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Trump to black voters: 'What the hell do you have to lose?'


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Trump to black voters: 'What the hell do you have to lose?'


JILL COLVIN, Associated Press


DIMONDALE, Michigan (AP) — Republican Donald Trump again made a direct appeal to black voters Friday night, urging them to abandon the Democratic Party and give him a chance.


Speaking at a rally in Dimondale, Michigan, an overwhelmingly white suburb outside of Lansing, the GOP nominee argued that Democrats, including his rival Hillary Clinton, have taken advantage of African-American voters and taken their votes for granted.


"Tonight, I'm asking for the vote of every single African-American citizen in this country who wants to see a better future," Trump told the crowd.


"What do you have to lose by trying something new, like Trump?" he asked them. "You're living in your poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed — what the hell do you have to lose?"


He also made a bold prediction: "At the end of four years, I guarantee you that I will get over 95 percent of the African-American vote. I promise you."

Most polls show Trump trailing Clinton significantly among black voters. President Barack Obama won roughly 93 percent of black voters in his re-election campaign in 2012.


But Trump once again accused Clinton of "bigotry," claiming she sees African-Americans "only as votes, not as human beings worthy of a better future,"

And he painted a dismal role of life for African-Americans in the workforce, declaring that, in cities like Detroit, they "have become refugees in their own country."


On Twitter, the Clinton campaign responded, "This is so ignorant it's staggering."


The Clinton campaign's Marlon Marshall added in a statement: "Donald Trump asks what the African-American community has to lose by voting for him.


The answer is everything from a man who questions the citizenship of the first African-American President, courts white supremacists, and has been sued for housing discrimination against communities of color."


Marshall said, "Trump painting the entire community as living in poverty with no jobs continues to show he is completely out of touch with the African-American community."


-- © Associated Press 2016-08-20
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The Bloviator really is an ignorant, repulsive piece of work.


He has the gaul to stand and spew this to an entire race:


"You're living in your poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs,

58 percent of your youth is unemployed, what the hell do you have to lose?"


This is what this Silver Spoon, Ivory Tower dwelling cretin believes.

This man-child is a Doom and Gloom purveyor of the First Degree.

And of course, a liar.

This buffoon has been spewing that made up number of "58%" since January.

Easily fact checked by others many times:


Trump and the Black Vote


"We can quickly dispense of Trump’s claim that unemployment among black youths is 58 percent."

"That’s more than twice as high as the official unemployment rate."

"The Bureau of Labor Statistics says the unemployment rate in January was 25.2 percent for blacks ages 16 to 19."



Does this Clown ever get anything right?


"Trump painting the entire community as living in poverty with no jobs,

continues to show he is completely out of touch with the African-American community."



And lest we forget this:

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White


"According to the data, 37.6% of food stamps were being allotted to White non-Hispanics."

"African Americans were allotted 23.6% of SNAP benefits."




Dunning Kruger.

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I'm going to quote this guy, not because I always (or often) agree with him.  But he's got this one right, and more articulate than I could be:


Trump is vulgar, ill-informed and poorly spoken.  He has no foreign policy credentials and a disturbing inclination to give credit to Russia’s Vladimir Putin where it isn’t due.  But he has one thing that the fifty former officials lack, and that is healthy common sense. 


One can’t find many prominent national security officials to oppose the signators of the anti-Trump letter because a whole generation of functionaries has been bred from the same stable.  America will have to learn foreign policy from scratch.  For my money, I’ll take the rough-edged outsider over the recidivist failures.



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1 minute ago, CRUNCHER said:

What have blacks got to lose?  Welfare payments.  It is the only reason democrats get the "black vote" and it is the only reason Clinton is going to win.

So what you're saying is that virtually all black Americans are on welfare?  Because according to polls, Trump is getting virtually none of their votes.  Racist much?

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Welfare and food stamps might tighten up when Trump gains the White House.


Trumps biggest obstacle is the never-ending litany of bashing he gets and to overcome that his presence in Louisiana the past few days handing out relief from his own pocket while his opponents are noticeably absent can only help with the Black Vote!  

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6 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Welfare and food stamps might tighten up when Trump gains the White House.


