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Trump vows to deport criminal illegal immigrants


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Trump vows to deport criminal illegal immigrants




DES MOINES: -- Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump set out more details on his immigration policy as he sought to play down criticism he had softened his hardline stance on deporting undocumented migrants from the US.


At a fund raiser for Senator Joni Ernst in Iowa, Trump told the crowds to rounds of applause:


“On Day One, I am going to begin swiftly removing criminal illegal immigrants from this country – including removing the hundreds of thousands of criminal illegal immigrants that have been released into U.S. communities under the incompetent Obama-Clinton Administration.”


He also said he would “institute nationwide E-Verify, stop illegal immigrants from accessing welfare and entitlements, and develop an exit-entry tracking system to ensure those who overstay their visas are quickly removed”.


Previously, Trump won over conservative voters with his hardline approach saying he would build a border wall. In Iowa he avoided clarifying whether he would deport 11 million undocumented migrants living in the country.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-08-29


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Trump stand-ins struggle to speak for and defend nominee



WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump isn't making it easy for top supporters and advisers, from his running mate on down, to defend him or explain some campaign positions.


Across the Sunday news shows, a parade of Trump stand-ins, led by vice presidential nominee Mike Pence, couldn't say whether Trump was sticking with or changing a central promise to boot the roughly 11 million people living in the U.S. illegally, with the help of a "deportation force." And they didn't bother defending his initial response Saturday to the killing of a mother as she walked her baby on a Chicago street.


Questioned on whether it's a problem that the GOP presidential nominee has left key details on immigration policy unclear so late in the election, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus demurred: "I just don't speak for Donald Trump."


It was a striking look at Trump's leadership of a team he had said would help drive him to victory in the Nov. 8 election.


The very purpose of surrogates is to speak for and back up their presidential nominee. But Team Trump has struggled to do so even as they stayed tightly together on the details they know: Trump will issue more details on the immigration plan soon, the policy will be humane and despite his clear wavering, he's been "consistent" on the issue. Any discussion of inconsistencies or potentially unpresidential tweeting, Pence and others suggested, reflected media focus on the wrong issue.


The right issue, they said, was whether Democrat Hillary Clinton crossed ethical lines during her tenure as secretary of state by talking with people outside the government who had contributed to her family's philanthropy foundation. Priebus' counterpart at the Democratic National Committee, Donna Brazile, said there's no evidence of that. Clinton on Sunday was raising campaign money in the Hamptons, a vacation spot for the wealthy on Long Island.


Asked whether the "deportation force" proposal Trump laid out in November is still in place, Pence replied: "Well, what you heard him describe there, in his usual plainspoken, American way, was a mechanism, not a policy."


Added Trump's campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway: "The softening is more approach than policy," adding that on immigration, Trump "wants to find a fair and humane way."


"He is not talking about a deportation force," she observed.


The Indiana governor, Conway and other surrogates said the main tenets of Trump's immigration plan still will include building a wall along the southern U.S. border and making Mexico pay for it, no path to legalization or citizenship for people here illegally and stronger border enforcement. Pence also did not answer whether the campaign believes, as Trump has said, that children born to people who are in the U.S. illegally are not U.S. citizens. That, he said, "is a subject for the future."


Native-born children of immigrants, even those living illegally in the U.S., have been automatically considered American citizens since the adoption of the 14th Amendment in 1868.


Trump has focused lately on deporting people who are in the U.S. illegally and who have committed crimes. But who Trump considers a criminal remained unclear Sunday.


"Those are the things that Donald Trump is going to answer," Priebus said.


Other Trump stand-ins, including New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, spoke similarly.


Recent polls indicate Clinton is ahead in some of the most competitive and pivotal states. The first presidential debate is set for Sept. 26.


Trump in recent days has suggested he might be "softening" on the deportation force and that he might be open to allowing at least some immigrants in the country illegally to stay, as long as they pay taxes.


But by Thursday, he was ruling out any kind of legal status — "unless they leave the country and come back," he told CNN.


His surrogates on Sunday refused to comment on Trump's reaction to the fatal shooting of NBA star Dwyane Wade's cousin Friday, as she pushed her baby in a stroller in Chicago.


Trump's first tweet about the shooting ended this way: "Just what I have been saying. African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP!"


A few hours later, he followed up with a tweet offering condolences to Wade and his family.


Asked whether the initial tweet was presidential or appropriate, GOP officials and campaign advisers instead talked about reducing crime or said they were pleased Trump followed up with a tweet of condolence and empathy.


Christie said the media "focus on process ... instead of the message." He said the killing of someone pushing a stroller "is unacceptable in an American city" and that "the level of violence in Chicago is unacceptable."


