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Clinton says controversies behind her; Trump begs to differ


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10 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

You boys keep hammering on Fox News as the source of all anti-Clinton material! :lol:


Fox news may be the only news outlet that's cheer leading for Trump, but even at Fox, some of their talking heads' smiles are wearing thin.  Meghan Kelly sometimes dissolves into credulity when hearing the latest Trumpism, and she's trying mightily to be a good Foxster and support him. Trump's VP pick couldn't stop himself from chuckling when a reporter quoted Trump during an interview. 


Penn Jillette of 'Penn and Teller' fame has a great quote: "However bad you think he is, ....he's worse."   Jillette spent two seasons on The Apprentice and got to know Trump quite well.  



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25 minutes ago, MisterTee said:

Trump is a buffoon who seems to be mentally unbalanced.

Clinton is a pathological liar and career criminal.

Take your pick on election day.


Where do you get your data on HRC?  Look at her 40 yr record on public service.  If you look at it objectively, you'll see what you wrote isn't remotely on the mark.  She's been active in promoting programs to tangibly assist disadvantaged people.  The opposite of Trump.  I learned some things listening to a speech by the person who knows her best:  Bill Clinton.  I challenge you to listen to the same speech from the DNC.  You probably won't, because you're fixated on believing Republican Attack Machine lies.



Edited by boomerangutang
added link for Bill's speech
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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Where do you get your data on HRC?  Look at her 40 yr record on public service.  If you look at it objectively, you'll see what you wrote isn't remotely on the mark.  



He is not far off the mark. She has been exposed as an outrageous liar over and over again. Granted, she has never been convicted of a crime, but she has been accused numerous times and the corrupt DOJ and others refuses to prosecute. Another case of big shots getting away with murder.

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10 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


He is not far off the mark. She has been exposed as an outrageous liar over and over again. Granted, she has never been convicted of a crime, but she has been accused numerous times and the corrupt DOJ and others refuses to prosecute. Another case of big shots getting away with murder.

She's been accused numerous times on Breitbart, Fox News, Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh.

That doesn't actually count for squit.



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3 minutes ago, Chicog said:

She's been accused numerous times on Breitbart, Fox News, Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh.



The list is a LOT longer than that - including the New York Times and Washington Post - but you can add "The Observer" to that list:


The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton

After years of holding herself above the law, telling lie after lie and months of flat-our obstruction....






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19 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

That's about all Trump's people have any more:   attack attack attack.   Dredge up an unused condom from the cesspool and blow them up as if it's the Hindenburg and hang it over their stump stages.  Trump's old white men have no good ideas.  No specific policy suggestions except building a wall which will cost each American man, woman and child $100.  Maybe he can pass the hat at his rallies, and each person can put $100 X how many people in their family - in the hat.   A single mom in Detroit with 6 kids will have to put $700 towards that wall.   No matter that the wall will not work because most Mexican immigrants come in legally by car or plane, and just overstay their visas.   Also:  Trump probably doesn't know that more Chinese than Mexicans become illegal aliens.   

"A single mom in Detroit with 6 kids will have to put $700 towards that wall."


A single mom in Detroit with 6 kids is breeding income, don't think she will be contributing to the nations coffers, more likely she would be on the receiving end.  Particularly when you factor in the horrible policies of the Democrat party, and its misuse for political gain, of the minority communities. 

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28 minutes ago, bassman said:

"A single mom in Detroit with 6 kids will have to put $700 towards that wall."


A single mom in Detroit with 6 kids is breeding income, don't think she will be contributing to the nations coffers, more likely she would be on the receiving end.  Particularly when you factor in the horrible policies of the Democrat party, and its misuse for political gain, of the minority communities. 


Hey, try to stay on focus here...you can bash angry old hard-working and responsible white men all you like but you can't say welfare collecting single mom from Detroit or someone will accuse you of being a bigot and a racist.


But you are correct that this low-income welfare recipient is never expected to contribute to society in any meaningful way under obama-nomics. 

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7 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Where do you get your data on HRC?  Look at her 40 yr record on public service.  If you look at it objectively, you'll see what you wrote isn't remotely on the mark.  She's been active in promoting programs to tangibly assist disadvantaged people.  The opposite of Trump.  I learned some things listening to a speech by the person who knows her best:  Bill Clinton.  I challenge you to listen to the same speech from the DNC.  You probably won't, because you're fixated on believing Republican Attack Machine lies.




