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In latest hedge, Trump says immigration laws can be softened


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In latest hedge, Trump says immigration laws can be softened



AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Donald Trump suggested Tuesday that he is open to "softening" laws dealing with immigrants in the country illegally, the latest sign that the Republican presidential nominee is considering easing the hardline stance he has taken since the beginning of his campaign.


Trump, taping a town hall in Austin, Texas, for Fox News, was asked by moderator Sean Hannity if he would change current statutes to accommodate law-abiding citizens or longtime residents who have raised children in the United States.


"There certainly can be a softening because we're not looking to hurt people," Trump answered. "We want people — we have some great people in this country."


"We are going to follow the laws of this country," he added.


Trump has repeatedly declared that if elected, he would deport the 11 million people living in the U.S. illegally. But he has hedged his stance in recent days, and during the taping he ruminated aloud about the fairness of breaking up families. He even polled the audience about what they would do about the crucial policy.


"So you have somebody who's been in the country for 20 years, has done a great job, and everything else," Trump said. "Do we take him and the family and her and him or whatever and send him out?"


The crowd's reaction was split: Some cheered when Trump suggested that the immigrants be allowed to stay, others roared when he suggested deporting them.


The Republican nominee said he "would come out with a decision very soon" about deportations.


But his new campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, may have offered a hint about his position. When she was asked about deportations on CNN Tuesday, she claimed that Trump "had not said that for a while."


"There could be a way to figure out how to do it so we're not here to harm people," she said.


Trump had been scheduled to outline his immigration policies Thursday in Colorado. But that speech has been postponed, likely until next week.


At a rally in Austin later Tuesday, Trump made no mention of his possible shift on deportations, instead repeating his vow to build a wall to fortify the nation's southern border with Mexico and to eject immigrants here illegally who have committed criminal and violent acts.


But Trump's public deliberation about deportations could be the latest signal that as the general campaign heats up, he is moving away from one of his divisive, signature proposals from the Republican primary in order to broaden his base of support. He first suggested on Monday that he was open to allowing some immigrants to stay, suggesting that he wanted a "fair, but firm" policy.


That is a far cry from the early days of the primaries, when Trump vowed to use a "deportation force" to round up and deport the millions of people living in the country illegally. That proposal excited many of his core supporters, but alienated Hispanic voters who could be pivotal in key states.


But his new rhetoric on immigration is part of a full-court press by Trump in recent days to improve his standing among minorities, who polls show overwhelmingly favor his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.


Trump at several recent rallies has urged African-American voters to support him, pledging that his public safety and economic policies will improve their quality of life while suggesting that Democrats had taken them for granted.


And aides said Tuesday that in the coming weeks Trump was planning trips to urban areas to conduct campaign stops he has largely avoided to this point, including stops at charter schools, small businesses and churches in black and Latino communities.


The Trump campaign's potential plans to visit inner cities were first reported Tuesday by The Washington Post.

-- © Associated Press 2016-08-24


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Heck, I could be Trump's campaign manager.  Just have Trump say that he supports amnesty, is pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro free education, pro gun control, pro environment, pro affirmative action....etc.  Then he will have all bases covered.  He doesn't need to appease his core supporters any more because they will never leave him no matter what.  

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3 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Heck, I could be Trump's campaign manager.  Just have Trump say that he supports amnesty, is pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro free education, pro gun control, pro environment, pro affirmative action....etc.  Then he will have all bases covered.  He doesn't need to appease his core supporters any more because they will never leave him no matter what.  

Yes, he has mused about being able to walk down the street and shoot someone and they would still support him.   


So today, it is 'softening' the immigration laws and tomorrow the wall will become a fence.   

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He's in it to win it which means he will say whatever it takes.  Of course the mob will know that he may backtrack on his immigration policies now but if he wins he will flip flop again and revert to his original plans.  However most people also know that with the morals of a skunk......

