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7,000 kgs of garlic and onions smuggled into Thailand


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59 minutes ago, lahgon29 said:

These are the sort of headline stories that we don't get in Australia.  it's all safe schools, LGBTIQ, gay marriage,  Iranian descended pollie paid by Chinese govt. You get the drift?  

Love these stories, TV...Keep them coming!


It was only a week ago I learned we needed to add an "I" for Intersex.


What is the "Q" for? Don't tell me that Queer is now an encouraged expression again?



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Your taste buds telling you the right thing.


Chinese garlic is bleached. According to Henry Bell of the Australian Garlic Industry Association, garlic from China is sprayed with chemicals to stop sprouting, to whiten garlic, and to kill insects and plant matter. He also reports that garlic is grown in untreated sewage, “Bell also calls into question some growing practices in China. ... Read More: http://www.whydontyoutrythis.com/2016/07/caution-avoid-bleached-and-chemical-laden-garlic-from-china.html



Interesting. Our local Macro is packed with Chinese vegetables, seems quite a lot is imported legally. A lot of local restaurants buy from Macro so it's well circulated.

As many Thai crops overuse pesticides, we try to get the organic stuff when possible, but never Chinese, as would trust them even less.
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27 minutes ago, Dexlowe said:

So, Chinese grown garlic is sold here. How do we tell the difference when we go to the supermarket?


(genuine question)


Chinese garlic looks similar to what we find in the occident.  Thai garlic heads and cloves are smaller, puce-skinned, and much harder.

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21 minutes ago, Oxx said:


Chinese garlic looks similar to what we find in the occident.  Thai garlic heads and cloves are smaller, puce-skinned, and much harder.


Thanks Oxx. Now that you mention it, I have noticed it but given it no thought. But I also wonder why the veg from China, including garlic, isn't labelled as such on the price tag attached to the bin. Too complicated, I guess. Or likely to scare off buyers ( :) insert your own reasons as to why :) )

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...correct if I am wrong about the following: I've heard many a small farmer in the SiSasket area state that growing garlic is a good cash crop. I have no way to support or refute this. Hearsay so far.....

Tai garlic is far superior to the elephant (large) garlic cloves from China. The Chinese garlic lacks flavor.


Tai garlic? It'll about knock me off my stool while eating---so very good.

Plus---ALL somtam carts I have ever visited or sampled never use the Chinese garlic.


Question: how do we know for sure the garlic was sourced from China? Anyone have any experience with Vietnamese garlic? Vietnamese will grow anything and everything, top quality!

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On 06/09/2016 at 0:18 PM, Radar501 said:

7,000 kgs of garlic and onions detected, without the need for a sniffer dog.

surprising that garlic and onions are being smuggled into thailand. is the price differential that much to make the deal viable.

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