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Arresting people for medicinal ganja use - like "arresting a mother for stealing baby milk for a hungry child", police say


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5 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Well, all the pot heads made their presence known today,

even a "cure" for CA today... In an hour or two they will

all be in their little haze, I hope not all smoked up driving,

some of us will be at Dinner, or the movies while they

sit with another dumb smurk on their faces in their rooms.

You must've had a tough childhood. Your ramblings remind me of s Stephen King  character

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6 minutes ago, chefseph said:

I must've passed the other half then two days ago

Chefsteph, that would be perfectly understandable- as GeorgesAbitbol said- it is semi-permanent. It isn't 24-7 but it is 365.

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I live in Cambodia with a Khmer wife who easily drinks too much!
When she drinks the first beer, she will go for 10 or more, leading her to an angry violent and very stupid behavior. I would like so much better to see her smoke ganja, get more lazy than usual... she would not run after me with a knife as when drunk!
Alcohol is a huge problem while "natural" open air plain ground ganja is healthy.
Anyway with both these as with any conciousness altering substance, one need to be wise enough to know it's limits and use with moderation.

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8 hours ago, GeorgesAbitbol said:

Well between Bkk and Hua Hin there is a half permanent police check and you have to pee... Couple of friends have been caught with purple pee because of Ganja...and they ask a lot of money

Really ? That`s a lot of peeing to be done then...........Does it include foreigners as well since foreigners in 99% of cases doesn`t even get pee tested when nightspots get raided,only thais.

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7 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:




Pot head logic 

You obviously enjoy living in the dark ages. I suggest you stay off subjects you know nothing about. You are just making yourself look ridiculously stupid with your inane comments. Now run along home little Mary, your father is waiting for you in the toolshed.

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4 hours ago, tinom said:

I live in Cambodia with a Khmer wife who easily drinks too much!
When she drinks the first beer, she will go for 10 or more, leading her to an angry violent and very stupid behavior. I would like so much better to see her smoke ganja, get more lazy than usual... she would not run after me with a knife as when drunk!
Alcohol is a huge problem while "natural" open air plain ground ganja is healthy.
Anyway with both these as with any conciousness altering substance, one need to be wise enough to know it's limits and use with moderation.

Is it more healthy than cigarettes?   All this crap about smoking cigarettes but now drug addicts say smoking pot is healthy.

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9 hours ago, JayBeeee said:


You clearly have no experience of what you ridicule and condemn.

Happy hating!



Just ignore her. Sounds like she is one of those frustrated Western English teachers who gets ignored by the majority of men, except for the odd arse-scratching motorcy taxi driver. Clearly in need of a Mach 3 razor and a rocket up the arse.

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Smoking inhalation of anything is unhealthy. You don't have to smoke marijuana though. You can cook it with butter, stick it in the fridge, and then cut off slices and put into any type of food or liquid (soup or coffee for example) later to ingest it and avoid the smoking risk.

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18 hours ago, Slip said:


This response seems very strange to me.  The guy is telling you it is there. Why would you disbelieve him?  It is there. It is just south of Petchaburi, and as he says it is semi-permanent.  I have been through it many times, but never been stopped (cars in front and behind have). I also know someone that has been tested there.  



I don't believe people who think that what they say is true...


Acter checking it is OF COURSE a usual roadblock where they check 1% of the cars, so I wonder how many got tested for drugs in people dreams ?





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7 hours ago, Thechook said:

Is it more healthy than cigarettes?   All this crap about smoking cigarettes but now drug addicts say smoking pot is healthy.

Oh dear, we have another one to deal with. 


Firstly, although smoking anything is unhealthy, it it scientific fact that smoking cigarettes is far worse thsn smoking weed, as cigarettes contain thousands of harmful chemicals like arsenic and tar, to name just two. Cannabis can be vaped these days, which is 95% healthier than smoking, as there is no combustion involved.


Secondly, how does smoking weed make anyone a drug addict? That's like saying my mother is an alcoholic because she drinks a couple of glasses of wine every week.


There really are some ignorant people on this forum. Replying to them is a bit like killing mosquitos with those gadgets that look like tennis raquets - easy to zap but you never quite get rid of all of them.

