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Air Asia management says crew volunteered to prostrate before a passenger to apologize her


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12 minutes ago, tgeezer said:

Sad isn't it? A friend in Thai told me that cabin crew are taught how to ask if a disabled passenger if they need 'help', I believe that currently the word 'help' is to be avoided in favour of 'assistence' for fear of causing offence!
It's a crazy world!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


Not really sad is it. You get asked to use a different word at a place of work, so what?

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'kin netizens. Always capable of creating WW3 out of a simple misunderstanding.

i hate this generation (but obviously in posting this I've been dragged into it)


assume there is a smiley - the new and improved website won't let me access one at the mo.

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7 hours ago, waldroj said:

"...At a meeting with the Thai staff on Thursday, the CEO vowed to take responsibility for the incident and assured them that the management has always attached importance to its staff..."


Other managers in Thailand must be cringing at this outrageous action - it could set a very unwelcome precedent - RESPONSIBILITY!

Aaaaaagh! Manager I run away run away!!!! Responsibility!!!!!! :clap2::clap2::D:wai:

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5 minutes ago, TPI said:

Aaaaaagh! Manager I run away run away!!!! Responsibility!!!!!! :clap2::clap2::D:wai:

Its always fun to shake the manager.Spesially in big warehouses or bigger shops.Just ask to see the people i charge and go as lowd as you need to get theyr attention.Works every time.

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You take a Thai and place him in a compromising position and the story usually changes. If you ever have been in an accident here it could go from wah's and I'm sorry to when the cops arrive and then the story changes. He will claim your guilty and tell some convoluted story. Thai's are on the whole nice people until a crisis arrives then its every man for himself. 

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4 hours ago, Argus Tuft said:


Lets have even one example of where you personally have tried to get hold of him to put your 'concerns or graveness'


He's far more proactive than a lot of Airline CEO's, or any kind of CEO's for that matter

Its an ever changing world. Management is constantly stretching the bonds of their power to see its boundrys which appear limitless. We are all at the mercy of a changing world. Governments give us negative interest rates and in England (and its spreading) employers have a thing called 0 contracts. In other words they guarantee you nothing in writing. I have been watching the DirectSports fiasco there on Sky news where some fat dude that owns the place is interview by his buddy politicians. He claims it was lower managements fault blah blah blah promised changes and walked out the door Scot free. How sweet it is for the .001 percenters. 

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5 hours ago, mikebell said:

Try BA if you want unreachable; I have been writing unsuccessfully to Customer Services since July 20th with a complaint.  I get automated responses but no humans.  Their department must be overwhelmed.

Had the same issue with BA until I discovered a website called "resolver". Google it, hope it helps 

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10 hours ago, Thechook said:

Work place bullying.  Try doing this in a civilised and developed country and the company will be paying millions in compensation.  I guess the management will turn up for a publicity stunt photo and all will be forgiven

+1...You are 100% correct.

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From what I understand based on the news and Panthip forum... 


1) Flight attendant offers 'special' assistance to a Mother and her Autistic daughter.

2) Mother takes offence, suggesting that the offer of 'special assistance' is offensive and her Autistic Daughter should have been treated 'normally'

3) Mother makes a scene, even the pilot gets involved.

4) Mother is 'Wealthy - connected' contacts the airline to complain. 

5) Flight attendant ends up 'apologising' 

6) Apology is not enough, FA ends up 'wai-ing prostate on the floor at the foot of the Autistic daughter'

7) Flight attendant is visibly upset and is apparently pictured in tears while doing so

8) Flight attendant turns to social media to complain the treatment towards her by her company.

9) Air-Asia claim they had nothing to do with the 'apology'

10) Pantip'ers have found the Facebook page of the mother - who has allegedly requested that 'Bird' (popstar) pay a private visit to her Autistic daughter.... (hmmm... no special treatment ?????)


A couple of things that stink: 

The Flight attendant was doing her Job and gave the Mother and her Autistic daughter some dedicated attention and ended up in trouble. . 

The Mother took offence - seemed to be looking for a problem. 

Staff to scared to 'stand up for their rights'.

Airline side's with the Mother.... in this case the Air-line went too far in 'customer is right'...  quite the blunder. 




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I work in the hospitality business and am often shocked at the way some customers behave. We've had a lady screaming at staff because she has to wait for 10 minutes foer her table ( we are not a 5 star restaurant!) . People demanding to change their meal because it does not suit their taste ( for free of course!) , using the linen napkins to wash their face and arms !!!!, destroying the toilets and throwing all sorts of things into the wc, people walking in and ignoring staff proceed to sit down at any table they like, I've been told to <deleted> off because I told a man he could not sit at a certain table. I sometimes think I've seen it all, and while no one is perfect, we all have respect for the people who work so hard to serve others. I'm quite sure being an airline hostess is a very hard job, I couldn't do it despite some perks. This lady passenger sounds like one of the nastier types with the proverbial chip on the shoulder to me. 

Shame that the head steward couldn't have taken over from her right at the beginning of the incident, which is what I do when someone is rude to the other staff. 

