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Video: Molester on a "song thaew" arrested after video goes viral


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2 hours ago, gdgbb said:


"He smelled her"...yes, he did, and his facking nose was touching her when he was doing it!

What about the part when he was touching her leg, doesn't that count?


    In the first part of the video it looks like he is doing quite a bit more than sniffing or touching her leg...take another look.

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3 hours ago, greenchair said:

He didn't do anything. He smelled her. Maybe she was wearing a nice perfume. If this is a definition of molestation, well knock me down with a feather. It's obvious that the girl was not stressed at all and if fact didn't seem to mind. If she turned around and told him to stop and then he refused to stop, then that would be a crime of at best harassment. I remember being on the bus and enjoying the smell of one or two good lookers. The lady opposite said something so the girl must have been aware. Maybe she liked a little bit of attention. 

People just need to calm down a bit. 

Poor man, now he'll lose his job and be put in handcuffs, for what? 

Enjoying the smell of a young lady on a bus. 


You enjoy sniffing girls on buses..? 


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4 hours ago, z42 said:

He is apparently drunk (that is the excuse du jour for allmost anything nowadays in Thailand), but also doesn't appear to be a full shilling (for want of a better expression). It's good that he is off the streets for now at least, I wonder what the punishment is for molesting a minor, probably only a small fine.

I do feel for the young girl, I have young daughters myself, makes me shudder what it'll be like for them when they're older and need to get out into the world



He is apparently drunk (that is the excuse du jour for allmost anything nowadays in Thailand)

. . .and just about everywhere else in the world, unfortunately. If you can't control yourself when you've had a drink, don't drink.Criminals who use drunkenness as an excuse for their behaviour should be handed a heavier, not lighter, sentence.

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4 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

A good elbowing to the face from the girl would have helped him to stop. I don't know who I am more upset with, the idiot or the girl for just doing nothing. She is big enough. :coffee1:


What a shameful attitude you have, you are upset that she reported him instead of being violet and putting herself in much greater risk.

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4 hours ago, greenchair said:

He didn't do anything. He smelled her. Maybe she was wearing a nice perfume. If this is a definition of molestation, well knock me down with a feather. It's obvious that the girl was not stressed at all and if fact didn't seem to mind. If she turned around and told him to stop and then he refused to stop, then that would be a crime of at best harassment. I remember being on the bus and enjoying the smell of one or two good lookers. The lady opposite said something so the girl must have been aware. Maybe she liked a little bit of attention. 

People just need to calm down a bit. 

Poor man, now he'll lose his job and be put in handcuffs, for what? 

Enjoying the smell of a young lady on a bus. 


I would recommend that you yourself should be very careful  choosing who you sit beside on your next journey.



Maybe she liked a little bit of attention. 


Ah, hue and cry of child rapists everywhere. You do your kind proud.

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5 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

I understand you think you girl should have done something,  but in the LOS  just so many people are carrying guns knives what ever so you would have to be prepared to take that chance,  But also the young woman sitting on the other side he had a quick go at is older and maybe she could have done something?  or then there's ring the bell for song theaw to stop and talk to the driver?

The best option would be to teach your kids a self defense style from a young age but let them know it's not just for fun but for their safety as well.  As a Sensei ( Karate instructor) for many years I had my son and two daughter's learn from a young age and they can take care of them selves.  Is peper sray legal/available here?


I agree. I taught my eldest daughter self defense many years ago, but still worry as she's a student in London. My youngest has just started learning and is a natural.


But, anyone who is not experienced can be shocked and freeze in such situation. Especially a young person, and this girl is young. Or simply not know what to do for the best. Then as you say there is the concern of weapons and possibility of being stabbed or shot. Maybe the older woman should have said something. Ringing the bell is a good suggestion - the driver would've probably booted him off. 


Pepper spray is readily available here, but illegal to carry in public. As are tactical knives. Thailand does have offensive weapon laws. Having said that I have one friend who ensures pepper sprays are always in his sisters' cars. They have also learned martial arts and one is a better pistol shot than me. Seems a bit heavy perhaps but one sister was cut up by a loony driver one night and honked and waived her hand. The guy slowed down, pulled alongside and waived his gun at her. And she drives a Porsche so not someone many would try to intimidate.


I used to teach groups of ladies self defense in the UK and also India.  Many of them found it very hard to consider doing what they might have to do to avoid being molested, raped or killed. 