So Trumps wife defends her husband and gets thoroughly attacked by Liberals and even threatened to be sent home but now we should all listen lovingly to Bills support for his wife and believe it as the gospel? Come on Boomer ;-) 


I liked Bil Clinton as Prez but his playing the part of the loving husband is pretty comical. 

He basically destroyed one young & naive interns life without a second thought. Just someone to use and abuse.

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This news item has been out there for a few days although with the shear numbers of scandals Crooked Hillary is embroiled in, you might have missed this gem:


Hillary Didn’t Just Delete Her Emails…

She bleached them. Why did she go to such extreme lengths to prevent the people she was supposedly serving from seeing her Secretary of State emails? Because they would reveal the details of her influence peddling:



Controversies behind her?

Right! :rolleyes:

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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

He is not far off the mark. She has been exposed as an outrageous liar over and over again. Granted, she has never been convicted of a crime, but she has been accused numerous times and the corrupt DOJ and others refuses to prosecute. Another case of big shots getting away with murder.


Accusations of HRC being a liar have only become a tempest in recent months.  For 39 of her 40 years of public service (including dozens of successful initiatives to help disadvantaged kids, women and minorities), there have been scant few accusations.


It's only recently. Google it.  The reason:  Trump is determined to run such an abysmally negative campaign because that's the only straw he has to clutch onto.  He's drowning.


A Trumpism from yesterday's interview with Anderson Cooper; ("If I'm president.....) "there won't be any more drugs coming into this country."


Only die-hard Trump sheeple can believe such a ridiculous boast.  Incidentally, Trump is excellent at running over interviewers with his bully voice.  Look at the interview; half the sentences Cooper tried to elicit were over-ridden, and for the other half, Trump cut him off after 2 or 3 words.   Imagine a blowhard ignoramus like Trump speaking with foreign leaders or US top brass (yes, that's part of a prez's job description) ......he would be barreling over everyone, without listening.  He's worse than dangerous for America.

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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


  Imagine a blowhard ignoramus like Trump speaking with foreign leaders or US top brass (yes, that's part of a prez's job description) ......he would be barreling over everyone, without listening.  .

He'd be considered a Leader rather than that wuss that's in the White House now.:thumbsup:

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@Boomer,  ^^^^^^

Up until a year ago us Republicans figured all America had long figured out the obvious--that Hillay & Bill were crooked characters.


it wasn't until you decided to run her for Prez that we realized your innocence and have been trying to help you spot the obvious  ;-)



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13 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Accusations of HRC being a liar have only become a tempest in recent months.  For 39 of her 40 years of public service (including dozens of successful initiatives to help disadvantaged kids, women and minorities), there have been scant few accusations.



Nonsense. Hillary's lies were well known long before this election. Remember when she claimed to have landed under fire in Bosnia? She earned 4 Pinocchio's from The Washington Post, Politifact and others. That was 8 years ago and Trump had nothing to do with it.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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12 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Nonsense. Hillary's lies were well known long before this election. Remember when she claimed to have landed under fire in Bosnia? She earned 4 Pinocchio's from The Washington Post, Politifact and others. That was 8 years ago and Trump had nothing to do with it.

Yup, some people are starting to wake up and that''s why she's dropped 9 points in just 3 days. http://route.overnewser.com/polticsnewz/?url=http://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2016/08/27/nose-dive-clinton-drops-seven-points-in-three-days-n2210828&utm_source=twitter-tools&utm_medium=PolticsNewz&utm_campaign=article

Wait until the rest of the Wikileaks stuff comes out. :)

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On 8/26/2016 at 2:35 PM, lust said:

Brought to you by Associated Press. The CIA's finest tabloid.


Now Trump's people hate AP because they report the truth.  Who's left to hate?  Trump now hates all media except maybe Breithart and Fox, and half the time he hates Fox.


1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

He'd be considered a Leader rather than that wuss that's in the White House now.:thumbsup:


.....a leader of shirking responsibility.  A leader of making a killing in real estate, then slinking out of town (Atlantic City) while leaving piles of ripped-off workers and investors in his wake.  Indeed, Atlantic City is now like a reptile's tail still moving, after the reptile shirks away.


