk does end.

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6 minutes ago, Buzzz said:

Trumps new handlers are launching an 'apology tour'. Trump is really looking weak now, reading from the teleprompter. They will not let him speak. Look for Mike Pence to be more out front while Trump is being managed and kept quiet. Sad, if all the crazy talk does end.

Don't be sad Mr. Buzz, it's still there bubbling beneath the surface. Like an overstoked boiler in basement. It will blow and blow big once again. Whilst time tear might weary Trump, there will always be his supporters to keep you entertained. 

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4 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


All that exists is someone accusing him…someone who could have been a hillary stooge…like the Paki soldiers father.



I have commented previously how these statements are peculiarly British. Generations of racism and class disempowerment lay behind such comments. The comment provides a particular insight into the British equivalent of 'white trash'; non-achieving whites stuck for generations on the bottom rung of society and now forced to share their ghettos with the colored underclass.


For those Americans who will actually be voting for Trump or Clinton in November, to understand this anti-World view then you will have to watch a couple of decades worth of episodes of Coronation Street.


It is also clear that people who make such vile comments have no real comprehension of the differences between British racism and American racism. American racism is deeply rooted in the African American experience and the political and social issues in dealing with their Latino neighbors. America is a multicultural country, a famous 'melting pot' of cultures so ethnicity is not at th root of their racism. South Asians and people from the Middle East are suspected of not assimilating due to belief driven cultural values, not through racial or ethnic characteristics. British racism, however is entirely based on ethnicity and the inherited perceived wisdom that whites are superior to non whites and it is the duty of a white man to control non whites.


Most American's I think would not pay attention to the sort of comment shown above. The ethnicity of the Gold Star family is not an issue for them. The family's faith, however was. American racists did not despise the Khan's due to their racial heritage but because of their religious and cultural heritage.


All this on a discussions of Trump suddenly turning PC because he has a new, female campaign manager. A campaign manager who believes that leopards do in fact change their spots. We'll see how that goes. Ironic is probably a too nuanced word but to see Trump bend over and play to the PC crowd after a year of 'telling it like it is' demonstrates just how political this non-politician is at his core. How will his fanboys cope? It seems they just open their gobs and swallow anything and everything that emerges from their idol's oriface. And just remain in a state of permanent denial.


I would probably bet that Trump's foray into PC-land will not extend to the liberal side. His campaign manager's effort seems to be to salve the wounds of the Republicans whom Trump targeted with his particular brand of personal abuse. His performance being so awful in the ratings that he threatens to destroy the Republican Party for generations - this is the issue being addressed with Trump's lack lustre parroting of prepared PC statements.


The statement above is disgraceful. As are previous, similar statements. A non American applying these vile, racist comments to an American context is particularly insidious and demonstrates that intellectual and ideological bankruptcy of the right wing reactionary, no matter their nationality and no matter the issue. Universalism seems to be the mantra of such people. They are equally angry at everyone in the world for their lack of success and the lack of fulfillment of their perceived status as members of the dominant race.

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4 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

All that exists is someone accusing him…someone who could have been a hillary stooge…like the Paki soldiers father.



Ha! Ha!  If anything characterised a typical Trump supporter then a comment like that is it.  Says it all really 

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1 hour ago, PTC said:


I have commented previously how these statements are peculiarly British. Generations of racism and class disempowerment lay behind such comments. The comment provides a particular insight into the British equivalent of 'white trash'; non-achieving whites stuck for generations on the bottom rung of society and now forced to share their ghettos with the colored underclass.


Gee….next thing you'll be telling me is that Anjem Choudary…..vile islamist and terrorist sympathiser is British just because he has a UK passport and citizenship…..oh wait he is British…..but ask yourself is he really?


As Ive mentioned before you guys have zero idea of how the muzzlim mind works….they don't change citizenship, just papers.

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23 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Gee….next thing you'll be telling me is that Anjem Choudary…..vile islamist and terrorist sympathiser is British just because he has a UK passport and citizenship…..oh wait he is British…..but ask yourself is he really?


As Ive mentioned before you guys have zero idea of how the muzzlim mind works….they don't change citizenship, just papers.


As a British national, Mr. Choudary has every right to expect that British culture will respect his views and for his values to be British values. The law supports this. White Imperialists do not. Your racist and classist opinions have no ore weight that Mr. Choudarys.


That his statements and actions have broken British law and he is suffering the consequences is no different from other British citizens who do not comply with the law. That you don't personally like his opinions makes entirely no difference. Your opinion does not matter more than his. This is something that the Little Englander types have failed to understand. Utterly.


