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Trump rebukes racism claims as Clinton warns of radicalism


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Trump rebukes racism claims as Clinton warns of radicalism



MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — Donald Trump confronted head-on allegations that he is racist on Thursday, defending his hard-line approach to immigration while trying to make the case to minority voters that Democrats have abandoned them.


His general election opponent, Hillary Clinton, meanwhile hammered the point that Trump unleashed the "radical fringe" within the Republican Party, including anti-Semites and white supremacists, dubbing the billionaire businessman's campaign as one that will "make America hate again."


The ping-pong accusations come as the two candidates vie for minorities and any undecided voters with less than three months until Election Day. Weeks before the first early voting, Trump faces the urgent task of revamping his image to win over those skeptical of his candidacy.


In a tweet shortly after Clinton wrapped up her speech in the swing state of Nevada, Trump said she "is pandering to the worst instincts in our society. She should be ashamed of herself!"


Clinton is eager to capitalize on Trump's slipping poll numbers, particularly among moderate Republican women turned off by his controversial campaign. "Don't be fooled" by Trumps efforts to rebrand, she told voters at a speech in Reno, saying the country faced a "moment of reckoning."


"He's taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over one of America's two major political parties," she said.


Trump tried to get ahead of the Democratic nominee, addressing a crowd in Manchester, New Hampshire just minutes before Clinton.

"Hillary Clinton is going to try to accuse this campaign, and the millions of decent Americans who support this campaign, of being racists," Trump predicted.


"To Hillary Clinton, and to her donors and advisers, pushing her to spread her smears and her lies about decent people, I have three words," he said. "I want you to hear these words, and remember these words: Shame on you."


Trump tried to turn the tables on Clinton, suggesting she was trying to distract from questions swirling around donations to The Clinton Foundation and her use of her private email servers.


"She lies, she smears, she paints decent Americans as racists," said Trump, who then defended some of the core — and to some people, divisive — ideas of his candidacy.


Clinton did not address any of the accusations about her family foundation in her remarks. Instead, she offered a strident denouncement of Trump's campaign, charging him with fostering hate and pushing discriminatory policies, like his proposed temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States.


Her speech focused on the so-called alt-right movement, which is often associated with efforts on the far right to preserve "white identity," oppose multiculturalism and defend "Western values." Discussions about the alt-right movement became the subject of a Twitter war Thursday, with people on both sides of the debate tweeting under the hashtag #altrightmeans.


"#altrightmeans we don't want to kill you we just want you to go away," tweeted one person.


"#altrightmeans white supremacy. That's all Alt Right is. Another code word for white supremacy. Nothing more nothing less," another tweet said.


Clinton's campaign also released an online video that compiles footage of prominent white supremacist leaders praising Trump, who has been criticized for failing to immediately denounce the support he's garnered from white nationalists and supremacists, including former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke.


Trump, who also met Thursday in New York with members of a new Republican Party initiative meant to train young — and largely minority — volunteers, has been working to win over blacks and Latinos in light of his past inflammatory comments and has been claiming that the Democrats have taken minority voters' support for granted. At rallies over the past week, the Republican presidential nominee cast Democratic policies as harmful to communities of color, and in Mississippi on Wednesday he went so far as to label Clinton "a bigot."


"They've been very disrespectful, as far as I'm concerned, to the African-American population in this country," Trump said.

Many black leaders and voters have dismissed Trump's message — delivered to predominantly white rally audiences — as condescending and intended more to reassure undecided white voters that he's not racist, than to actually help minority communities.


Cornell William Brooks, president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, told C-SPAN's "Newsmakers" Thursday that Trump has not reached out to the organization for any reason. He added that Trump refused the group's invitation to speak at its convention.


"We're going to make it clear: You don't get to the White House unless you travel through the doors of the NAACP," Brooks said. "More importantly, you don't get to the White House without addressing the nation's civil rights agenda."


Before the meeting in New York, several protesters unfurled a banner over a railing in the lobby of Trump Tower that read, "Trump = Always Racist." They were quickly escorted out by security as they railed against Trump for "trying to pander to black and Latino leaders."


"Nothing will change," they yelled.


Lerer reported from Reno, Nevada. Jill Colvin contributed reporting from Washington.

-- © Associated Press 2016-08-26
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Hillary must be feeling the heat as she's ratcheting up the rhetoric.

To wit:


Hillary Clinton claimed that Donald Trump was embracing “dark conspiracy theories” before going on a conspiracy theory-obsessed rant in which she attacked Alex Jones and claimed that Vladimir Putin was the villainous mastermind behind the ‘Alt-Right’ movement 




Back in '08 it was the VRWC (Vast Right Wing Conspiracy) she was banging on about which was utter balderdash after the smoke cleared. :thumbsup:

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6 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Hillary must be feeling the heat as she's ratcheting up the rhetoric.