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After the documentary video "Run From The Cure" came out in 2008, I envisioned Thailand seizing upon the opportunity to make medicinal marijuana legal and make a killing offering cancer treatment spas and treatment resorts.  Maybe the wiser minds in the government will seize the opportunity now.  They don't need to legalize it for recreational use unless they want to collect tax, but decriminalization for use and possession would be in order in a rational world.  The golden opportunity is in curing of cancer.  If you think that pot is only for getting high, you owe it to yourself to watch the video.  If you watch the video and still have nothing but negativity, then you are probably in the employ of the pharmaceutical industry.

Until it was outlawed in this land, people used it as a vegetable, as a flavor enhancer in soups and stews, and as cure for numerous ailments.  A lady I know here who is about 43 yrs old told me that her father grew it and she knew it only as a "delicious" vegetable.

Think that big global pharma plays no role in government, penalizing one faction so that another can become enriched?  Here's a wonderful article about how the government here made a similar attempt several years ago with common staples of the Thai diet that failed miserably :


Isn't it incredible that it was known for more than 3,000 years, named "the great hemp" in the Chinese Materia Medica, for its healing properties, yet it was made illegal with harsh penalties for possession in China.  Think that the pharmaceutical industry in China played no role?


Edited by edko
Trying to eliminate the underlined text following the link
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The number of medical conditions that cannabis oil has remedied or alleviated is becoming greater on a daily basis...but alas, the one thing that it cannot cure or remedy is the pitiful stupidiy and ignorance of the subject matter which seems to be so abundant on this forum.

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23 hours ago, chefseph said:

With no disrespect, from your post I deduce you're a drawling loud mouthed gum chewing cola drinking Texan :) I still say that nature in Thailand has the potential to grow some of the best weed . 


I'll second that!

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The leap from legitimate medicinal use of Cannabis and its associated products, to  recreational use by some in here, exposes the selfish hedonistic demands of the uninformed.

Making comparisons with alcohol and tobacco is facile; there are dangers in every drug not prescribed by a competent medical practitioner.

Anecdotal and shrill advocates for legalizing recreational use of illegal substances need correction. Just because you promulgate  a pro-drug use stance doesn't make your opinion  worth anything

Hey 'Doctor'!
Contrary to what you believe to be correct, I don't want or need another humans' permission to medicate myself.
Google Portugal and drugs.
It rebuts your arrogant, dated, and ignorant stance rather elegantly.
I am LEAP just as qualified to hold an opinion (shrill or otherwise) as you. You can google that too!

Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk

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now appointments with Khun Somchai will be 4 hours late instead of the usual 1-2 hours.

I think it should be allowed for medical use, but if they don't regulate it more and more kids will be hooked - its already bad enough in the current state with rampant use among high schoolers where schools don't carry out drug tests

I think you're confusing nicotine with thc.
It's not physically possible to be 'hooked' on pot.
One can become emotionally or psychologically dependent on the buzz of pot, but that is NOT addiction, not even close.

Legalizing weed paradoxically makes it a lot harder for kids to get! Just as they can't easily access alcohol right now.

Just imagine how prevalent and dangerous illicitly pushed moonshine would be if we banned all alcohol tomorrow.

When you quell the moral panic, ending prohibition on everything, is just common sense.

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On 08/24/2016 at 5:46 PM, gemguy said:

Decriminalizing the use of cannabis is the first step

...if you are a registered card carrying user for medical purposes then that is the way to go

...you can also buy the medical purpose cannabis oil from say legitimate suppliers.

...be licensed to make your own for personal medicinal purposes

...or for recreational if you want...but licensed to use.

...should be decriminalized while say more than one ounce or certainly more than 1 kilo in your possession could result in confiscation but no fines or prosecution.

...The suppliers should be registered and taxed...but not too heavily

...while the retail price should be kept low enough that the overwhelming majority of the citizens will not bother to grow their own nor will criminal elements bother because there is no lucrative profits to be had

...if you do want to grow your own then obtain a growers license and pay a licensing fee

that allows a limited amount.....say 5 plants per year ...maybe 10.... and do not be selling it for profit.

...If you sell it for profit then you would be in violation of that particular law but not a harshly enforced law having a penalty of say 10,000 baht


If you want to be selling it then get a sales license also and pay the taxes


Make it a legit consumer product and remove the social stigma concerning the supply and consumption of the drug.


government should be financing the research aspect concerning the many uses of the Hemp plant and its by products derived from the plant for a wide variety of commercial and industrial purposes.



Hi, Gemguy.

