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Gobble, Gobble, Gobble......Turkey Ban ON or OFF

Gonzo the Face

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20 hours ago, DonaldBattles said:


. Australia and New Zealand have a free trade agreement with Thailand and beef imports are really big. However, 98% of their beef is grass fed and the quality is very poor as compared to the grain fed USA beef.



100% agree with this.   AUS beef has a weird, unpleasant taste to it.   I've tried really hard to like it, just cant.   Any time I see a menu touting AUS Beef, I usually order something else.



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5 hours ago, khwaibah said:

Just received word that 5000 frozen buzzards, I mean turkeys bearing the brand "Norbest" have arrived Bangkok. Excellent source as far as I'm concerned.

No, an "excellent" source would be "Butterball" this is news about an "acceptable" source and still welcome news.  Thanksgiving is saved.


Now to find the fresh frozen cranberries!  I've long since given up on the lima beans.

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7 hours ago, NancyL said:

No, an "excellent" source would be "Butterball" this is news about an "acceptable" source and still welcome news.  Thanksgiving is saved.


Now to find the fresh frozen cranberries!  I've long since given up on the lima beans.


You would complain if hung with a new rope. :cheesy:You notice I said Bangkok not CNX.:P

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my neighbour breeds the ugly things. i know nothing about turkeys so i can't tell you if they are 'butter ball' or what ever. i just notice they get heavier every time i have to chuck them back over the fence.

pm me if you are interested, i'll try to get a photo and a price.

just bring your own knife...

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  • 1 month later...

I bought one of the recently imported Norbest birds. 1750b. I used to pay 900. oh well. what are you going to do. Went back the next day. marked up to 2750b.

They let me have another for 1750.

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The unfair imbalance of trade promoted the US Trade Representative Michael Froman is an old college crony of Obama. With a big imbalance of trade with Thailand and embargoed beef and turkeys it is no good. I am hoping that this turkey gets thrown out quickly after the election. He does not have the balls to stand up for what is right. Trust me if he embargoed Thai Shrimp and fragrant rice Thailand would back down in a hurry. Michael Froman you are no good! 


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34 minutes ago, bkkbarnstormer said:

Just flown in with a Turkey crown from the Uk in checked in baggage. Only dilemma now is whether to consume at Thanksgiving or wait for Christmas ?


Oh, I don't envy you mate.  I would be eyeing that bird off as I unpacked it, and debating whether it was slightly defrosted enough to say aww, lets eat the bugger this weekend. 3 weeks to wait for Thanksgiving is far too long, let alone the wait for Christmas...


Nice to see Gonzo the Face's Gobble Gobble thread is still alive and kicking (unlike the fate of some turkeys later this month) :smile:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like no U.S. turkeys here for Thanksgiving this year again thru the regular supermarket channels, at least based on my visit to Central Chidlom in BKK today.


Normally, each year, they always stock both whole U.S. turkeys and turkey breasts. But, not last year, and again not this year either. Not a single one today when I went looking. And the staff there confirmed it's because of the continuing embargo, so they're not expecting anything different between now and Thanksgiving.


However, in place of the normal U.S. turkeys, they did have two brands of Thai turkeys -- only whole turkeys, no breasts only -- selling, curiously, for almost the same per kilo price as the U.S. ones normally do -- which presumably means quite a tidy big profit for the Thai turkey producers -- to the extent anyone is willing to buy their substitute product.


Here's the two Thai brands I saw in the store before -- never seen either of them anywhere before around BKK in past years.










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Just go with a chicken if you cant get a Turkey. Not traditional I know but doubt it will have any significant detrimental impact on my Christmas celebrations.. Most people I know prefer chicken as they always complain turkey is too dry. I am however a traditionalist

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Kenny, the manager at Duke's Maya says they're getting Norbest turkeys, which are American turkeys (the company is based in Utah) from Rim Ping.  Obviously they're not paying the Rim Ping retail price!  He said something about the Maya Duke's ordering 26 birds.  


I don't understand how Norbest turkey's got into Thailand this year and last but the superior Butterballs didn't.

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