To wit:


Hillary Clinton claimed that Donald Trump was embracing “dark conspiracy theories” before going on a conspiracy theory-obsessed rant in which she attacked Alex Jones and claimed that Vladimir Putin was the villainous mastermind behind the ‘Alt-Right’ movement 




Back in '08 it was the VRWC (Vast Right Wing Conspiracy) she was banging on about which was utter balderdash after the smoke cleared. :thumbsup:

Of the two pathetic contenders for leader of the free world which one do you support?

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3 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

Incredible that in a country as big and diverse as USA this is the best they can come up with as candidates ! Having said that, I would definitely rather have Trump over clinton :)  


At least he's honest in so many ways that Crooked Hillary couldn't match in a hundred lifetimes.:thumbsup:

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5 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:


At least he's honest in so many ways that Crooked Hillary couldn't match in a hundred lifetimes.:thumbsup:


Mexicans are rapists https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/jul/02/donald-trump-racist-claims-mexico-rapes

Blacks are lazy https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trumps-courtship-of-black-voters-hampered-by-decades-of-race-controversies/2016/07/19/d9822250-4d2e-11e6-aa14-e0c1087f7583_story.html


These are your truths? Vile.

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Speaking of radicalism, let's witness who took money from the KKK shall we?


HILLARY Releases Nasty White Supremacist Ad Against Trump — Forgets to Mention She Took $20,000 from KKK This Year


Of course, she forgot to mention she took $20,000 from the Ku Klux Klan this year.
The Washington Times reported:

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign has received more than $20,000 in donations contributed by members of the Ku Klux Klan, a prominent member of the hate group said Monday.
“For the KKK, Clinton is our choice,” said Will Quigg, California Grand Dragon for the Loyal White Knights, Vocativ reported.

Can't get more clear than that! 


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3 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Speaking of radicalism, let's witness who took money from the KKK shall we?


HILLARY Releases Nasty White Supremacist Ad Against Trump — Forgets to Mention She Took $20,000 from KKK This Year


Of course, she forgot to mention she took $20,000 from the Ku Klux Klan this year.
The Washington Times reported:

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign has received more than $20,000 in donations contributed by members of the Ku Klux Klan, a prominent member of the hate group said Monday.
“For the KKK, Clinton is our choice,” said Will Quigg, California Grand Dragon for the Loyal White Knights, Vocativ reported.

Can't get more clear than that! 



We can get a lot clearer.




On top of that Trump retweets message from white supremacists.


Seems pretty clear to most of us.

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22 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:


At least he's honest in so many ways that Crooked Hillary couldn't match in a hundred lifetimes.:thumbsup:


Would you be so kind as to indulge the membership and elaborate on the points where Trump is 'honest'. Seriously. Everyday is a schooldays and I for one wish to be educated on this matter. It may even sway my opinion. Thank you.

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5 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

How much money has Trump taken from the KKK? 


He doesn't need the money. Apparently he is self funding his campaign. Because he is very rich. He also has the best words. So there.

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20 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

How much money has Trump taken from the KKK? 


So did the money turn up at Clinton campaign HQ with a cheque made out by the 'KKK' and with a letter saying, 'Please accept this donation from the KKK', or was it sent by a Mr I M White, who now discloses that he is a member of the KKK?


Furthermore, the only proof of this if it can be termed that is the statement by Quigg himself. Now as Donald is struggling on race related issues, just what skullduggery is Quigg up to saying he and the KKK now endorse Hillary? That educated bit of you knows that hell would freeze over before the KKK would endorse Hillary or the left, so why would you post such utter drivel and obvious lies without checking it all first? The answer is because as a Trump supporter you match his morales and ethics down to a tee and would rather see someone accused of a wrongdoing they were innocent of if it meant it gave you the upper hand. Just what lynch mobs were all about eh! Folks like most Trump supporters would be elated if it were OK to string blacks up from trees again. What we need on TV is not a number of 'liked posts' indicator but a 'credibility indicator'.

Edited by Andaman Al
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Make America Grape Again. Classic.


In other news, newly minted Trump Campaign CEO Stephen Bannon has stopped beating his wife. Maybe Trump can get Josh Brown as an intern during his week off?


Donald Trump’s Campaign Chief, Stephen Bannon, Faced Domestic Violence Charges in 1996


The recent appointment of Stephen K. Bannon, the right-wing media mogul, as chief executive of Donald J. Trump’s campaign was part of an effort to reset a candidacy that has stumbled with minority and female voters and suffered from controversies surrounding high-level campaign officials.


But Mr. Bannon brings to the post his own bumpy background that includes misdemeanor charges of domestic violence and allegations that he threatened his then wife, the accuser, with retribution if she testified in the criminal case, according to a police report of the incident and court records obtained by The New York Times.




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An upset Trump said, "she is pandering to the worst instincts in our society. Those are my people! How dare she!"


Is there really any doubt who panders to the worst of American society? (Infowars links aside.)  


Boon Mee writes:

At least he's honest in so many ways that Crooked Hillary couldn't match in a hundred lifetimes. :thumbsup:  Come on, man. You don't really believe that do you? 


Yeah...honest Donald. (cough) We'll never know really because...he won't release his taxes. HRC did. This guy lies every 5 minutes on average and we're suppose to believe him about anything? Where is the crooked Hillary stuff, anyway? The woman is the best liar in history. She never gets caught lying!


