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Farangs In Thailand


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Judging by many comments on this Forum and all other Thai related Forums, Farangs appear to think they are somewhat superior to Thai people.

Thank you for sharing your own ridiculous prejudices with us.

One only has to browse through the many threads on Thailand related Forums to come to the same conclusion as I have.

In what way is it ridiculous, are you telling me that many Farangs do not come across with a superiority attitude in many threads and posts? :D

I beg to differ.....

How many posts do you see slating Thailand and Thai people, Thai government etc, how hard done by the poor farang is............ :D

But still, they come....and still they buy houses not in their names, and still they complain even though they knew it would never be in their name, they buy, then complain. lol :D

I bought a house too. :o

You should run for the PM office. I'm sure your racism would instill a fire in the bellies of your countrymen, you know, like Toxin did with his Thai Love Thai party.

You sir, are a racist plain and simple. You don't know nearly as much as you seem to think that you know. When in your life have you had to pay more merely because of your nationality or race? If you don't like foreigners, just come right out and say it. I'm sure in your eyes that Thais can do no wrong. I've certainly never heard a Thai man accept responsibility for his actions. It's alway someone else that's at fault....

I'm not wasting one more minute with you. You're a racist!

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Judging by many comments on this Forum and all other Thai related Forums, Farangs appear to think they are somewhat superior to Thai people.

Thank you for sharing your own ridiculous prejudices with us.

One only has to browse through the many threads on Thailand related Forums to come to the same conclusion as I have.

In what way is it ridiculous, are you telling me that many Farangs do not come across with a superiority attitude in many threads and posts? :D

I beg to differ.....

How many posts do you see slating Thailand and Thai people, Thai government etc, how hard done by the poor farang is............ :D

But still, they come....and still they buy houses not in their names, and still they complain even though they knew it would never be in their name, they buy, then complain. lol :D

I bought a house too. :o

You should run for the PM office. I'm sure your racism would instill a fire in the bellies of your countrymen, you know, like Toxin did with his Thai Love Thai party.

You sir, are a racist plain and simple. You don't know nearly as much as you seem to think that you know. When in your life have you had to pay more merely because of your nationality or race? If you don't like foreigners, just come right out and say it. I'm sure in your eyes that Thais can do no wrong. I've certainly never heard a Thai man accept responsibility for his actions. It's alway someone else that's at fault....

I'm not wasting one more minute with you. You're a racist!

Hahaha... bought a house did you ?

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Judging by many comments on this Forum and all other Thai related Forums, Farangs appear to think they are somewhat superior to Thai people.

In answer your opening line (Bearing mind I agree basicaly from what your stement says):

I brief true story on the word Superior, when I was a Probationary Police officer many years ago we had to attend District Training classes every few months and on one of the classes the guest speaker was an Inspector. He was going to lecture on the Ranking system within the Force:

His opening Gambit was I am Inspector !!!!!!! I am one of your Superior Officers. I raised a hand and was aloowed to speak. I said With respect Sir you are not Superior to any Officer in the class we are all human beings, however you are respected as a Senior Officer. The debate was then taken up by Constables in the class, the Inspector never continued his speech on Ranking and indeed did bow to having used the word Superior.

I guess what I am trying to say is we are not Superior to Thai people no human being is Superior to another. We have all either had achievements or failures in life, I certainly have had my share of both.

In my village I am not called Farang any more I am called by my name 'Sawadee Khun Mac'or Mac Bi Nai.

We owe Thailand and its people a lot because that is why we are all here 'Its my Shangrila' and my wife is my all.

Hope I didnt rabbit on to much, just typing my thoughts

Maigo6 Not a bad thread and reminder


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Farangs appear to think they are somewhat superior to Thai people.

On the other hand some farangs seem to feel so inferior to Thais that they need to talk up everything about Thailand and are blind to it's faults.

I don't see how you can equate talking up Thailand to feeling inferior to Thais :o

The need to "ingratiate" one's self to gain acceptance?

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Farangs appear to think they are somewhat superior to Thai people.

On the other hand some farangs seem to feel so inferior to Thais that they need to talk up everything about Thailand and are blind to it's faults.

I don't see how you can equate talking up Thailand to feeling inferior to Thais :o

Makes about as much sense as the OP's claim that farangs that slag Thailand feel superior to Thais.

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Every race or culture seems to think that they are better than other cultures. Some farangs may think they are better than Thais just as many Thais think they are better than farangs.

It is part of the human condition i guess.

