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Far-right activist, author Phyllis Schlafly dies at 92


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9 minutes ago, Usernames said:

"I understand that you are busy these days being one of the few fringe right wing reactionaries left on the 'Good Ship' TVF and I am sure you are feeling the pressure of having to fill these threads with your particular brand of acid."


You must be part of TVF's new ownership group.  Thanks for confirming what has become apparent since the new group took over: that there is now an ideological litmus test that allows baiting and trolling statements like this to go unhindered as long as they are from the knuckle-dragging Left. Pretty soon, TVF will become an echo chamber for Left wing trolls.  It is getting tiresome.


Whether you follow Locke or Hobbs, Liberalism is the natural form of the human condition. Thus it makes sense that there are more of us than there are of you.


The coarseness of your expression defines you. Write a letter to the moderators of this Good Ship if you're unhappy. You can always find other pursuits if you feel oppressed.

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41 minutes ago, Usernames said:

"I understand that you are busy these days being one of the few fringe right wing reactionaries left on the 'Good Ship' TVF and I am sure you are feeling the pressure of having to fill these threads with your particular brand of acid."


You must be part of TVF's new ownership group.  Thanks for confirming what has become apparent since the new group took over: that there is now an ideological litmus test that allows baiting and trolling statements like this to go unhindered as long as they are from the knuckle-dragging Left. Pretty soon, TVF will become an echo chamber for Left wing trolls.  It is getting tiresome.

Sounds like you're feeling oppressed. I told you man, this shyt has gone downhill since women got the vote. People have got to know their place, when they get uppity things get ugly real quick. Phyllis knew what was best for blokes and those who serve them. She was a what they called a House Women. My kind of lady - though she talked too much.

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

" The pursuit of equality cannot be limitless by definition"

Don't know where the quote came from or from what context it was ripped or gentry pried. But on the face of it it's pretty vapid. The pursuit of equality (in it's manifold senses and definitions) can easily be said to be limitless - its attainment most probably not. Not only can it be limitless it can be timeless - never ending if you will. Same goes for Justice and the same goes for truth too. As soon as you think you've attained it you most certainly have not. They are not destinations but ongoing activities, regulatory ideals - they die once they rest and sit fat, contented and bloated with self regard. It's probably the self regard that kills them. Even the definition of equality is a movable feast. Anyway and whatever, pretty sure you're not interested in such things or discussions anyway. And that's all for the good too. I should not like to see you fatigued by thought and enjoy your ticker-tape postings.

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12 hours ago, Usernames said:

"I understand that you are busy these days being one of the few fringe right wing reactionaries left on the 'Good Ship' TVF and I am sure you are feeling the pressure of having to fill these threads with your particular brand of acid."


You must be part of TVF's new ownership group.  Thanks for confirming what has become apparent since the new group took over: that there is now an ideological litmus test that allows baiting and trolling statements like this to go unhindered as long as they are from the knuckle-dragging Left. Pretty soon, TVF will become an echo chamber for Left wing trolls.  It is getting tiresome.

More than tiresome when a good woman like Miss Phyllis gets slimed by the likes of the far left loons on TVF.

Quite a coterie of boys here still mired in the 'progressive' fever swamps...:whistling:

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And this is how the far-left Haters respond to a fine Patriot's death?


On Wednesday’s edition of Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM, Ed Martin, the president of the Eagle Forum, revealed that his organization’s offices were vandalized on the day after founder Phyllis Schlafly’s death.

Martin told the story in response to Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow’s observation that “we’ve now gotten to this nasty point in society where we must be so nasty to one another, we cannot simply disagree and debate civilly – that we must be jerks.”



Indeed.  As William F. Buckley was quoted:   Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.

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Troll post Removed.


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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

And this is how the far-left Haters respond to a fine Patriot's death?


On Wednesday’s edition of Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM, Ed Martin, the president of the Eagle Forum, revealed that his organization’s offices were vandalized on the day after founder Phyllis Schlafly’s death.

