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Leaving after a decade.


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19 hours ago, Scotwight said:

So stated in terms a normal person can understand...... Nothing specifically wrong - nothing happened to you - you are just whinging.  An example.  A representative of the new government has done something negative and tangible to you. Thinking something intangible is tangible is whinging.  


What has the current government done to effect the attitude of Thai people toward you?  Remember something tangible.  Tangible = physical.  Intangible = feelings, abstract.


I'm a psychologist too.  Whenever I get depressed I stop reading Thai Visa for a couple of days and I'm fine.  Maybe you should  try it.


It seems you should take your own advice.



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38 minutes ago, jayboy said:


I wouldn't use the same language but my point would be the same.Having foolishly ploughed my way through the entire thread it's still completely unclear what your specific reasons are.



As you asked nicely, there is no actual specific reason for leaving. Its a culmination of annoyances and irritations I neither want nor need.

That and the current political climate.


I know people want to hear I was ripped off by a bar girl or a similar horror story, they love them on TV but I honestly dont have one!


I was ripped off by a certain department for around 2m but my own fault for not dotting i's and crossing t's... nothing I cant live with and learn from!


I wouldnt say you were foolish, you must have been entertained...a little?

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20 hours ago, DennisF said:

I am from the UK. No family here but had to end a beautiful


Not a doctors daughter but not a bar girl either!

What do you think it's like in the U.K.? There's an enormous bunch of BS waiting for you. There's no comparison.

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1 minute ago, Shotime said:

What do you think it's like in the U.K.? There's an enormous bunch of BS waiting for you. There's no comparison.



There is no plan to stay there, just a sabbatical.

I havent made a final living destination yet but it is very unlikely I will settle on Yorkshire!

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you've suggested something very unpalatable to a handful of the respondants to your thread - that everything is not rosey in Thailand and that not only could you be happier somewhere else but that you are willing and able to make the move.


Is a suggestion that has really wound a few up.


You are a psychologist, you can work it out.

Edited by GuestHouse
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1 minute ago, GuestHouse said:



you've suggested something very unpalatable to a handful of the respondants to your thread - that everything is not rosey in Thailand and that not only could you be happier somewhere else but that you are willing and able to make the move.


Is a suggestion that has really wound a few up.


You are a psychologist, you can work it out.



5555 Yep, I got it early.  Loved it!

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21 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

I've lived/worked here for nearly 11 years and have a family here.  There are certainly pros/cons of living here, but I haven't really experienced any changes that have made my life more restricted or oppressive, even though I loathe the politics here.  Perhaps the OP could be more specific about the "pressure" he is feeling?

Unless you're living in some self-created LOS fantasy world, you already "know" the specifics. :whistling:


The OP believes the negative trend will improve, within the next 5-years, or so, eh? The hand-writing is "on-the-wall", to be seen by any foreigner who keeps his head plugged into "reality".


Many westerners, do not believe, fat meat is "greasy", until they've actually tasted it. Many farangs, especially those long-term, w/ newly created families (@ 50+ years-old), tend to live their expat lives like Ostriches. The metaphor definitely applies to a huge constituency of AU, UK and US expats in the Land of :giggle:


 I suppose those "self-maintained" fantasies help a certain mentality of farangs, to (psychologically) live with some of the fool-hearty mistakes they've made. A true "revolving-door" tragedy.:coffee1:


Edited by NativeSon360
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11 hours ago, MissAndry said:

Closed all the bars in CM at midnight.

Army checkpoints, and armed soldiers raiding night spots.

Burmese working on the sly in markets being arrested and deported all around Chiang Mai.

Corruption at CM immigration increased tenfold.

Many of the Thai population are following their new leaders dislike of white foreigners.


Do I need to find more?


As others have already pointed out, these are mostly massive exaggerations and/or made-up nonsense.  But I do get the gist of what you're saying...Thailand is becoming unbearable for sexpats.  I feel for you.

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6 hours ago, AbeSurd said:


Ten years in Thailand AND you learned the language(s) properly? I imagine that was a lot of effort. Respect.


So why are you leaving?

I'm ten years here.  Fluent in Thai and the Issan dialect.  Read and write Thai as well.  

Next spring I am outta here.


Boredom in my own country brought me here and I think that same boredom in Thailand is going to take me away.  It's been a great run to be sure but all those things that are "charming" about Thailand when one first gets here is now getting on my tits in a big time way.  My visa does not allow me to work,  I've never wanted to even try to do business here,  and Thai women have not been a problem.   I have no complications nor have I sought them out.


For the most part -  I'm just tired of it so I'm going to bugger off and when I get tired of where I next land I'll change that too.

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I considered Subic/Olongapo as my initial retirement destination or perhaps Cebu  but it seems the retirement Visa reqs. are far more costly than Thailand or have things changed? 

-lIRC, all-in (including ACR, Tax clearance etc...) its approx 25,000 PHP (approx 18,700 THB) per year (can be cheaper if you're in an area where you can do 6 month extensions) & you can extend your original Visa Exempt up to 3 years without leaving the country.