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Before he loses in November, Trump is determined to make this political cash cow work big time for him. Losing is winning. Case in point, beginning in July, Trump raised his own Trump Towers campaign headquarters monthly rent to himself by 500% once the RNC joint fund raising efforts kicked in.


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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

He's in it to win it which means he will say whatever it takes.  Of course the mob will know that he may backtrack on his immigration policies now but if he wins he will flip flop again and revert to his original plans.  However most people also know that with the morals of a skunk......


Yeah, he can probably get away with continuing to spout the "Deportation Force" nonsense at his rallies, safe in the knowledge that most of the attendees will never hear him contradict it in the media.

At home they're too busy flipping between NASCAR and Duck Dynasty to watch proper news.


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Say it ain't so Joe! So now the Orange One is going to allow all  those rapists and murderers to stay!!! Alarm bells are ringing at Aryan Nation Headquarters. White Power is restless and borderline boiling over. OR, is this just a lie that he HAS to tell to get elected? NO! it can't be - not from Mr. Tell It Like It Is. I tell you, I tell without one iota of doubt, that woman campaign manager is destroying Donald J Trump. Here's where he should be with this: these 'people' can 'stay', but they can only stay as long as it takes them to build the wall. And then take it down again. And then put it up again - you know, according to Donald's whim of the day. It can be an oscillating Great Wall of Trump with coolie Mexican labor - just like in the old days!  And no, don't you dare come back and tell me, me of all people, that Donald J Trump has the right to appear any damn way he pleases. Of course he does, appearance is all he has. It's not that he isn't deep - it's that he isn't even shallow.

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57 minutes ago, Neurath said:

Say it ain't so Joe! So now the Orange One is going to allow all  those rapists and murderers to stay!!! Alarm bells are ringing at Aryan Nation Headquarters. White Power is restless and borderline boiling over. OR, is this just a lie that he HAS to tell to get elected? NO! it can't be - not from Mr. Tell It Like It Is. I tell you, I tell without one iota of doubt, that woman campaign manager is destroying Donald J Trump. Here's where he should be with this: these 'people' can 'stay', but they can only stay as long as it takes them to build the wall. And then take it down again. And then put it up again - you know, according to Donald's whim of the day. It can be an oscillating Great Wall of Trump with coolie Mexican labor - just like in the old days!  And no, don't you dare come back and tell me, me of all people, that Donald J Trump has the right to appear any damn way he pleases. Of course he does, appearance is all he has. It's not that he isn't deep - it's that he isn't even shallow.


Neurath, please don't confuse the Trump supporters any further.  They are so confused already.  In fact Trump is so confused at the moment that he is not sure what he believed in to start with.. 

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The Left are stupid - Trump was only being "sarcastic" when he said (more than 50 times over the last year) that he would forcibly deport 11 million undocumenteds.  

Jeez, can't the Democrats see that he was clearly making a long-running joke?

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Why are the left stupid?  His comments were broadcast by all sides of the media and commented on by just about everyone.  Trump's standard flip flop response of "I was only joking" doesn't wash with anyone anymore.  Apart from the blinkered few who still believe the bullsh*t.


It's all a bit pathetic to use generalisations like left and right.  It really doesn't mean a thing.

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21 minutes ago, tx22cb said:

The Left are stupid - Trump was only being "sarcastic" when he said (more than 50 times over the last year) that he would forcibly deport 11 million undocumenteds.  

Jeez, can't the Democrats see that he was clearly making a long-running joke?


Trump's entire campaign is a long-running joke. 

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8 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Why are the left stupid?  His comments were broadcast by all sides of the media and commented on by just about everyone.  Trump's standard flip flop response of "I was only joking" doesn't wash with anyone anymore.  Apart from the blinkered few who still believe the bullsh*t.


It's all a bit pathetic to use generalisations like left and right.  It really doesn't mean a thing.