I would say wrong. From my observation, let's be realistic, farangs know they are leading the world in many ways, so as a result they do in fact think of themselves as a better race. It is in their minds which countries are the dominant ones.(You guys won't admit?)

As for thais or some other asians, they know their own countries aren't as good as some farang countries in some ways. BUT they still love their own countries. They may say with their mouths how superior their nation is but deep inside they know the score. Whilst farangs genuinely believe themselves are more superior.

I don't think you can say that as it is as much a generalisation as anything else said here.

Meemiathai, there is no 'farang' race and saying that Caucasians, I presume you are referrring to them, feel dominant then you should extrapolate that to include Japanese over Chinese, Koreans over Chinese, Chinese over everyone and Thais and anyone darker . . . yaddah, yaddah, yaddah.

you are intelligent enough, but the chip on your shoulder seems to be growing - don't let the chip rule your train of thought as it is letting you down.

Having pride in one's country is one thing, but what you are describing is something different alltogether.

:D First of all, thanks for the reply, Sing Sling.

My posts weren't made out of anger or whatever. They are merely made by heart-felt feelings and having grown up here in HK, I am quite confident to say that it is also the general feelings of the chinese people over farangs. And the feelings of the thais as well. Yes, I do feel I understand them quite well. Please note that I have no grudges against any races or nations of people. I treat everyone I see as an individual regardless of the colour of the skin. With a lot of respect.

There is nothing wrong with generalization. It does qualify for a representation, in my opinion. Say for example, black people are very strong and good at sports, asians are not as strong.

Unfortunately my experiences of interacting with farangs have in many times been not very pleasant. They aren't very tolerant with a different culture. They aren't very tolerant with others behaving differently. They aren't very tolerant if you think differently. They aren't very tolerant if you are not as smart as they are or maybe smarter than they are. I must admit my experience is limited though. And it's not always their responsibility as well. My reaction counts.

You may be right about the chip on my shoulder but I assure I keep a very open mind, I believe.

Just so that people here don't misunderstand me, I critize the Japanese, Koreans and the most the Chinese as well. I also know how racist they can be. I know a few farangs I really really like.

One more thing is: I am quite disappointed with the human race, but that is another topic.


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I'm sorry there are so many assumptions in this thread of yours that I have to bite my tongue.

May I ask, where do you live now and have you spent any real time in Thailand?

Just curious.

Casanundra, the poster prefaced his comments with this,

"Judging by many comments on this Forum and all other Thai related Forums, Farangs appear to think they are somewhat superior to Thai people."

Reading through many of the posts on this and other forums, I think we all have to somewhat agree with this!

And how do you think Thais come across when speaking about falangs (in their own Thai)?

You probably don't know because you don't speak Thai.

Try this for a larf; learn Thai and start listening to what they say about falangs. this done, you may change your tune and discover a deep seated superiority complex as well as rampant xenephobia. You may see just how insensitive and "racist" Thais really are, not just individually but collectively.

This said, I love Thailand and my Thai wife and I think I've paid my dues enough (seven years living and working here as well as a good working knowledge of the language; spoken and written). Those of us who have lived here long enough know the difference between venting (which one must do at times to keep sane) and a genuine disdain for Thai people.

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Judging by many comments on this Forum and all other Thai related Forums, Farangs appear to think they are somewhat superior to Thai people.

Many seem to want Thailand to become more westernised, more like the country they once lived in, before they fled that very same country and moved to Thailand. Of course, there are certain things they would want to keep just as they are, like the cost of living etc.

And Farangs in Thailand are the minority and feel that everything is against them, it's a typical minority attitude. If a Farang gets stopped by the Police in Thailand, the Farang will complain, " I only got stopped because I'm a Farang, the fact that 300 Thai motorists were also stopped escapes his attention.

I don't want a long post, so I will sum up.......

In the UK there have been acts of violence against Asians ever since Asians came to the UK, for no other reason than they are Asian ( remember Paki bashing ? ). luckily in Thailand this is not the case against Farangs , yet!

The West Indians never suffered the same physical attacks because they are somewhat bigger and intimidate the white man, so the Asians who just wanted to keep themselves to themselves ended up bearing the brunt of these racial attacks, they were seen as an easy target.

Luckily for Farangs, Thai people don't have that attitude.

To all Farangs who keep complaining and wishing Thais would be more like the people in their own countries, be careful, you may just get what you wish for.


