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TG Are Underestimated


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thai girls are not especially smart. it is just many western men are incredibly stupid. 2 reasons for their stupidity are, first

men want to be seen with young sexy girlfriends so ignore reason despite it being obvious to observers.

men are vain and want to believe we are desirable to the opposite sex. prostitutes feed that vanity and thai girls are very good at pretending to not bring prostitutes.

not than many guys on here write about negative experiences due to being berated by the rest of the community but you can hear plenty of sob stories hang out around the bars. bar girls are the best girls in the world as long as you remember who they are. my one is better than i could ever have hoped for. she is completely devoted to bringing up out 2 kids. key i believe is to have a fair set allowance (not allowed to call it a salary although i dont know the difference) dont ever give in when they ask for extra money. be realistic and get one close to your age as well. not going to work with a 40 year age gap.

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30 minutes ago, Headgame said:

 How did both of you manage to interpret TG as an acronym for Thai Airlines?


For those who frequently travel Airlines are often referred to by their 2 Letter Airline Code...



TG - Thai Airways

SQ - Singapore Airlines

MH - Malaysia Airlines

EK - Emirates Airlines

EY - Etihad





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Foreign men are 'done over' by farm girls and hookers because they set out to 'save' the girls, big note with their money, many after having been in Thailand a short time, and known the girls even less time.

There's no shortage of suckers.

I'm not convinced about the ratio of successes to failures in these relationships, and my guess would be the failures exceed the successes, with a large number of the failures resulting in foreign men being fleeced.

Another poster contended that the successes aren't reported as widely.  I'd say very few of the failures are reported due to embarrassment.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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1 hour ago, grumbleweed said:

Thai girls uneducated? 

Not the one's married to TV members, they've all got Ph.Ds, can speak 6  languages and, although they're qualified to run multinational companies, prefer to sell somtam.  which does make you wonder what happens to all the bar girls that marry farangs

heres a man that says it like it is :cheesy:

Edited by catman20
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Because no one asks questions after arriving here.


It takes years for most men to understand that most Thai women, as most women today with Internet access, are better dealers and it's all about security and cash!


Most women are becoming more Independant, have less interest in having children, and that creates problems for long term relationships.

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Most falangs lose out with females, regardless of the label that they have tarnished them with, (with slogans like "bar girls, hookers or prostitutes") IMO this is carried out by someone who is uneducated or hasn't followed some simple rules in the past ? 


The rules: 


1) Love your partner because it makes you feel good, regardless if she is as others label her, e.g. into a particular category because of their uneducated state of awareness.


2) Only invest as much as your prepared to lose.


3) Everything you have made separate to her must remain separate to any female species, regardless of the service she has provided in the past to survive.


4) Trust any female with your $, and your toast, because once its gone, its gone, the heart on the other hand will mend itself over time, having your finances in tact will help you move forward as opposed to closer to the grave.



Edited by 4MyEgo
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Though we should not so quickly stereotype Thai girls, I assume the ones you are talking about, the young working girls, - - they are selling something that is not available elsewhere... they are selling the fantasy of youth, the fountain of youth... a man can come here and find a beautiful younger than he GF and it makes him feel young again... there is a price to be paid for this, but such magic is not always going to come cheap... 

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Of those Western men i have met and know something of here, over two-thirds have been married/in a long term relationship for 5 years or more. Nearly all are over 50 (most well over), and only 2 (slightly younger ones) have had previous Thai wives.  Of the rest, they either stumble from one relationship to another or they were still working when everything went tits up.


My observations would be apart from the house, keep the finances firmly under your control and don't leave your wife with too much idle time. Then success rate as good as in your country of origin.


There are quite a few mercenary girls who would marry anything as long as they promise a better lifestyle, and one i know of who was seen in her thai boyfriends house 24 hours after marrying a Frenchman not much older than herself .....

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On 9/8/2016 at 9:12 AM, richard_smith237 said:

But realistically - There are far more success stories than the very small minority of failures... It just doesn't make interesting reading so we hear little of them. 


My own observations over the past 30 years, admittedly anecdotal in nature, is that there are far, far more failures than successes.  And I doubt it has anything to do with formal education,a grossly overvalues commodity in the west,  and far more to do with culture and social expectations. I've been married to the same Thai woman since 1987 and some days it can still be like roller skating on an ice rink.

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On 08/09/2016 at 11:12 PM, richard_smith237 said:

Because there is always another fool ready to lose his money.... 


But realistically - There are far more success stories than the very small minority of failures... It just doesn't make interesting reading so we hear little of them. 


I believe that posters who are so negative about relationships with Thai women probably made poor choices and can't accept it was their fault or accept responsibility for their failure.  Most would probably make the same mistake in their choice, no matter what the ethnicity of the woman.  They are so miserable in their life, they can not stand to read or see of anyone else's success.  Their rants, comments and negative advice to other's is an attempt to make themselves feel better   From experience, I can say that not all Thai women are like the one's they complain about. Anyone can make good or bad choices in life. Those that make bad choices in  women should learn from the experience, move on and accept it.

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