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Doctor: Clinton has pneumonia, recovering after 9/11 event


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I cannot understand why the health of a domestic political candidate should make item one on Intl news bulletins, nor can I understand why the election process is longer than their term in office. Why can't you get it out of the way in 35 days as per the mother of all Parliaments in 2014?

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26 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

Is it an excuse to miss the debates?  Trump will destroy her in person debating.  The only way she comes out even it to call in sick.


If you look at precedent, who was it who chickened out on one of the debates last fall?  Oh, now I remember, it was Trump.  It couldn't have been because he had an uncomfortable question tossed his way (at a prior debate), could it?   Trump scored well in debates from the perspective of Republican rednecks last fall, but his blustering, ill-informed bullying won't win points with the 88% of the general public who will be watching.    Most Americans aren't impressed by puerile name-calling and bullying.  


Bottom line; probably around 90% of American voters have already made up  their minds who to vote for.   The debates will mostly be entertainment.  A chance to see Trump further show his flip-flopping, bullying, flummox, and inability to answer questions.

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21 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Interns.  So many in

27 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

No conspiracy here boys but we definitely have evidence of a body-double - Hillary Clinton:



terns and so little time!  :D


That video made me laugh more than any other post I have read...i n years.


God bless the Republican Party!


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1 minute ago, Nasrullah said:

I think the feeling is mutual.....


Bill's downstairs mojo must be wondering what he's there for!


Hillary: Bill, I don't feel so good.

Bill: You'll be fine, Hillary.  Don't worry.

Hillary: But the doctor says I have pnuemonia!

Bill:  Got to be a leader, Hill.

HIllary: What should I do???

Bill: Get on out there to California, do those fundraisers, go on Ellen's show, and eat some fried chicken and mashed potatoes with lots of gravy and butter.

HIllary: But I think I'll die if I do!

Bill: Don't forget the raincoat for for that side trip to Los Cabos and the hurricane.

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pathetically ill.


I wish her no harm.  She just should quit.


Democrats lied about it...said she "overheated".  It was 82F, breezy and low humidity.

Give us a break...and tell the truth.  She is ill....and unfit. 


Hillary....don't do this to yourself.  Give up, and get some treatment.   Take a vacation....for 4 years.

You can try again (third time)  when your health is better.

love ya anyways...



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1 hour ago, Johpa said:


Ascribing to HRC "every affliction known to man" suggests that you may need some "help" far more than her.  Is there a screaming demon inside your head as well to come up with such nonsense?


I do have feelings...for anyone that is suffering.


Hillary has had a tremendous amount of pressure put on her.  She is unable to perform her duties.  Absent, unreachable, fainting, freezing up, seizures, loosing clothing (shoes), tripping, and exhibiting irrational criticism to US citizens who need to believe in her. Her past "errors" have taken their toll on her well being.


I am not a doctor...but it is obvious that she is sick.  I am not sure if it is just her mental health, but she has serious issues, and should take better care of herself.  Let somebody else carry the load....her time is over.


People in this state find solace in religion or some kind of faith that promotes goodness and a sense of "well being". She should find some kind of "faith" that promotes the ideas of "forgiveness" for past mistakes.  She will sleep easier.

I have done so , myself.



take care hillary.


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5 hours ago, webfact said:


Asked last week if she was concerned about "conspiracy theories" related to her health, Clinton said she wasn't.


"There are so many of them," she said, "I've lost track of them."



When she has these episodes on national TV for the whole world to see and then calls the speculations on her health as a conspiracy theory is pretty lame. But the HRC supporters buying into it  is even worse. 

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If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it's a duck.  Enough.  This is simply the straw that will break the camel's back.  After 8 years of the "Most transparent administration in history' the American people simply no longer are gullible enough to believe that a 'duck' is actually a strong, stately 'swan.'  It's not totally HRC's health issues that will collapse her campaign, but the 'cover up' and 'dressing up' of verifiable facts. 

The DNC would be much advised to hold an emergency convention and ask the presidential hopeful HRC to step down due to her health issues (perceived or other-wise), and place Sanders (or Spence, or Biden) on the ticket instead.  However, that won't happen.  Hubris and the craving for power dictates that the 'ship needs to go down with the captain' instead of the other way around. 

As Dilbert's creator Scott Adams put it, "Hillary Clinton just became unelectable."  I tend to concur.

