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Thai kid comes home from school covered in blood after teacher attack - what would you do?


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I was manhandled by Mr lines my German teacher when I was 12, the same teacher who tried to offer me a lift to school before 1 month before the incident. Upon Mr lines tugging my shoulder I accidentally jolted forward and dropped the nut on poor lines who ran out of class to seek help. Thanks lines you got me moved to a new class and I got an A in German.  Wunderbar.

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Many moons ago when I was in school I got hit by the teacher/s. Primary school and high school. Deserved every beating I got and I'm talking slaps, pushed over, the odd pulled punch and not to mention the cane.  Other friends of mine got the same. They deserved it too. Kids who behaved, kept their mouth shut, and did not push the teachers limits were left alone never encountered this experience.  After the event I was more worried about what my parents would do if they found out.

I'm not justifying violent behavior but we are becoming more and more a nanny state/country/world where soon you will be banished for even talking harshly to your kids or students. There will soon be no punishment for being a brat. Beyond speculation I don't know the full circumstances of this incident but I will put my money on it this kid probably deserved half of what he got. Looking back I feel sorry for the kids who were trying hard to learn and get distracted by fools in the classroom.  Thankfully I've still got the freedom of an opinion and I'm all for the return of caning. My views are respect and society have deteriorated since the abolishment.

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3 hours ago, waynerooney said:

The school has endorsed this action by saying ignore it, sue them and the teacher. File charges. Really Iam sure if happened to my son my first reaction would be to find the piece of scum and knock the livin sshit out of him,  but  this is Thailand and i am a farang so I would be in the wrong.

You're right but I wouldn't say anything to the school or to the to the principal I'd wait until it was dark out maybe a week or two or a month down the road he's gotta come out and buy food or to do something and that's the night that his kneecaps would be broken. He wouldn't see it coming and I would never speak of it not anyone not even my wife, it would be like DAM look honey something happened to that teacher at school.

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6 hours ago, Navalator said:

Covered in blood?  Give me  break.  The kid probably deserved it. Now watch the evangelical nut cases come out of the woodwork to scream  teacher abuse.

You are saying if your elementary child came home covered in cuts and blood you would just tell him to suck it up?  Or would you whack him a few times as well to to get into the 'fun'?  

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Photograph the injuries.


Take the child to the hospital for a medical exam and ask that a Detective be present.


Secure DNA evidence and measure all wounds.


If a weapon was used, secure it and dust for prints and secure any DNA evidence.


Do a scene inspection and taken photographs and if appropriate dust for fingerprints.


Obtain written statements from all witnesses confirming the facts including the teacher.


If the teacher beat the child, file a Police Report and demand he be arrested and charged.


If  appropriate, retain a seasoned,  competent, licensed, attorney that was politically connected, specializing in criminal law. File civil and criminal charges naming all responsible parties.


I would have the child change schools or go where he/she could be home schooled.


If the teacher admitted that he beat the child I would attempt to have his license terminated.


I would secure a restraining order and tell the teacher if he struck my child again his life as he knew it would change dramatically.

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My wife is Thai and I've helped support 2 step-kids so I know that Thai teachers do hit, I think this is a highly unusual case. Most Thai teachers administer corporal punishment on the hands or butt so when I saw the photo my first thoughts were 'Damn, that kid must have done something' and ' Damn, that teacher overstepped the mark'. Either way, it's unacceptable. I think most foreigners don't realize how many videos of Thai teachers smacking kids there are on youtube, as you only find them if you search in Thai. There are dozens, taking in class, presumably by other kids. There was one my wife showed me of a Thai teacher hitting a high school girl with a cane. In the West, that would probably be considered to be some form of child porn but in Thailand, it's a different mentality where Thai teachers believe they are helping the child, instilling discipline and all that. It's a different mindset. 

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8 hours ago, z42 said:

It's a no brainer, with the cops' usefulness in issues like this being akin to the proverbial fart in a spacesuit; social media uploading in an attempt to make it go viral is the ONLY way any good will come of it, and even then there is still the risk of computer crimes violations and bogus defamation lawsuits being barreled around. Embarrassing really :facepalm:


Exactly. So why is this a 'news' item?

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12 minutes ago, jadee said:

My wife is Thai and I've helped support 2 step-kids so I know that Thai teachers do hit, I think this is a highly unusual case. Most Thai teachers administer corporal punishment on the hands or butt so when I saw the photo my first thoughts were 'Damn, that kid must have done something' and ' Damn, that teacher overstepped the mark'. Either way, it's unacceptable. I think most foreigners don't realize how many videos of Thai teachers smacking kids there are on youtube, as you only find them if you search in Thai. There are dozens, taking in class, presumably by other kids. There was one my wife showed me of a Thai teacher hitting a high school girl with a cane. In the West, that would probably be considered to be some form of child porn but in Thailand, it's a different mentality where Thai teachers believe they are helping the child, instilling discipline and all that. It's a different mindset. 


Many years ago I'd attended a Thai language school where my tutor told me she'd left teaching children in school as they were 'uncontrollable'. With all the anti Thai rants on here, education/genetics possibly not the only cause. 



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To  be there  to witness would be the only way to establish  any truth. HoweverThai teachers do too often  display some  violent behaviours. If it is  not enforceably  illegal it should be because the alternative of dismissing from the room or  school should be the  first  action.

At the  same time there have been  numerous  occasions  where I  have had the  desire to inflict  physical insult to some of the  supercilious  arrogant young  individuals in my locality !And  more than one of them are the  children of  local teachers.:(




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7 hours ago, Navalator said:

Covered in blood?  Give me  break.  The kid probably deserved it. Now watch the evangelical nut cases come out of the woodwork to scream  teacher abuse.