Martin told the story in response to Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow’s observation that “we’ve now gotten to this nasty point in society where we must be so nasty to one another, we cannot simply disagree and debate civilly – that we must be jerks.”



Indeed.  As William F. Buckley was quoted:   Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.


So...............let me get on your wavelength, the far-left Haters respond to a fine Patriot's death by vandalizing the Eagle Forum's offices? Because that's what they do? 


Oh my buddha. If it isn't the mainstream media, it's vandals. You guys just can't catch a break. Everyone is after the poor wingnuts. :violin:


Even for the conspiracy driven, batshit crazy alt-right, this nugget is a stretch. "Nasty stuff from the left." I'd be surprised if they didn't do it to themselves so they could try and pin it on the left. That makes a lot more sense than left wing vandals. 



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Heh...defeating the ERA was a tremendous accomplishment for Miss Phyllis. Those so-called 'Eastern Elites' that hated her, underestimated her intellect.  But, she lost the war as 'women's rights, gay marriage & abortion have advanced...;)

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4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

And this is how the far-left Haters respond to a fine Patriot's death?


On Wednesday’s edition of Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM, Ed Martin, the president of the Eagle Forum, revealed that his organization’s offices were vandalized on the day after founder Phyllis Schlafly’s death.

Martin told the story in response to Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow’s observation that “we’ve now gotten to this nasty point in society where we must be so nasty to one another, we cannot simply disagree and debate civilly – that we must be jerks.”



Indeed.  As William F. Buckley was quoted:   Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.


Nope. Not the Lefties. All is not well at that fascist den of iniquity.


Infighting at Eagle Forum over Trump nomination creates uncertainty about group's direction and future.



Wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't those members of the Executive Board who are plotting a coup. On with the revolution boys. What does William F. Buckley have to say about that!

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35 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Heh...defeating the ERA was a tremendous accomplishment for Miss Phyllis. Those so-called 'Eastern Elites' that hated her, underestimated her intellect.  But, she lost the war as 'women's rights, gay marriage & abortion have advanced...;)


Well she certainly was able to pass on her particular bile to her brats.


“So non-whites, non-Christians, and non-marrieds … see it as being in their group interests to tear down traditional American culture.”
—ROGER SCHLAFLY, son of Eagle Forum founder and antifeminist Phyllis Schlafly, in a Dec. 11 post on Eagle Forum’s official blog



Go White Christian Straight America Eh. And to hell with all the rest.


Southern Poverty Law Center is quite an interesting site. You should bookmark it.

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Schlafly stopped the ERA but could not stop the Feminist Movement - regrettably.  This Feminist Movement produced a hoard of American women who are now in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s.  These feminist indoctrinated women are very often burdened with rabid resentment against men, often declaring men to be stupid, inferior and requiring management by women.  Their credo ... men are at best - to be tolerated - at worst ignored, resented, maligned and even hated.   These afflicted women can often be spotted by the 'frayed electrical wire syndrome' - sparking wildly and dangerously at the slighted touch or heaven forbid a when a man should dare to disagree with one of them.  When coupled with menopause or post menopausal symptoms they become quite maniacal.   When encountering one of them in the wild - a man is smart to use the '10 foot pole remedy' and never get any closer.  

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56 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

Schlafly stopped the ERA but could not stop the Feminist Movement - regrettably.  This Feminist Movement produced a hoard of American women who are now in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s.  These feminist indoctrinated women are very often burdened with rabid resentment against men, often declaring men to be stupid, inferior and requiring management by women.  Their credo ... men are at best - to be tolerated - at worst ignored, resented, maligned and even hated.   These afflicted women can often be spotted by the 'frayed electrical wire syndrome' - sparking wildly and dangerously at the slighted touch or heaven forbid a when a man should dare to disagree with one of them.  When coupled with menopause or post menopausal symptoms they become quite maniacal.   When encountering one of them in the wild - a man is smart to use the '10 foot pole remedy' and never get any closer.  


