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A record number of Americans now dislike Hillary Clinton


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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

If you're trailing after Labor Day you lose. trump is trailing. Simple math.

You may be correct; you frequently are. However, leading or winning does not exonerate her for the character charges against her. She is all these things people observe and fear, and may still likely win.


I think most people who do not like HRC also agree with you that she may likely win. The thing is, we think the election is being stolen (DHS' unprecedented move for the Fed to control state elections at the last minute speaks to this absurdity). When a history of incredulous skid greasing and obfuscation and diversion and collusion and nepotism and corruption is so evident, there is no reason in the world to presume the election is not also in the bag.


(In Indonesia they call this KKN- Koruption, Kollusion, and Nepotismo. But because America has now debased itself to the same civil behavior, this applies at home too).

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I certainly wouldn't want to make a direct comparison between Hillary and Mother Teresa, but it is interesting to see how the vilification of people can take on a life of its own.   The Clinton's, for all the supposed evil and corruption don't seem to own a lot of property or homes.   They seem to be a little light on jets, helicopters and yachts as well.   


There is a thread running about how evil and horrible and corrupt Mother Teresa was as well.   She died owning her Rosary a Bible and the clothes she was wearing.


Some folks really need to start seeing the good in others.   

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Clinton held a carefully staged interview with the traveling press corps on the new plane designed to hold them all together. She addressed the press corps on the plane, but the address was interrupted by a coughing fit, and she had to return to her seat and then return to resume. It interrupted her first speech in Cleveland during which she could barely get out her speech.


As someone who speaks a lot at private and public functions, I understand how too much speaking and voice projection can cause you problems, including coughing fits. Being on certain medications, such as hypertension drugs can also cause this. This could be nothing more than one of the above or similar, but this issue continues to dog her and will also have the Trump attack dogs on her salivating for a bite. ;) I do admit that her health is starting to look somewhat suspect, much as I hate to give credence to these theories. She would be better served to just admit whatever small ailment or condition she suffers from and I think Americans would understand, it not be outright sympathetic.



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I don't think many people hate HIllary personally. I wish her success and good health.  The only problem is that the Clintons have failed so miserably, in gaining trust.  In order to be President...you must earn trust.  Right now, there is no evidence that we can trust her.  My main concern is that she will not be able to handle the debates.  Trump will nail her on all the issues that have dominated the headlines this month.  With her emails and...most recently..her health.  I am not sure she can convince us any more with dialogue or debates.  For example...




I do hope she can put up a fight...and convince us that we are wrong.  Good luck to her. I think all the negative press coverage has affected her physically.   We want her healthy, and prepared...so the American people can decide fairly. I don't love Hillary..but, as a human being...I sure hope she makes it through these hard times and not suffer physically, or emotionally.




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1 hour ago, slipperylobster said:

I don't think many people hate HIllary personally. I wish her success and good health.  The only problem is that the Clintons have failed so miserably, in gaining trust.  In order to be President...you must earn trust.  Right now, there is no evidence that we can trust her.  My main concern is that she will not be able to handle the debates.  Trump will nail her on all the issues that have dominated the headlines this month.  With her emails and...most recently..her health.  I am not sure she can convince us any more with dialogue or debates.  For example...




I do hope she can put up a fight...and convince us that we are wrong.  Good luck to her. I think all the negative press coverage has affected her physically.   We want her healthy, and prepared...so the American people can decide fairly. I don't love Hillary..but, as a human being...I sure hope she makes it through these hard times and not suffer physically, or emotionally.





An uncharacteristic post there Slip, wishing HRC well. There maybe hope for you yet. 538 has her chances of winning at a steady 73% to 28%. I think she'll make it through these hard times. Although, I don't know what you're talking about...her health issues? Imminent death? She coughed? Assange? What? 


Slip wrote: "Seriously.....what makes you say that she is a "shoe-in" based on unpopularity polls?" Just a reminder "unpopularity" polls are absolutely meaningless. HRC is going to win this election in a landslide. Seriously.  