Your refusal to allow Chouddary and others to have their voices heard places you outside the polity. It is a rejection of British culture and values. Should your allegiance be suspect also? Perhaps you should have your passport removed and sent back to your country of origin.

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1 hour ago, boomerexpat said:

By Khan you mean the Sharia loving (should take precedent over the Constitution) lawyer who worked for a firm tied to the Clintons, Saudi Arabia, and, by extension, the Clinton Foundation, which is under FBI and IRS investigation? Hey, maybe the Saudi's recommended him because Saudi Arabia is a Clinton Foundation donor and according to the Saudis they have raised 20% of Clinton's Campaign contributions which is over $40 Mil. Khan the "constitutional" expert who doesn't know that the constitution would not prohibit a ban on Muslims getting visas but magically knows that Trump hasn't read the constitution? The finger-wagging Khan who reportedly lied about getting his law degree from Harvard?


My favorite bit of Khan news is he reportedly used his son's foundation building for a private fetish sex club. That doesn't sound too Sharia compliant to me.




I'm sorry, you're favorite bit of "Khan news" was the son's foundation building...


You realize that's bullshit...I hope? 


If not...really, try and get more rest. Turn off the TV and the Internet. Stay off of Stormfront for the rest of the week. There's still hope. No much, but hope. I hope you'll get help. 

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Obama has been doing it FOR THE LAST EIGHT YEARS. :cheesy:


Point being? He's weak because he...stays on point? Never makes an ass of himself? Is not a constant embarrassment? He's not into yoga? Has half a brain? 


Sorry...I feel a song coming on:



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11 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Fox News fan, are we?


Post 32: slipperylobster's response:


I know you are, but what am I?  :blink:


That's it?

Is that a 60 something year old Troll or what?


Damn. A pathetic sad state of affairs... :facepalm:

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7 hours ago, Buzzz said:

Trumps new handlers are launching an 'apology tour'. Trump is really looking weak now, reading from the teleprompter. They will not let him speak. Look for Mike Pence to be more out front while Trump is being managed and kept quiet. Sad, if all the crazy talk does end.

Full sentences are quite the hurdle for him. Also not comfortable with the the absence of 'big' or 'huge' in each verbal ejaculation.

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8 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Obama has been doing it FOR THE LAST EIGHT YEARS. :cheesy:


Different is that Obama writes or significantly contributes to his own speeches. Trump just reads any old crap that some flak puts together from the talking points issued from whatever cabal his latest campaign Director is affiliated.


And look, I said all that without caps or silly pictures. Am interested, do you what your follower's former handle was. So many of the right wing nit wits have been removed that it's hard to keep track.

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32 minutes ago, PTC said:


Different is that Obama writes or significantly contributes to his own speeches. Trump just reads any old crap that some flak puts together from the talking points issued from whatever cabal his latest campaign Director is affiliated


How do you know? Obama has a TEAM of 7 speechwriters. Your claim sounds like wishful thinking.


Trump hardly ever even uses a teleprompter anyway, but when he does, you don't know who writes his speeches either.

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21 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


How do you know? He has a TEAM of 7 speechwriters. Your claim sounds like wishful thinking.


Trump hardly ever even uses a teleprompter anyway, but when he does, you don't know who writes his speeches either.


Some of us have done this type of work so can speak from experience. Of course you can choose not to believe this and start hurling around that word you continually use with no consequences.


Everybody reads speeches, whether from a piece of paper, cue cards or a teleprompter. It is a formal address. It usually involves prepared remarks or at least some preparatory thought. Those who don't read prepared remarks are wither brilliant, natural public orators or they are stupid. No need to identify which camp Trump belongs to. That is why we get such gems as 'I like charts', 'I hate mosquitos' and 'Here is my African American'.


Why is it necessary to believe that every little hypocrisy of Trumps must be countered. Some things are just so blindingly obvious that those who attempt to refute them become just another Trump doofus. Like this guy 





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30 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


How do you know? Obama has a TEAM of 7 speechwriters. Your claim sounds like wishful thinking.


Trump hardly ever even uses a teleprompter anyway, but when he does, you don't know who writes his speeches either.


Of course Obama has speech writers.

Smart people prepare their remarks, especially presidential types. They realize a single word can set Army's  marching or stock markets crashing. 


What's so funny?

Trump was previously mocking teleprompters over and over again in his earlier events where he made a fool of himself and lost the election. His remarks revealed he hadn't studied the vital issues facing the country.


Now The fool is on an apology tour reading from a ..... wait for it...a TelePrompTer . LOL







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