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Tough Situation That Is Becoming A Hassle


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Whenever I leave my condo, I always grab a motorcycle taxi. There are about 4 guys who service my condominium. Most of them are relatively easy going and will drive slowly, however there is one who I refer to in my head as "Toothless Mo-Cy". This guy drives a very old motorcycle that feels like its going to fall to pieces, and he drives it as fast as possible. He has almost killed me several times. Ive seen him sleeping on the side of the road a few times in the middle of the night. He is missing all of his front upper teeth. When I ask him to slowdown, he laughs and starts going faster.

Yesterday, he spotted me hiding behind a car waiting for him to leave with someone else so I could get a ride with the other drivers. He picked up a soda can and tossed it at me, and said something I didnt understand except 'falang'. The other Moto-Cy's, many of whom I consinder to be close friends and remarkable individualsl, all looked away.

What is my play here?

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Yeah Donz, but you're discounting Thai culture. The OP is trying to be as tactful as possible, enabling everyone to save face, especially in the light of the fact that several of the drivers are his close friends. If Mr. Fast is agressive enough to throw a soda can at him, clearly the OP needs to head off further complications.

My unfortunate experience is that in a bind, the Thais usually stick with each other, and the farang is left to his own devices. Something that might be helpful to know--do you speak Thai? Probably so, if most of the other dudes are your close friends. If so, I would take one of the more "sane" motorcycle taxi drivers for a beer some evening, and tell him you'll pay him an extra 10 baht per ride, if you can have his phone number, you call him when you're ready to go, and he meets you at the door of the condo. Ask him to tell his buddies that you have decided to choose the safest driver as your "regular" and he's your pick. If he hesitates, up the ante.

Upside: You appeal to the economic motivations of your buddies. Certainly a strong motivation for these guys who are at the bottom of the economic ladder. You also force them to talk it out among themselves. Your "chosen" driver now has to fight your battle for you. He's got a reason to.

Downside: You're paying to raise the safety factor. And, of course, if your ruse doesn't work, and he blabs to the group, your cover is completely blown. Plan "B"? Hmm, I hope another poster is more creative.

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Whenever I leave my condo, I always grab a motorcycle taxi. There are about 4 guys who service my condominium. Most of them are relatively easy going and will drive slowly, however there is one who I refer to in my head as "Toothless Mo-Cy". This guy drives a very old motorcycle that feels like its going to fall to pieces, and he drives it as fast as possible. He has almost killed me several times. Ive seen him sleeping on the side of the road a few times in the middle of the night. He is missing all of his front upper teeth. When I ask him to slowdown, he laughs and starts going faster.

Yesterday, he spotted me hiding behind a car waiting for him to leave with someone else so I could get a ride with the other drivers. He picked up a soda can and tossed it at me, and said something I didnt understand except 'falang'. The other Moto-Cy's, many of whom I consinder to be close friends and remarkable individualsl, all looked away.

What is my play here?

Big Falang behind small car - Thai see you!!!! :o

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Yeah Donz, but you're discounting Thai culture. The OP is trying to be as tactful as possible, enabling everyone to save face, especially in the light of the fact that several of the drivers are his close friends. If Mr. Fast is agressive enough to throw a soda can at him, clearly the OP needs to head off further complications.

My unfortunate experience is that in a bind, the Thais usually stick with each other, and the farang is left to his own devices. Something that might be helpful to know--do you speak Thai? If so, I would take one of the more "sane" motorcycle taxi drivers for a beer some evening, and tell him you'll pay him an extra 10 baht per ride, if you can have his phone number, you call him when you're ready to go, and he meets you at the door of the condo. Ask him to tell his buddies that you have decided to choose the safest driver as your "regular" and he's your pick. If he hesitates, up the ante.

Downside: Of course, if your ruse doesn't work, and he blabs to the group, your cover is completely blown.

I actually tried doing this last week. I asked one of them if they wanted to grab a beer, and he took out his wallet and showed me a picture of a girl and then pointed to himself. I guess he thought I was making a pass out of him. Maybe he told "Toothless Mo-Cy" about this. I dunno.

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I guess he thought I was making a pass out of him.

A close friend won't go with you for a beer because he thinks you're making a pass at him? :D

Something doesn't stack up, here.

Perhaps not as close as you think. You gotta get to first base with these guys if you want to tactfully work your way through this. If you haven't done anything socially with them as yet (like going for a beer), Thai are a bit intimidated by a one-on-one with a farang for a "first" contact. Ask a couple of them to go together with you, and then make your proposal. Then have your two buddies alternate each month or so to be your chauffeur.