There is something very small about a person who cannot cope with strong, confident women.


I would say that I was surprised such people still existed but we have the evidence of the visceral hatred of HRC by old white men to show otherwise.


Schlafly wanted to conform to her religious indoctrination and stay home and be subservient to her man, then that was her business. What entitlement did she and others have to shove that retarded, regressive and narrow view down the rest of our throats? How can these statements above still be bruited about in the 21st C?

Edited by PTC
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4 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

Schlafly stopped the ERA but could not stop the Feminist Movement - regrettably.  This Feminist Movement produced a hoard of American women who are now in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s.  These feminist indoctrinated women are very often burdened with rabid resentment against men, often declaring men to be stupid, inferior and requiring management by women.  Their credo ... men are at best - to be tolerated - at worst ignored, resented, maligned and even hated.   These afflicted women can often be spotted by the 'frayed electrical wire syndrome' - sparking wildly and dangerously at the slighted touch or heaven forbid a when a man should dare to disagree with one of them.  When coupled with menopause or post menopausal symptoms they become quite maniacal.   When encountering one of them in the wild - a man is smart to use the '10 foot pole remedy' and never get any closer.  

God save humanity from these Feminazies who have gendered a whole crop of basically Girly-Men afraid to disagree with them.


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4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

God save humanity from these Feminazies who have gendered a whole crop of basically Girly-Men afraid to disagree with them.



The World just seems to have passed you He-Man retro-sexuals by. So 50's. Not cool at all.



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8 hours ago, PTC said:


The World just seems to have passed you He-Man retro-sexuals by. So 50's. Not cool at all.




A bad toss-up between fondu and sudoku, though both of them could probably fit into the Arsenal midfield

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There is something very small about a person who cannot cope with strong, confident women.


I would say that I was surprised such people still existed but we have the evidence of the visceral hatred of HRC by old white men to show otherwise.


Schlafly wanted to conform to her religious indoctrination and stay home and be subservient to her man, then that was her business. What entitlement did she and others have to shove that retarded, regressive and narrow view down the rest of our throats? How can these statements above still be bruited about in the 21st C?

Strong confident women were hardly what I was talking about. Your perception of what I wrote is blinded by silly political correctness. The women I spoke of were neither strong nor confident unless you confuse being overbearing, narcissistic, domineering, clumsily intimidating, close minded, shallow, irritating, inconsiderate and a host of other negative attributes as strong and confident.
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Misogyny and homophobia usually go hand in hand. 

Please continue to live in your fantasy land divorced from the reality of the world... You're one of those people who could connect a tree standing on the side of a road to an affront on gayness.
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There is something very small about a person who cannot cope with strong, confident women.


I would say that I was surprised such people still existed but we have the evidence of the visceral hatred of HRC by old white men to show otherwise.


Schlafly wanted to conform to her religious indoctrination and stay home and be subservient to her man, then that was her business. What entitlement did she and others have to shove that retarded, regressive and narrow view down the rest of our throats? How can these statements above still be bruited about in the 21st C?

In my observations from various venues I find woman age 35 to 75 despise HRC in greater numbers than older men... But I sample a wide variety of sources not just the Liberal - Leftist - Progressive talking points closet you live in.
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18 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:


In my observations from various venues I find woman age 35 to 75 despise HRC in greater numbers than older men... But I sample a wide variety of sources not just the Liberal - Leftist - Progressive talking points closet you live in.


Much the same here.  This poster is familiar with several American expat women here in LOS and they all loath Crooked Hillary.  Additionally, the bra-burning feminazie's who attempt to emasculate their husbands and other men are a pox on society. :thumbsup:

Edited by Boon Mee
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2 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:


Strong confident women were hardly what I was talking about. Your perception of what I wrote is blinded by silly political correctness. The women I spoke of were neither strong nor confident unless you confuse being overbearing, narcissistic, domineering, clumsily intimidating, close minded, shallow, irritating, inconsiderate and a host of other negative attributes as strong and confident.



