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Clinton, Trump: He's a national security danger; no she is


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She has very detailed plans and policies.

Much more so than dangerous donald trump.:bah:

I will agree she is a flawed candidate that in a NORMAL election would have little chance.

But this election is the opposite of normal.

She's running against dangerous donald trump. Which means she remains a strong favorite to win. 


Here are her policy positions:[emoji106]



It appears her main policy is to start WW3.
She is a danger to all humanity.


Sent from my mobile, please forgive the autocorrect.

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Sorry but I vehemently disagree. Being a high level member of the government which has been in power for the last 8 years, why were none of these issues dealt with then? She and her party are the problem that she is proposing solutions to? Haha. Trump is right on most/all that he says, the country and inner cities are a mess because of Dem "leadership". What the country needs is change not more of the same BS. How is Trump dangerous?? That is just the party line put out by the Democrats via the ridiculously biased and dishonest left wing media who unfortunately make things up most of the time, and to which there is zero evidence to back it up with. Trump gets dragged over the coals for everything he says or does, even when he doesn't do it, or even when people just think he said it. It's a complete farce. All the lefty liberals know how to do is manufacture fake outrage and offence and label Trump with whatever buzzword insult happens to be in fashion that day. Yet Clinton has had a free pass for doing things that effectively make her a criminal and that should outright disqualify her from running for president yet amazingly people still defend her! It is truly mind boggling...

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Hillary Clinton was first lady for eight years and sadly failed at major health care reform but did manage to greatly help cover children. That in itself is a huge accomplishment. 


As U.S. senator of New York, she was just one senator out of 100.


As Secretary of State, she worked for Barack Obama and was obligated to effect the foreign policy of Barack Obama.


For most of the presidency of Obama, the REPUBLICANS have been in control of the congress and senate. That's our system. It has limits ... which you would think is something right wingers who are for limited government when it serves their ideology and against it when it doesn't, might appreciate. 



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48 minutes ago, 348GTS said:

Sorry but I vehemently disagree. Being a high level member of the government which has been in power for the last 8 years, why were none of these issues dealt with then? She and her party are the problem that she is proposing solutions to? Haha. Trump is right on most/all that he says, the country and inner cities are a mess because of Dem "leadership". What the country needs is change not more of the same BS. How is Trump dangerous?? That is just the party line put out by the Democrats via the ridiculously biased and dishonest left wing media who unfortunately make things up most of the time, and to which there is zero evidence to back it up with. Trump gets dragged over the coals for everything he says or does, even when he doesn't do it, or even when people just think he said it. It's a complete farce. All the lefty liberals know how to do is manufacture fake outrage and offence and label Trump with whatever buzzword insult happens to be in fashion that day. Yet Clinton has had a free pass for doing things that effectively make her a criminal and that should outright disqualify her from running for president yet amazingly people still defend her! It is truly mind boggling...

When you have Sarah Palin by your side you can't pretend to be smart

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America may continue its slide into the abyss regardless of which one of these two candidates win the Presidential election.


Clinton has a track record of incompetency, dereliction of duty, using public office for personal gain, mishandling of classified material, deleting evidence in an FBI investigation, obstruction of justice and on and on.


Trump has no political record and is an unknown.  Citizens of the US should be concerned what the outcome may be once the reigns of power are within his grasp.  Appears like a loose cannon on a rocking ship at times. 


The world is both amused and fearful for the US's future, and so are it's informed US citizens. 

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Anyone who thinks Trump is a "buffoon" or a "clown" or "dangerous" or whatever other nonsensical buzzword the Dem funded left wing dishonest media commentators come up with on the day, is just part of the problem. Make no mistake, Trump is a very smart man. Don't be so easy to sip from the Hillary Koolaid people. Having political experience is irrelevent, or do you think the POTUS is a dictator or king and rules alone and without accountability? He is a leader and will surround himself with the right people just as any good manager or CEO would do, and what he has already done. I respect the opinin of people like Guliani and Gingrich more than the brainwashed sycophants that support Clinton. Just because an airhead soccer mom supports Trump means nothing. Even a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day. Kinda like Hillary and the truth actually  ;)

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20 minutes ago, 348GTS said:

He is a leader and will surround himself with the right people just as any good manager or CEO would do, and what he has already done


Interesting.  Clearly you are discounting the people he has fired so far but you are happy with his choice of VP.  You are right that the President will have a team and they will be picked by their commitment to the President and his/her  mindset.  However at this point you are voting for the man and his policies (whatever they turn out to be).  You are not voting for an unknown team.  So unlike in previous elections this team it is very much the man and not the republican party who are desperately trying to distance themselves from the madness. 


