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Ladyboy robbery gang arrested in Pattaya


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...there was a recent post where they ...again...robbed some tourist(s)....


didn't the ladyboys brag that the street behind a police station was their 'protected territory'....???


...what's that all about...???


...does that in fact imply that they are 'above the law'....???


...nothing more about that......???




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3 hours ago, napoleon3 said:

If the perv. that come to Pattaya, only for this, could be stopped, Pattaya could become a FUN city and not a SIN city !

Keep the good work going on General.

I Hope, I hope, I hope !


Exactly. These pervs came to Pattaya from Cambodia, Loei, Banglamung, and Payao. Stay out!

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3 hours ago, phycokiller said:

the so called sex tourist perverts, before we stereotype them lets not forget that most of the sex tourists in Pattaya are Thais that have traveled from Issan

Not sure what you're saying, I agree most sex perverts in Pattaya are tourists from all over the world but as for most being from Issan, I can't accept that. Maybe you meant most sex workers in Pattaya are from Issan, that would make more sense.

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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I am not a bigoted man. Nor am I a a racist. And least of all am I homophobic. But, why is it that such a high percentage of crime in Pattaya seems to be committed by ladyboys? It appears that there is an obvious problem. When there, I always give them very wide berth, and will not engage them in conversation. I just feel that the vast majority are nothing but trouble. I know there must be some good ones. I am sure of that. But, the ones working the streets in Pattaya seem to be bad seeds. If anyone should be profiled, it is the ladyboy community of Pattaya. 


Of course, as we all know, if the police and the judiciary were both competent and effective, crime would go down. In many parts of the world it is known as a deterrent. 

I much more concerned with transgenderphobes like you.


As to your query, oppressed racial, sexual, and gender minorities, who often are rejected by mainstream society (as your post amply demonstrates) often have limited means in which to make a living. Such populations often have to resort to petty crimes just to survive. 

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7 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I am not a bigoted man. Nor am I a a racist. And least of all am I homophobic. But, why is it that such a high percentage of crime in Pattaya seems to be committed by ladyboys? It appears that there is an obvious problem. When there, I always give them very wide berth, and will not engage them in conversation. I just feel that the vast majority are nothing but trouble. I know there must be some good ones. I am sure of that. But, the ones working the streets in Pattaya seem to be bad seeds. If anyone should be profiled, it is the ladyboy community of Pattaya. 


Of course, as we all know, if the police and the judiciary were both competent and effective, crime would go down. In many parts of the world it is known as a deterrent. 

I wouldn`t mind betting that many of these robbers and gangs are not genuine ladyboys at all, but are actually using female attire to try and hide their real identities. A perfect disguise I think so as not to be reconised. Wouldn`t surprise me.

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7 hours ago, csabo said:


Yeah they could set up a genitals check point?? :blink:


Oh please.  What absolute rubbish.  It doesn't happen all that frequently, and the LBs are back on the street usually in a matter of an hour or so, but they (the police) don't seem to have any trouble identifying them when they stage one of their "crackdowns"/roundups.  (IOW, when they put their minds to it, whatever the short-lived motivation.)

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15 hours ago, humqdpf said:

I think that the problem is not the ladyboys as such - instead, it is Pattaya.

I have met many ladyboys who have real jobs, some who are kind, generous, some who are good at business etc. But Pattaya draws in the criminal element, the druggies etc.


Just the same as I have met many Russians outside Pattaya who are not mafia but I would not say the same about the Russians in Pattaya.

If you think thieving pickpocket katoeys and dodgy Russians aren't also in say Phuket, you are wrong.

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16 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I am not a bigoted man. Nor am I a a racist. And least of all am I homophobic. But, why is it that such a high percentage of crime in Pattaya seems to be committed by ladyboys? It appears that there is an obvious problem. When there, I always give them very wide berth, and will not engage them in conversation. I just feel that the vast majority are nothing but trouble. I know there must be some good ones. I am sure of that. But, the ones working the streets in Pattaya seem to be bad seeds. If anyone should be profiled, it is the ladyboy community of Pattaya. 


Of course, as we all know, if the police and the judiciary were both competent and effective, crime would go down. In many parts of the world it is known as a deterrent. 

Because the sex change is very expensive.

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On 9/8/2016 at 3:32 PM, phycokiller said:

the so called sex tourist perverts, before we stereotype them lets not forget that most of the sex tourists in Pattaya are Thais that have traveled from Issan

5555,why would they travel all that way,when the can get in Issan for free or a lot cheaper if they have to pay.

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