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Australian DJ jailed for life in Thailand


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2 hours ago, joeyg said:

Deal hard drugs.  Should be executed.  Now before you jump on me.  Think of how you'd feel if one of your children got addicted or died from his drugs.  That's what I thought...



It is not actually an addictive substance and only kills those who are allergic.  And the legal addictive and potentially fatal drugs of nicotine and alcohol, should their "dealers" be executed?

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2 minutes ago, epicstuff said:

I grew up in the era of raves in the UK,  I was an avid user   probably heavier than pretty much anyone I knew as I was involved in the business of parties.    I abused it more than I am proud but  after 10 years of constant partying and pill popping  when I got bored &  grew up  I left it behind like it never happened. 


 I will add they were the best years of my life.  And  I never noticed any side effect or damage.   the worse case scenario was being to F***d to talk to a sexy girl when she approached me..

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Just now, 2008bangkok said:

I belive everybody should be able to do what they want providing its not hurting others. The governments believe you should do hat they want, even if their laws hurt others.



Well driving at 200 km/hr in a 60 zone is not hurting anybody.....until the idiot driving hits a few other cars and kills several people.


Laws are made on the basis of minimizing damage, and unfortunately, they have to cater to the lowest common denominator, a not very intelligent creature, or even intelligent at all.


I do find a lot of laws offensive, but they are there to protect people like me from the idiots with whom I, unfortunately, have to share this planet.

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3 minutes ago, epicstuff said:

I grew up in the era of raves in the UK,  I was an avid user   probably heavier than pretty much anyone I knew as I was involved in the business of parties.    I abused it more than I am proud but  after 10 years of constant partying and pill popping  when I got bored &  grew up  I left it behind like it never happened. 



Most people indeed grow out of it or use it only scarcely after. I do know that my friends who are now all in their 40's still use it at times once every 2 - 3 months or so. All that scaremongering is fun but reality is different. 

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Just now, epicstuff said:

 I will add they were the best years of my life.  And  I never noticed any side effect or damage.   the worse case scenario was being to F***d to talk to a sexy girl when she approached me..

or Missing a day at work because I slept right through a Monday morning.


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1 minute ago, scorecard said:



You really think it's all that simple?




It's that simple, if, and only if, it doesn't hurt others, and in the case of drugs it is more complicated as they have to come from somewhere and that supplier is certainly hurting others.

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4 minutes ago, epicstuff said:

I grew up in the era of raves in the UK,  I was an avid user   probably heavier than pretty much anyone I knew as I was involved in the business of parties.    I abused it more than I am proud but  after 10 years of constant partying and pill popping  when I got bored &  grew up  I left it behind like it never happened. 


From your previous statements, personally, I don't believe thats true.  I grew up in the 60's and experimented briefly with different things.  I found drugs interfered with my studies.  Fortunately I stopped before any real harm was done and completed my education.

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16 minutes ago, 2008bangkok said:

The planet is a free place and just not owned by anybody and just because somebody was there before you doesnt give them the right to dictate whats they think is right and wrong.


I think you're still on whatever you were on in the 60's, or was that the 70's?   Maybe the 80's.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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4 minutes ago, robblok said:


I think i seen a lot more then you have growing up in the Netherlands and popping those pills myself. There is always a risk but alcohol has risk far worse. Fact is as a Dr you only see the worse cases. Kinda like a cops bias because they only see the bad things never the normal users. Nothing is risk free in this world. 


What about the risks of obesity and people dying because of diabetes as a result.. would you want to put food also on the drug list or accept that people can misuse any substance and that there are plenty who dont misuse a substance but use it responsible. 

Your point is well said and well taken.  And yes, I have often said while teaching, that food is a drug and will kill you as surely as a bullet only it takes a lot longer.  I understand the stats on pure MDMA. I also know what I've seen in clinic.  Have to admit I am anti drugs.

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3 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:



Well driving at 200 km/hr in a 60 zone is not hurting anybody.....until the idiot driving hits a few other cars and kills several people.


Laws are made on the basis of minimizing damage, and unfortunately, they have to cater to the lowest common denominator, a not very intelligent creature, or even intelligent at all.


I do find a lot of laws offensive, but they are there to protect people like me from the idiots with whom I, unfortunately, have to share this planet.

Well you can include the people who make the laws in "intelligent at all" bracket last time i read Thailand wanted to downgrade a Yabba pill while upholding the classification of Pot, so in this example somebody recons Yabba is less dangerous than a spliff. Alchohol and Cigarettes are legal which can lead to extreme acts of violence to others (alcohol) and paying a fully grown women who consents for sex is also illegal, THE WORLD iS BARMY.

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5 minutes ago, joeyg said:

From your previous statements, personally, I don't believe thats true.  I grew up in the 60's and experimented briefly with different things.  I found drugs interfered with my studies.  Fortunately I stopped before any real harm was done and completed my education.

