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State: Benghazi emails involving Clinton recovered by FBI


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38 minutes ago, landtrout said:


    You stopped reading before you even got to the end of the sentence? Talk about "extremely careless"!


 Here, let me help you with the part that you apparently missed: "Though he described Clinton's actions as "extremely careless," FBI Director James Comey said his agents found no evidence that anyone intended to break the law and said "no reasonable prosecutor" would have brought a criminal case."

..even if she broke the law unintentially , as Secretary of State , its intolerable and suspicious not to be fully aware  of her mistakes in her position.A part of that no evidence found doesnt mean anything.Her  behaviour is crying for clearance of her qualification in such position.

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8 hours ago, Credo said:

I think  a lot of people are a little sick of Benghazi.   The FBI has investigated and it's time to remove on, but there seems to be a group that simply won't let it go.   




Errrrr ... "remove on"? Freudian slip? Well, at least it wasn't "delete on"!

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I see that you are a fan of Saul Alinsky's rules 11 and 13.


No matter. the only thing that counts is in November.


It's quite the leap there from Dr. Richard Hofstadter and his work on the paranoid political right to Saul Alinsky. Someone did give Alinsky's book to me as a gift back when, but I never read it as radicals don't like rules (and I wuz supposed to have been a radical).


It can be said more rightwhingers have read Alinsky than any other demographic of the population. I am in fact finding out about Alinsky's Rules for Radicals from youse guyz not from the book I've never read. Your construct is thus set in quicksand same as the Trump campaign is stuck in the same place.


People who in September keep talking about how things will be radically different in November can expect to have less to say then than the little they can say presently. 


For all the begging for Clinton threads btw youse guyz seem to be dragging your way through this one. Causes me to wonder if the right fringenuts might have finally thrown in the towel. Whether they might be accepting the inevitable. 

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22 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Throwing in the towel?  

Steady on there buddy!  Let's see what Julian A. has to reveal in this next bunch of revelations where he states she's going to jail? :)



Always grasping at straws and hoping the next turd is the one that will finally bring HRC down. 25 years and counting and still nada. Doesn't it ever get old? The wingnuts never seem to win! It has to be demoralizing after she wiggles away again and again. (sigh) No matter, this week it's Julian going to save the day. Hoping for different result every single time? It may be the definition of stupidity (or is that insanity) but you gotta admire the tenacity.  

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Let's face it, the Obama administration has stonewall every investigation into Clinton's misdeeds for a reason.


They have determined she will be President!  The FBI could produce video and eye witness accounts of H. Clinton involved in criminal activity and it would not make mainstream news or become a topic of conversation, not to mention never be seen in a court of law.


Regardless of which side of the political spectrum one aligns one's self, this is bad news and a sad state of affairs for the US and it's citizens.

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12 hours ago, arjunadawn said:

America is truly a people with amnesia. There has not been a single or collected series of scandals in my life time that even approached the nonstop siren of Hillary's apparent crimes. It is beyond credible to suggest that so much smoke has no fire. Nothing smoulders this much, for this long, variously dark, often white billowing clouds of scandal, unless... there is fire. At least Al Capone and John Gotti had personal gravitas, charisma. Hillary runs a crooked empire with a trail of dead bodies and billions changing hands AND she is a sociopath who laughs at the deaths of others. Hillary sent those men to their deaths as a sterilized mission and the Annex ruined the day by getting involved; thus the stand down orders.


The NSA has these emails. Jeez, wiping the server is enough to go to prison all on its own. If she is elected, after all this criminal activity, there really is no hope left for America at all.



there is fire... but the fire is the burning of the millions of dollars that Hillary's political enemies shove into it to keep it burning.


If you look at my past posts you will see that I'm no friend of the democrats - but I am against lies and disinformation.



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3 minutes ago, manarak said:


there is fire... but the fire is the burning of the millions of dollars that Hillary's political enemies shove into it to keep it burning.


If you look at my past posts you will see that I'm no friend of the democrats - but I am against lies and disinformation.




Thats exactly what is motivating all of us Republicans about Hillary.

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Motivation is that the Clinton name on a November ballot is a win and that is what elections are about.


Then you govern.


Unless you're Donald Trump in which case you purge, punish, round 'em up, build walls and go about trying to superimpose the 1950's America onto and over the present one as it continues to go forward. 


For the Republican Party of 2016 the election of Potus is all about losing. It hadn't always going to be so but now it is. 

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5 hours ago, landtrout said:


    You stopped reading before you even got to the end of the sentence? Talk about "extremely careless"!


 Here, let me help you with the part that you apparently missed: "Though he described Clinton's actions as "extremely careless," FBI Director James Comey said his agents found no evidence that anyone intended to break the law and said "no reasonable prosecutor" would have brought a criminal case."


I think even a high school kid (my apology  if this comparison offended you, kid) could see the gap in this "logic."