Ignoring the flip flopping, what do you think this very smart man will do if he gets elected?

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


One could say the exact same thing about Joe Biden. 

One could say the exact same thing about buffoon Tim Kaine.

We whom support Trump-Pence, know there will be a

serious effort to 'clean up the mess''.

Trump has my vote.

Not the libertarian fool Gary Johnson,

nor green party Jill Steine (whom is interesting),

because I will not 'split the vote'.

Not this election, far too much is at stake.


I pity the fools whom support HRC.

Something seriously wrong with those folks.

They are loosing, they know they are loosing,

they know she is really really bad, yet they drag on.

And all they have is venom-vile, name calling and such,

to deflect any argument against HRC.

They can not debate an issue.

They are haters, and haters will hate.

Pity them.

They are why the USA is in such bad shape.

Time for change, Trump is it.





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Sounds so very trumpian -- if you don't love the fascist clown, you're a "looser" :cheesy:


Yet another example of  how dangerous and bat sheit CRAY CRAY trump is. Speaking of the Chinese snub of Obama by not putting down a red carpet on arrival, trump said if that had happened to him he would have not gotten off the plane and would just fly home. At a very major and important international conference of many world leaders. 



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26 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Sounds so very trumpian -- if you don't love the fascist clown, you're a "looser" :cheesy:



Did not take long for me to be proven right.

' if you don't love the fascist clown'

You can't help yourself.

Love has nothing to do with the common sense of supporting Trump.

So perhaps you are a "looser".

I can say...

I've never seen that you have ever posted to show otherwise.

Ever, on any topic.

No offence intended, I call em like I read em.

Perhaps you should consider returning...

to the Kommunist State of Kalifornia.

Get youself some of that free Obama money and Healthcare.

There you could help deal with those illegal hispanics,

and watch the wall being built,

and the 'sanctuary zones' be rendered dead.:cheesy:


Please do have a good today.




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Most people going for the fascist clown  trump are going on emotion, because he's a CON MAN and he's suckered them in. Certainly not logic. Same as the "logic" of those poor marks that got scammed by "trump" fake university. His rhetoric is so idiotic. He speaks at elementary school age level. He promises to fix this and that big complex problem in five minutes (it's "so simple" he says), make everyone rich very fast based on nothing.


It's going to be beautiful. It's sad so many are so gullible. 


Believe me, says the con man. No. Do not do that. 

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Most people going for the fascist clown  trump are going on emotion, because he's a CON MAN and he's suckered them in. Certainly not logic. Same as the "logic" of those poor marks that got scammed by "trump" fake university. His rhetoric is so idiotic. He speaks at elementary school age level. He promises to fix this and that big complex problem in five minutes (it's "so simple" he says), make everyone rich very fast based on nothing.


It's going to be beautiful. It's sad so many are so gullible. 


Believe me, says the con man. No. Do not do that. 

Please tell me what you know of...

Laureate International Universities. Oh my, you won't.

You will continue with the flames.

I assure you, I'm not the one in this conversation 'going on emotion'.


You need to chill-out dude.

Trump is winning,

Trump will win,

and you can go cry in your cornflakes,

or throw toys out of your pram.

Won't change anything.


Come away from the dark side, there is hope for you yet!

Well, you do have my pity.


Again, Please have a good today!


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16 hours ago, 348GTS said:

Anyone who still continues to support/defend Clinton, despite all the evidence proving she is a corrupt incompetent liar who doesn't seem to have any plans or policies apart from continuing the farce of the past 8 years of "leadership", is unfortunately part of the problem not the solution. Nothing more to be said on the topic really....

Except the ones supporting Trump (like the KKK for exemple) , despite all the evidence he is a racist, mysoginist, dumb, incompetent liar who doesn't have any plan except build a wall and stop the "muslims" (read the arabs) to enter USA (how we will never know, except maybe the ham sandwich), is unfortunatly not a part of the problem but THE problem mostly...Nthing more to say on the topic really...

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19 hours ago, dunroaming said:

What is interesting looking in from the outside is the way that the two camps on here are supporting their chosen candidate.  Neither side has anything positive to say, all they are doing is trashing the other candidate.  Everything is a negative.


Why are you compelled to lump them both together?  They're quite different.  One is decent and lays out her policy proposals - including ways to help people - particularly the disadvantaged.  The other is a hate monger who is fueled by creating fear and divisions.  He's a grossly uninformed flip-flopping liar.   They're completely different characters.


18 hours ago, 348GTS said:

Anyone who still continues to support/defend Clinton, despite all the evidence proving she is a corrupt incompetent liar who doesn't seem to have any plans or policies apart from continuing the farce of the past 8 years of "leadership", is unfortunately part of the problem not the solution. Nothing more to be said on the topic really....


