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TG Are Underestimated


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Over the years seen many posters suggest that TGs Are Uneducated, but why is it that so called intelligent Westerners end up getting done over by Thai girls?


Countless sob stories we see here and in local news sites.

Edited by SchadeBoy
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It`s not the case Thai women have low education levels as many are highly educated, can speak several languages, good at business and have high ambitions. But unlike in my country, England, whereas husbands and wives can both be the bread winners and support a marital home together, Thai women when they form relationships with Farlangs expect to be 100% financially supported, especially those in their 30s and over when it becomes more difficult for them to find employment because in Thailand employers consider staff over 35 as being over the hill. They are looking for support later on in life and why many prefer the older Farlangs believing they have more money.


The dating sites are loaded with them, preferring to give themselves up to old Farlangs rather than struggling along in low paid crap jobs and no future support for their old age.


There are some wonderful, beautiful Thai women out there up for the taking but don`t expect the relationships with Thai women to be on equal levels as in our countries.

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2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Because there is always another fool ready to lose his money.... 


But realistically - There are far more success stories than the very small minority of failures... It just doesn't make interesting reading so we hear little of them. 

+1...Lots of happy endings, both in and out of bed.

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It depends on how you judge 'education'?

I think you're talking about bar girls here with your silly 'TG' label and not Thai females in general so I'll clarify that to start with.


If  you are judging their education by bits of paper dished out by myriad Education Institutes, you would be correct that many 'TGs' are not formally educated.

If you judge them by learning from others and from life, learning fast from adversity to gain the skills needed to survive and provide, I think you'd find 'TGs' are very highly educated. It's when people don't think that these lasses aren't clever because they dropped out of school at 12 to a life of grind on the family farm, or someone else's farm, that they come unstuck often with the messy unhappy consequences so often highlighted in expat life. 

I have known, still know,  a good few lasses who have done very well for themselves often 'dishonestly' if one applies Western Moral values, but one can't avoid the fact that they have done well from nothing at all. If some fool is so dumb that they will hand over their little all to a hooker, knowing full well she's a hooker and he is well down on her list of priorities apart from as an ATM, especially in this day and age of technology when the warnings are all over the internet (and beyond) then it is hard to find sympathy for him. Over my years in Thailand I have found my sympathies swinging firmly towards the girls over the idiots who line up at airports the world over to hand over the sum of their life's work to a random stranger.

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sure there are educated girls in thailand and if you stop spending all your time hanging around bars and prostitutes then you will come across them


my thai friends, male and female, are mostly educated at ABAC, TU or Chula and have master degrees from us or uk unis,  they have good jobs, enjoy foreign travel with work and for holidays and are most certainly well educated.



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5 hours ago, SchadeBoy said:

Good point, you suggest that the failure are more vocal than the success? 

Not really, They tend to keep their personal misfortunes to themselves but when the odd one or two post their 'real life' experiences herein for the dubious benefit of others, the copious comments and opinions of the bitter and twisted or self righteous does get rather disproportionate.


Looks like the misogynists are still asleep as well.

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3 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

It`s not the case Thai women have low education levels as many are highly educated, can speak several languages, good at business and have high ambitions. But unlike in my country, England, whereas husbands and wives can both be the bread winners and support a marital home together, Thai women when they form relationships with Farlangs expect to be 100% financially supported, especially those in their 30s and over when it becomes more difficult for them to find employment because in Thailand employers consider staff over 35 as being over the hill. They are looking for support later on in life and why many prefer the older Farlangs believing they have more money.


The dating sites are loaded with them, preferring to give themselves up to old Farlangs rather than struggling along in low paid crap jobs and no future support for their old age.


There are some wonderful, beautiful Thai women out there up for the taking but don`t expect the relationships with Thai women to be on equal levels as in our countries.

But...... you can find the odd decent  one  who will "support" you, I know , I did.

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12 hours ago, samsensam said:


sure there are educated girls in thailand and if you stop spending all your time hanging around bars and prostitutes then you will come across them


my thai friends, male and female, are mostly educated at ABAC, TU or Chula and have master degrees from us or uk unis,  they have good jobs, enjoy foreign travel with work and for holidays and are most certainly well educated.




Samsen must have come up in the world since I was last there. Not many HiSo, super educated Thais around then, it was more of an Urban mess, a railside slum, a lot of grimy grindhouses and not the sort of area one would associate with the 'educated Thai elite' TV members so fantasise about having as their exclusive circles of friends....

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Of course, if you hang with certain types of Thai women, you might reasonably assume they have little in the way of a formal education.


The reason so many foreign men end up getting "done over" is because many of those men aren't much brighter despite having been given the opportunity to excel within a Western education system and more of a chance to develop a worldliness most Thais can only aspire to.


Couple that with the sense of empowerment they experience by dint of their exchange rate wealth and you have fertile ground for complacency to develop.

Complacency leads to over-confidence which, in turn, creates the very real belief that nothing can go horribly wrong


I've lost count of the number of posters here who think nothing of building/buying a house or car in the name of a woman they barely know or understand for no other reason than the fact that they've had the most intense orgasms they've experienced since they were 25; though, of course, they'll deny it 


Any number of documentaries on this subject will reveal an all too recognisable pattern - namely, the man is either a needy love clutz or he's desperate to project the air of a man who's successful with women.

Typically, however, the women are the kind he can only get with ill-advised largesse. 

Edited by Agent Sumo
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16 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Because there is always another fool ready to lose his money.... 


But realistically - There are far more success stories than the very small minority of failures... It just doesn't make interesting reading so we hear little of them. 


Absolutely agree.  People love other peoples misery. Nobody cares when you are happy or have good luck, but they love to hear people get ripped off and hurt. In fact people that are happy and have good luck are usually attacked with jealously or envy because they try and take that away from them. Its a weird human characteristic.


As to the OP, Uneducated has nothing to do with it quite frankly. Street smarts does. Weak people can be separated from their money easily. These feeble men that get ripped off got duped by some street smart girls. Simple as that. 

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On 9/9/2016 at 4:58 AM, kannot said:

maybe the  fools  have some ethics  morals and  trust..............something the Thai dont have?


Yes, I'm sure those fools who fall for Nigerian scams have some ethics and morals and trust.  But what does that have to do with being a fool?

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On 9/8/2016 at 11:08 PM, SchadeBoy said:

... TGs Are Uneducated, but why is it that so called intelligent Westerners ...

You seem to be equating uneducated, or lacking much formal education, with being unintelligent. Not so in spades. As not so is the converse that a college degree automatically means smart (in any field other than the specialization).


Suppose a highly-educated farang engineer/lawyer/banker/what have you on a 6-figure expat package picks up a beautiful Thai freelancer from a Soi 11 club and takes her back to his penthouse apartment. Guess whose turf they are still on? And whose street smarts will pay off at the end. And whose Ivy League post-grad degree won't matter the paper it's written on.


Of course, this is not to suggest that the situation will always be adversarial. Hopefully not. But if it does go that way thenI know who I have my money on.

Edited by The Dancer
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OP over the years you post you've seen many posters suggest that Thai Girls are uneducated of course, there usually posted by the intelligent westerners have been done over. :blink:


Also countless sob stories we see here and yeah be sure they'll keep coming along with some of the intelligent dictionary swallowed people that reply to them.  :lol:


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12 hours ago, BudRight said:


I thought that too. Yet another example of why one should not use acronyms. 


the first impresssion that stuck me was that the OP was?? pointing out TransGender...

(as in just the katoey variety)


after all, they are smarter than soi dogs

Edited by tifino
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