I wouldn't worry too about HRC at the debates if I were you, considering the fact there is absolutely nothing wrong with her. Now, I would be concerned about goof ball Trump. He knows absolutely nothing about the world beyond being a xenophobic blow hard. It won't be the walk in the park the Republican debates were. There you have all the candidates spewing the same right wing  bullshit. HRC's policies are in-line with the vast majority of the American public and she's extremely knowledgeable about the world. Trump knows nothing and doesn't care to know anything. Trump is spectacle, like a car wreck. There is nothing there except hyperbole. The public will see him for what he is. 


Then there is the lying. According to a Politico analysis this spring, Trump lies every five minutes in speeches, and PolitiFact rates 70 percent of his major political statements as being either somewhat false or a complete lie. With the exception of ridiculous choice of moderator Chris Wallace, I don't think the moderators are going to let Trump spew. If he can't spew his lies, he's dead in the water. HRC isn't going to let him get away with it. Remember the Benghazi hearings? So much for Republican bullshit. 

Trump will of course be insulting. He doesn't have the filter most people do. I don't think insults from cheeto jesus are going to work except with the wingnuts. It's a badge of honor among everyone else. He's a crude, foolish demogod. Donald Trump should be very afraid of debating HRC.  


A Trump spokesman admits today that Trump participates in "Pay for Play" deals, namely bribing the Florida AG, but then tries to justify it because he is a private citizen and *everyone* does it. Trump sent thousands of dollars to Pam Bondi's political campaign. After that, Pam Bondi dropped charges of fraud against Trump for his fake "university." That's called a bribe. Why are these two criminals not in jail? Where are his taxes? 


In other news, Phyllis Schlafly is dead. Finally. Another sign of conservatism's impending evolutionary mass extinction. Pity Ann Coulter lives on. THERE IS NO GOD!


Assange is this week's email server nonsense. The wingnuts grasping at straws again. Just plain silly at this point. Hillary coughs and she's going to die. Good luck with that new attack nugget. 





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26 minutes ago, Pinot said:


An uncharacteristic post there Slip, wishing HRC well. There maybe hope for you yet. 538 has her chances of winning at a steady 73% to 28%. I think she'll make it through these hard times. Although, I don't know what you're talking about...her health issues? Imminent death? She coughed? Assange? What? 


Slip wrote: "Seriously.....what makes you say that she is a "shoe-in" based on unpopularity polls?" Just a reminder "unpopularity" polls are absolutely meaningless. HRC is going to win this election in a landslide. Seriously.  


I wouldn't worry too about HRC at the debates if I were you, considering the fact there is absolutely nothing wrong with her. Now, I would be concerned about goof ball Trump. He knows absolutely nothing about the world beyond being a xenophobic blow hard. It won't be the walk in the park the Republican debates were. There you have all the candidates spewing the same right wing  bullshit. HRC's policies are in-line with the vast majority of the American public and she's extremely knowledgeable about the world. Trump knows nothing and doesn't care to know anything. Trump is spectacle, like a car wreck. There is nothing there except hyperbole. The public will see him for what he is. 


Then there is the lying. According to a Politico analysis this spring, Trump lies every five minutes in speeches, and PolitiFact rates 70 percent of his major political statements as being either somewhat false or a complete lie. With the exception of ridiculous choice of moderator Chris Wallace, I don't think the moderators are going to let Trump spew. If he can't spew his lies, he's dead in the water. HRC isn't going to let him get away with it. Remember the Benghazi hearings? So much for Republican bullshit. 

Trump will of course be insulting. He doesn't have the filter most people do. I don't think insults from cheeto jesus are going to work except with the wingnuts. It's a badge of honor among everyone else. He's a crude, foolish demogod. Donald Trump should be very afraid of debating HRC.  


A Trump spokesman admits today that Trump participates in "Pay for Play" deals, namely bribing the Florida AG, but then tries to justify it because he is a private citizen and *everyone* does it. Trump sent thousands of dollars to Pam Bondi's political campaign. After that, Pam Bondi dropped charges of fraud against Trump for his fake "university." That's called a bribe. Why are these two criminals not in jail? Where are his taxes? 