1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Nonsense. Hillary's lies were well known long before this election. Remember when she claimed to have landed under fire in Bosnia? She earned 4 Pinocchio's from The Washington Post, Politifact and others. That was 8 years ago and Trump had nothing to do with it.


Those who closely followed political wrangling before 2016 had heard some unflattering things about HRC.  There was Whitewater and the mention of being fired upon at the Bosnian airport.   Small potatoes.   What's different is; now there's a big man shouting daily about her relatively small things as if she personally sunk the 5th Fleet.   It may be hard for Trump fans to fathom now, but up until a year ago, there was little mention of HRC's relatively small shortcomings.


In contrast;  look at Trump's track record for the same 40 years.  Besides the many major transgressions, there are things he didn't do:   He never lifted a finger for anyone besides himself.  His religion is amassing money.   American voters have a clear choice.  HRC is not as perfect as a clear mountain stream, but most voters will be voting to keep Trump from power.    

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10 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


 It may be hard for Trump fans to fathom now, but up until a year ago, there was little mention of HRC's relatively small shortcomings.



You really do not get it. That is what happens during a presidential election. The demonization of Trump didn't start until very recently.

Hillary violated national security and lied about the YouTube video, but the election is why they have become so well know.

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16 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


In contrast;  look at Trump's track record for the same 40 years.


No one cared about Trump's track record until he dared to run for President. Now his record is being blown WAY out or proportion in an attempt to make Hillary not seem so bad.

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23 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


At least you got the couple of brain cells part right.


My post read:  "Ultimately it flows out here on TV, where those of us with a couple of brain cells left, make fun of the ridiculous nonsense our local TV wingnuts post."  


I think most people with a couple of brain cells would have understood that was a statement against those with NO brain cells left. Whatever...


It was subtle as well as smug, sorry. Obviously too subtle. I love that your post was faved by the usual suspects. 


Back to reading Breitbart links. :coffee1:

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6 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You really do not get it. That is what happens during a presidential election. The demonization of Trump didn't start until very recently.

Hillary violated national security and lied about the YouTube video, but the election is why they have become so well know.


We agree " That is what happens during a presidential election."  Your 1st and 3rd sentences are wrong.  I and many others were familiar with Trump's grave shortcomings for years before this election cycle.  I even drew/wrote a comic strip with Trump in it, 12 yrs ago.  Would you like to see it?


1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


No one cared about Trump's track record until he dared to run for President. Now his record is being blown WAY out or proportion in an attempt to make Hillary not seem so bad.


Is his record "blown WAY out or proportion" or is it reporting of facts?   Granted there are also opinions being bandied around.  Interesting to note that the people who know him best are often those who poop most vigorously on his character.   The opposite happens with HRC:  The people who know her best, speak of her achievements and character in glowing terms.   


And then there are the hundreds of people who know Trump, who are under 'gag orders' to keep mum about saying anything non-flattering about him.  That includes Marla Maples and nearly everyone who has had any dealings with him.  Even his former campaign managers are under gag orders.  Nothing of the sort is slapped on former or current HRC associates.

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


No one cared about Trump's track record until he dared to run for President. Now his record is being blown WAY out or proportion in an attempt to make Hillary not seem so bad.


It's a process called vetting. You know, taking a look at taxes, at prior statements, who he hangs out with, etc. His record is pathetic. And he isn't helping himself. 


But keep defending him. He needs the wingnuts defending him. No one else is going to do it. 


I just love how he stiffed Ann Coulter who was trying to sell her silly book. Delicious!


Why the long face, Ann? 


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9 minutes ago, Pinot said:


It's a process called vetting.


Yes indeed, but you folks do not seem too happy when it happens to Hillary. 40 years of scandals do not look good to voters, no matter how her supporters try spin them and distort the truth.

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2 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:




I have not used any of those except to use the expression "PC" & "Liberals" .


Are these considered offensive? Serious question. I thought "libersl" was similar to using "conservative" and I don't think anyone took issue with that. 


Is "PC" a bad word? Would you prefer not to be called "PC"?

You make a general statement, I give a general example. Could have picked many other examples.

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