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2 hours ago, DM07 said:


I don't know, what turns you on and if you are okay with random guys sniffing up on you and touching you...that is sure fine with me!

Others are not, as the girl in the video made clear to the perv!

Other than that: blaming the victim and defending the perv....where have I seen that from you, before?!

Can't put my finger on it...maybe it was some time ago...on another thread...about another part of Thailand...and some rapy stuff going on there....

I am just not seeing that the girl was in anyway upset. At one point she swatted a fly and continued on oblivious. She didn't make anything clear. She was chatting to a friend and he was enjoying her smell. The smell of a human being can be quite intoxicating and lovely. 

What's wrong with you? 

Is your nose blocked? 

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2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Besides the fact she is a child, there is no reason any woman (anyone in fact) should have to put up with sexual predators such as this scum bag. 

She looked to be around m4 or m5. 

Around 17 or 18 years old. Hardly a child. More a young woman. 

She didn't mind. Albeit a wee bit annoyed. He didn't do anything. 

Don't be a drama queen. 

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5 hours ago, greenchair said:

He didn't do anything. He smelled her. Maybe she was wearing a nice perfume. If this is a definition of molestation, well knock me down with a feather....

A runny nose with no tissue.  Now where's the crime in that? 

Edited by Fookhaht
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He didn't do anything. He smelled her. Maybe she was wearing a nice perfume. If this is a definition of molestation, well knock me down with a feather. It's obvious that the girl was not stressed at all and if fact didn't seem to mind. If she turned around and told him to stop and then he refused to stop, then that would be a crime of at best harassment. I remember being on the bus and enjoying the smell of one or two good lookers. The lady opposite said something so the girl must have been aware. Maybe she liked a little bit of attention. 

People just need to calm down a bit. 

Poor man, now he'll lose his job and be put in handcuffs, for what? 

Enjoying the smell of a young lady on a bus. 


"He smelled her"...yes, he did, and his facking nose was touching her when he was doing it!

What about the part when he was touching her leg, doesn't that count?

What a sickening post justifying the pedo thai guy and his groping unsolicited drunken lechery. 5 other guys liking this this pathetic post.
There are some sad and potentially dangerous posters on here
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1 hour ago, MaxLee said:

500 Baht, and the case is closed, free to go again. Wanna bet?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

He most likely will lose his job, he's a security guard. Something doesn't smell right here. That woman should be arrested for over exaggerating the molestation claim, when all the man did was have a little smell. 

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8 hours ago, greenchair said:

She looked to be around m4 or m5. 

Around 17 or 18 years old. Hardly a child. More a young woman. 

She didn't mind. Albeit a wee bit annoyed. He didn't do anything. 

Don't be a drama queen. 

You really are going out to defend this sexual predator with a record for theft aren't you?


Read the story, it states how old the girl is. She's a child. 


Edit: has been convicted of theft in the past. This is his first arrest for sexual harassment of a child. 

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9 hours ago, greenchair said:

She looked to be around m4 or m5. 

Around 17 or 18 years old. Hardly a child. More a young woman. 

She didn't mind. Albeit a wee bit annoyed. He didn't do anything. 

Don't be a drama queen. 


Mathayom 4 can be 15 years old, please stay away from the school children. 

You claim that "she didn't mind" but she obviously did as she went to the police.

You have no idea how annoyed she was.

You claim he didn't do anything but it looks to me like he was touching her inappropriately with his left hand.

Don't be a sexual harassment pedo apologist, it really isn't a good look.

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30 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


Mathayom 4 can be 15 years old, please stay away from the school children. 

You claim that "she didn't mind" but she obviously did as she went to the police.

You have no idea how annoyed she was.

You claim he didn't do anything but it looks to me like he was touching her inappropriately with his left hand.

Don't be a sexual harassment pedo apologist, it really isn't a good look.

No , after it went virol on FB she was encouraged to file a report. 

At least you have downgraded molestation to sexual harassment. 

This certainly was not a case of molestation. The girl was not upset.  He smelled her and touched her leg slightly. He certainly deserved a reprimand. That's all. 

And what's theft got to do with the price of fish ? So what, I stole when I was young. People change. 

Edited by greenchair
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1 minute ago, greenchair said:

No , after it went virol on FB she was encouraged to file a report. 

At least you have downgraded molestation to sexual harassment. 

This certainly was not a case of molestation. The girl was not upset.  He smelled her and touched her leg slightly. He certainly deserved a reprimand. That's all. 


You didn't check out the left hand, did you? 

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