Actions were described as "extremely careless". But the intention to carry out those actions - by doing so one breaks the law - was not found, therefore the person who carried out said actions should not be reasonably prosecuted in a criminal case.


Too bad many folks seem to follow such arc of reasoning. Thus the world we are living in!!!


btw, it's not Comey's job to make a prosecutorial recommendation. The fact that he did so was simply because Lynch was waiting (read ordering) such recommendation in order to do her part in the cover up. (paraphrasing here: "I will follow the recommendation from the FBI upon the outcome of their investigation." I guess Comey had a gun pointing at his head.

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40 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Thats exactly what is motivating all of us Republicans about Hillary.


Yet you blithely ignore the litany of lies that come out of Trump's mouth on a regular basis.

There is a word for it: Hypocrisy.




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Just now, smo said:


I think even a high school kid (my apology  if this comparison offended you, kid) could see the gap in this "logic."


Actions were described as "extremely careless". But the intention to carry out those actions - by doing so one breaks the law - was not found, therefore the person who carried out said actions should not be reasonably prosecuted in a criminal case.


Too bad many folks seem to follow such arc of reasoning. Thus the world we are living in!!!


btw, it's not Comey's job to make a prosecutorial recommendation. The fact that he did so was simply because Lynch was waiting (read ordering) such recommendation in order to do her part in the cover up. (paraphrasing here: "I will follow the recommendation from the FBI upon the outcome of their investigation." I guess Comey had a gun pointing at his head.


It was Comey's third personal investigation of the Clintons during his legal career. Came up dry each time.


First in the 1990s as a Senate Republican staff investigator, then during the 00 years of GW's presidency as US Attorney for New York, and now the email stuff as director of FBI.


Seems the thesis is that either lawyers need to be educated and trained differently, or the laws need to be rewritten, or the investigators and prosecutors need to get some independent outside critiques of their basis of launching investigations and litigation.


I'd settle for the rightwhingenuts losing the election in November however as it will set them back two generations -- meaning forever.

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2 hours ago, Pinot said:



Always grasping at straws and hoping the next turd is the one that will finally bring HRC down. 25 years and counting and still nada. Doesn't it ever get old? The wingnuts never seem to win! It has to be demoralizing after she wiggles away again and again. (sigh) No matter, this week it's Julian going to save the day. Hoping for different result every single time? It may be the definition of stupidity (or is that insanity) but you gotta admire the tenacity.  


Yep, as they say: Fight turds with turds

Edited by MaxYakov
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7 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

This is a lot of interesting information, and indeed I don't imagine for one moment that any politicians anywhere are beyond reproach, however in Europe we generally elect ones who, although corrupt, do not cause us too much embarrassment by being "Intelligenter" like GWB. I assumed that your "Republicans have the biggest brains in the world line" was tongue in check - but possibly not, however what I said did not make a general assertion about this, only that the smallest ones should understand that nothing (Actionable) found -sometimes at least - means nothing there.




Yes, tongue-in-cheek...just playing off your small brsin comment which was clearly understood.


Yes, GWB was certainly "something" and his penchant for developing new words so that audiences could better understand his message left many observers spellbound and hanging on every word wondering what he might say next.


I am relieved to hear you are from Europe and lack that bumpkin naivety my American democrats insist on living in where they think our politicians, the vast majority lawyers, are somehow not part of a systemically corrupt system. 


In that vein, I thought I would add one of those "connections" in Washington that shows the extent of Clinton influence.


In 1999, President Bill Clinton nominated [Loretta] Lynch for the first of her two terms as U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, a position she held until she joined Hogan & Hartson in March 2002 to become a partner in the firm’s Litigation Practice Group.” (Source WND)


One might think it possible Lynch had an old debt of gratitude to Bill for that nomination, a cynical person might even think Bill's impromptu 30-minute visit with Lynch was possibly a subtle method of reminding Lynch of that old "favor" he did for her. Even Lynch admitted shortly after that she had erred in allowing that meeting. 



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36 minutes ago, Publicus said:


It was Comey's third personal investigation of the Clintons during his legal career. Came up dry each time.



 "Though he described Clinton's actions as "extremely careless," and you considered that as "coming up dry" in regard to someone in her position?


Prior to making the above declaration, Comey spelled out loud and clear the details of those actions, any single one of which would have landed the average US citizen in jail for a good part of his or her adult life - actually there are quite a few of them unlucky average citizen folks right now in such predicamment - let alone the whole litany!


We are forever grateful to you Mr. Comey, if only for putting those findings on record. Even though you had to bail yourself out ultimately, we understand.

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1 hour ago, Chicog said:


Yet you blithely ignore the litany of lies that come out of Trump's mouth on a regular basis.

There is a word for it: Hypocrisy.







Am I going to have to point out that this is a thread about Hillary and "her" lies.


You will need to start a new thread if you want to discuss Trump and "his" lies.



