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Melania Trump sues Daily Mail and US blogger for $150m over sex worker claims


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On 9/3/2016 at 0:09 AM, RaoulDuke said:

Any woman who has ever touched Donald Trump is clearly a woman for hire. Just the thought of it makes me nauseous. Imagine waking up next to that every day, and tell me she's not a woman who has sex for money.


Are you a woman?

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On 9/3/2016 at 4:53 PM, Pinot said:


Here is CC repeating the lies about the Clinton Foundation. Republicans do this. Democrats don't. The Clinton Foundation has been rated highly by people who look at charities but the lies about it go on forever. This is how Republican operate. Faux News wouldn't have anything to talk about if they couldn't endlessly repeat lies. 


And let's not forget that Trump endlessly repeated the birther nonsense that Republicans are still going on about today. 


Your loyalty to HRC is beyond the call of duty. Way beyond

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So,the  fact that the wife of a president presumptive has now had her alleged sex worker past plastered all over the media.And the sanctimonious holier than thou groups are now saying that Trump is not fit to serve because of this.

But,on the other hand,are they also saying that a lying,dangerous woman who,also may have been in the same line of work, used her private server to access classified information,which may have been a danger to national security,when she was IN the government,and has been investigated by the FBI,and is now conveniently suffering with a bout of selective memory ,is?

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8 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

So,the  fact that the wife of a president presumptive has now had her alleged sex worker past plastered all over the media.And the sanctimonious holier than thou groups are now saying that Trump is not fit to serve because of this.

But,on the other hand,are they also saying that a lying,dangerous woman who,also may have been in the same line of work, used her private server to access classified information,which may have been a danger to national security,when she was IN the government,and has been investigated by the FBI,and is now conveniently suffering with a bout of selective memory ,is?

What are you on about?

Nobody is saying that trump's wife maybe having a whore past makes trump unfit to serve. Duh. He's unfit to serve for a number of other substantive reasons. His trophy wife wouldn't exactly be an asset though especially considering his hard line of illegal immigrants when there is strong evidence she broke numerous laws to become a U.S. citizen herself. 

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The following should shut you Nattering Nabobs of Negativism up regarding the lovely next First Lady :)


"Melania Trump is widely recognized as Donald Trump’s “Trophy Wife.” But there’s a side of Mrs. Trump most people have yet to see — until now."



Edited by Boon Mee
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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

What are you on about?

Nobody is saying that trump's wife maybe having a whore past makes trump unfit to serve. Duh. He's unfit to serve for a number of other substantive reasons. His trophy wife wouldn't exactly be an asset though especially considering his hard line of illegal immigrants when there is strong evidence she broke numerous laws to become a U.S. citizen herself. 


I am vehemently against all illegal immigration unless they are high fashion models from old Eastern Block countries.


It would take a very cruel hearted person to not have sympathy for this poor womans plight back then.

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4 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

So,the  fact that the wife of a president presumptive has now had her alleged sex worker past plastered all over the media.And the sanctimonious holier than thou groups are now saying that Trump is not fit to serve because of this.

But,on the other hand,are they also saying that a lying,dangerous woman who,also may have been in the same line of work, used her private server to access classified information,which may have been a danger to national security,when she was IN the government,and has been investigated by the FBI,and is now conveniently suffering with a bout of selective memory ,is?


Hillary was a sex worker. Well that's a new one. Won't hold my breath for any evidence of this wildly stupid statement. In the context of this, I think we can forget about anything else you may have the inclination to blurt out.

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

The following should shut you Nattering Nabobs of Negativism up regarding the lovely next First Lady :)


"Melania Trump is widely recognized as Donald Trump’s “Trophy Wife.” But there’s a side of Mrs. Trump most people have yet to see — until now."




Where can we contribute to help relieve the suffering of large breasted former sex workers who are now the trophy wives of uncertified and self proclaimed billionaires? We must help relieve the suffering of the poor darings.

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42 minutes ago, PTC said:


Where can we contribute to help relieve the suffering of large breasted former sex workers who are now the trophy wives of uncertified and self proclaimed billionaires? We must help relieve the suffering of the poor darings.


Thats the spirit. For a while there I thought the liberals on this board were forgetting that sex-workers were all victims the way they were attacking Melania. 



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21 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Check with Larry Flynt the Hustler publisher?:whistling:


Whilst in Vegas, I happened to come across Larry Flynt's Hustler Club, so I went in, intending to have a nice conversation with him about the First amendment.

Unfortunately he wasn't there. However, a very nice lady offered to explain to me Larry's interpretation of said amendment.

I felt obliged to stay, because the poor girl couldn't even afford a full set of clothes, so I thought it would be nice to help her out with a few dollars.





Edited by Chicog
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Despite the fact that Trump's wife may have been a sex worker, science-denying bible thumpers are uniting behind Trump now.  Forgiveness is next to Godliness I hear. But, they aren't very enthusiastic about Trump, as evidenced be this thumper lady:



“God doesn’t pick the best people to do his will,” said Eslinger. “I don’t think Americans could handle the best for them.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/donald-trump-evangelicals-227979#ixzz4JqxQg83S 
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Praise the Lord for Donald Trump, our savior (from the Gommorah of Hilary's world anyway). :lol:


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On 05/09/2016 at 11:43 AM, PTC said:


Where can we contribute to help relieve the suffering of large breasted former sex workers who are now the trophy wives of uncertified and self proclaimed billionaires? We must help relieve the suffering of the poor darings.


The hard left has a puritanical strain which just pops out now and again.

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