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Melania Trump sues Daily Mail and US blogger for $150m over sex worker claims


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8 hours ago, MisterTee said:

Where there's smoke, there's fire... just like with Hillary.

If Melania really was a paid escort that would explain how she first met him.


So any old rag like the Daily Mail can accuse anybody of anything and "there's no smoke without fire".


Ever hear of the Salem Witch Trials - you'd have been great there.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

The trumps are trying to intimidate the press. That's how they roll. If trump wins expect Putinesque repression of the free press ... that is any that criticizes trump.


Free press is one thing. A fascist rag like the Daily Mail accusing people seemingly without a shred of evidence is another.


Hilary the Innocent will champion free speech and free press if she wins will she? While those naughty Trumps use the law, which every citizen is entitled to to sue an excuse for a newspaper.

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


So any old rag like the Daily Mail can accuse anybody of anything and "there's no smoke without fire".


Ever hear of the Salem Witch Trials - you'd have been great there.

Daily Mail did not accuse him or her, just reported on possible election implications.

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10 hours ago, Rancid said:

Well, assuming she wasn't, can understand her being a tad annoyed at the allegation. Likewise by suing, it allows them to put up if they have any actual evidence.


I suppose if anyone does come forward and says they did pay her for sex better have good evidence or deep pockets...

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Never having been a Daily Mail reader,The only paper i see now is 'The Nation"

i would not expect a paper of the DM's standard,be it on line or a tableaux  to blog such information if there was no truth in it somewhere.Their lawyers must be pretty confident of a win,if the shit hit the fan.

In a way though,i do feel a bit sorry for the lady concerned,why bring it up after all these years?i suppose people love to destroy others in print.And it is election time.So all dirt is valuable,i suppose.

I would think she is being forced to sue,having no other option but to refute the accusations.Its history repeating itself as with Oscar Wilde  and Lord Queensbury.

When Queensbury publicly accused Wilde of  "posing as a sodomite" Wilde was begged not to sue by friends and lawyers,but he did and the rest is history.

But then again if trump is so clever,he knew this(if it is true) why didnt he play her part in all this very low key,and send her off to see her mum for a few month's.

I hate to see one persons reputation destroyed by the media,but i suppose she never really had a chance.Check book journalism at its best.

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"NEW YORK: -- Melania Trump, the wife of US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, sued the US-based publisher of the Daily Mail Online and a blogger over stories about her past she believes were “tremendously damaging,” her lawyer said in a statement."


"Tremendously damaging"


Is their lawyer taking vocabulary lessons from Trump himself? 



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10 hours ago, iReason said:

Melania Trump was a hooker?

A Gold Digger?

Who, was allegedly working illegally in the U.S. on a Tourist Visa without a work permit?


And now the third wife of a Presidential candidate who has been well documented as cheating on the first two?


This is Shocking. Truly disturbing.


What has happened to family values?


This certainly should be investigated and exposed.


It's just plain Un a 'murican.


And likely an Illegal Alien no less. Despicable.


Any reasonable person surely would want to get to the bottom of this.


Justice should be served.


How can we, as a country survive, if this tawdry behavior is tolerated?


What will be left to our children?


Who will be their role models?


We must stand up to this vulger immorality.


I'm standing erect already!

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This is the downside of public life that probably keeps some outstanding people from running for office. Everyone has a few skeletons in their cupboard but when you are running for the White House those skeletons are hunted down dragged out and made to do a jig and a dance. This is nothing compared to what will come. Right now as a businessman Trump could argue that his private life is private and sue sue sue, BUT when you cross the line to public life, paid by the public purse you are game for everyone. I mean even Obama's daughters took hits and they have probably been the most exemplary behaved Presidents children ever. if Trump wins his family better get used to 4 years worth of 51 % of the population loving them and the other 49% truly hating them (same goes for HRC). It is this very nature of the witch hunt that probably stops some of the best candidates ever from running for top office, due to their fear of the intrusion into their private lives going back to the time, date, location of your birth.

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Whom is Webster Tarpley?
A Democrat from way back, and a Bernie Sanders supporter.
He has published 2 books, all conspiracy theories.
He has some time slots with a few radio shows.
Seems he is a 'Tin-Foil Hat' pundit.
He has been attacking Donald Trump for some time.
Now he is attacking Meliana Trump.
Of course this begs answers to several questions.
How could he have this dirt concerning Meliana Trump?
How is it that the lying, disingenous MSM did not find this dirt?
You know they have been looking really, really hard for quite some time.
They can't find any, so they make it up.
So I reject Tarpley's assertion's, nay, accusations.
I do hope the lawsuit proceeds,
make Tarpley show proof of his accusations.
Seems 'The Daily Mail' knows they are in deep shit.


Seems most TVF posters are in the gutter.
You are better that this.
Always check your facts before posting trash.
Well there are a few whom would post trash
simply 'cause they are haters.


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When it comes to life in the spot light, women take a much bigger hit than most men.   They are open to criticism for what they where, how much weight they have gained/lost, whether they appear to have had plastic surgery and all sorts of issues.   


Sexual misbehavior on the part of women is viewed with scorn; with men, it's more a badge of honor.   Men will usually be understood and forgiven for their transgressions, whereas women will be forever labeled.    


The allegation of being a paid sex worker is a pretty serious allegation, but it really isn't of any importance in the scheme of things.   


Whatever she has done, she has my sympathies for being unnecessarily cast into the spot light.   

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1 hour ago, Credo said:

When it comes to life in the spot light, women take a much bigger hit than most men.   They are open to criticism for what they where, how much weight they have gained/lost, whether they appear to have had plastic surgery and all sorts of issues.   