As to Jealous Toothless? Hmm, maybe a "Dear John" letter? :o

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Whenever I leave my condo, I always grab a motorcycle taxi. There are about 4 guys who service my condominium. Most of them are relatively easy going and will drive slowly, however there is one who I refer to in my head as "Toothless Mo-Cy". This guy drives a very old motorcycle that feels like its going to fall to pieces, and he drives it as fast as possible. He has almost killed me several times. Ive seen him sleeping on the side of the road a few times in the middle of the night. He is missing all of his front upper teeth. When I ask him to slowdown, he laughs and starts going faster.

Yesterday, he spotted me hiding behind a car waiting for him to leave with someone else so I could get a ride with the other drivers. He picked up a soda can and tossed it at me, and said something I didnt understand except 'falang'. The other Moto-Cy's, many of whom I consinder to be close friends and remarkable individualsl, all looked away.

What is my play here?

Why would you consider them "close friends"???

If you are not related to them, or have some other common shared interests, i would not make the mistake of calling them "close friends".

The guy throwing a soda bottle can :o (happy, toptuan?) is out of order, and you have to do something about it, otherwise it will go worse. And you have lost major face by allowing this treatment.

If you have though no friends in the area, or relatives that can show him that it is a mistake to treat you this way, i can see a very difficult situation coming up.

Do you know any cop in your local police station who could have a quiet word with the guy? It would not be a mistake to report this incident, because then they have this already in file in case something worse happens in the future.

Cases like this show the importance of making friends here. If you have Thai friends, then this would not happen, or only once.

Edited by ColPyat
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Just tell your girlfriend, the one who threw the play station at your folks, she'll sort him out ... :o


...unless he kicked her out already.... :D


It shouldnt turn out to be a problem for you, Depending on what soi it is ( What soi is it by the way ) the guys normaly go by there numbers on the Queing board. I doubt he is always next up,But you should tell him that he scares you how he drives , they mighy giggle some but they do understand.

Only problem I can see is that if he thinks already that you are "HiS Costomer" then the others might not offer you a ride while he is there.

GoodLuck and keep you knees tucked in. :D

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Should have thrown the can right back at him.

If you can't handle a moto driver that drives too fast or work out a way to deal with the situation (IE. DONT GET ON THE BACK OF THE BIKE AND ASK HIM TO DRIVE YOU SOMEWHERE!) then perhaps its time to consider moving back to wherever your from and asking your parents to let you have your old bedroom back. :o

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Why do you want to be 'close friends' with a moto driver? All that's needed is to be civil. Hello and Goodbye is enough. Same goes for condo guards and all the staff.

Smile sweetly and tell the guy he drives toooo fast for you and you have no money for hospital bills.

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If you can't handle a moto driver that drives too fast or work out a way to deal with the situation... then perhaps its time to consider moving back to wherever your from and asking your parents to let you have your old bedroom back. :D

Biff!....Bang!....Ouch! You sound like my no-nonsense 7th grade physical ed teacher who laughed at us when we told him it was too cold outside to play football in our t-shirts and shorts. :o Callous! :D

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Ferang 007

In this situation I would tell Toothless Mo-Cy (TMC) that you are to scared to go with, in front of the other drivers, and make some humorous jesture about a weak heart or the such, or having to get a clean pair of underpants every time you use him.

Inject humour play the hapless ferang, it will soften the situation, cause less loss of face and the other riders will warm to you more.

When asked why you get scared do not critisise TMC his driving or attitude, just use the broken record technique and keep on repeating that you are too scared. This way you will seem to be a scared Ferang and TMC does not lose face if anything he will probably think he is more macho than you (so what who cares you win).

Now try and get one of the other riders to take you.

If no one offers walk away, catch a taxi

The next day back to the broken record technique "I am to scared". sooner or later one of the other drivers will take you.

Good luck


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i got a cracker idea mate,

throw a plate of chicken and spagetti with sauce and grated chedder cheese at him like my top mum did to my dad. :D:D

frigging scared my old man half to death and me as well . :D:D

stopped the old man from being a tosser. :D

cheers :o

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Now the birds out the picture you're looking for new friends, it's understandable.

Invite the guys round for an evening on the playstation, they'll have to bring their own joystick though, unless they know a plumber.

What happened to the bird anyway?

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The next day back to the broken record technique "I am to scared". sooner or later one of the other drivers will take you.