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29 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:




Am I going to have to point out that this is a thread about Hillary and "her" lies.


You will need to start a new thread if you want to discuss Trump and "his" lies.




The mods can decide if it's off topic.

Sadly, that's not your job.



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8 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


No doubt it is a hunt but there are no such thing as witches; however, Washington is chock full of criminals.


A rather typical generalization that accomplishes nothing other then being pure  demagoguery. Are you referring to the population of Washington DC in general or members of Congress,  or government employees, or people employed by law firms or lobbyist? 


Once you have identified what group you were calling "criminals, can be specific as to what law(s) these "criminals" have been convicted of to deserve such description?  


Just curious.  



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5 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Throwing in the towel?  

Steady on there buddy!  Let's see what Julian A. has to reveal in this next bunch of revelations where he states she's going to jail? :)


Ah yes, the stuff from Putin and his cyber warfare Russians.


All of US intelligence and national security agencies will be all over those documents for doctoring, changes, forging and the like. Some of 'em will be doctored, others will be original...yet others may well be forgeries. We'd have to believe our government won't we over there on the 2nd Amendment Right.


Yet the Putin-Trump fanboyz of strongman dictators leaders will side with those who purloined and treated the documents wherever it may have occurred. The far out fringe radical lunatic crackpot right will be at it again in their full throat. 


That too will get the howling right nowhere same as always. For instance, after 7+ years of the raging racial right calling President Obama every name in the book and in fact rewriting the book, his popularity and approval ratings are high in the precincts of the broad centrist moderate political middle of the USA.


Rage on.


Youse guyz are talking to yourselves. As always.

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18 minutes ago, Publicus said:

All of US intelligence and national security agencies will be all over those documents for doctoring, changes, forging and the like. Some of 'em will be doctored, others will be original...yet others may well be forgeries.



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3 hours ago, smo said:


 "Though he described Clinton's actions as "extremely careless," and you considered that as "coming up dry" in regard to someone in her position?


Prior to making the above declaration, Comey spelled out loud and clear the details of those actions, any single one of which would have landed the average US citizen in jail for a good part of his or her adult life - actually there are quite a few of them unlucky average citizen folks right now in such predicamment - let alone the whole litany!


We are forever grateful to you Mr. Comey, if only for putting those findings on record. Even though you had to bail yourself out ultimately, we understand.


No reasonable person in society expects the far out right to accept anything from the government whether its from the Pentagon or the Department of Justice and FBI. However, the rightwing super patriot inspectors general of the intelligence agencies who set out against Hillary Clinton do have credibility on the right.


Lock her up -- yep, we know. The far out right doesn't like the FBI findings and we on this side reject the legitimacy of the  IG's motives in going to the FBI and in scheming with Republicans in the House and Senate. These kind of things usually come out in the election day wash.


Which brings us to the mass of the well financed and dogged rightwhinge media leading the way. Y'know, altrightfringe extremists like Roger Ailes and Stephen Bannon who are working for Trump. They too wait on the Putin-Assange-Wikileaks connection. Speaking of which, Manafort's Putin et al connection became too obvious for the Benghazi crowd to be comfortable with so he had to go.

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2 hours ago, thaihome said:


A rather typical generalization that accomplishes nothing other then being pure  demagoguery. Are you referring to the population of Washington DC in general or members of Congress,  or government employees, or people employed by law firms or lobbyist? 




It is pretty obvious who he is talking about. Cease the hair splitting.

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13 hours ago, Publicus said:


Got it backwards there dude. The rightwhinge has to prove its case which is something they've never been able to do. In Benghazi they've spend tens of thousands of workhours and millions of taxpayer bucks in their own political pursuits.



Yeah, I guess you're right, and  there's no reason for Trump to release his taxes either. If they can't prove anything must not be anything illegal going  on.

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1 hour ago, Rob13 said:



Yeah, I guess you're right, and  there's no reason for Trump to release his taxes either. If they can't prove anything must not be anything illegal going  on.


Maybe Trump and Manafort can get Putin to put his cyber war troopers to hack the IRS to get Trump's filings, fix 'em up, send 'em back to Trump for him to release all nice and antiseptic. Then Vlad might go ahead to hack the Benghazi Committee's confidential files -- not.


There's no comparison of Putin's cyber troopers raiding the Democratic party files and Donald Trump's income tax filings. Internal files of a political party are private because a political party is privately incorporated. A tax filing is required by law and candidates for Potus have routinely released their filings for many many Potus elections (even the balking and reluctant Romney released some of his filings).


HRC has released her filings.


No surprise about Trump however because he has spent a long career breaking labor laws, violating housing and building laws and codes, shafting subcontractors and other small business people, ignoring immigration laws, using bankruptcy laws, stiffing banks and creditors -- all of which are only a part of a very long list of violations to include education fraud.


After Trump's Mexico trip maybe he can go check out Benghazi too.

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