I see you have 709 posts.have they all been as ignorant and devisive as this one. I think your time would be better spent just keep ing your mouth shut. :o

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Judging by many comments on this Forum and all other Thai related Forums, Farangs appear to think they are somewhat superior to Thai people.

Thank you for sharing your own ridiculous prejudices with us.

One only has to browse through the many threads on Thailand related Forums to come to the same conclusion as I have.

In what way is it ridiculous, are you telling me that many Farangs do not come across with a superiority attitude in many threads and posts? :D

I beg to differ.....

How many posts do you see slating Thailand and Thai people, Thai government etc, how hard done by the poor farang is............ :D

But still, they come....and still they buy houses not in their names, and still they complain even though they knew it would never be in their name, they buy, then complain. lol :D

I bought a house too. :o

You should run for the PM office. I'm sure your racism would instill a fire in the bellies of your countrymen, you know, like Toxin did with his Thai Love Thai party.

You sir, are a racist plain and simple. You don't know nearly as much as you seem to think that you know. When in your life have you had to pay more merely because of your nationality or race? If you don't like foreigners, just come right out and say it. I'm sure in your eyes that Thais can do no wrong. I've certainly never heard a Thai man accept responsibility for his actions. It's alway someone else that's at fault....

I'm not wasting one more minute with you. You're a racist!


This post is just so typical. A classic representative! And yes, the poster really thinks himself of being reasonable. And as usual for typical farangs, he starts shouting racism! Go and read the OP and see it is not exactly racism we are talking about. We are sincerely trying to discuss a topic. Describe a phenomenom. Pointing something out just in case people oversee something.

You need to grow.

Some of you like to talk about absolute fairness and yet you fail to see you have been treated more than fairly in your life than a lot of other people on this earth! Try not to be so selfish pls!

Being born farang your chance of being luckier in life than other people on this earth is already higher, at least in the year of 2006. I am so lucky that I will blush if I start moaning about how unfairly I've been treated. :D

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Be Fair in the treatment of all - i.e. if a Thai can own land in the UK then be recipricol with it

Point 1 - Any Farang from the major western countries can enter Thailand visa free. A UK citizen can get 30 days on arrival in Thailand, no checks are made to financial status or background.

The UK does not really recipricate in the same Fashion regarding Thai people.

Point 2 - I for one agree with the Land laws. Thailand must protect its land against foriegners coming in and buying up the country leaving the native Thai people unable to afford to buy the land of their own country.

I sort of agree with your view on point 1 although you have to admit that you gave a very weak argument. Once a foreigner does get to England or the USA and once they do marry there and once they have been there for 2 years then they DO get all the same rights and priviledges of a native which means they get to own land and anything else that goes with it.

So yeah, a little hard work up front reaps it's rewards in the end. You can hardly say the same for visitors to LOS now can you, especially those of us with a Thai wife and family. I'm not complaining BTW just pointing out a reality.

Ok great we may get 30 days on arrival when we get here, but whoopee doo, excuse me while I go and wee on the carpet in excitement... but you know I for one would be happy to have a reciprocal deal in place to give a Thai a 30 days on arrival in the UK.

So here is another placard to demonstrate my recirocracy with "30 day visa on arrival for all Thai's to the UK" YEAH! :D

As for point two. Well here we go again, another generalistic lame protectionistic viewpoint of the world. Tell me, how many Thai people can afford to buy their own land now under the current regulations? Errrr not that many eh, gosh what a shock! Tell me please before I fall over in a fit of abject dispair, but what makes you think this position will change in a million years?

Back home in the UK and USA, many natives cannot afford their own land in their own country either and guess what, the sky didn't fall in and the land is still there as well to be pillaged later. It's the way of the world! Those that do have a home and land back home also generally have a mortgage the size of a very large juggernaught around their necks. Can someone, anyone please explain to me how things will be significantly different for the Thai's if foreigners can legally own land in Thailand? Anyone?

My guess would be the prices would go up long term, as would the economy, and guess who the winners would be, oooooh looky here, it would be the Thai people. Would someone like to tell me why all these people are so protective of land for anyway, it's not like anyone can run off with it now is it.

I guess my next Placard should be... "Free land for Everyone" YEAH! :o

... No Nukes! No Nukes! No Nukes!

Edited by Casanundra
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Magio, you like the stir the pot......I like that :D Your ok kid.

Jeff, it's like a throw back to a few years ago, I just thought that for the 4th Birthday and the Millionth post celbrations upon us, it would be nice to stir em up a bit........ :D

It worked nicely too. :o

They are so defensive..... :D

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I guess people will moan even more if foreigners were allowed to buy land freely here in thailand.