Trumps biggest obstacle is the never-ending litany of bashing he gets and to overcome that his presence in Louisiana the past few days handing out relief from his own pocket while his opponents are noticeably absent can only help with the Black Vote!  

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards — a Democrat — told reporters this week he would discourage a presidential trip because law enforcement and rescue officials would have to be diverted to secure the visit.

"I would just as soon have those people engaged in the response rather than trying to secure the president," Edwards said. "So I’d ask him to wait, if he would, another couple weeks."

Edwards' office said Trump's people did not contact the governor's office about his visit and expressed the hope that it would not be just a "photo-op."


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10 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

So what you're saying is that virtually all black Americans are on welfare?  Because according to polls, Trump is getting virtually none of their votes.  Racist much?

I don't know where you got "virtually all" from in my post, but for sure a great many are on welfare.


Whether Trump will stop or reduce handouts I do not know, but by improving American he will do more, in real terms, for blacks and other minorities than Clinton ever will.  The only minority to benefit under Clinton will be Wall Street.

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1 minute ago, CRUNCHER said:

I don't know where you got "virtually all" from in my post, but for sure a great many are on welfare.


Whether Trump will stop or reduce handouts I do not know, but by improving American he will do more, in real terms, for blacks and other minorities than Clinton ever will.  The only minority to benefit under Clinton will be Wall Street.

Let me quote to you your words again: "Welfare payments.  It is the only reason democrats get the "black vote" "  So, if it's the "only reason", that must mean that all blacks are on welfare.  If you had said "it's one of the reason" it would be a different story. But your bigotry betrayed you. Or, rather, you betrayed it.

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The Text-Book Racist Bloviator continues his incoherent, delusional babble:


“I guarantee you that I will get over 95% of the African-American vote. I promise you”


Lovin' it.

One more nail in the coffin of his ridiculous statements. :thumbsup:



Donnie, just give it up and go home to prepare for your Coast to Coast fraud charges bilking people out of millions, 

and the 11 sexual assault charges of a minor.

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Trump is right.  What do they have to lose?  All major areas dominated by the Democrats for so many years are nothing but blight areas.  They are needed by Democrats for votes only to control power.


A remark was made about the Unemployment Rate.  Said the numbers Trump gives out can't be true because it is twice the 'Official' government number.   You believe the Government numbers?  The Government numbers are either higher or lower than what is reported to make the Administration look good.  Do you really believe the Unemployment is only 4.9% in this country.  NO WAY.

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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

He certainly doesn't talk like clinton….she would have flattered them, pandered to them and then after getting their votes, forget about them.

Anybody who actually knows just a little about the unemployment number is familiar with the fact the the government publishes several unemployment numbers every month.  The 4.9% figure is colloquially referred to has headline unemployment. Go to bls.gov and educate yourself.

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Actually, Im not sure how much better things can get for the black community…they've had their hero at the top for 8 years…..you'd think if there was a chance in hell that things could improve, then they would have already….instead things have actually gotten worse and worse….look at all the white cops killing blacks….its a disaster.

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6 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

….look at all the white cops killing blacks….its a disaster.


Most of the shooting turned out to be justified and a lot of the black witnesses lied about what happened. I do not think that is very good example.

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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Most of the shooting turned out to be justified and a lot of the black witnesses lied about what happened. I do not think that is very good example.


Point taken…Im just trying to put myself in the shoes of a black person :whistling:

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5 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

The Donald can't seem to win; he's trying to get the black vote. If he didn't try to get the black vote then he'd also get the same type of comments against him.



He isn't trying to get the afro-American vote. If he was, he would hold rallies and give this speech at traditional venues such has churches.  This was cynical attempt in front of a white audience to appear less racist and get the moderate suburban white vote.



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7 minutes ago, up-country_sinclair said:

He "guarantees" and "promises" that he will get 95%  of the African-American vote.


His words.  Not mine or those of anyone else.


No one should need additional evidence that Trump's guarantees and promises are worthless. 

Well, to be accurate, he said he would get them in his 2020 re-election.

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11 hours ago, iReason said:

The Bloviator really is an ignorant, repulsive piece of work.


He has the gaul to stand and spew this to an entire race:


"You're living in your poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs,

58 percent of your youth is unemployed, what the hell do you have to lose?"


This is what this Silver Spoon, Ivory Tower dwelling cretin believes.