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7 hours ago, smotherb said:

Worse yet, did you see the resolution offered by the head of Thai Air Asia, " In the aftermath of the incident, Mr Tassapol said the airline would adjust the in-flight protocol regarding conflict between cabin crews and passengers by referring the incidents to the customer’s relations department. "


So fine, there is an incident on the plane; and  the new policy refers the  problem to the customer relation's department. Now, that is "management in action" or is it two words?


"Customer relation's department"?  Surprising the difference an apostrophe makes!

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Pretty good commentary on feudalism and mendacity in modern Thai society this. Idiotic female passenger imagines she has lost face. Demands that another human being crawl on the floor to somehow make her feel better.  The on board supervisors force the air to accede to the demands of the idiotic female passenger and crawl on the floor to appease her after she probably scared them by claiming she has all sorts of army/police contacts.  Back at Bkk HQ the airline management decides to follow Thai cultural norms and lie through their teeth,. pretending that the air voluntarily crawled on the floor, even though this is not at all credible.  


Finally Tony Fernandez crawls out of his cave to fly up to Bkk to add confusion and his own lies and BS to the situation. What a &lt;deleted&gt; up!

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Another reason not to fly budget airlines.
If management does not respect the effort of staff,
imagine how little respect they have for customers.

Pay the money, be quiet, sit still and hope we will take you there, where is printed on your ticket. 

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The solution to the problem could have easily been avoided if the poor darling of an air hostess had her thinking cap on and took out her pepper spray and sprayed the passenger in the eyes, saying; kowtow, and then tasering her and saying kowtow again, and then opening the emergency door and throwing her out of the aircraft shouting kowtow for the 3rd and last time as she descended.

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7 hours ago, eeyang wah said:

Had the same issue with BA until I discovered a website called "resolver". Google it, hope it helps 


Try Nok Air, you get some simple replies which have little meaning or focus and usually with a comment that the department concerned will respond with more details, never happens.

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6 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

From what I understand based on the news and Panthip forum... 


1) Flight attendant offers 'special' assistance to a Mother and her Autistic daughter.

2) Mother takes offence, suggesting that the offer of 'special assistance' is offensive and her Autistic Daughter should have been treated 'normally'

3) Mother makes a scene, even the pilot gets involved.

4) Mother is 'Wealthy - connected' contacts the airline to complain. 

5) Flight attendant ends up 'apologising' 

6) Apology is not enough, FA ends up 'wai-ing prostate on the floor at the foot of the Autistic daughter'

7) Flight attendant is visibly upset and is apparently pictured in tears while doing so

8) Flight attendant turns to social media to complain the treatment towards her by her company.

9) Air-Asia claim they had nothing to do with the 'apology'

10) Pantip'ers have found the Facebook page of the mother - who has allegedly requested that 'Bird' (popstar) pay a private visit to her Autistic daughter.... (hmmm... no special treatment ?????)


A couple of things that stink: 

The Flight attendant was doing her Job and gave the Mother and her Autistic daughter some dedicated attention and ended up in trouble. . 

The Mother took offence - seemed to be looking for a problem. 

Staff to scared to 'stand up for their rights'.

Airline side's with the Mother.... in this case the Air-line went too far in 'customer is right'...  quite the blunder. 




Thanks you for giving a clear picture of what happened.  5 pages of ranting and raving and without your explanation we didn't even know the sequence of events. It appears that local management acted poorly and unprofessionally and that the Flight Attendant is indeed owed an apology.  To go one step further Air Asia should ban the woman and her child from the airline if that's possible.

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17 hours ago, waldroj said:

"...At a meeting with the Thai staff on Thursday, the CEO vowed to take responsibility for the incident and assured them that the management has always attached importance to its staff..."


Other managers in Thailand must be cringing at this outrageous action - it could set a very unwelcome precedent - RESPONSIBILITY!

Yeah,yeah,in public only.CEO'S never take the blame.

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13 hours ago, eeyang wah said:

Had the same issue with BA until I discovered a website called "resolver". Google it, hope it helps 

Mike bell. Sorry wrong quote real issue cancelling posts with android on the site.


Anyway Denize mcgregor customer relationships director BA. Don't email them go onto Facebook and ask the question via 3-4 of their comment posts and send a message through facebook. I am sure they will be in touch very soon. Just find the heads via linked in and shame them on social media. 20th July is a joke. If you spend 20 minutes writing not pasting on various posts you will get action and in turn other pi ssed of customers will begin liking and commenting and all of a sudden your in first class or something like that. 


On a side note I am wondering how an airline can cancel all legs of a return flight on basis I missed the first flight and my return is not for 60 days? Anyone heard if this before? Normal?



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19 hours ago, mikebell said:

Try BA if you want unreachable; I have been writing unsuccessfully to Customer Services since July 20th with a complaint.  I get automated responses but no humans.  Their department must be overwhelmed.

Go to page 5 of this post I should have quoted you here sorry having issues I put your name at start of quote.

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