 I can see if someone was supposed to be studying but instead got addicted to the party scene and went out partying to the early hours too often then I might effect there studies  but that hardly is a statement against the drugs themselves more a statement of conflicting priorities or lack of discipline.    You could equally ban video games on your argument.

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8 minutes ago, robblok said:


I think i seen a lot more then you have growing up in the Netherlands and popping those pills myself. There is always a risk but alcohol has risk far worse. Fact is as a Dr you only see the worse cases. Kinda like a cops bias because they only see the bad things never the normal users. Nothing is risk free in this world. 


What about the risks of obesity and people dying because of diabetes as a result.. would you want to put food also on the drug list or accept that people can misuse any substance and that there are plenty who dont misuse a substance but use it responsible. 


Is food illegal?


Nope, not last time I checked.  Education programmes take care, or try to, of people misusing legal substances.


The anti smoking programme in Australia has been very effective, and I seldom see a smoker.  Just preventing smoking in restaurants, clubs and pubs, public offices, etc., is enough incentive for a lot of people to quit.

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2 hours ago, joeyg said:

Deal hard drugs.  Should be executed.  Now before you jump on me.  Think of how you'd feel if one of your children got addicted or died from his drugs.  That's what I thought...



  I beg your pardon, Dr. Mengele. 61 Ecstasy pills that very very seldom kill people and are usually used by plenty of party goers all around the world, can hardly be called "hard drugs."


      Your example would be a great one if the kid would have dealt with kilograms of heroine, or cocaine. But 61 pills?


      Before you try to call the poor lad a mass murder, please think about how you'd feel if the guy would be your son.


       Would you still want him executed, your own flesh and blood? Shame on you, really. 


         It's a joke that they sentenced him to a life sentence and you want to see him executed? 



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Australian and Briton face decades in jail after losing Thai court appeal

Oliver Holmes in Bangkok


Exclusive: Jake Mastroianni, from Victoria, will serve two life sentences, and Lance Whitmore, from Worcestershire, will serve 50 years, Thai court hears


BANGKOK: -- An Australian and a Briton sentenced to decades in a Thai jail for drug dealing have lost an appeal to have their term reduced, their legal team has told the Guardian.


Jake Mastroianni, 26, a DJ from Melbourne in Victoria, will serve two life sentences and Lance Whitmore, 28, an ex-soldier from Bromsgrove in Worcestershire will serve 50 years. The pair appeared shackled together in Bangkok’s criminal court on Tuesday to hear their joint appeal had been rejected.


Jeffrey Stevens, a lawyer whose firm Thailand Bail works with both men, said he was disappointed by what he said was a severe sentence. “Everyone was hoping the sentence would be reduced further,” he said.


Full story: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/07/jake-mastroianni-lance-whitmore-jail-thai-court-appeal


-- The Guardian 2016-09-07

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2 hours ago, joeyg said:

Deal hard drugs.  Should be executed.  Now before you jump on me.  Think of how you'd feel if one of your children got addicted or died from his drugs.  That's what I thought...



I teach my children and step-children (I've had about 2 dozen) to mainly avoid excess sugar, MSG, tobacco, trans-fats, and alcohol.  I don't recommend other types of drugs, but I know from experience that youngsters will experiment with some, and then mature out of it, as I did.  The human species has a very long history of using drugs - often for rituals.  Using drugs is as much a part of our DNA as making tools, singing, dancing, making arts & crafts, stealing wives, making war and funeral formalities.   Banning recreational drugs is, in my view, as useful and effective as banning the things in my prior sentence. 


1 hour ago, joeyg said:

Cute.  As you know it's legal. Everywhere...


Can you guess why alcohol is the ONLY legal recreational drug in most parts of the world.  Here's a hint:   It's a multi-billion dollar industry, and nearly all legislators are drinkers. If you were a drug dealer in a city, wouldn't you want all other drug dealers put out of business, so you would have all customers exclusively?  If you're a good businessman (like vodka-peddling Trump) you would.  Pharma drugs are also legal, but they've been proven to be more harmful than all illegal drugs combined.   Whether alcohol is more harmful than Pharma is debatable.  Regardless, each individually, are much more harmful than all illegal drugs combined.


1 hour ago, Peterw42 said:

I agree with most of what you say, MDMA etc not addictive or "hard". But its still a false manufactured state of happiness/ euphoria.  If you start to confuse the real and not real happiness. An example, you could fall in love/start a relationship with someone based on false happiness/euphoria you feel . I have been there, you could find Adolf Hitler wonderful when the second one kicks in. 

I saw a lot of friends make stupid decisions in that false happy place.

And the Tuesday comedown (after an MDMA fueled weekend) is pretty damm real. 


Are you kidding?!   People make stupid-as-shit decisions every second of every day and night.  Are you proposing criminalizing every substance that contributes to stupid decisions?  According to that criteria, water and air would qualify.  I admit our species makes ridiculous decisions constantly, but to throw everyone in jail would be as smart as banning bananas.  

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33 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


Personal opinions on what harm a drug can do are irrelevant.  The justice system determines that, and charges are laid, sentences applied accordingly.


