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Burkini ban in parts of France provokes beach-themed protest in London


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4 hours ago, SgtRock said:


What matters is what the Authorities say you can do. That is fact, whether you like it or not.


So in your opinion people who have campaigned against injustice and unjust laws,  such as Rosa Parks, Emmeline Pankhurst, Aung San Suu Kyi, Olympe de Gouges to name a few, should have kept their mouths shut and just done what the authorities said they should do?

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6 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


So in your opinion people who have campaigned against injustice and unjust laws,  such as Rosa Parks, Emmeline Pankhurst, Aung San Suu Kyi, Olympe de Gouges to name a few, should have kept their mouths shut and just done what the authorities said they should do?


How you, cropping my post to change the context




What matters is what the Authorities say you can do. That is fact, whether you like it or not.


To put that into context. Here is the rest of the post


4 hours ago, SgtRock said:

It is you that is missing the point. 


It matters not what you want and need.


What matters is what the Authorities say you can do. That is fact, whether you like it or not.


Have any of those people you mention above got anything to do with this burkini ban ?


Or are you not only misquoting me, but engaging in off topic deflection also ?

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The use of <snip> is a recognised way of indicating that only part of a post is being quoted. 


The two sentences I didn't quote do not effect the meaning or context of last line which I did quote; if anything they strengthen it!.


This topic is about an unjust law and a protest against that unjust law. You basically said that those who don't like that law should just accept it.


I asked you if you believed the same about people who have protested against unjust laws in the past, which is not off topic nor a deflection in a topic about a protest against an unjust law.


As usual you bring up the  "off topic deflection" excuse for not answering the awkward questions!


Of course, if you believe that I have gone off topic or broken the forum rules by editing your post in my quote then feel free to use the report button.





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On 26/8/2559 at 9:15 AM, dexterm said:

Will armed police ban, fine, or force these women to undress too?


Just another example of religious bigotry and hypocrisy.


So much for liberté, égalité, fraternité. Shame on you France!

Well? Surprisingly they would be the only ones okay on a Saudi Beach if they took off the cross first. 

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On August 26, 2016 at 7:01 PM, 7by7 said:

The use of <snip> is a recognised way of indicating that only part of a post is being quoted. 


The two sentences I didn't quote do not effect the meaning or context of last line which I did quote; if anything they strengthen it!.


This topic is about an unjust law and a protest against that unjust law. You basically said that those who don't like that law should just accept it.


I asked you if you believed the same about people who have protested against unjust laws in the past, which is not off topic nor a deflection in a topic about a protest against an unjust law.


As usual you bring up the  "off topic deflection" excuse for not answering the awkward questions!


Of course, if you believe that I have gone off topic or broken the forum rules by editing your post in my quote then feel free to use the report button.






This was NOT a "Law".


please research what constitutes a "Law" since the difference is signficant.

Edited by ClutchClark
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5 hours ago, 7by7 said:


Another poster who seems to believe that because some countries are undemocratic and have restrictive laws, we should do the same!


Or posibly just another poster urging you to step back and calm down and look at the fact you are getting quite agitated over something quite small which occured in France for a few days time compared to the systemic mysogynistic and sexist and authoritarian suppression against women that occurs in much of the muslim world every day for centuries.



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32 minutes ago, doremifasol said:



In Asia, people find nothing strange in bathing in sea fully clothed.

For women its a decency thing.

I agree regarding the need for full exposure of the face, but other than that.......

Live and let live.......








France is not in Asia

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34 minutes ago, doremifasol said:


Live and let live.......








Interesting choice of words.


You are aware of the irony?


Muslims have been taking 100's of lives in France and France has responded by saying, "Please take your hoodie off at the beach".



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10 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


France is not in Asia


Asians, or indeed Muslims, born in France are French.... with Asian/Muslim beliefs and customs. 


As French citizens their beliefs and customs are part of the overall French culture. 



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1 minute ago, GuestHouse said:


Asians, or indeed Muslims, born in France are French.... with Asian/Muslim beliefs and customs. 


As French citizens their beliefs and customs are part of the overall French culture. 




But their customs are not allowed priority over what French society deems as historical French customs and identity.


America the melting pot has had immigration throughout its history but these immigrants willingly chose to become American first and keep their history as a personal pride in the privacy of their home. 


Immigrants loved the country they were born and raised in but also recognized the problems in that country which prompted their departure. They showed their willing allegiance to the new country which had welcomed them and provided opportunity for their future offspring.


Do you not understand the difference?

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26 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


But their customs are not allowed priority over what French society deems as historical French customs and identity.


America the melting pot has had immigration throughout its history but these immigrants willingly chose to become American first and keep their history as a personal pride in the privacy of their home. 


Immigrants loved the country they were born and raised in but also recognized the problems in that country which prompted their departure. They showed their willing allegiance to the new country which had welcomed them and provided opportunity for their future offspring.


Do you not understand the difference?


Here's a logical argument you need to find a way around. 


What French society (which includes all the French people who are the children, grandchildren of immigrants) regards as French customs and identity is not fixed in time. 


Do you understand how that demonstrates the absurdity of trying to define culture and identity as fixed and unchanging?



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25 minutes ago, nausea said:

Talk about fiddling while Rome burns, people are being killed left, right, and centre; and the best the authorities can come up with is a Burkini ban, with the obvious SJW response.