In other news, Phyllis Schlafly is dead. Finally. Another sign of conservatism's impending evolutionary mass extinction. Pity Ann Coulter lives on. THERE IS NO GOD!


Assange is this week's email server nonsense. The wingnuts grasping at straws again. Just plain silly at this point. Hillary coughs and she's going to die. Good luck with that new attack nugget. 






Hillary and her unpopularity, along with her constant foibles have put her in an endless loop of defense.   You and her other supporters seriously need a break.  That is why I tried to convey some pity for her plight. Trump used to get all these negative headlines....but the tables have certainly turned to the right.


She may have been choking down a classified email before somebody saw it.  I am not sure what the cough is all about....but it was certainly serious.



Left Wingnuts !



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1 hour ago, slipperylobster said:


Hillary and her unpopularity, along with her constant foibles have put her in an endless loop of defense.   You and her other supporters seriously need a break.  That is why I tried to convey some pity for her plight. Trump used to get all these negative headlines....but the tables have certainly turned to the right.


She may have been choking down a classified email before somebody saw it.  I am not sure what the cough is all about....but it was certainly serious.



Left Wingnuts !



She certainly knows she is unpopular. Popular politicians don't hide from the press and not give a press conference for hundreds of days.

I reckon the first debate will be the most watched political event in history when she has to front up to a non sycophantic opponent and has to answer real questions.

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Entertaining and amusing it is.


As the Potus election campaign enters its final phase with HRC consistently in the lead, the right has shifted strategy away from the issues and Trump's bumbling to try to convince us Hillary Clinton is at death's door.


The right have gone from attacking HRC as a witch, as a dingy granny, as a criminal and chronic liar, a swindler, cheat, money grubbing shrew, to now being seriously ill. The cheap and flippant attacks against HRC have subsided, although they certainly do continue.


In their stead have now come challenges to the health of HRC. The challenges are seriously intoned and stated. They even get specific and sound clinical as they get presented in medical sounding terms. Indeed, the alleged severe health problems of HRC are not ridiculed by the right as those of some old dingbat but, rather, they are presented as true personal caring for Hillary Clinton as a person, as a human being who is unfortunately terminally ill. We care on a basic human level, so says the right.


So suddenly, after all else has failed, the right suddenly cares about HRC, her health, and expresses sympathy and support for her at her terrible and unfortunate appointment with the Grim Reaper. This sympathy and deep personal concern has suddenly developed on the right because her tragic imminent passing over to the other side will preclude her being elected Potus or, if she is elected, will find her passing over soon afterward.


This, it needs to be noted, is exactly the kind of diversion and nonsense the Clinton campaign professionals and strategists anticipated and expected from the Republican and Trump campaign. So thank you to youse guyz for walking right straight into it.  


It is Trump who is going to poop his pants. :lol:  

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On 9/1/2016 at 7:47 AM, Boon Mee said:

Mee shy

Nothing to do with a so-called 'Republican Attack Machine'  Everything to do with:

1.  Benghazi

2.  Clinton Foundation

3.  Bathroom computer server containing classified material.

4.  Whitewater

5.  Do we need to go on?  :whistling:


The very definition of Republican Attack Machine.   Trump fans are getting so adept at denial, they can look at an full grown bull elephant and say, "It's not big.  It doesn't have tusks.  It doesn't have a trunk."


On 9/1/2016 at 8:12 AM, khwaibah said:

You guys are seriously late to the dance. I have never liked her when I became aware of her in 1978 when the Slick Wille got elect Gov of Arkansa. Its been all down hill since then.


How do you define 'downhill' ? 


Since '78, Bill has been elected twice to top office, and HRC has been elected twice to be NY's senator.  First time, she beat her Republican rival by a large margin.  The 2nd time, she trounced another Republican rival by an even bigger margin.   Doesn't sound like 'downhill' to me, unless your head is screwed on upside down.

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10 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


The very definition of Republican Attack Machine.   Trump fans are getting so adept at denial, they can look at an full grown bull elephant and say, "It's not big.  It doesn't have tusks.  It doesn't have a trunk."




