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Trump to black voters: 'What the hell do you have to lose?'


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Hmmm Megyn Kelly this morning. Judging by the evasive nature of the Trump campaigns responses to questions about Trumps previous promises to set up a "Deportation Force" and deport 11 million unregistered aliens, I think you can safely predict that:

(I)  He was told at the weekend that Hispanics aren't going to vote for him unless he flip flops on this issue.

(II) He's going to flip flop on this issue.




Obviously, the big question is: Can he do it without upsetting the racist morons that he attracted with that promise in the first place?


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Too late for Trump.


His racism across the board is baked in already. So's the Xenophobia. So's the manic personality.


No respectable voter is going to vote Donald Trump. Privately or by letting family know, to include neighbors to know, colleagues, associates etc. (The only question about Trump's rally crowds is how many trailer park populations can he pack into an arena.)


For all of Clinton's faults, not among them is hatemongering on the basis of race, religion, national origin, skin color, being female of any age or demographic, being of prisoner of war, being a Gold Star Family and the rest of it. Millennials reject Trump outright. Suburban Republican women throughout the country flee Trump as the party's nominee.


The lunatic right has seized control of the Republican party in this 2016 Potus election and both have already begun to suffer for it profoundly and broadly. Perhaps irrecoverably.

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5 hours ago, Publicus said:


Too late for Trump.


His racism across the board is baked in already. So's the Xenophobia. So's the manic personality.


No respectable voter is going to vote Donald Trump. Privately or by letting family know, to include neighbors to know, colleagues, associates etc. (The only question about Trump's rally crowds is how many trailer park populations can he pack into an arena.)


For all of Clinton's faults, not among them is hatemongering on the basis of race, religion, national origin, skin color, being female of any age or demographic, being of prisoner of war, being a Gold Star Family and the rest of it. Millennials reject Trump outright. Suburban Republican women throughout the country flee Trump as the party's nominee.


The lunatic right has seized control of the Republican party in this 2016 Potus election and both have already begun to suffer for it profoundly and broadly. Perhaps irrecoverably.


Actually you have raised an interesting point. "No respectable voter is going to vote Donald Trump. Privately or by letting family know, to include neighbors to know, colleagues, associates etc." Because of the continual ridicule  by holier than thou name calling sneerers almost exclusively from left field, there is bound to be a sector of people who quietly keep their opinions to themselves. These are the folk not picked up by the polls so it is my contention that despite what the polls say either way, the  final outcome is by no means a foregone conclusion.

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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

They have plenty to lose.

trump would pack the supreme court with "justices" dedicated to suppress their right to vote.


You mean their "right" to vote without proving who they are. You need an ID to take a bus or buy cigarettes. Voting is lot more important.

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7 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You mean their "right" to vote without proving who they are. You need an ID to take a bus or buy cigarettes. Voting is lot more important.

Voting is a right, not a privilege.  And there is virtually no voter impersonation fraud in the USA.  

A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast


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On 8/22/2016 at 11:16 AM, attrayant said:


Yeah, giving speeches in areas that are less than 1% African American is a great way to reach out to them.  And now he's campaigning for 2020 by claiming he'll win 95% of the AA vote then.  I mean come on; at least make semi-plausible outlandish claims.

Trump's supporters actually believe this 95% number without flinching nor embarrassment.

To his core supporters, Trump can do no wrong, and his outrageous claims are seen as the prophecies of a Higher Being.

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On 8/20/2016 at 5:16 PM, CRUNCHER said:

What have blacks got to lose?  Welfare payments.  It is the only reason democrats get the "black vote" and it is the only reason Clinton is going to win.


Spot on....as far as handouts are concerned.

Blacks forget that the Democratic Party was "The Party of Slavery"....and they still are !


The black community has been trained to vote for the breadcrumbs tossed to them.  They are kept away from opportunity by the same system.  Virtually enslaved to vote for the Democratic Party.


Horrible stuff....it needs to change.  I don't see them ripping out of this syndrome of baited loyalty...however.  


Are things better for them.....?   Nope.




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26 minutes ago, Linzz said:


Actually you have raised an interesting point. "No respectable voter is going to vote Donald Trump. Privately or by letting family know, to include neighbors to know, colleagues, associates etc." Because of the continual ridicule  by holier than thou name calling sneerers almost exclusively from left field, there is bound to be a sector of people who quietly keep their opinions to themselves. These are the folk not picked up by the polls so it is my contention that despite what the polls say either way, the  final outcome is by no means a foregone conclusion.