Absolutely agree. Starting/joining illegal wars, bombing nations back into the stone age and forcing regime change by military action needs to stop. 

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10 minutes ago, GuestHouse said:


Absolutely agree. Starting/joining illegal wars, bombing nations back into the stone age and forcing regime change by military action needs to stop. 


So what of the above applies to this guy ?



The Paris prosecutor’s office said on Saturday that French citizen Hamyd had been remanded in custody. Hamyd is the brother-in-law of Chérif Kouachi, one of two brothers who attacked Charlie Hebdo’s Parisoffice in January 2015, killing 12.



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20 minutes ago, GuestHouse said:


Absolutely agree. Starting/joining illegal wars, bombing nations back into the stone age and forcing regime change by military action needs to stop. 


Its important to recognize the distinction that the infrastructure had become modernized and has been bombed back into the Stone Age; however, many of the residents appeared to have never left the Stone Age.


I do not consider keeping women as chatel as being a sign of an emlightened society.

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24 minutes ago, GuestHouse said:


Here's a logical argument you need to find a way around. 


What French society (which includes all the French people who are the children, grandchildren of immigrants) regards as French customs and identity is not fixed in time. 


Do you understand how that demonstrates the absurdity of trying to define culture and identity as fixed and unchanging?




I don't recall saying it was "fixed & unchanging" so this appears to be a Strawman on your part.


Its unfortunate but it certainly appears to be a wasted effort attempting dialogue with you. Its quite obvious you only read these messages to find things you can tear apart and go on your monologues about. 


Your posts are for the most part filled with hostility and contempt and your overuse of expressions "Bigot" and "Raciat" suggest you get some kind of perverse pleasure in their use.


You had a good post earlier but even in that, you fsiled to present in a positive manner. 


Its quite unfortunate you have chosen Sam Spade as your avatar...as a big Bogie fan I can find absolutely no similarity between your posts and either the character or the man.


Ofcourse, the last word is yours.

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On August 26, 2016 at 8:33 AM, Baerboxer said:

The new esteemed Mayor of London has condemned the ban by some French resorts. He said is was totally inappropriate for anyone to tell women what they can and cannot wear.


And that is the irony expressed by the new Major of London. His book the Koran tells women what they can and cannot wear, backed up by all the mullahs.

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:


And that is the irony expressed by the new Major of London. His book the Koran tells women what they can and cannot wear, backed up by all the mullahs.


You mean this?


"And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is just as though her head were shaved. 6If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head."


It's kind of nasty isn't it, telling women what to wear and shaving their heads if they don't?  Oh, hang on, that's from the bible, lets see what the Quran says...


"Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them when they go abroad. That will be better, so that they may be recognized and not annoyed."


No talk of punishments and they are clearly only trying to protect the women, well, that's better, wouldn't you agree?  And for your information, there is great debate between Mullahs as to the interpretation of this verse, some in the likes of Saudi interpret it quite differently than in the likes of the UK.


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5 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


But their customs are not allowed priority over what French society deems as historical French customs and identity.


America the melting pot has had immigration throughout its history but these immigrants willingly chose to become American first and keep their history as a personal pride in the privacy of their home. 


Immigrants loved the country they were born and raised in but also recognized the problems in that country which prompted their departure. They showed their willing allegiance to the new country which had welcomed them and provided opportunity for their future offspring.


Do you not understand the difference?


You apparently have no idea about the conditions and prejudices that non white, non protestant immigrant to US faced for several generations before becoming accepted.


Just a sample of the issues for the Irish in America. Look familiar? 




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7 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


8 hours ago, doremifasol said:

Live and let live.......

Interesting choice of words.


You are aware of the irony?


Muslims have been taking 100's of lives in France and France has responded by saying, "Please take your hoodie off at the beach".




If you or anyone else thinks that victimising women for their choice of beachwear is going to do anything to stop the terrorists who pervert Islam to justify their atrocities then God (if there is such an entiry) help us all!

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7 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


America the melting pot has had immigration throughout its history but these immigrants willingly chose to become American first and keep their history as a personal pride in the privacy of their home.


Really? The privacy of their own home?


You have obviously never heard of the annual Celebrate Israel Parade in New York or the St Patrick's day parades and celebrations in many US cities to give just two examples.

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8 hours ago, Andaman Al said:
On ‎26‎/‎08‎/‎2016 at 2:33 AM, Baerboxer said:

The new esteemed Mayor of London has condemned the ban by some French resorts. He said is was totally inappropriate for anyone to tell women what they can and cannot wear.

And that is the irony expressed by the new Major of London. His book the Koran tells women what they can and cannot wear, backed up by all the mullahs.


Sadiq Khan with his wife and daughters.


Image result for sadiq khan and family


So are you two saying that he forced them to wear those clothes for the media and that in private he makes them wear burqas?

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26 minutes ago, nausea said:

Wearing a Burkini is a polticsl statement whatever you say, it's saying all the rest of you women on this beach wearing bikinis are whores.


How many burkini wearing French Muslim women did you interview in order to reach that conclusion?


My 25 year old daughter wears fashionable clothing when out socialising; as is the fashion this can be quite revealing. Her mother does not care to reveal so much skin when she goes out.


My daughter wears a bikini on the beach; my wife shorts and a T shirt, even in the water.


Using your 'logic' my wife must be making the same 'political statement' about her own daughter!:shock1:

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