Really, seems to me you know nothing, period and it shows.

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This is child abuse!!

1.  Why was the little boy talking and

.    Not paying attention?

2.  Has this happened before, talking,

.    Not paying attention?

3.  Has teacher struck other children?

4.  All facts known, in any case, teacher

.    Should be removed from the classroom.

5.  Principal should notify the police.

6.  If it was my boy, I would have a serious

.    Discussion with this teacher and he

.    Would require several sick days to

.    Recover.

Edited by little mary sunshine
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6 hours ago, maximillian said:

Went to school in Germany from 1955 - 1965.  Been beaten by many teachers and priests, they used sticks, hands, knuckles and rulers. It was considered as normal. I wouldn't have dared to complain with my father.

My son never got beaten by any of his teachers.


Was it just the beating you got from priests?

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It wasn't many decades ago that physical punishment was widespread and quite normal in UK schools.    Thailand is still at that stage of social development.   This comment does not seek to exonerate the teachers who do this,  but is intended to remind us all of our own past.

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6 hours ago, MockingJay said:

If it were my boy, the "math teacher" would now be in the ICU - I'd make sure he will lose control over his bowel movements and bladder, legs and lower body for the rest of his miserable life.


"IF my Aunt had ball's, she would be my Uncle."


(Old Dutch proverb)


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I have never hit a child to the point they are bleeding. 


If a teacher does that, he is obviously not fit to be a teacher and does deserve a

beating. Yes, that will send the right message: discipline my kids but don't assault them.


An interesting perspective.You criticise the teacher for assaulting the child.Yet you take pride in not hitting a child to the point they are bleeding.Anything else goes right? What a delightful human being you must be.

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2 hours ago, b2bme said:

Many moons ago when I was in school I got hit by the teacher/s. Primary school and high school. Deserved every beating I got and I'm talking slaps, pushed over, the odd pulled punch and not to mention the cane.  Other friends of mine got the same. They deserved it too. Kids who behaved, kept their mouth shut, and did not push the teachers limits were left alone never encountered this experience.  After the event I was more worried about what my parents would do if they found out.

I'm not justifying violent behavior but we are becoming more and more a nanny state/country/world where soon you will be banished for even talking harshly to your kids or students. There will soon be no punishment for being a brat. Beyond speculation I don't know the full circumstances of this incident but I will put my money on it this kid probably deserved half of what he got. Looking back I feel sorry for the kids who were trying hard to learn and get distracted by fools in the classroom.  Thankfully I've still got the freedom of an opinion and I'm all for the return of caning. My views are respect and society have deteriorated since the abolishment.

Please, please, please, never attempt to enter any profession that brings you into contact with children.


Your acceptance of violence for discipline and view that children can deserve being assaulted by those who are supposed to develop them into rational thinking adults are appalling and if followed will damage children for life.

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8 hours ago, Alwyn said:

If any adult laid a hand on my children they would receive a proper slap the level of violence would depend on how much harm was done to my kids.  A person who was responsible for the care of my kids, like a teacher, would not be harming any other kids afterwards. 

This is a blatant case of common assault against a minor. 

The police should charge him to the full extent of the law, as well as removing him from his teaching role, to an inactive post until his retirement, a few months, according to the report. 

It is totally unacceptable for the BIB to not press any aassault charges.   

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Long before I was born this happened to one of my grandmother's cousins in California back in the 1890's; only it was the school principal who had administered the beating. According to my grandmother her uncle, who was a very powerfully built guy, arrived at his son's school early the next morning and beat the stuffing out of the principal in front of the entire school and then kicked him down a flight of stairs. So, that having been said, I would certainly have resorted to violence as well, though, not in front of any children. 

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11 hours ago, rkidlad said:

"The story caused much comment online with most criticizing the teacher though some said the child was probably naughty and pushed him too far. Though even those that defended him said that the level of violence was unacceptable"


Well, if the child was naughty and pushed him too far, what else could he do?




Somebody call child services and send them over to this guy's house.

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12 hours ago, baboon said:

An understandable reaction, especially in the heat of the moment. However what further use would you be to your children for the next 20 years while you are in prison?

I hardly think you would get 20 months for giving the teacher a slap, let alone 20 years.

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15 hours ago, Navalator said:

Covered in blood?  Give me  break.  The kid probably deserved it. Now watch the evangelical nut cases come out of the woodwork to scream  teacher abuse.


How do you know  that the child "probably deserved it"? Since when  is a teacher given the legal authority to inflict physical injury to a minor?  The teacher had neither the the legal nor moral right to cause injury such that there was a loss of blood.


Now, what if the the child did not deserve it? Seriously, what is your response to an adult who beats a child?  I am not even addressing the fact that you see nothing wrong with physically injuring a child. By the way, here's a  tip you seem to be unawareof: IT IS ILLEGAL TO INJURE A CHILD IN THIS MANNER.  Did you get it? Do you understand? Now, please explain why this "teacher should be given a pass on obeying the law.


What is your response to people who believe that you probably deserve a beating such that you bleed all over your shirt? 

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15 hours ago, Alwyn said:

If any adult laid a hand on my children they would receive a proper slap the level of violence would depend on how much harm was done to my kids.  A person who was responsible for the care of my kids, like a teacher, would not be harming any other kids afterwards. 

And how would you feel about the assault and possible criminal charges levies at you after picking on this guy old enough to be near retirement.  Early retirement seems sensible with a reprimand.

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