A lot of not so rich farangs will be forced to leave. No more cheap land and houses.

Thailand will be gone.

Maybe just you and me are allowed would be a good idea? Or who else? :o

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A classic representative! (?) And yes, the poster really thinks himself of being reasonable. And as usual for typical farangs, he starts shouting racism! Go and read the OP (why don't you?) and see it is not exactly racism we are talking about. We are sincerely trying to discuss a topic. Describe a phenomenom. Pointing something out just in case people oversee something.

You need to grow.

Some of you like to talk about absolute fairness and yet you fail to see you have been treated more than fairly in your life than a lot of other people on this earth! Try not to be so selfish pls!

Being born farang your chance of being luckier in life than other people on this earth is already higher, at least in the year of 2006. I am so lucky that I will blush if I start moaning about how unfairly I've been treated. :D????????????????????????????????????????

:D:D:D:o:D ZzZzZzZzZzZz :D

Edited by Robski
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A classic representative! (?) And yes, the poster really thinks himself of being reasonable. And as usual for typical farangs, he starts shouting racism! Go and read the OP (why don't you?) and see it is not exactly racism we are talking about. We are sincerely trying to discuss a topic. Describe a phenomenom. Pointing something out just in case people oversee something.

You need to grow.

Some of you like to talk about absolute fairness and yet you fail to see you have been treated more than fairly in your life than a lot of other people on this earth! Try not to be so selfish pls!

Being born farang your chance of being luckier in life than other people on this earth is already higher, at least in the year of 2006. I am so lucky that I will blush if I start moaning about how unfairly I've been treated. :D

:D:D:D:o :sleepy:ZzZzZzZzZzZz :D

:D ?

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I guess people will moan even more if foreigners were allowed to buy land freely here in thailand.

A lot of not so rich farangs will be forced to leave. No more cheap land and houses.

Thailand will be gone.

Maybe just you and me are allowed would be a good idea? Or who else? :o

Yes, good idea. just you and me, well maybe not you....... :D

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:o ?

Best post you've done on this thread.

The OP obviously wants to wind the punters up. Take a step back man.

I've seen some good points posted by you before, it's nothing personal.

The topic is generally about perspective, racism, equality, all those sort of things, but it has been posted in a divisive manner, and here we all are trying to rip chunks out of each other and at the same time say we're fairer or more unbiased than the next person.

Funny really.


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now we see all the know it all's out. People bringing out there true colours.

Maigo what you say is partially right, but I believe every race feels they are better then another. Just like I feel like im better then anyone on here and anyone to ever live on this earth.

But What your saying happends in all races, people always get bashed/assualted for there race, no-one knows the true stats.

But also it funny to see farangs complain about how they get bashed/assualted and think that they also are the only ones who get it.

Im a half asian half White, I have coped it from white people and asians, Im australia I will get it more from white and in Asia I get it more from asians. But its because they are really jealous of my looks IMO.

Too many bigots here IMO

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now we see all the know it all's out. People bringing out there true colours.

Maigo what you say is partially right, but I believe every race feels they are better then another. Just like I feel like im better then anyone on here and anyone to ever live on this earth.

But What your saying happends in all races, people always get bashed/assualted for there race, no-one knows the true stats.

But also it funny to see farangs complain about how they get bashed/assualted and think that they also are the only ones who get it.

Im a half asian half White, I have coped it from white people and asians, Im australia I will get it more from white and in Asia I get it more from asians. But its because they are really jealous of my looks IMO.

Too many bigots here IMO

Donz for once I think you've got a point...My Daddy was English my Mum was OZ..So I claim I'm only Half Bad.. Then let others draw their own conclusions !!!!! :o

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Life wasn't good for a lot of our ancestors on all continents. People have a right to complain and if need be fight for their rights.

Jealousy will always exist. Race, age, sex, nationality, religion, education, status, ethnicity, intelligence, looks, strength, character and all the rest of it will always be targets of humans. Every poster here has looked down on another for some reason.

The clouds come and go.

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I guess people will moan even more if foreigners were allowed to buy land freely here in thailand.

A lot of not so rich farangs will be forced to leave. No more cheap land and houses.

Thailand will be gone.

Maybe just you and me are allowed would be a good idea? Or who else? :o

The biggest straw men's argument is that if farang could buy land that prices would go up.