It's a bit sad that you are so clueless about HRC's record as First Lady, a mother, and a Senator.  I'd suggest you do some objective research, but I know you won't.  You'd rather ingest the incessant lies mixed with garbage being shoveled out by hard-right attack machine.


17 hours ago, Burps said:

When you have Sarah Palin by your side you can't pretend to be smart


Good point.  And when, during a town hall meeting, a Trump fan started a question by claiming Obama was a Muslim, Trump just grinned and nodded along.  A real man would have instantly intervened and said, "Obama is not a Muslim"   Trump is many things, most of which are unmentionable on this forum.   When the same sort of thing happened at a McCain rally, McCain instantly set the questioneer straight - which was the proper thing to do. 

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Being a spokesperson for Trump must be the toughest job, on a par with cleaning out giant sulphuric acid tanks from the inside with a toothbrush. 


It starts with Trump shouting something through the microphone as being absolutely true, preceded by "believe me folks....."


         The next day, his spokespeople get on all the major news outlets and try to qualify what he meant.  It's like justifying to your mother, that your tramp friend left half a loaf of shit on the toilet seat.  A few hours later, Trump comes on national TV and says it was 'sarcasm.'    Then, the following day, (you guessed it), his thankless spokespeople have to go on TV interviews and say, "Everything I asserted about Trump two days ago is false, whereas everything I say about him now is true.  You can bank on it. "   Interviewer asks:  "Is it true, as Trump asserts, that ISIS was founded by Obama and Hillary?"   Trump's peoples' response:  "Says who?  Maybe yes, maybe no. It depends."



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4 hours ago, Burps said:

Except the ones supporting Trump (like the KKK for exemple) , despite all the evidence he is a racist, mysoginist, dumb, incompetent liar who doesn't have any plan except build a wall and stop the "muslims" (read the arabs) to enter USA (how we will never know, except maybe the ham sandwich), is unfortunatly not a part of the problem but THE problem mostly...Nthing more to say on the topic really...


Lol... I don't even know where to start with this. There is so much ignorance, inaccuracy, and irony in this post that I can only deduce that you either live under a rock or you are a troll. You're basically trying to contradict me yet do so by proving what I said about Clinton supporters to be 100% correct. There is zero evidence to support any of the claims that he is a racist, mysoginist, etc (just more examples of the lefty libtards hurling insults when people disagree with them without any facts to mount a counter argument). Perhaps you missed the recent revelation about your beloved Hillary accepting donations from the KKK and publicly hugging one of their prominent members? Oh dear.... go back to under the bridge (or rock) from where you came. Leave the conversation to the grown ups, there's a good lad.

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

It's a bit sad that you are so clueless about HRC's record as First Lady, a mother, and a Senator.  I'd suggest you do some objective research, but I know you won't.  You'd rather ingest the incessant lies mixed with garbage being shoveled out by hard-right attack machine.


Likwise, it is equally sad, perhaps more so, that you are so clueless about HRC's record as a liar, her failure as senator, her total incompetence as Secretary Of State, involvement in corruption and pay for play scandals, croneyism, nepotism, bad temperament, hypocracy, I could go on but honestly it's getting boring. With the wealth of information available online (most a matter of public record) it still amazes me that anyone would even try to defend her, let alone suport her after the fact. Am not sure what this "hard right attack machine" is of which you speak, last I checked the majority of the dishonest media were blatantly pro Clinton and very rarely let the truth get in the way of their reporting.

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1 hour ago, 348GTS said:


Likwise, it is equally sad, perhaps more so, that you are so clueless about HRC's record as a liar, her failure as senator, her total incompetence as Secretary Of State, involvement in corruption and pay for play scandals, croneyism, nepotism, bad temperament, hypocracy, I could go on but honestly it's getting boring. With the wealth of information available online (most a matter of public record) it still amazes me that anyone would even try to defend her, let alone suport her after the fact. Am not sure what this "hard right attack machine" is of which you speak, last I checked the majority of the dishonest media were blatantly pro Clinton and very rarely let the truth get in the way of their reporting.

It doesn't fit their narrative to admit that Crooked Hillary is Crooked...;)

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15 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

It doesn't fit their narrative to admit that Crooked Hillary is Crooked...;)


Hillary and her doddering old codger of a husband are so crooked it is a miracle they can stand up straight. Oh wait, she's having trouble even doing that  ..... :whistling:

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15 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

It doesn't fit their narrative to admit that Crooked Hillary is Crooked...;)


Hillary and her doddering old codger of a husband are so crooked it is a miracle they can stand up straight. Oh wait, she's having trouble even doing that  ..... :whistling:

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