It comes as no surprise that you would associate misogyny and weakness with women with political ideology. I would assume that many of the old white men supporting Trump will have views consistent with yours. Is this inability to dominant women linked to your gun fetish? Go 2A. Let's Show those Women Who's Boss.

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2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Much the same here.  This poster is familiar with several American expat women here in LOS and they all loath Crooked Hillary.  Additionally, the bra-burning feminazie's who attempt to emasculate their husbands and other men are a pox on society. :thumbsup:


I hope you find comfort among the three enablers you know in Thailand. Clearly you speak of emasculation from painful experience. Let's hope those superficially compliant local brown girls offer a suitable replacement. We seem to have identified the source of your particularly strenuous objections to a female President. It doesn't take too much of a stretch of the imagination to understand Schlafly's Eagle Forum's appeal to old, white men.

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5 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Much the same here.  This poster is familiar with several American expat women here in LOS and they all loath Crooked Hillary.  Additionally, the bra-burning feminazie's who attempt to emasculate their husbands and other men are a pox on society. :thumbsup:

Since you brought up the connection to Hillary Clinton.

The late and not great Phyllis Schlafly was a trumpist.





Fear of a Female President

Hillary Clinton’s candidacy has provoked a wave of misogyny—one that may roil American life for years to come.

Among the emasculations men most fear is subordination to women. (Some women who prize traditional gender roles find male subordination threatening too.) 








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On 9/8/2016 at 11:37 AM, JDGRUEN said:

Schlafly stopped the ERA but could not stop the Feminist Movement - regrettably.  This Feminist Movement produced a hoard of American women who are now in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s.  These feminist indoctrinated women are very often burdened with rabid resentment against men, often declaring men to be stupid, inferior and requiring management by women.  Their credo ... men are at best - to be tolerated - at worst ignored, resented, maligned and even hated.   These afflicted women can often be spotted by the 'frayed electrical wire syndrome' - sparking wildly and dangerously at the slighted touch or heaven forbid a when a man should dare to disagree with one of them.  When coupled with menopause or post menopausal symptoms they become quite maniacal.   When encountering one of them in the wild - a man is smart to use the '10 foot pole remedy' and never get any closer.  


You take out the gender specific insults you describe many men I came in contact with in 45 years in the business world.  


Have worked with many, many women in those years. Never once did I associate their failings to their gender. Why do you felt the need to do so?  Is it because, at the end of the day, that is all you got, insults based on gender. You also likely  do it based on race, nationality, and religion as well. Met many like you in 45 years as well.


You were by far more unpleasant to be around, and when overseas,  were often a source of embarrassment requiring explanation to those you insulted. 


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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Since you brought up the connection to Hillary Clinton.

The late and not great Phyllis Schlafly was a trumpist.







Yes, we know.  She was 100% in favor of Donald Trump becoming President which warmed the cockles of my heart for this fine woman even more! :)

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13 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Well, condolences to her family. Politically, she was quite horrible. Hopefully, end of an era.

DONALD TRUMP to Attend Phyllis Schlafly Funeral – Express Condolences


Excellent!  It's the right thing to do as a Leader!  :)


On Monday night Donald Trump released a touching statement on Phyllis’s passing.

We can now confirm that Donald Trump will attend Phyllis’s funeral Saturday at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis (New Cathedral).
The funeral service begins at 2 PM.

Trump will take time off his busy campaign schedule to attend the funeral of the conservative icon.



Again, it's another example of the antipathy from those on the loonie left to label this fine woman a "far right" activist.  She was a Conservative Leader. :thumbsup:

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This was the hate-monger from my era. A spawn of Schlafly's and those like her. Pushing the idea that the rights of others should not be enfranchised is not just 'having a different opinion'. It should not be protected speech. LGBT people of Schlafly's era were too intimidated and bullied to fight back as they did against Bryant. Perhaps if Schlafly had a dose of this legitimate expression she might have grown up and matured intellectually.




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