This man-child is a Doom and Gloom purveyor of the First Degree.

And of course, a liar.

This buffoon has been spewing that made up number of "58%" since January.

Easily fact checked by others many times:


Trump and the Black Vote


"We can quickly dispense of Trump’s claim that unemployment among black youths is 58 percent."

"That’s more than twice as high as the official unemployment rate."

"The Bureau of Labor Statistics says the unemployment rate in January was 25.2 percent for blacks ages 16 to 19."



Does this Clown ever get anything right?


"Trump painting the entire community as living in poverty with no jobs,

continues to show he is completely out of touch with the African-American community."



And lest we forget this:

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White


"According to the data, 37.6% of food stamps were being allotted to White non-Hispanics."

"African Americans were allotted 23.6% of SNAP benefits."




Dunning Kruger.

Like all statistics the ones you furnished can be a bit misleading.  According to 2015 population statistics that I found Whites account for 77.1% of the population, African Americans 13.3%, and Hispanics 17.6%.  Where as 2014 SNAP statistics show Whites account for 39.8 % of the recipients, while African Americans account for 25.5 % and Hispanics 10.9%.  So African Americans are taking 25% of the benefits but account for only 13.3 % of the population. So yes the white population may be taking a larger percentage of the benefits but they also account for 77.1 percent of the population.  So in reality that means there is a higher percentage of African Americans on Food Stamps than any other segment.  


Further, Trump like all politicians uses figures that tend to advance an argument.  While the use of numbers of blacks that are in high school or not looking for work might help inflate the percentage for a narrative, there is no doubt that unemployment for black youth is much higher than other groups.  I do not generally quibble with statistics thrown out by politicians or political groups as they all tend to give the stats that advance their argument.


The simple question Trump is asking is whether blacks are any better off than 10 years ago.  If one really looks at the economy, you would have to say no. We do indeed have more people across the board on food stamps and other benefits than 10 years ago. Government numbers show that. I think with Trump and most conservatives, it is a better economy that will bring about real change for people, not increased benefits (jobs also bring increased tax revenue).  I think what Trump is trying to say is that trade deals that shift the solid blue collar manufacturing jobs out of the country and the increase in financial service sector jobs (white collar) that increase the wealth of Wall Street are having a negative impact on the economy.  Having been in aerospace and semi conductor manufacturing, it is obvious to me that there have been shifts of manufacturing overseas.  With a 1/2 trillion dollar trade deficit which is being financed by foreign investment, along with increasing national debt every year, someone with a business mind whether republican or democrat needs to start telling the truth and at least Trump is talking. You may not like the messenger but think about the message.  I for one am willing to take a chance that this messenger might just bring come common sense to government instead of the politics of power hungry politicians of which Hillary is certainly at the top.  It is time for a business mind to try his hand rather than a politician promising increased health care, college education for everyone who wants it, all with no plan of paying for it other than increasing taxes.  Just breaking even on the revenue and expenditures of the US Government would take a tax hike no one would even begin to accept much less adding more to the expenditure side of the equation.  Politicians promise a lot and generally deliver nothing.  Trump maybe loud mouthed, and be his own worse enemy, but underneath all his statements that make the liberal dominated press so happy, he has a message about the real economic plight of the USA, something most liberals seem to want to overlook, while looking for a more idealistic world. There is no doubt in my mind that without some kind of dynamic change in thinking coming out of Washington, we will continue spending on the credit card trying to pacify the masses with freebies and eventually break the bank.  According to the Wall Street Journal (Apr 10, 2015) the top 20% of earners pay 84% of income taxes (that top 20% starts at just $134,000 per year).  The liberals keep talking about paying for everything by taxing the rich but if one looks at the statistical breakdown of increasing taxes on this segment one realizes it still won't bring in the revenue needed to pay for the liberal agenda.  The liberals always have a way of paying for their programs but it never quite works out like they say it will.  Watching as United Health Care and Aetna pull out of Obamacare clearly indicates that the program was not well thought out and vetted in public before Congress rushed to pass the legislation.  It is clearly unsustainable in the long run and will require government intervention as insurance companies cannot and will not operate sustaining losses.  Government should be the safety net for the people but not a social engineer to make all things utopian.  It's just not feasible.

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