The polling is solidifying, however, it ain't over till it's over and it's not over till the fat lady sings (if I may mix the metaphors).


There is no one or group that are significantly hiding from the polling organisations. There are no magic spirits that will change the vast gap between the Clinton-Kaine voters and the Trump-Pence voters. The professional polling is consistent and proven over decades of developing their scientific paradigms and techniques, methods.


No group is hiding from 'em. They poll up till you go to the polling station and they poll you when you come out. No reason or purpose to deny 'em. The difference between Clinton and Trump is too vast for some silent bunch to rise up in a huge number to reverse all existing trends.


In 1964 Goldwater was behind all the way and he got clobbered. In 1972 McGovern was behind all the way and he lost 49 states. In 1984 Mondale was behind all the way and he too lost 49 states. It's called reality.

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5 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You mean their "right" to vote without proving who they are. You need an ID to take a bus or buy cigarettes. Voting is lot more important.


Yes, it's funny how they tried little tricks like making it harder to get photo ID, blocking early voting, blocking voting day registration....

Still, glad that little Jim Crow effort has mainly been thrown out.


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Just now, Chicog said:


Yes, it's funny how they tried little tricks like making it harder to get photo ID, blocking early voting, blocking voting day registration....


 Actually, many states offer FREE photo ID. You really have no idea what is going on in the US.

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27 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:



Unlike you, I actually live in America, so very in touch. Don't believe everything you read on the Internet.


Yes, I can just imagine you hanging around the hood with the brothers.



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16 minutes ago, tx22cb said:

Trump's supporters actually believe this 95% number without flinching nor embarrassment.



How do you know? Most people realize that it is just political rhetoric. It sounds like you are just making things up. 

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:

 Actually, many states offer FREE photo ID. You really have no idea what is going on in the US.

By law, they have to otherwise it would be a poll tax. But what you don't say is that they have to get there to vote. Usually it's the motor vehicle bureau.. Alabama  recently closed 31 offices in mostly black rural counties. When the Feds threatened to intervene Alabama reversed itself and opened them back up but with severely reduced hours. Under George W. Bush, Hans Von Spakowsky approved a Georgia voter registration plan that assigned vans to supplement the DMV offices. Oh wait, did I say vans?  No, it was one van for the entire state of Georgia. North Carolina was caught out blatantly discriminating against black voters. The legislature asked to see how changes to voting laws  would effect different portions of the populace. The changes that were reckoned to reduce black voter turnout were the ones that were approved. The legislature left a huge trail of evidence so the court threw out the changes. In Texas, you can vote if you produce a gun license. But if you have an ID card from the State University system, not good enough. Do you think maybe that's because young people tend to vote Democratic?

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

By law, they have to otherwise it would be a poll tax. But what you don't say is that they have to get there to vote.


Big deal. I have to go to a polling place to vote too and I have to have a photo ID. Quite frankly, I do not see how someone could live without one anyway.  Voters do have some responsibilities. 

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47 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Big deal. I have to go to a polling place to vote too and I have to have a photo ID. Quite frankly, I do not see how someone could live without one anyway.  Voters do have some responsibilities. 

The thing is, and I notice you haven't addressed it, there is virtually no voter impersonation fraud in the USA. Richard Posner, the distinguished conservative jurist, who ruled in favor of voter ID laws now regrets his vote. He said had he been aware of all the data, he would never have found in favor of it.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

 Actually, many states offer FREE photo ID. You really have no idea what is going on in the US.


Oh UG, please, do you have access to magical interweb news sites that I don't?

Try this for size:



A federal court in Texas found that 608,470 registered voters don’t have the forms of identification that the state now requires for voting. For example, residents can vote with their concealed-carry handgun licenses but not their state-issued student university IDs.


Nice one. Eliminate students on a technicality because they're likely to vote against you.






Depending on which counties you count as being in Alabama's Black Belt, either twelve or fifteen Black Belt counties soon won't have a place to get a driver's license.

Counties where some of the state's poorest live.

Counties that are majority African-American.



Eliminate places to get a photo ID that just happen to be populated by African Americans, because they're likely to vote against you.




On Friday, a three-judge panel of the Virginia-based 4th Circuit Court of Appeals blocked North Carolina's law that limited to six the number of acceptable photo IDs. The law also curtailed early voting and eliminated same-day registration.

The court said the North Carolina provisions targeted African Americans with "almost surgical precision."