Pence appeared on CNN's "State of the Union," Priebus was on NBC's "Meet the Press," Christie was interviewed on ABC's "This Week" and Conway was on Fox and she and Brazile appeared on CBS' "Face the Nation."


Follow Laurie Kellman on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/APLaurieKellman


-- © Associated Press 2016-08-29
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Another Trump flip-flop.   If you are illegally in the country, you are a criminal.   He can't and he won't be deporting all the people he said he would.   


His lies make Hillary look like a saint.   

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So illegal immigration to the US is no longer a crime? Probably just as well, or they would be taking the prize for the highest incarceration rate, currently held by Seychelles with a total of ~700 prisoners compared to the US 2.4 million.

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Immigration " they're coming to steal our jobs"  I did post part of this in another thread.


In my country I know more illegal Thais than I do Thais legally holding visas. Their visa runs out, they do not renew it nor do they leave but go underground. Doing this they have an advantage of driving real wages down. In fact not only because they are willing to work for less 7 days (which still is heaps in Thai terms) but because they fly under the radar and have no registration of any kind they therefore do not pay any taxes (apart from VAT), they deal mostly in untraceable cash transactions, accordingly they can outbid any legitimate trader. If say, your income taxes are roughly a quarter to one third, then that is one of a hell discount they can provide to secure work. They do not wear a sign saying they are illegal immigrants, no one asks or cares.
I do not blame them for using the system to better their lives and families but it does not sit well with me to find these enterprising illegals doing pretty well sending money back to Thailand and because of the exchange rate becoming quite rich in comparison to their compatriots when they return. One I know  has been here for 15 years, another 10. One finally got caught (I think but not sure) not being able to supply ID in a traffic accident. But that still did not cost him, only the legit taxpayer because Immigration paid for his return home because he "hasn't any money". Actually he had quite a business with vehicles and plant. Of course he contributed to the country's economy but he also used services roads etc that others have to pay for.Immigration does not concern itself with his assets, which is outside their jurisdiction, he assigned them to his partner who put everything into her Thai bank account. It seems that Immigration, Police, Inland Revenue, Social Welfare, banks are prevented from sharing files without special application, so they only concern themselves with their own jurisdictions. Dysfunctional in my view but that's human rights for you.



The situation in America is quite different I realize but there must be some corresponding elements that defines the issue as not all about racial discrimination as is promoted by the left.

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As for Trump seeming to flip-flop, one American journalist on the campaign's beat (sorry, I cannot recall his/her name from the video) stated that Trump's main purpose is not to win over the Hispanic vote so much as it is for him to appear more palatable to the independent voter. 


I think his or her point was that some independent voters do not like Clinton and are leaning towards the GOP's candidate, but are turned off by what appears to them as the racial overtones of the Trump campaign.


Personally, I have never been good about analyzing the American voter, so I cannot comment either way on this.  Yet, it does seem like an interesting point to consider.

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

He is probably not going to get the chance, but he has the right attitude on this one. Deport every single criminal that is undocumented.


3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Turffing out the criminal illegal aliens first day in office is a fine, fine plan!  :)


1 hour ago, SABloke said:

Not to be pedantic,  but isn' t an illegal immigrant a criminal by definition. :whistling:


Ding Ding Ding - we have a winner! That's where the wingnuts are it. They're all criminals...perp walk em all out the door, right boys? 


Trump had no consistent ideas about immigration "except for hate and divisiveness."


I'm ashamed that Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for President of the United States...and you should be to. 




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4 hours ago, Credo said:

Another Trump flip-flop.   If you are illegally in the country, you are a criminal.   He can't and he won't be deporting all the people he said he would.   


His lies make Hillary look like a saint.   

Ah, the new conservative breakfast; the Trump Waffle.

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And yet he wants to make all undocumented aliens leave the country.  And if a felon is convicted, that means he is either in prison or an ex-con. In the latter case he is automatically deported. So are you saying that Trump wants to empty the prisons of undocumented criminals and send them back.  I'm sure the convicts would love that idea. 

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31 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


They ARE criminals. That is a fact, but I think that Trump is more concerned about convicted felons.

Of course they are criminals. They entered the US illegally.





adjective: illegal


contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law.

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9 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Sounds like you are making things up once again.

You wrote " but I think that Trump is more concerned about convicted felons."  So either they're in prison or they're deported. Or do you think undocumented convicts are allowed to stay in the USA once their sentence is served?

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16 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Or do you think undocumented convicts are allowed to stay in the USA once their sentence is served?