Thanks for your entertaining contribution to the discussion; I thought I was reading something from the Comedy Store at times... no offense, but I have to ask if you were resorting to a  Rick Mayallesque kind of sarcasm (irony to Americans), or were you being serious? Either way, you've clearly given this a lot of thought!

I agree with some of your recommendations, like decriminalising cannabis (with or without the "medicinal" prefix/justification), government promoting it's many uses, and... er!...ummm!  Well those two are very good points indeed!

HOWEVER! regarding a few others, I'm in complete, though respectful, disagreement; like being "a registered card carrying user", the concept of, "legitimate suppliers", or having to be "licensed to make your own", as well as, "licensed to use". Then  there's suppliers being "registered", though I have no problem with them having to declare any profits in their tax return, if that's the preference of the people and that will is being fulfilled by their democratically electected representatives. Then there's the concepts of a "retail price", a "grower's licence"(again), a "licence fee", a "seller's licence" and a limited amount being "allowed"; making it "a legit consumer product"; the use of the words, "ounce" and and "kilo" in the same sentence, and the misuse of the word "confiscation" in that same sentence when 'theft under threat of violence and kidnapping' would be more appropriate.

A well balanced presentation, though many of the 'pot-head-haters' might feel that they were somewhat unrepresented, but all-in-all, a bloody good job!


If I may offer a little a few suggestions, should you feel the need to share you ideas on this matter again.

Find a nice quiet spot and have a smoke (only a little if it's your first time, and only if you haven't been drinking alcohol)... re-read your post... sit with it for an hour or two... then come back and share your thoughts with us.


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13 hours ago, teacherpaul said:

Oh dear, we have another one to deal with. 


Firstly, although smoking anything is unhealthy, it it scientific fact that smoking cigarettes is far worse thsn smoking weed, as cigarettes contain thousands of harmful chemicals like arsenic and tar, to name just two. Cannabis can be vaped these days, which is 95% healthier than smoking, as there is no combustion involved.


Secondly, how does smoking weed make anyone a drug addict? That's like saying my mother is an alcoholic because she drinks a couple of glasses of wine every week.


There really are some ignorant people on this forum. Replying to them is a bit like killing mosquitos with those gadgets that look like tennis raquets - easy to zap but you never quite get rid of all of them.


You should perhaps get your facts in order before posting.


" ...cigarettes contain thousands of harmful chemicals like arsenic..."


Yes, we hear much about chemicals like arsenic and the like in cigarette smoke. What they don't mention, though, is that there is more arsenic in a single glass of water than there is in a pack of 20 cigarettes. The anti-smoking mob are masters of omission. They have developed it into an art form. All effective propaganda must have a grain of truth, however small. You will find that the same applies to just about every 'chemical' found in tobacco smoke. Some of those '4000 chemicals' can't even be detected, they are just theorised. But hey, why let facts get in the way of a good propaganda putsch?


What you should be saying is that smoking marijuana is no more harmful than smoking tobacco. That is to say, some people will suffer from respiratory problems if they use (smoke) either if they have a genetic susceptibility, but for most people, it won't be a problem if their use is moderate. But despite what pro-dope/anti-tobacco zealots claim, ganja is just as damaging to your lungs as tobacco. That is, not very, but there is that potential.


Ganja was widely and easily available in Thailand in the early seventies when I first visited. And excellent quality, too. I was offered a bong just about everywhere I went. There were no kids f*cked up on yaba in those days. But as soon as they decided to clamp down on ganja (doubtless at the behest of the UN, the WHO and similar unaccountable rabble), that's when the 'drug problems' started. Same all over the world. Misguided wannabe Do-Gooders who have no idea of the unintended consequences of their interference in other people's lives. Nor do they have any idea of what it is they want to prohibit, never having tried it. It's enough to know that people enjoy it to want to ban it.


“Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.”


H L Mencken



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11 hours ago, dhream said:

I think you're confusing nicotine with thc.
It's not physically possible to be 'hooked' on pot.
One can become emotionally or psychologically dependent on the buzz of pot, but that is NOT addiction, not even close.

Legalizing weed paradoxically makes it a lot harder for kids to get! Just as they can't easily access alcohol right now.

Just imagine how prevalent and dangerous illicitly pushed moonshine would be if we banned all alcohol tomorrow.

When you quell the moral panic, ending prohibition on everything, is just common sense.

Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk


I'm using the term loosely. But people do get attached to weed and constantly want that high/buzz feeling. So its not an addiction, but some do get hooked to it where they need/want to smoke it everyday.