Sexual misbehavior on the part of women is viewed with scorn; with men, it's more a badge of honor.   Men will usually be understood and forgiven for their transgressions, whereas women will be forever labeled.    


The allegation of being a paid sex worker is a pretty serious allegation, but it really isn't of any importance in the scheme of things.   


Whatever she has done, she has my sympathies for being unnecessarily cast into the spot light.   

Daily Mail has retracted the story. Just more lies.


To the extent that anything in the Daily Mail's article was interpreted as stating or suggesting that Mrs. Trump worked as an 'escort' or in the 'sex business,' that she had a 'composite or presentation card for the sex business,' or that either of the modeling agencies referenced in the article were engaged in these businesses, it is hereby retracted, and the Daily Mail newspaper regrets any such misinterpretation.




Edited by Pimay1
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14 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

Daily Mail has retracted the story. Just more lies.


To the extent that anything in the Daily Mail's article was interpreted as stating or suggesting that Mrs. Trump worked as an 'escort' or in the 'sex business,' that she had a 'composite or presentation card for the sex business,' or that either of the modeling agencies referenced in the article were engaged in these businesses, it is hereby retracted, and the Daily Mail newspaper regrets any such misinterpretation.




'interpreted'. They never said she has been a sex worker.

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1 hour ago, Credo said:

When it comes to life in the spot light, women take a much bigger hit than most men.   They are open to criticism for what they where, how much weight they have gained/lost, whether they appear to have had plastic surgery and all sorts of issues.   


Sexual misbehavior on the part of women is viewed with scorn; with men, it's more a badge of honor.   Men will usually be understood and forgiven for their transgressions, whereas women will be forever labeled.    


The allegation of being a paid sex worker is a pretty serious allegation, but it really isn't of any importance in the scheme of things.   


Whatever she has done, she has my sympathies for being unnecessarily cast into the spot light.   


The only people who would scorn Melania for this accusation are other women.


Lets face it, it would not lose Trump any male Republican votes. 

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3 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

I dare say a large majority of TVF members wives or gf were/are hookers and it is quite rich for anyone in this situation to be critical of another woman who might or might not be a hooker.

Heh...what's the most verboten question one farang asks another?

"Where did you meet your wife?"  :rolleyes:

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22 hours ago, Boon Mee said:


How does it feel to have people just make up things? Even after it's been disproven it doesn't erase the fact that it was said and publicized. Now, if the Democrats played the game the way the Republicans do, we'd just repeat the lies forever, long after they've been proven to be untrue. They've been doing it to HRC for 25 years. Republicans always looking for any speck of dirt they can find. Can't find it? Make it up. 


So, the shoe is on the other foot here. Democrats have the class and sense of fair play not to just make stuff up. Going with the Republican playbook, Democrats should hold congressional hearing on the subject. Drag it out through the election. Complain she's an immigrant ruining America and damning all our souls. What about the children!


Trump shoots himself in the foot on a daily basis. We don't need to run with lies. He's his own worst enemy. He's toast.  

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19 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Personally, an escort would bring some legitimacy to the place since all these politicians today sell themselves to whomever pays the price--just look at the Clinton Foundation. They just don't call themselves what they are.


As for dignity, I fear Monica Lewinski took the last shred of that with her.


Here is CC repeating the lies about the Clinton Foundation. Republicans do this. Democrats don't. The Clinton Foundation has been rated highly by people who look at charities but the lies about it go on forever. This is how Republican operate. Faux News wouldn't have anything to talk about if they couldn't endlessly repeat lies. 


And let's not forget that Trump endlessly repeated the birther nonsense that Republicans are still going on about today. 

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As we have noted in other threads specifically focused on the Clinton Foundation - it's simply a Racketeering Enterprise.  See ID #39 here:  http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/939447-bill-clinton-defends-embattled-family-foundation/?page=2#comment-11085310



On topic:  Sad the left wing press in their Democrat masters stoop as low as they have to slime a fine woman such as Donald Trump's wife. :whistling:

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Slightly off thread, but worth a read. In order to add some balance to the sexcapades of left and right. Have you all seen the latest on Anthony Wiener? Very disturbing, and has landed him in a whole new host of trouble including preliminary visit from child services! His wife (Hilary's close aid) has just ditched him. Google is your friend, check it out.

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3 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Slightly off thread, but worth a read. In order to add some balance to the sexcapades of left and right. Have you all seen the latest on Anthony Wiener? Very disturbing, and has landed him in a whole new host of trouble including preliminary visit from child services! His wife (Hilary's close aid) has just ditched him. Google is your friend, check it out.



Everything about Weiner is so embarassing it makes you want to wash your hands after reading about and sadly, seeing a couple of  the photos. 


His wife stayed much too long and really has my respect for loyalty...possibly why she sticks by hillary? Just thought of that. 



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18 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:


As we have noted in other threads specifically focused on the Clinton Foundation - it's simply a Racketeering Enterprise.  See ID #39 here:  http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/939447-bill-clinton-defends-embattled-family-foundation/?page=2#comment-11085310



On topic:  Sad the left wing press in their Democrat masters stoop as low as they have to slime a fine woman such as Donald Trump's wife. :whistling:


I don't think anyone that's posed for raunchy lesbo photos and then wants to be first lady should be surprised at the negative press.





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3 minutes ago, Chicog said:


I don't think anyone that's posed for raunchy lesbo photos and then wants to be first lady should be surprised at the negative press.






I am sure Democrat males are reading this negative press for the same reason as Republican males.


To get to the bottom. 

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8 minutes ago, Chicog said:


I don't think anyone that's posed for raunchy lesbo photos and then wants to be first lady should be surprised at the negative press.






If Trump becomes President, what do we call her? First Lady or first call-girl? :D

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