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Buying land that is classified as สปก


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I did a quick search here but came up empty handed so I'm opening a new thread. 

First, what is สปก in English? If I understood it correctly, it's land that cannot offically be sold, but can only be passed down from generation to generation (within the same family that is). If this is in fact the case, then a usufruct is obviously a no-go. 

Secondly, have any of you purchased such land and if so, how did things turn out for you? 

Feedback much appreciated. 

Edited by djayz
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My wife bought land that you had to be a family member, it was owned by a distant cousin or something. Anyway, by the time all was said and done and it was in her name, almost a year later, the title was a full chanote, we're not sure how that happened, but are quite happy about it. The price of the land basically doubled overnight.

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk

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