Good luck


Yes, and that way you prove to everybody that it is absolutely safe to treat you like a fool.

If you show to people that you can't stand up for yourself - it is an open invitation for everybody who holds a grudge against farang to take liberties with you.

No, he should have said straight away that he won't go with that guy instead of hiding behind a car. Making those sort of jokes after having been on the receivng end of a thrown soda can is a bit late.

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Now the birds out the picture you're looking for new friends, it's understandable.

Invite the guys round for an evening on the playstation, they'll have to bring their own joystick though, unless they know a plumber.

What happened to the bird anyway?

Maybe she's still in Phuket trying to prize the play station out of the Loo..

My God you guys are taking this idot seriously..

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Yes, and that way you prove to everybody that it is absolutely safe to treat you like a fool.

If you show to people that you can't stand up for yourself - it is an open invitation for everybody who holds a grudge against farang to take liberties with you.

No, he should have said straight away that he won't go with that guy instead of hiding behind a car. Making those sort of jokes after having been on the receivng end of a thrown soda can is a bit late.

Playground bully-mentality. Your reaction works in a British pub, setting you up for a good brawl, mate. This is Thailand. You get on the bad side of a gaggle of Moto-Cy's in your neighborhood, and you lose. [stop and read the thread about farangs fighting Thais.]

I would wager Mosquitoman has lived here decades longer than you. And the OP is smart enough to know that, as a guest in this country, you try to handle these things as amicably as possible.

P.S. How many brawls you been in, ColPyat? In the old country? In Thailand?

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Why would anyone even consider to take a motobike-taxi ? :o

Because it's cheaper than a car-taxi ? :D

It's so bl__dy dangerous and your life is worth more than a crazy-driving motobike driver who's not only playing with his own life, but yours too !

Get real !


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Hiding behind a car :o now thats funny.

Give toothlesstiger a bottle of whiskey, tell him no hard feelings but you dont wanna ride his ride anymore.

And I might suggest you get out more and find some more idols ....'remarkable individuals' indeed, they got you sussed nancy.

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The next day back to the broken record technique "I am to scared". sooner or later one of the other drivers will take you.

Good luck


Yes, and that way you prove to everybody that it is absolutely safe to treat you like a fool.

If you show to people that you can't stand up for yourself - it is an open invitation for everybody who holds a grudge against farang to take liberties with you.

No, he should have said straight away that he won't go with that guy instead of hiding behind a car. Making those sort of jokes after having been on the receivng end of a thrown soda can is a bit late.


I am advocating that the OP walk up to all the riders and use honesty and say that he is to scared to get on the bike, so scared in fact that he had to hide behind cars, which is the truth, no one can argue with this. I am also advising him not to critisise in any way just repeat I am to scared. Injecting humour in these type of situations is also a big winner.

Being honest in this situation will not make youy look like a fool.

The worst thing the OP can do is hide behind a car he is then behaving like a hunted animal and therefore gets cans thrown at him, this makes him look like a fool to all.


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Now the birds out the picture you're looking for new friends, it's understandable.

Invite the guys round for an evening on the playstation, they'll have to bring their own joystick though, unless they know a plumber.

What happened to the bird anyway?

Maybe she's still in Phuket trying to prize the play station out of the Loo..

My God you guys are taking this idot seriously..

whats an idot mr duck. :D

and dont say me ok. :o

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Whenever I leave my condo, I always grab a motorcycle taxi. There are about 4 guys who service my condominium. Most of them are relatively easy going and will drive slowly, however there is one who I refer to in my head as "Toothless Mo-Cy". This guy drives a very old motorcycle that feels like its going to fall to pieces, and he drives it as fast as possible. He has almost killed me several times. Ive seen him sleeping on the side of the road a few times in the middle of the night. He is missing all of his front upper teeth. When I ask him to slowdown, he laughs and starts going faster.

Yesterday, he spotted me hiding behind a car waiting for him to leave with someone else so I could get a ride with the other drivers. He picked up a soda can and tossed it at me, and said something I didnt understand except 'falang'. The other Moto-Cy's, many of whom I consinder to be close friends and remarkable individualsl, all looked away.

What is my play here?

I have no idea how long you've been around LOS, but I wonder, these mc taxi drivers that you consider 'close friends and remarkable individuals', any idea what they consider you to be?

Thailand can be a really dangerous place for farang with pure, innocent hearts and minds. Take care who you believe and trust. Better, take years to trust. Better still, never fully trust.

Actually, you're probably some old fart taking the piss coz you're bored. :o

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