Alternatively (assuming you're over 35) you can deposit US20,000$ (there are other options) in an approved bank account & get an SRRV (Special Resident Retirement Visa), the money remains yours (like Retirement funds in Thailand) & you can stay as long as the money is in the account.

SRRV Costs
- US1,400$ to apply
- US300$ per additional family member)
... Then US10$ per year to renew your card

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As you asked nicely, there is no actual specific reason for leaving. Its a culmination of annoyances and irritations I neither want nor need.

That and the current political climate.


I know people want to hear I was ripped off by a bar girl or a similar horror story, they love them on TV but I honestly dont have one!


I was ripped off by a certain department for around 2m but my own fault for not dotting i's and crossing t's... nothing I cant live with and learn from!


I wouldnt say you were foolish, you must have been entertained...a little?

I dont normally read this kind of thread but I was struck by the fact you seemed lucid - not just the usual disillusioned sex tourist.I think it's quite natural for expatriates anywhere to feel a malaise which they quite can't explain - a longing for the home country and culture.

But for some on this thread it's clear it really is all about the superficial aspects.One fellow seemed to believe the superior quality in rhe Philippines of the plebby food he enjoys - meat pies etc - was a critical factor.And yes that did amuse me given Thailand is home to one of the world's greatest cuisines.
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13 minutes ago, jayboy said:


I dont normally read this kind of thread but I was struck by the fact you seemed lucid - not just the usual disillusioned sex tourist.I think it's quite natural for expatriates anywhere to feel a malaise which they quite can't explain - a longing for the home country and culture.

But for some on this thread it's clear it really is all about the superficial aspects.One fellow seemed to believe the superior quality in rhe Philippines of the plebby food he enjoys - meat pies etc - was a critical factor.And yes that did amuse me given Thailand is home to one of the world's greatest cuisines.




I cannot be drawn to comment on meat pies 5555

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It is easy to leave but very hard to return.

Assuming the OP has the finances then moving back shouldn't be too hard (if anything it will be easier than moving in the 1st place as you'll know what to expect & will probably have less "baggage" to bring/leave)

But I'm not sure returning is a good idea, the place will never be the place that you 1st "loved" but is more likely to be the same place that you left.
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20 hours ago, claffey said:

I do my 90 day report online...


Are you saying that you asked an immigration officer a question and they told you to F*** off? I find that hard to believe. Were you confrontational or impolite? 

let me just put the story RIGHT. 

first i cant do it online,havent been out of the country for 7yrs.so my status has not been updated.its only from 2013.

second after a stroke the wife phoned immigration and told them i shouldnt be driving a car [doctor's advice] for the wife to do it its 4buses and a long walk.as for a taxi around 2,000bht.to say they immigration was not helpfull is an understatement to say the least.

so to clear up the response F--- OFF? what would you say?

oh by the way i have never been confrontational or impolite.even when faced with the DEMAND FOR MONEY.

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I'm with the OP to a large extent. I'm going to Spain in October to view some rental properties. I've been here 10 years but have decided to up sticks - should Spain be OK.

Haven't read all the posts but my reasons probably reflect others.   Unable to obtain health insurance here - due to age, although I feel 100% fit. Also, I have a principled view on living in a country with an un-elected government (daft I  know - but that's me, and it will not change now). Fed up with 90 days and renewing visa's and re-entry forms etc.

However, as a fall back I have renewed my retirement visa and will maintain my rental here for a couple more months,  just so I haven't burnt all my boats completely. This was the advice an ealier poster gave the OP.


Will miss the weather, but not a great deal more.

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Perhaps I have an unrealistic view of how the Thais regard the current government. We live in a small upcountry village where my wife was one of the VERY few yellow shirts. She is quite pleased with the general and would like him to remain the PM after an election. She likes the peace and quiet. The village Thais are too busy eking out a living to get too excited about politics.

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4 minutes ago, emilymat said:

I'm with the OP to a large extent. I'm going to Spain in October to view some rental properties. I've been here 10 years but have decided to up sticks - should Spain be OK.

Haven't read all the posts but my reasons probably reflect others.   Unable to obtain health insurance here - due to age, although I feel 100% fit. Also, I have a principled view on living in a country with an un-elected government (daft I  know - but that's me, and it will not change now). Fed up with 90 days and renewing visa's and re-entry forms etc.

However, as a fall back I have renewed my retirement visa and will maintain my rental here for a couple more months,  just so I haven't burnt all my boats completely. This was the advice an ealier poster gave the OP.


Will miss the weather, but not a great deal more.



I lived in Spain a long time and still have an ex wife and property there.


Its a good place to live in general but I do prefer tropical weather.


You will have a good time. 

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2 minutes ago, Gary A said:

Perhaps I have an unrealistic view of how the Thais regard the current government. We live in a small upcountry village where my wife was one of the VERY few yellow shirts. She is quite pleased with the general and would like him to remain the PM after an election. She likes the peace and quiet. The village Thais are too busy eking out a living to get too excited about politics.