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4 minutes ago, Nasrullah said:

decency is in the eye of the poster/reader.......truth is irrefutable...


The truth is extreme.To make it moderate(descent) is to lie


Remember..."The Walk of Shame"?    

Well...time and events will out.


Hillary and her lot have made the Life of a Republican ...shameful.  I lost my mojo for almost a year, while Democrats had a field day insulting me.  


We are not crazy, ill or morally corrupt....   If the shoe fits, where it.  Hillary lost hers.



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US: Hillary Clinton cancels California trip after falling ill




NEW YORK: -- It has emerged that Hillary Clinton’s been treated for pneumonia, after leaving a 9/11 commemoration in New York early and heading to her daughter Chelsea’s apartment.


The Democratic presidential nominee became ‘overheated’ at a ceremony at Ground Zero, her campaign spokesman said.


Her doctor, Lisa Bardack, said in a statement that she has been experiencing a cough related to allergies and that an examination on Friday showed that she was suffering from pneumonia.


Clinton has canceled a trip she was scheduled to take to California on Monday for fundraising and other campaign events, according to an aide – who declines to provide further details about her schedule for the week.


It comes at a crucial time in the White House race against Republican rival Donald Trump.


There is less than two months to go now until the election and the first of three debates is in two weeks’ time.


Clinton, 68, had surgery in 2012 for a blood clot, although her doctors say she made a full recovery.


Two years her senior, Trump had previously questioned how fit she is for the presidency. In August the former Secretary of State’s personal physician declared her “in excellent health.”

-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-09-12
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5 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

CNN: ‘Secret Service agents helped her into a van’ but law enforcement says ‘they threw her in like she was a side of beef’


The media isn’t refusing to cover Hillary’s collapse today but they are downplaying it. Here’s the headline on CNN’s landing page right now. Is that really the big news here? The subheading says she stumbled and was helped into the van.





She didn't stumble getting into the van. She wasn't even able to stand on her own while they waited for the van. Look at the woman to her left, arm under Hillary's and Hillary's shoulder is raised because she was unable to even stand on her own. Many of us have done the same when carrying a drunk friend.


I am not a fan of Hillary's, but this video was really scary. If she were a man, a video showing how weak he was would end his campaign. Just imagine what the media would be saying if that were McCain  being carried by the Secret Service.

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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

I believe she has pneumonia - not so sure about the recovering part. It is one health problem after another with this woman. She is not physically or mentally  up to the job that she is running for.


I'd much rather have a president that's sometimes physically not well (HRC) than a president that's always mentally out of whack (The Donald) ...

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5 minutes ago, tukkytuktuk said:

Could Hillary Clinton be suffering from Parkinson's Disease?



I think you might be over the top.

Hillary suffers from psychological defeat/depression and exhaustion.


All the photos and videos of people trying to keep her from toppling over are probably photo shopped.  I don't believe it.


Some meds and a good rest would help her tremendously.   I do hope she stays the course, as I would rather see her fail in the debates,  than end up a basket case for people with deplorable health.



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Get well soon Madame president to be. We love you Hillary. Keep the fight on against the threat of an "alt right" takeover. This is bigger than a temporary health setback. It's bigger than one person too. If Hillary falters Kaine will be 1000 times better than the fascist orange clown.

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Get well soon Madame president to be. We love you Hillary. Keep the fight on against the threat of an "alt right" takeover. This is bigger than a temporary health setback. It's bigger than one person too. If Hillary falters Kaine will be 1000 times better than the fascist orange clown.



nice touch....the "if" part.   

you made my day with that. lol


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It's amazing to me how many people cannot understand that if a person has pneumonia and is taking medication- it may make them woozy and they stumble a bit.  What are you people going on about?  So Mrs Clinton has a temporary illness that she is recovering from  How does this make her unqualified  to be President. She is  younger than Trump and certainly not infirm.


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This wishful thinking by the Republicans is hilarious. They're celebrating, she has a cold. 


It's only an issue because the only possible way that Trump is competitive is if Hillary is dead. 


Even if she's dead, she'll handily beat Trump. 


Relax boys. She has a cold. She'll be elected POTUS in UNDER 60 days...in a landslide that will also take the Republican party under for good. 


And I do mean GOOD! :clap2: 

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