I don't see how it makes it harder for kids to get, especially in Thailand. Minors can easily purchase alcohol in Thailand even though there is an age limit, but most cashiers don't care. 

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I'm using the term loosely. But people do get attached to weed and constantly want that high/buzz feeling. So its not an addiction, but some do get hooked to it where they need/want to smoke it everyday.


I don't see how it makes it harder for kids to get, especially in Thailand. Minors can easily purchase alcohol in Thailand even though there is an age limit, but most cashiers don't care. 

Then that's an enforcement problem, not the drugs or alcohol per se.

Drive anything underground, it can't be measured controlled or eliminated, it creates a inflated price which drives criminality.

Governments simply can't be THAT stupid for 5 decades, so they must be corrupt.

Again, no kigpins, apart from a few down Mexico way, clearly its all just smoke and profits.

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I'm using the term loosely. But people do get attached to weed and constantly want that high/buzz feeling. So its not an addiction, but some do get hooked to it where they need/want to smoke it everyday.


I don't see how it makes it harder for kids to get, especially in Thailand. Minors can easily purchase alcohol in Thailand even though there is an age limit, but most cashiers don't care. 

Then that's an enforcement problem, not the drugs or alcohol per se.

Drive anything underground, it can't be measured controlled or eliminated, it creates a inflated price which drives criminality.

Governments simply can't be THAT stupid for 5 decades, so they must be corrupt.

Again, no kigpins, apart from a few down Mexico way, clearly its all just smoke and profits.

Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk

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22 minutes ago, mike324 said:


I'm using the term loosely. But people do get attached to weed and constantly want that high/buzz feeling. So its not an addiction, but some do get hooked to it where they need/want to smoke it everyday.


I don't see how it makes it harder for kids to get, especially in Thailand. Minors can easily purchase alcohol in Thailand even though there is an age limit, but most cashiers don't care. 


You can't put need and want together like they're interchangeable. Sure it's convenient for your argument to do that, but they're vastly different in meaning. 'Need' refers to necessity and requirement whereas  'want' talks only about desire. I need oxygen to live. It's not a matter of wanting it. I may want a fancy and expensive new car, but I certainly don't need one.


Hence, the huge difference between physical addiction like you get from habitual use of more harmful things like cigarettes, alcohol, opiates, etc. and psychological addiction. I've seen a relative go through severe DT's from trying to quit alcohol. It can be severe enough to kill. But I don't recall anybody suffering anything like that when dry spells hit and there was no weed around for sometimes weeks at a time. People just accepted it -- with a bit of whining, of course. 

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1 hour ago, Inn Between said:


You can't put need and want together like they're interchangeable. Sure it's convenient for your argument to do that, but they're vastly different in meaning. 'Need' refers to necessity and requirement whereas  'want' talks only about desire. I need oxygen to live. It's not a matter of wanting it. I may want a fancy and expensive new car, but I certainly don't need one.


Hence, the huge difference between physical addiction like you get from habitual use of more harmful things like cigarettes, alcohol, opiates, etc. and psychological addiction. I've seen a relative go through severe DT's from trying to quit alcohol. It can be severe enough to kill. But I don't recall anybody suffering anything like that when dry spells hit and there was no weed around for sometimes weeks at a time. People just accepted it -- with a bit of whining, of course. 


Heavy users think they "need" it, so why can't I use the term with "want" together in this case. Need does not mean "addicted" or absolutely required.


Like I said, I use the term "hook" loosely, doesn't necessary mean "addicted". Like people saying I'm hooked on the burger from Daneil Thaiger or I need to eat a Zinger Burger now to cure my crave for fried chicken.


Yes I know weed itself is not addictive compare to other harder drugs such as cocaine, and cigs.

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1 hour ago, dhream said:

Then that's an enforcement problem, not the drugs or alcohol per se.

Drive anything underground, it can't be measured controlled or eliminated, it creates a inflated price which drives criminality.

Governments simply can't be THAT stupid for 5 decades, so they must be corrupt.

Again, no kigpins, apart from a few down Mexico way, clearly its all just smoke and profits.

Sent from my HUAWEI MT7-TL10 using Tapatalk


Well we are talking about Thailand. So enforcement problem or not...its still easily available either way. That was an answer to your " Legalizing weed paradoxically makes it a lot harder for kids to get! Just as they can't easily access alcohol right now. "


If we are talking about a develop western country, then yes I can see eye to eye on the points you mentioned.

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