I'm sure it's not unrealistic.  My impression is that most Thai's just want to get on with earning a living.  I just feel it's all a fraud, posing as a democracy for the benefit of the international community, but in reality maintaining the military in effective power, even after the referendum.

It's my 'fault' in as much as I cannot accept it - even though the reality is that in many countries this is the norm and I can't change that.

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OP......You said that...... " I feel really uncomfortable here now,  unwelcome and unwanted by the current government as it gets more and more restrictive, oppressive and appears to bring in new legislation and requirements,  almost on a daily basis, that makes life here untenable for me."

Response.....I have been here over a decade and l can't for the life of me understand any of what you refer to above.


" Is anyone else feeling this kind of pressure? "......Ans.. Personally not in the slightest.


" My intention is to return in 5 years or so as I feel  a lot will have happened by then to make

Thailand welcoming again ".    Ans.. Good-luck with that.


" That is my hope anyhow, otherwise it might just have to be Vietnam ".   Sorry have to  :lol: :lol:.

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5 hours ago, DennisF said:



You really do come across as an obnoxious retard.  Have a good day.


Class post that above (You are a professional guy a Psychologist right?). Sure you are.  (Most Psychologists I know call people retards every day:cheesy:)   But since I'm a gentleman I'll post polite facts as per usual.  


You wrote, "the current government as it gets more and more restrictive, oppressive and appears to bring in new legislation and requirements, almost on a daily basis, that makes life here untenable for me."


Can you name one, preferable more, restrictive, oppressive new legislation and requirements enacted by the new government that makes life untenable for you on a daily basis?  If not you are not a truthful poster.   

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2 hours ago, jayboy said:


I dont normally read this kind of thread but I was struck by the fact you seemed lucid - not just the usual disillusioned sex tourist.I think it's quite natural for expatriates anywhere to feel a malaise which they quite can't explain - a longing for the home country and culture.

But for some on this thread it's clear it really is all about the superficial aspects.One fellow seemed to believe the superior quality in rhe Philippines of the plebby food he enjoys - meat pies etc - was a critical factor.And yes that did amuse me given Thailand is home to one of the world's greatest cuisines.


"Thailand is home to one of the world's greatest cuisines".


I missed that - been here over 10 years and  hardly ever eat Thai. Perhaps if you enjoy having your mouth burned out with chili you'll love it - spicy food tends to be addictive and thereby probably clouds objective judgement of the food.


I laughed when an Australian friend told me he prefers the Thai food in Australia.

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6 minutes ago, tropo said:

"Thailand is home to one of the world's greatest cuisines".


I missed that - been here over 10 years and  hardly ever eat Thai. Perhaps if you enjoy having your mouth burned out with chili you'll love it - spicy food tends to be addictive and thereby probably clouds objective judgement of the food.


I laughed when an Australian friend told me he prefers the Thai food in Australia.



Thai Food is extremely unhealthy.......


full of Salt, Sugar and Soy Sauce and mostly deep fried.....


even the the beverages are full of Carnation Milk, Syrup, and Sugar......


i always request when when ordering food, No Salt No Sugar no Soy Sauce....often lands on deaf ears, Thai have very little concept of Healthy Food or Healrhy eating....



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4 hours ago, ThaiByNight said:

I considered Subic/Olongapo as my initial retirement destination or perhaps Cebu  but it seems the retirement Visa reqs. are far more costly than Thailand or have things changed? 


I didn't investigate, but the English guys all living there didn't mention any problems.

And as another poster said, extreme weather, rained almost continuously for the 6 days I was there.

My only complaint was with the 27 gogo bars in what was advertised as a family diving/beach resort.



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6 hours ago, DennisF said:

For the curious doubters, you will have to come up with another reason, I am not moving for fiscal reasons nor am I telling untruths.


The regime here is oppressive and becomes more so with each moronic declaration. Whilst it may not impact directly on the ostrich farangs, those with good Thai friends will feel their pain and frustration.



Now the reason your leaving is because your tired of feeling the pain of your thai friends....pain that has been caused by Prayut?


It sounds like you're talking 100% horsehit, but why don't you provide 5 real world examples of how Prayutt has directly caused your Thai friends pain?


If you're a psychologist then I'm Elvis...



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15 minutes ago, tropo said:

"Thailand is home to one of the world's greatest cuisines".


I missed that - been here over 10 years and  hardly ever eat Thai. Perhaps if you enjoy having your mouth burned out with chili you'll love it - spicy food tends to be addictive and thereby probably clouds objective judgement of the food.


I laughed when an Australian friend told me he prefers the Thai food in Australia.

At least Thailand has a cuisine as opposed to Australia and America.   Thai food is never bland like fish and chips, mushy peas or boiled beef due to Thai spices, herbs, and seasonings. Although, Thais like hot and spicy food not all dishes are too spicy. Many Thai dishes have influences from India, China, and Java; but the art of the Thai cooking comes from the skills of the chef.  Most people without a Thai wife rarely get the best of traditional Thai home cooking.  Jungle food on the other hand is a different thing and the lady to be stuck in the forest with is going to be from Issan because they will eat absolutely anything better if it moves.  

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