Prices of real estate Thailand are already so ridiculous overpriced that only a fool would buy here for investment purposes, unless one has insider information. And those are already investing in the names of Thai nationals, spouses, and networks of companies.

The Thai real estate bubble is not due to farang, but due to the monopolithic pricing policies of large scale Thai investors and developers.

In Thailand houses and land are not cheap. I have recently bought a midsized rental property in a midsized western European city with one of the most stable economies in the world, for far less money than i could get a similar project in Bangkok and with about 2 to 3 times the profits i could make in Bangkok, in addition to already a rise in value of 20% within one year.

This argument is nothing but a rabble rousing right wing argument, and has no economical base. If prices would go up - it will be mostly Thais who will make the profit, and foreigners who did not make due diligence who will be left with non-performing assets.

Most farang would only buy a house to live in on a small plot of land. Opening the market would mean that Thais would make much needed profits.

A compromise in that issue would be that until the Thai economy is strong enough foreigners are only allowed to buy designated residential land up to a certain size, lets say one rai, or industrial land for long term investors. That would protect Thailand from large scale property investment creating additional bubbles to the ones Thai developers have created themselves already over the last 20 odd years.

But, for the foreseeable future idiot nationalism will win - and Thais will lose more than foreigners.

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You can have your opinion ColPyat but mine differ from yours.

My father in law bought us a large enough piece of land a few blocks away from where they live by selling the gold chain my wife gave her as a present. Just imagine, the price of a gold chain!! Will make us a land good enough to build our home on!

We are not talking about Phuket, Koh Samui or Bangkok. We are talking about the whole country.

You say the thais are the ones who will benefit? Yes, maybe the ones who do have land to sell. Maybe the ones who actually recieves the money now. But what about the future? The thai descendants? Imagine entering Udon Thani and having to apply for it because it is wholly owned by Japanese, then Sakon Nakhon by the Brits.

It is easy to say you can buy land in the US. But practically, who in the world can be rich enough to buy the whole USA? But for weaker countries, you think the rich countries will have pity on them?

No mercy, I think.

But, for the foreseeable future idiot nationalism will win - and Thais will lose more than foreigners.
Again as a farang(maybe this is just the charateristics of them?), you are thinking that the whole country's opinion is not as good as just you one individual's. :D


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One only has to browse through the many threads on Thailand related Forums to come to the same conclusion as I have.

In what way is it ridiculous, are you telling me that many Farangs do not come across with a superiority attitude in many threads and posts? :D

I beg to differ.....

How many posts do you see slating Thailand and Thai people, Thai government etc, how hard done by the poor farang is............ :D

But still, they come....and still they buy houses not in their names, and still they complain even though they knew it would never be in their name, they buy, then complain. lol :D

I bought a house too. :o

First of all what do you mean "superior", what?? I feel superior to almost everyone including you, it doesn't mean I am superior. What kind of nonsense are you spouting? And of course there are lots of posts slating Thailand, that is the beauty of free speech, I'm sure elsewhere there are forums with lots of people slating lots of other people.. Thais slating Farangs for example... it's venting, it's not real, this is one of the purposes of a forum, a place to air ideas. I think what you want is somewhere where there is no discussion at all, you see for every point made for Thailand, there has to be an opposing view, so what do you think you've discovered here?? That people disagree...

This isn't a revelation, it's a FORUM


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It is easy to say you can buy land in the US. But practically, who in the world can be rich enough to buy the whole USA? But for weaker countries, you think the rich countries will have pity on them?

No mercy, I think.

If you read my post, you can see that i have not brought this argument. On the opposite - i have said that in order to protect the weaker Thai economy, regulations can be introduced for foreigners to be able to obly buy residential land up to a certain size, or industrial land for long term investors.

And i can only repeat myself - land in Thailand is not cheap anymore since the changes in the 80s. On the opposite - agricultural land is far too expensive already due to a monopolisation of a few rich Thai investors.

The land right issue in Thailand is very complex, there are huge problems of injust land distribution, of mostly city based power elites having snatched up most available land, using this land to get loans, artificially rising prices, while farmers have only the crumbs left, having neither the ducation nor the power to oppose these elites.

These power elites hold an iron grip over available land in Thailand, more than any foreigner could ever do. Opening the market would lead to pressure that these land holding elites would not only have to implement a long overdue landreform, but also would be forced to to their dealings according to the law and not the usual crony corrupt way.

So, yes, the ones who argue here against the opening of the market are really the ones who have stolen almost all the available land from the majority of the Thai population.

Edited by ColPyat
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