In Wisconsin, a federal judge threw out a host of election laws, while allowing the state's voter ID law to remain in place with substantial limitations. U.S. District Judge James Peterson ordered the state to quickly issue credentials valid for voting to anyone trying to obtain a free photo ID but lacking underlying documents such as birth certificates.

He struck down restrictions on absentee and early voting, saying they discriminated against blacks. He also struck down an increase in residency requirements from 10 to 28 days, a prohibition on using expired but otherwise qualifying student IDs to vote and a prohibition on distributing absentee ballots by fax or email.





Republicans have been pulling these Jim Crow stunts for years all over the place.

It's a matter of public record.

Of course, you live in America, so feel free to point out if the websites I am using "have no idea what is going on in the US", won't you?




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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Another misperception about the USA on your part. There are plenty of "brothers" who don't live in ghettos. :rolleyes:


Yeah, I know, I spent most of July with them in Glendale and Pasadena.

Very pleasant and most educational it was, too.



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16 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Oh UG, please, do you have access to magical interweb news sites that I don't?



You mean like this one? FREE ID is easily available in Texas.


One form of identification that can be used for voting purposes is an Election Identification Certificate (EIC). You may apply for an EIC at no charge. However, if you already have any of the following forms of ID, you are not eligible for an EIC:

  • Texas driver license—unexpired
  • Texas personal identification card—unexpired
  • Concealed Handgun License (CHL) or License to Carry (LTC)—unexpired
  • U.S. passport book or card—unexpired
  • U.S. Military identification with photo— unexpired
  • U.S. Citizenship Certificate or Certificate of Naturalization with photo

Texans can obtain an EIC at:


It certainly IS a matter of public record. Alabama has FREE voter ID too. :lol:


Free Alabama Photo Voter ID Locations

You may obtain a free Alabama photo voter ID card at one of the following locations


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Yeah that's super. In white suburbs are they?


Serious question.


Because, you know,




On Wednesday, Alabama’s Law Enforcement Agency announced that it wasclosing down 31 “driver license offices” around the state due to an $11 million cut in the budget that funded those operations. The closed offices hosted part-time DMV workers in mostly rural counties. This might seem like a typical, unfortunate spate of layoffs that come with budget cuts. But Al.com columnist Kyle Whitmire wrote in a recent op-ed that “there's something bigger happening here.”

Whitmire ties the DMV office closings to the state’s voter photo-ID law, passed in 2011, which went into effect last year. These laws, which have been popping up in several states over the past few years, have been controversial because they tend to make it more difficult for certain populations to vote. That happens to be African Americans, Latino Americans, women, and college students—groups least likely to need or have a photo ID, or who have IDs that have don’t fit within the often-narrow constraints of voter ID laws. According to Whitmire, as many as half of the counties where the DMV closings are taking place are in the rural “Black Belt,” where large populations of poor African Americans live.




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14 minutes ago, Chicog said:

Yeah that's super. In white suburbs are they?




They are closing down DMV offices all over the state to prevent blacks from voting? Sounds like another conspiracy theory. Of course, far left propaganda does not mention that. :giggle:


Too bad that there are dozens of County Board of Registrars Office Locations and mobile locations where they can obtain FREE voter IDs. Most Americans are well aware of FREE voter ID.


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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

But the thing is Trump doesn't seem to believe that. In his speech he spoke to African Americans as though they were all living in dire poverty.



He was probably talking to the ones that are living in poverty. Their jobless rate is almost twice that of whites.

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


They are closing down DMV offices all over the state to prevent blacks from voting? Sounds like another conspiracy theory. Of course, far left propaganda does not mention that. :giggle:


Too bad that there are dozens of County Board of Registrars Office Locations and mobile locations where they can obtain FREE voter IDs. Most Americans are well aware of FREE voter ID.



Or perhaps, as the Federal Appeals court stated, Republicans have been using every dirty trick in the books to stop African Americans voting.


They said it, I'm merely reporting it.

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1 hour ago, Chicog said:


They said it, I'm merely reporting it.



Who is "they" - far left, liberal pressure groups?

One Rasmussen poll found that 72 percent of the public believes all voters should prove their identities before being allowed to cast ballots. It is not just Republicans that want voters to prove who they are.

Gallup notes that 80 percent of Americans support voter ID laws, which includes 95 percent support among Republicans; 83 percent support with Independents; 63 percent support among Democrats; and 77 percent support among nonwhite voters. A majority of blacks support them too.


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