I believe tx22cb actually was being sarcastic. The parenthetical remark   (more than 50 times over the last year) gives it away.

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6 hours ago, dunroaming said:


Neurath, please don't confuse the Trump supporters any further.  They are so confused already.  In fact Trump is so confused at the moment that he is not sure what he believed in to start with.. 

Quite true. He's not sure what he believed to start with because he doesn't really believe in anything at. He's certainly no ideologue - no matter how much the White Survivalists here might want to think he is. No, what he believes in is himself. Donald J Trump. But it's an over-inflated infantile form of self-belief presented with bombast. But what is the self that he believes in? A black hole around which orbits inane, unbalanced and contradictory fragments of self. The uncertainty that we're now starting to see in his speech and his step? Well, they're are the first rays of self-awareness starting to dawn on Donald's sunset hairdo. He's only just now coming to see that the public do not love him in the way that he loves himself. They do not love him the way that he deserves to be loved and adored and lionized and ass-licked morning and night. This is hurtful,  and it's not a hurt that he or other 3 year old children are used to. I feel sorry for him. The electorate is holding a mirror to his face and he doesn't like what he sees and all the self-protective squeals about biased media will only increasingly confirm what everyone - including (faintly) Donald himself - knows:  he's an empty narcissist, essentially and monumentally needy of validation by and from others. He is Donald J Trump.

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Trump is Mr Flip-Flop...he'll say anything and backtrack on anything to get a vote with no intention of doing what he says.  


Ted Cruz (another super ego person) during the Republican Primaries probably summed it up best about the Orange Ogre.





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Trump went after Governor Bush in one the debates calling him "so weak on illegal immigration it's laughable", but now he's proposing exactly the same thing.  He did the same thing to Senator Cruz in a TV spot by calling him "pro amnesty" when his plan was the same as the current Trump plan.


Trump has no ideological core.  No moral principles.  No shame.


But the Trump fanboys don't care.  Not yet, anyway.  Let's see how they feel on Wednesday morning, November 9th.  


I don't know if Governor Bush or Senator Cruz could have beaten Secretary Clinton, but without a doubt they would have been more  a more respectable candidate than Trump.

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10 hours ago, Chicog said:

I think the GOP don't like us using the phrase "flip flop".

They prefer "pivot".





He'll fix everything, don't worry about it. He has a plan, well...actually he doesn't. 


I hope HRC can stagger across the finish line of this exceptional, highly entertaining POTUS race 2016. Savor the the hypocrisy, the craziness, the insanity, the depravity that is this race, everyday because this too shall pass. AND NOW IT'S TIME FOR NFL FOOTBALL! 


Trump is actually wearing me down. I love him, don't get me wrong, but it just has gotten so predictable. 


Thank god this does have an ending because at this point, I just want it to end. Quickly, mericully, fall on your sword kind of ending. But...this is not the way this cluster (you know what) will end. Sigh 

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1 hour ago, Langsuan Man said:

The Donald sure is straying far from his promises............next up the wall


source: http://www.npr.org/2016/08/25/491337890



It is pitiful listening to him on that video. Hannity is just as bad. He has done a complete U-turn. So all those who have Trumpster syndrome who were hootin' and hollerin' about how great Trump was for promising to kick all the illegals out. What now that your messiah has done a U-Turn in order to try and get a few more votes.

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To Broaden His Base of Support, Donald Trump Humiliates Ann Coulter

In his campaign’s first gesture of outreach to liberal bloggers, Donald Trump humiliated Ann Coulter on Wednesday night. During a town hall with Sean Hannity, the GOP nominee outlined a kinder, gentler plan for keeping 11 million undocumented people in a state of legal purgatory — just as the far-right thinkfluencer was holding the book launch for her new screed, In Trump We Trust:E Pluribus Awesome!

“There’s nothing Trump can do that won’t be forgiven. Except change his immigration policies,” Coulter writes in her suddenly mistitled opus.



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