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That is the pussy pervert - sickened neighbors point to Chinese man in bizarre cat torture case


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I'd like to spend 5 mins with him demonstrating some of my box cutters. Including the Stanly knife.


What a sick bastard and some of the posters here too.


Thank god Thailand is finally making some small attempts to get grip on animal cruelty. Good for the BIB.


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....the land of champions of justice....wow.......


...and the only criminals in sight are foreigners...


...if he is an architect...he must have some brains...so I would like to hear his explanation...


...but he is tried and found guilty already...


...like the tourists that paid a fortune to have a photo taken with a crustacean....


...how much were they charged for that tour I wonder....never will see the light of day

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2 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

do the hang him high crowd apply their anger to animal abuse cases?

This is far worse than another rape case where you have 10 pages of what the "hang him high " posters want to do to him .

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Sorry but a box cutter is not a Stanley knife but similar. It's one of those plastic knives with a blade that you can snap off when the leading part of the blade is blunt. The blade is segmented and about 4 or 5 inches (100mm or so) long with the segments at 45 degree angles and about 1/2 an inch long.

Edited by swoods58
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1 hour ago, whatproblem said:

Probably get a stiffer sentence than he would of got for killing a foreigner 


Know what you mean, but THAT law only applies to Thais killing foreigners! Especially if they are well connected or give "I was angry" as reason to the understanding and helpful officers in charge...

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1 minute ago, swoods58 said:

Sorry but a box cutter is not a Stanley knife but similar. It's one of those plastic knives with a blade that you can snap off when the leading part of the blade is blunt. The blade is segmented and about 4 or 5 inches (100mm or so) long with the segments at 45 degree angles and about 1/2 an inch long.


Not so, or not so only.


Stanley make nice box cutters of the type you describe with yellow/black plastic handles as well as the traditional metal handled Stanley knife with short blades............which is also a box-cutter.


Box cutters come in many other shapes and sizes. Some are smaller than those you describe and some (no doubt US ones) are bigger* But they mostly (not all) have the same snapped-off blade principle.


*Lucky I did not say Nigerian ones, or  would be in trouble with the TV PC brigade............Joke not racist trolling honest Mod.


Back in the day the nasties in Glasgow used to stick two blades in the handle separated by a matchstick which gave the most horrendous nearly impossible to repair cuts.


Sigh, what happened to the good old razor blade in the peak of the cap?



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3 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

do the hang him high crowd apply their anger to animal abuse cases?

I'm not in that crowd, but in this case, yes. If you can do that to a defenseless animal, you can do it to a defenseless child. There's no difference. Science shows that animals feel parallel levels of stress, fear and pain to humans. This is what he enjoys; seeing the fear, vulnerability, paid and suffering. Commit him to a mental institution for evaluation. 

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2 hours ago, JayBeeee said:


I suspected such, but stil, can't see how it translates to 'bux cudrrrrrrr'.

A box cutter is a handle with a razor blade inserted that allows a cut about a centimeter deep.  Used for cutting cardboard and opening cardboard boxes.  Hence 'box cutter'.  Bet there are a few photos on Google.

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it would benefit humanity if this sick weirdo was gutted with a Stanley knife.  also the amount of posters seeking to trivialise such a matter should also be eliminated.  obviously sociopaths.  lack of empathy for sentient beings means that you are 100% sociopathic - possibly psychopathic to the extreme.  take note people who know such posters!

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Many serial killers start of with animals, this scum bag needs to be of the streets before he progresses on to people. If I caught him doing that with our cat I would dismantle him with his Stanley knife.

The mrs and me are agonising about what to do with our cat when we move to Thailand in the next couple of months we really want to take him but we aren't sure what is best for him.

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10 minutes ago, zd1 said:

(Many serial killers start of with animals, this scum bag needs to be of the streets before he progresses on to people. If I caught him doing that with our cat I would dismantle him with his Stanley knife.

The mrs and me are agonising about what to do with our cat when we move to Thailand in the next couple of months we really want to take him but we aren't sure what is best for him.

hard thing to decide.  but in my opinion having looked after cats in Thailand  - (one died of feline HIV the other was poisoned by some neighbour) - I would try to rehome the cat where you are.  Cats especially are prone to deadly diseases due to their ability to roam freely.  also, so many ticks and bugs and diseased mice etc around.  not to mention the many feral and disease carrying cats.  sorry if this sounds grim.  but your cat will have little chance in Thailand.

Edited by jonesthebaker
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It starts with animal cruelty, easy preys, and when they master the techniques of manipulating people then they go for even easier prey, to rape, torture and kill, and they'll continue doing it until they get caught.

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5 hours ago, JayBeeee said:

Another damned foreigner here for the pussy!

Another damned news picture of neighbors[sic] pointing at something/one.

What's a 'box cutter'? (been meaning to ask since 11/9).