Do you read anything besides far left blogs? ICE has released thousands of illegal immigrants convicted of murder, sex crimes and drunken driving without deporting them.

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8 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Do you read anything besides far left blogs? ICE has released thousands of illegal immigrants convicted of murder, sex crimes and drunken driving without deporting them.

Fair enough. But the reason these criminals aren't returned is because their home countries won't accept them.  Apart from bluster, what's Trump going to do about that?  Force them to?  Like he's going to make Mexico pay for the wall?

Edited by ilostmypassword
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Since his first inauguration, about 7.5 years ago, Obama has expelled 3 million illegal immigrants.  The main emphasis has been on expelling criminals & then catching and returning recent arrivals.  Catching people who have been living and working in the US peacefully and have been paying their taxes are considered to be very low priority by the INS. 


It sounds like Trump is embracing Obama's policy!

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5 minutes ago, otherstuff1957 said:

Since his first inauguration, about 7.5 years ago, Obama has expelled 3 million illegal immigrants.  The main emphasis has been on expelling criminals & then catching and returning recent arrivals.  Catching people who have been living and working in the US peacefully and have been paying their taxes are considered to be very low priority by the INS. 


It sounds like Trump is embracing Obama's policy!


Do you mean physically expelled as in a US agency physically paid to have them removed from the US?


Or do you mean the number of illegals in the US has simply dropped by 3 million since obama took office?


The reason there needs to be a distinction is because many illegals voluntarily departed the US when the economy tanked 8 years ago and they could no longer find employment. They left voluntarily and it had nothing to do with any effort on obies part.

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Trump reminds me of the sleazy guy who was loudly trying to pick up a beautiful lady along a riverside rest stop.   This is an absolute true story.   I was across the small river.  On the other side, 9 meters away, a guy saunters down the path and sits himself next to a gorgeous gal who was a friend of mine.  


He was desperately trying to woo her (like Trump trying to woo voters).  He started by saying, "what's your sun sign?"

She answered.

He then said, "I'm a Sagitarius"

She said, "oh, too bad, I don't get along with Sagitariuses."

He then said, "Oh, don't worry.  I went to Mexico and got a change.  They gypsy down there told me I'm actually a Cancer."

She said, "I get along worst with Cancers."


Boomers' comment:  Doesn't that sound like Trump?  He's so immature and pesty with how he tries in desperation to garner voters.  He even told a crowd recently, "If you don't vote for me, can you imagine how bad I'm going to feel the day after the election? ....If I spend all this money, and I don't get elected?"


He's serious.  In his snakeoil-salesman mind, it's all about him:  getting elected, amassing more money.  All else is fodder for increasing his fame and fortune.  


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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


They ARE criminals. That is a fact, but I think that Trump is more concerned about convicted felons.


He is *suddenly* more concerned about convicted felons.

Meanwhile he has totally flip flopped on his deportation force.



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13 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Fair enough. But the reason these criminals aren't returned is because their home countries won't accept them.  Apart from bluster, what's Trump going to do about that?  Force them to?  Like he's going to make Mexico pay for the wall?

Then they should be put in jail, not released onto the streets.


To Chicog, he's always said about deporting convicted felons.

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15 minutes ago, otherstuff1957 said:

Since his first inauguration, about 7.5 years ago, Obama has expelled 3 million illegal immigrants.  The main emphasis has been on expelling criminals & then catching and returning recent arrivals.  Catching people who have been living and working in the US peacefully and have been paying their taxes are considered to be very low priority by the INS. 


It sounds like Trump is embracing Obama's policy!


Too bad obama missed this guy when he was rounding up that 3 million.


He could have prevented a decent American woman from being executed right in front of her father while they innocently walked along the tourist pier in San Francisco. Just an American family destroyed by an illegal immigrant who had been sent home FIVE times previously. 


Many Americans, even those of us who think poorly of Trump, want to see a much tougher stand taken against illegal aliens than what we have seen from obama these past 7.5 years.



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33 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Too bad obama missed this guy when he was rounding up that 3 million.


He could have prevented a decent American woman from being executed right in front of her father while they innocently walked along the tourist pier in San Francisco. Just an American family destroyed by an illegal immigrant who had been sent home FIVE times previously. 


Many Americans, even those of us who think poorly of Trump, want to see a much tougher stand taken against illegal aliens than what we have seen from obama these past 7.5 years.



Ever heard of statistics?  You might want to acquaint yourself with its rudiments before making saying things like you did here.

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9 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

Perhaps a "Native American" should run for President and vow to send all immigrants back to their ancestral place of origin?


What's sauce for the goose ... etc.


But Trump would say "they don't look like Indians to me".







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