Do you think it cuts the mustard if you're charged with heroin trafficking, and you stand up before the judge and tell him that you don't believe it's addictive, or harmful???  Seriously.


Some acts are offences because of the imposition on the health system.  If somebody is addicted to heroin, he becomes an unnecessary drain on the public health system, and no government that has a public health system wants that.


An example is this.  In Australia, in most states, perhaps all, it is an offence to hang an arm out of the window of a car.  It seems pretty harmless, but there have been a lot of arms torn off in sideswipes (a mate from school lost one), and then the cost to the taxpayer can run to tens of thousands of $$.


Australia is too civilized to just cast loose drug addicts, for what bizarre reason I'm not sure, because very few are rehabilitated and go on to contribute anything of worth to society.

I stopped reading at the comparing of MDMA to Herion.


I guess you've never personaly known any herion addicts? Harldy your E-taking dance floor stealing, working professionals...

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Just now, NotMyUsualid said:

I stopped reading at the comparing of MDMA to Herion.


I guess you've never personaly known any herion addicts? Harldy your E-taking dance floor stealing, working professionals...



I didn't compare MDMA with heroin.


I think you may have quoted the wrong post.  Please correct.

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23 minutes ago, joeyg said:

From your previous statements, personally, I don't believe thats true.  I grew up in the 60's and experimented briefly with different things.  I found drugs interfered with my studies.  Fortunately I stopped before any real harm was done and completed my education.


I stopped when drugs interfered with my work, point is plenty of people can manage their drugs. I could.. stopped when I had too. But F4UCorsair his point is real good that laws are made based on the lowest common denominator, a not very intelligent creature, or even intelligent at all.  100% right there.. there will be people who cant handle the stuff.


The question is do you need to withold it from everyone then.. that is a bit of the problem

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28 minutes ago, epicstuff said:

 I will add they were the best years of my life.  And  I never noticed any side effect or damage.   the worse case scenario was being to F***d to talk to a sexy girl when she approached me..

DAM, been THERE!


Drooling all over her. Bad, but enlightening experience!

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20 minutes ago, joeyg said:

Your point is well said and well taken.  And yes, I have often said while teaching, that food is a drug and will kill you as surely as a bullet only it takes a lot longer.  I understand the stats on pure MDMA. I also know what I've seen in clinic.  Have to admit I am anti drugs.


I am pro drug.. (for those who can handle them). But I also do realize that there are plenty who can't handle it. The problem is that those who can handle it suffer under the oppressive drug laws because not everyone can handle them. Not an easy subject at all.

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17 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


Is food illegal?


Nope, not last time I checked.  Education programmes take care, or try to, of people misusing legal substances.


The anti smoking programme in Australia has been very effective, and I seldom see a smoker.  Just preventing smoking in restaurants, clubs and pubs, public offices, etc., is enough incentive for a lot of people to quit.

No food is not illegal.. but I made a point that you can harm yourself with anything and since you brought up smoking.. also real damaging but its allowed even though it causes harm to others who inhale the crap. Anyway I see your point too.. i liked the one where you talked that laws were made  for the denominator, a not very intelligent creature, or even intelligent at all.

Because that is the point.. the laws protect some people... while restricting others.. think that we agree on that and that its hard to balance it.

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Took a 3 hour walk into Burma recently.  No border guard BS.  Indeed, I only saw two people going and coming back from the hill tribe I visited.  At the village, a guy invited me to come in.  I didn't want to, because I wanted to be outside trekking in nature.  He insisted, so I went in.  He offered me four different drugs, one after another.  I declined.  I didn't decline effusively, I just said no, the same way I would decline a wet washcloth to wash my armpits.  While the guy and his 2 buddies were doing the drugs, I got up and left, and continued my trek.  Bye.  

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Australian and Brit are jailed for life in Thailand



Lance Whitmore caught with ecstasy in Pattaya has lost appeal and will spent life in jail.


BANGKOK: --  A DJ will serve two life sentences in jail for possessing 61 ecstasy pills in the Thai beach city of Pattaya after losing an appeal to have the term reduced.


Jake Mastroianni, 26, will be kept in Bangkok’s notorious Klong Prem jail in Bangkok where up to 30 prisoners share cells in conditions described as harsh.


Full story: http://pattayaone.net/world-news/231396/australian-brit-jailed-life-thailand/

-- © Copyright Pattaya One 2016-09-07
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6 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Took a 3 hour walk into Burma recently.  No border guard BS.  Indeed, I only saw two people going and coming back from the hill tribe I visited.  At the village, a guy invited me to come in.  I didn't want to, because I wanted to be outside trekking in nature.  He insisted, so I went in.  He offered me four different drugs, one after another.  I declined.  I didn't decline effusively, I just said no, the same way I would decline a wet washcloth to wash my armpits.  While the guy and his 2 buddies were doing the drugs, I got up and left, and continued my trek.  Bye.  


And the point of your story is?

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