This election is over. Fini. The End. 


Trump is softening, maybe that will get his numbers up, at least make a respectable showing. Tsk  




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Respectable voters who live in respectable communities will not vote Republican for Potus in this election. 


Broadly, the voters in the burbs that do not watch Fox and who, if they know Breitbart, regard it as the baby of some politically fringe eccentric. The voters who know Ailes is advising his good friend Donald Trump. The voters who Paul Manafort predictably failed to impress and who are now finding out about Stephen Bannon. The voters who see the radical wildman that Donald Trump is.


Also, if you don't like what Trump is saying wait a minute cause it will change.


Everyone knows Trump is the outsider. It was central to his success in the Republican party primaries and convention. Now however Trump himself had made clear to the general electorate that that means turning the country upside down and inside out while doing the same to the world.


HRC is merely picking up on what is already a central theme of this campaign -- increasingly the central theme of it. A bunch of crackpots have taken control of the Republican party. 


This is bad news for Trump and his gang of altrightparawhingenuts and noids. Good news over on this side and for everyone else. 

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Here is this very important speech.

Job well done, future Madam PRESIDENT  --








Hillary Clinton’s Alt-Right Speech Isolated and Destroyed Donald Trump


By definitively linking him to the alt-right, she shredded any remaining legitimacy he had with sane Republicans.



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40 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Here is this very important speech.

Job well done, future Madam PRESIDENT


Since you clearly like Mrs Clinton, here's something I thought you should know...



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Blah blah blah. Already know. It's not so much liking Clinton as seeing trump as an existential danger to the American nation. 




Whatever their reasoning, millions of other voters have decided Clinton is either the better choice or the lesser of two evils. That’s all the more impressive since she comes with some monogrammed luggage of the truth-trimming and corner-cutting kind, though hers is of the smaller carry-on size, and not Trump’s steamer trunk of controversies, from his sexist and racist comments to his nativism and xenophobia to his belittling manner to his designed-to-fool-the-lightly-informed policy proposals.

Those who view America as a ship of fools have worried that voters could be duped into putting this modern-day Captain Queeg at the helm. In fact, Americans have arrived at the right judgment before the debates have even taken place. And it’s nigh unto impossible to imagine them changing their minds after seeing these two rivals head to head.


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Detestable HRC hit piece. Pure unadulterated bullshit. Posting this shows that the wingnuts will go to any lenths to try and soil HRC.


Don't bother watching it but go to Youtube and read the comments by the creeps. Oh do they hate Hillary Clinton.


Sorry boys, get use to "Madam President". 


This is the depths that these asshats will go. :hit-the-fan:

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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Blah blah blah. 


And I always thought you cared about minorities. Silly me.


6 minutes ago, Pinot said:

Detestable HRC hit piece. Pure unadulterated bullshit. Posting this shows that the wingnuts will go to any lenths to try and soil HRC.


Don't bother watching it but go to Youtube and read the comments by the creeps. Oh do they hate Hillary Clinton.


Sorry boys, get use to "Madam President". 


This is the depths that these asshats will go. :hit-the-fan:


Yeah, we will go to any lengths to show what a nasty piece of work Clinton is. But you guys will never accept it as you've already spent so much time saying how great she is.


As for your "unadulterated bullshit" comment...



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Well. that clears that issue up. Doesn't have to be true, we'll just say it. The nasty piece of work according to...Faux News? Breitbart? Stormfront?


The bizarre world of the wingnuts. What is it like walking around, seething with all that hate? 

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2 minutes ago, Pinot said:

Well. that clears that issue up. Doesn't have to be true, we'll just say it. The nasty piece of work according to...Faux News? Breitbart? Stormfront?


The bizarre world of the wingnuts. What is it like walking around, seething with all that hate? 


There are none so blind as those who will not see.


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4 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


Would you be so kind as to indulge the membership and elaborate on the points where Trump is 'honest'. Seriously. Everyday is a schooldays and I for one wish to be educated on this matter. It may even sway my opinion. Thank you.



For starters...:)

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There are two choices for president. trump is the MUCH WORSE choice. End of.

Unless you happen to think Hillary Clinton is the MUCH WORSE choice.

Don't kid yourselves. That's this election in a nutty shell. 

I think it is very clear by now that the majority of voters are going to continue to think trump is the MUCH WORSE choice.


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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

There are two choices for president. trump is the MUCH WORSE choice. End of.

Unless you happen to think Hillary Clinton is the MUCH WORSE choice.

Don't kid yourselves. That's this election in a nutty shell. 

I think it is very clear by now that the majority of voters are going to continue to think trump is the MUCH WORSE choice.


Are you drunk? 

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48 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:


Well I will just stop at number 1. It was 27 years ago and Trump milked the event for all he was worth by putting it in his 2000 book "the America We Deserve", saying how great he was. If he did 'great' things for free, he would never even talk about them, he would just do it because it was a good thing to do. Milking it is the same as being paid for it.

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