Box cutter, often used to cut open taped boxes:



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1 hour ago, jonesthebaker said:

it would benefit humanity if this sick weirdo was gutted with a Stanley knife.  also the amount of posters seeking to trivialise such a matter should also be eliminated.  obviously sociopaths.  lack of empathy for sentient beings means that you are 100% sociopathic - possibly psychopathic to the extreme.  take note people who know such posters!



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I agree that he is sick and, no doubt, shouldn't be free to walk the streets to comtinue his sick practices. But being clearly mentally disturbed means he should be in a mental institution, being dealt with by professionals.

Doing the things that so many members of the TVF lynch mob in here are so hungry to do can only make them as sick as him... and I won't be part of that, simply because I respond with my brain, not my balls.

I was at a friend's house this afternoon and I saw someone empty a bagfull of live bugs into a pan of boiling oil.  I was repulsed by what I witnessed and had to leave the room! But should these people be cast into boiling oil? NO! of course not; it's their culture and they act out of ignorance.

In Moo 1 of our village they eat dogs, in fact they ate one of ours, and I very much doubt that they're too concerned about how the dog feels while they're killing it. Should they be dealt the same death as the dogs? I don't think so...it's their culture, whether I like it or not; they act from ignorance!

Sick people should be treated, and ignorant people should be educated! All we have to concern ourselves with is our own behaviour and ignorance... and we all have plenty of that!


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5 hours ago, JayBeeee said:

Another damned foreigner here for the pussy!

Another damned news picture of neighbors[sic] pointing at something/one.

What's a 'box cutter'? (been meaning to ask since 11/9).

Some may call it a banana knife due to its curved blade and yellow handle. Some call it a carpet knife. Some may call it a sod knife in the landscape industry. It's a knife which has many uses.

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1 hour ago, zd1 said:

Many serial killers start of with animals, this scum bag needs to be of the streets before he progresses on to people. If I caught him doing that with our cat I would dismantle him with his Stanley knife.

The mrs and me are agonising about what to do with our cat when we move to Thailand in the next couple of months we really want to take him but we aren't sure what is best for him.

You didn't say where the cat is living.

Unless it's in the tropics, I would say it's a bad idea. The conditions here are vastly different to the west and I doubt he/she would survive, not only the climate, but the abundance of dogs running free and the vast array of parasitic insects and venomous wildlife. In my experience, cats settle into a new home very easily if they're cared for, so I would ask trusted friends and family about taking him or her in, in a climate it's used to. Some familiarity will help the cat acclimatise to a new home, like taking the it's bed and feeding bowls, with a few unwashed items of your clothing nearby.

I missed my cat a great deal when I came here, but when I went to visit him a year later it was like he'd never known me.

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1 minute ago, JayBeeee said:


I love irony! Somebody saying this about somebody else whe HE calls a sick wierdo

no irony.  I wouldn't harm a fly but I would protect innocent people and animals from psychos.  there are basic laws and universal principles at play.  if this psycho killed your cat or your child - wouldn't you kill him!  no - then you are not fully developed as a human!

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1 hour ago, JayBeeee said:


So funny! Lots of anger, but not making any real point.

I'm the first to admit to my own ignorance, and I'll give 'silly' and 'PC' the attention they're due, but I think "complicit", "brainwashed" and "coward" deserve a little explanation, if only for insight purposes.
Do you think I should go into a largely uneducated culture and dictate how they should live and start slahing people with stanley knives, just becsuse I was brought up in a different culture?

Do you live in Thailand?

What would you have done, say, this afternoon with the bugs issue?

The dog in question was no longer ours and he was made a meal of some months after he left us.

Are you vegetarian?


Angry, bloody right I am, this Chinese sicko was torturing cats and does deserve a touch of the Stanley knives.


You can bet your life that he will have a nice time in Thai prison, not many here in this, oh so bloody condescending, "largely uneducated culture" stand for that kind of crap.


Torturing cats is nothing whatsoever to do with Thai culture and you are disgustingly ignorant or think you are some kind of racially superior being to imply that it is. From your above comment you surely do feel superior.


As for bugs, you must be an extraordinarily unobservant person who does not know that Thais (and many others) eat insects all the time, they are a mainstay of the diet of many people.


But I don't think eating bugs (they are delicious) comes into the same class of feelings as animals or even birds and they are not tortured, shoving them straight into boiling water/oil kills them instantly.


Your ignorant comments indicate that you must go around with your head totally up your .... all day, everyday.


How is it you claim to live in Thailand and don't have any idea of how the <deleted> who eat dogs kill them?


Well they put them in a sack and beat them to death so they taste a little bit tenderer.


If you did not have the courage to face your neighbours about this and report them to the police, because it is illegal to eat dog in Thailand, then by god the description "complicit, stinking coward" really does fit.


Nothing funny about this situation at all.







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