If by an 'attack machine' you really mean Republicans and sundry honest folks reporting on Crooked Hillary's sordid past?

This full-grown woman's heinous activities span three + decades.

Are you blind or just cannot see? :whistling:

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If you think Hillary is coughing a lot now, wait for the debate. Trump is going to have her choking rather than coughing. Of course rabid democrats will defend her regardless of how much she lies and squirms.

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30 minutes ago, Gary A said:

If you think Hillary is coughing a lot now, wait for the debate. Trump is going to have her choking rather than coughing. Of course rabid democrats will defend her regardless of how much she lies and squirms.


Similarly, if she doesn't meet the delusional pictures of bad health being painted by Drudge and Jones, you'll then shut up with the nonsense, will you?



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If you think Hillary is coughing a lot now, wait for the debate. Trump is going to have her choking rather than coughing. Of course rabid democrats will defend her regardless of how much she lies and squirms.

I'd defend a Chinese Dumpling over dangerous donald.

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Here's yet another reason why a record number of Americans dislike Crooked Hillary:


Hillary’s “Free WiFi” Plan Is A $275 Billion Tax Hike

Clinton failed to mention that this “free” WiFi falls under her $275 billion net tax increase from unspecified “business tax reform.”



Of course the LIV'S eat this stuff up!  More free stuff like cheap obama care which is cratering.


“Nothing is ever as expensive as something our government provides for ‘free’said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform.




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Here's yet another reason why a record number of Americans dislike Crooked Hillary:


Hillary’s “Free WiFi” Plan Is A $275 Billion Tax Hike

Clinton failed to mention that this “free” WiFi falls under her $275 billion net tax increase from unspecified “business tax reform.”



Of course the LIV'S eat this stuff up!  More free stuff like cheap obama care which is cratering.


“Nothing is ever as expensive as something our government provides for ‘free’said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform.




Worth a lot because it promotes equally.
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At some point the rest of the world will no longer trust the formerly almighty dollar. I wonder how much longer the socialist government can continue to print funny money.  At some point the entire system will implode. If the interest rate goes very high the end will come much sooner.

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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

If by an 'attack machine' you really mean Republicans and sundry honest folks reporting on Crooked Hillary's sordid past? This full-grown woman's heinous activities span three + decades. Are you blind or just cannot see? :whistling:


I see rather well, thanks, though I use reading glasses.


We're not going to agree.  Yet, I can look at a person who spilled a tea cup and, even 20 years later, i will recall it as a spilled cup of tea.   Republicans, who are so eater to demonize HRC, will recall that spilled tea as Hillary chartering a tugboat and personally towing the iceberg to position it to sink the Titanic.   There really is no 'sordid' in HRC's past, unless you achingly want to imagine there is.  


If you want to color something with a strong adjective like 'sordid', I'd say child rape, violent wife rape, and ripping off tens of thousands of workers and contractors - would be viable contenders.  The child rape charges against Trump are alleged (court case pending, and there's a witness), but the other things I mentioned about him are provable. 


Nothing Hillary has been accused of (by hard-right wingers) is nearly as dire as Trump's transgressions. 

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1 hour ago, Gary A said:

At some point the rest of the world will no longer trust the formerly almighty dollar. I wonder how much longer the socialist government can continue to print funny money.  At some point the entire system will implode. If the interest rate goes very high the end will come much sooner.


I've been hearing that same sort of prediction since I was old enough to understand what it meant, about 1965, and it's never happened.  The closest the US came to completely tanking was at the end of GW Bush's two terms in the Oval Office.  I wish I had squirreled away 1,000 silver quarters and a few Levis Big E jeans from back then.    If I sold 'em now, .....

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43 minutes ago, Linzz said:

Probably the Chinese yuan will become the world's reserve currency


Hoarding yuan will do you about as much good as buying street-level property in Bangkok.  In 15 years, you'll be all wet.  There's probably a joke in there about 'trickle down theory' but I'm too lazy to make one up.   Ask a rich Republican CEO about 'Trickle Down Theory' while he's taking a pee, and you're guaranteed to get a smile. 

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