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Over half Republican voters not happy with Trump as presidential nominee: poll


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Over half Republican voters not happy with Trump as presidential nominee: poll

Source: Xinhua  


WASHINGTON, Aug. 22 (Xinhua) -- More than half of U.S. Republican voters are not pleased with Donald Trump as their nominee in the 2016 presidential race, according to a latest Gallup poll.


The Aug. 15-16 poll found that 52 percent of Republicans are not happy with Trump as the party nominee, while 46 percent are pleased.


In comparison, Democrats are more satisfied with Hillary Clinton as their nominee, with 56 percent saying they are pleased while 42 percent wish someone else were nominated.


There is not a great deal of enthusiasm among Republicans or Democrats for their party's nominees this year. 


Full story: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-08/22/c_135622257.htm


-- Xinhua 2016-08-22

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Go Donald, go :) You are the only chance America has for bettering it,s sad state, and as soon as you get in (Check the furniture as the pigmentally enhanced family will probably try to nick lots of it) do your best to put hillary where she deserves to be, in jail in the next cage to her a*s*h*l* husband :) Then perhaps a mass execution of liberal lefties for a bit of entertainment :) Ah well, no harm in dreaming !

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Am I the only one who remembers the Fall of 2012?


 Everyone on the right (including the Romney campaign) were saying the exact same thing as the posts above.  "Oh, the polls are skewed".  "You can't trust polls".  Well,  guess what?  The polls were right, and Governor Romney got crushed.  


The poorly educated are Trump's key demographic.  In fact, Trump could become the first Republican presidential candidate to lose college educated whites in 60 years.



And Trump knows where his bread is buttered:




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1 hour ago, mesterm said:

As of today, Trump is leading so... :whistling:


Trump gains ground against Clinton, tracking poll finds: http://www.latimes.com/nation/politics/trailguide/la-na-trailguide-updates-trump-gains-ground-against-clinton-1471817853-htmlstory.html


You should actually read the article.

It will probably make you cry.





Separately, the poll also asks voters which candidate they think will win. That question has often shown greater ability to predict election outcomes than asking people who they will vote for, particularly when the election remains months away.

Clinton continues to lead voter expectations by a large margin, 54%-40%.



Edited by Chicog
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I do not care about polls as you have no way of knowing who they polled and most have some special interest.


I am an 81 year old US Citizen and I will tell you, our Country is at the greatest Cross Road that I have seen. Socialism and Welfare are draining the pockets of people like me who pay Taxes, even though I have lived in Thailand 13 years. The other problem is we have been spending lives and money on trying to make changes in lives parts of the World where they neither like us arer appreciate what we did. We currently have a Culture knocking on the doors who want to dominate the whole World and has been trying since 632 A.D.


You do not have to like Donald Trump to understand he is the only one running who has a chance to correct some of the last 20 to 30 years of decline. He inherited some money and has been successful in building it.


The Clinton's have contributed to the mess all their lives !!

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More than a third of Republicans say they are disappointed or upset that Donald J. Trump, who crashed the party’s nominating process, will represent them in the fall campaign; an equal number say he does not represent the values the party should stand for.

Democrats are only marginally happier with Hillary Clinton as their party’s candidate. A quarter of Democratic voters say they are disappointed in her as the nominee; an additional seven percent say they are upset. More promisingly for her, three-quarters say Mrs. Clinton stands for the core values and principles of the Democratic Party.



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7 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

More than a third of Republicans say they are disappointed or upset that Donald J. Trump, who crashed the party’s nominating process, will represent them in the fall campaign; an equal number say he does not represent the values the party should stand for.

Democrats are only marginally happier with Hillary Clinton as their party’s candidate. A quarter of Democratic voters say they are disappointed in her as the nominee; an additional seven percent say they are upset. More promisingly for her, three-quarters say Mrs. Clinton stands for the core values and principles of the Democratic Party.



 the core values and principles of the Democratic Party.


What would they be, pray tell?

Never forget that the Democrats supported slavery. It was the GOP that abolished it.

They also rule several cities where blacks are doing very, very badly, like Chicago.

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56 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

 Never forget that the Democrats supported slavery. It was the GOP that abolished it.


Geez, you're bringing up something from over a century ago?  That desperate?  So by your logic, most white folks supported slavery back in the day.  What does that say about modern day white folks? 

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

 the core values and principles of the Democratic Party.


What would they be, pray tell?

Never forget that the Democrats supported slavery. It was the GOP that abolished it.


WHich is why, when Barry Goldwater voted against the civil rights bill  and ran for President. all the southern states, except LBJ's Texas,  voted overwhelmingly for him.  And why Nixon created the Southern strategy. And so on and so forth.

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Yes well 52 percent of republicans may not be happy with Trump (I suspect the figure is vastly higher) but it doesn't mean they won't vote for him.  Voters are often like sheep who are incapable of free thought and will just tick the box of the party they have always voted for without having a clue of the consequences.  One can only hope that there ere enough people out there who are bright enough to be able to make an informed decision based on reality.

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3 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

This wont make them more happy.


JUST IN: New York Times Drops Trump Bombshell, Uncovers MASSIVE Debt



I don't know if it's massive debt. It's all relative.  It depends on how much Trump holds in assets. Which for some reason, he is reluctant to show.

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

I don't know if it's massive debt. It's all relative.  It depends on how much Trump holds in assets. Which for some reason, he is reluctant to show.

He refuse to his tax returns because.


1 He isn´t that rich that he says he is.

2 He don´t give as much to charity as he says he does.

3 He shady have financial connections.

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Yes it was in the Independent in the UK as well.  Of course Trump could put all this to rest by publishing his returns and being transparent.  Then again if pigs could fly.....  Still there are people who thinks he is making a fortune out of this election campaign so nothing to worry about, after all, in his words "I am very rich!"

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11 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I don't know if it's massive debt. It's all relative.  It depends on how much Trump holds in assets. Which for some reason, he is reluctant to show.

Donald Trump Is Understating His Debt by $500 Million.

It’s the one thing he’s not bragging about.



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3 hours ago, gchurch259 said:

He inherited some money and has been successful in building it.


Actually it's long been known that he has not, and that he would have been far more successful if he'd simply invested daddy's money in the S&P.


But we don't actually know how badly he's screwed up until he releases his tax records.



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