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Pattaya begins campaign to wipe out rats on beaches

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Silly me - when it said it was a rat infestation they were going to clear up I was thinking of those two legged things that inhabit it during the early hours of the morning looking to fleece a drunken tourist or two ......seems they took the easy option and went for the 4 legged versions instead ....

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1 hour ago, Junkyarddog said:

When they are thru with the rats they can do something about the ladyboys. Or maybe the ladyboys should come first. After all when is the last time you heard of a rat pickpocketing a tourist?

Yeah but a ladyboy won't fit in the wire cage

4 hours ago, petermik said:

"They decided to use non-lethal wire cages instead" I can see a profitable market somewhere opening up for rat meat :whistling:

Filthy Rat Meat, Cambodia tried dumping and selling city rats in Thailand, Disgusting 

4 hours ago, Brer Fox said:

The rats are doing a big favour for Pattaya City and the beaches by helping clean up the garbage and filth that is left there by humans. Instead of getting rid of the rats they should be importing more of them.

Where do I apply to adopt a rat? Hmm from the cage to the kitchen. 

1 hour ago, gdgbb said:


But the owls(?) and cats don't keep the rat population down, that's the point.  Do you think that rats that are poisoned smell any worse than rats that die any other way (and they all do die)?

thats because their are no cats and rats because they poisoned them, but ten years ago they were quite common at the beach, and sure rats smell when they die, but having been there over the years for several of their poisonings I can assure you that a hundred dead rats make a lot more smell then one dead rat


The beach is nothing to brag about in Pattaya anyway,,  I love the peach and live in Phuket where there are some beautiful beaches,

I just had a week in Pattaya and would move there to live,  if it had a decent beach.   So I don't think many people go there for the beach,  so who cares ??  

5 hours ago, petermik said:

"They decided to use non-lethal wire cages instead" I can see a profitable market somewhere opening up for rat meat :whistling:

i thought the best way to eradicate the rat population is to locate the breeding areas and work from there otherwise you can go on catching  and catching. they can reproduce fast indeed.

45 minutes ago, donsonny said:

Leave the rats alone. They not hurt any. Exterminate instead all ladyboys.

a mistake to leave the rats alone. they can spread dreadful diseases.

yes i agree with you on the ladyboys. they seem to have  become serious pests as well.

3 minutes ago, slippery snake said:

haha,,   get a bigger cage and put a wallet in there for bait..  ;) 

sure catch with the wallet as a bait and expose some bahts...

7 minutes ago, slippery snake said:

The beach is nothing to brag about in Pattaya anyway,,  I love the peach and live in Phuket where there are some beautiful beaches,

I just had a week in Pattaya and would move there to live,  if it had a decent beach.   So I don't think many people go there for the beach,  so who cares ??  

beaches are there. only a little distance away from the town.

17 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Where do I apply to adopt a rat? Hmm from the cage to the kitchen. 

and the bye product from the rats. it is too risky for human health.

5 hours ago, Cuchulainn said:

PATTAYA: -- In an effort to keep the image of Pattaya as a world class tourist destination,:cheesy: 


I stopped reading after this.


Agree, Too much vigorous shaking of head no good for brain.




By rats, do they mean rats, or rat like low humans..ya know...corrupt Po-Lease gangs, gangs of LBs, gangs in general, gangs of yobbish tourists, ...erm ... rat gangs?

3 hours ago, Gillyflower said:

They're just BEGINNING a campaign?????  To keep Patts a world class tourist destination??????  I just can't go on.  I went there once for the day.  I was living in the home of one of the Immigration cops at the airport and he had to go to a conference at the police building in Jomtien, so he dumped me in Pattaya for the day.  Ghastly place!  What a dump!

Millions of people disagree with you. But if you like scrounging free digs next to a noisy airport-you obviously might not like a place full of bars, restaurants and hotels where you have to pay your way.


They already made a start on some of the 2 legged ones...

Jetski operators next???


I am not to keen on them using humane option for the 2 legged ones :gigglem:


Last time I was there it was disgusting, more  rats than people, the stupidity of "dog feeding" also gives the rats  food, next theyll have to concentrate on the other scourge that their stupidity of " dog  feeding" has led to........ PIGEONS these are becoming a BIG problem yet still the morons throw rice out for the filthy mongrels which of course rats pigeons and gawd knows what else eats it.


Hang on a minute.

Rat extermination was allegedly dealt with a year or two ago.

Only way to stop this continual infestation is to stop food being sold on the beaches. 

But apart from that , yes, Pattaya is a "world-class" tourist resort.  As long as you walk blind-folded along Beach Road at night, wear no gold, and dodge the Ladyboys. 

Another comical report full of nonsense.

6 hours ago, khunianb said:

maybe I should take my Jack Russell down there after dark and let him have some fun!!

I reckon everyone who owns a Jack Russel or a Foxy should do the same thing. A couple of days and nights and the problem would be over.

2 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

''World class tourist destination '' ?     Boy; do these freaks have the most amazing ability to be delusional !


How would you describe a town that draws in hundreds of thousands (millions?) of tourists from all over the world every year- year after year?  


And a sizable population of long term residents from all over the world?



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