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Many donors to Clinton Foundation met with her at State


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12 hours ago, Chicog said:

I would take Judicial Watch seriously if they just admitted that they exist for one reason: To smear the Left.




This is about as accurate as the rest of your posts. Judicial Watch is an American conservative watchdog organization, but they have located and publicized plenty of accurate records - that were being suppressed - and they have litigated  against republicans as well as democrats.

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Here's a pretty tempered and reasonable assessment of the situation from a right-wing blogger who cuts through all the hyperbole of the far right and at the same time tells it like it is with the left, entitled, probably accurately, 'Why Hilary Clinton's shadiness won't be fatal."



I doubt this new tidbit about the foundation will change many voters’ minds. Those siding with her are either true Hillary Clinton believers, Democratic die-hards and/or people convinced that Donald Trump is nuts and a danger to the republic. In short, she has already nailed down the segment of voters who prefer “corrupt” over “unhinged.” So long as Trump is her opponent, she sails along.



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The Trump Foundation is far more secretive than the Clinton Foundation.


WASHINGTON — A philanthropy oversight group says the Clinton Foundation is more transparent than the Trump Foundation in providing detailed information about its recipients and activities.

While the Trump Foundation appears to meet the letter of Internal Revenue Service disclosure law, the Clinton Foundation has received Guidestar's "Platinum Seal," the highest transparency ranking, indicating the nonprofit is providing more information than legally required.

Guidestar, a Virginia nonprofit group, collects and organizes information on philanthropic organizations and shares it in its online database.



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