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Doctor: Clinton has pneumonia, recovering after 9/11 event


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9 hours ago, Pinot said:

It's only an issue because the only possible way that Trump is competitive is if Hillary is dead. 


Even if she's dead, she'll handily beat Trump. 




I wouldn't be surprised. Democrats are already famous for winning the dead vote.

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7 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Regarding this election- one could vote for the Libertarian or  Green Party candidate- however doing this could split the vote in such a way that it favored Donald Trump just as in the 2000 election too many votes for Ralph Nader got us George Bush.  The only real choice is Hillary. If Paul Ryan; John Kasich or even Marco Rubio were running on the Republican side- there might be a real choice. With Trump being the candidate- America cannot take the risk that split voting could get him the White House..


We got Bush in 2000 not because of "too many votes for Ralph Nader" but because of too many votes for Bush in states other than in Florida.  Blaming Nader is the false narrative that both the Dems and Republicans spin to maintain the false democracy of the two-party system.  Nader remains one of the few political heroes of my lifetime.  Most of the states where Nader received a significant percentage of voted went to Gore anyways.  If Sanders had migrated over and taken the lead of the Green Party after Stein had made the offer, and Warren hadn't sold out to HRC, then today Sanders would probably be the leading candidate in a three or four way race.  In hindsight, it is a real tragedy for the USA that Sanders got cold feet and Warren sold out.

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14 hours ago, ezzra said:

Could it be she's trying to pull an FDR all over again? FDR, a democrat, was seriously ill of polio before

he got elected and somehow managed to run the country for 12 years during it's most tumultuous times...... it's been done before, so why not now?.....


Because Hillary Clinton is an incompetent, inept, corrupt failure of a politician who couldn't be trusted to run a cash register at 7-11.

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This will seriously hurt her chances. If she were up against a real opponent she would have been in serious trouble a long time ago and dead and buried by now. Since she is up against Trump she is still alive and kicking.

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9 hours ago, Thaidream said:

If Donald Trump were elected President- the US Dollar would immediately lose 15% of it's value around the World- that translates to about 29 Baht =$1.00.   What would Trump's answer be- he would shrug it off as if he wasn't responsible for it- . Yet- if I really believed this man would really 'make America great again'- I would vote for him. What I firmly believe and most independent pundits know is that his election would cause havoc in the World and destroy what little credibility that America has left in the World. Donald Trump is a wealthy man who is a narcissistic meglomaniac and could never be trusted  with America's nuclear arsenal or the power to send American Forces to war. He takes every slight as something personal and would retaliate immediately over incidents that should be handled with diplomacy. He  and his right wing supporters are members of a radical fringe group that believes might is right- a theory that has been debunked by the Korean War; the Vietnam War and the Iraq War. He is the last thing that America needs at this time.

He would do nothing to help the middle class and poor of America. He would do nothing to stop the  US military budget of $630 Billion- the largest in the World- from rising further along with the intelligence agencies budgets  of several more billions. All to be paid off the backs of the poor and middle class while he gives the wealthy large tax breaks claiming the wealthy will create jobs for the middle class and poor. The only jobs the wealthy create are minimum wage jobs in call centers  or working in McDonalds or Burger King while they reap huge profits because they moved their manufacturing base abroad.  Even the vaunted I-phone is not made in America- it's made in China.

This man is the ultimate Flim Flam man- he will sell you snake oil and tout it as the cure for cancer and watch you die as you drink it.  A vote for this man is a vote for  chaos.


They said the same about the Brexit. The currency fell and then rebounded as have the stock markets, etc.  


With regard to the middle class and poor of America the only thing Hillary will do is create more programs and tax some to give to others and keep them permanently at the bottom and voting Democrat in perpetuity in return for the handouts.  You are right about the manufacturing base being moved abroad and isn't that one of Trumps campaign issues? That and trade deficits are big on his priority list.  Maybe you should give more of a listen to what he is saying outside the crap from MSNBC.  At least Trump knows the problem.  It's loss of good solid blue collar manufacturing jobs.  Whether he can bring it back or not is a big if, but with Hillary we know it will never happen.  She has not a single clue about how business works.  That has been the problem with professional politicians of both parties over the last 20 or so years. Everybody in Obama's administration is an educated theorist with none having practical experience in solid businesses such as manufacturing.  Maybe we need someone who understands business, consequences of tax policy on business and what might work to stimulate growth in the manufacturing sector. Certainly Obama did not understand this and I see no indication that Hillary understands this either.  She is a life long individual who has fed at the public trough most of her life.  

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18 hours ago, Scotwight said:

FDR got bad medical advice and didn't have to die.  Surprising a person so important got such lousy advice.  A lot of guys reading this probably have the same problems as FDR - heart condition.  He drank every day and smoked more than a pack.  What did you doctor tell you about drinking and smoking and strokes and heart attacks?  American Presidents don't necessarily get good medical advice and I'd wonder about Hillary's .  I just watched a documentary called "Wheelchair President" - fascinating.  


Yeah but in all fairness, I don't think medicine was as hip to the dangers of drinking and especially smoking way back then- especially smoking.

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9 hours ago, Thaidream said:

What would happen is that the Democratic National Committee would call a meeting and they would vote for a new candidate if the present one was ill or died. the same on the Republican side.  I can't remember this happening during my lifetime- but it may have in the past.


As far as my dislike of Donald Trump- the media never influences the way I think or act. I have watched Donald Trump for years and know well how he operates . He is not fit to be president because he has no experience dealing with major issues such as the economy and the international community and his temperament is subject to irrational whims. One may not like Hillary Clinton's personal demeanor or the bit about her emails, but she has a wealth of experience that makes Trump look like a neophyte which he is.


Unfortunately, the results of her "experience" are consistent failures.

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Again, some off-topic posts removed.   Arguments, bickering and nonsensical remarks will be removed.   If you wish to discuss policy, there are numerous other threads in which that can be done.   This thread is about her medical situation and discussions about how that might affect her policies or ability to goven.  


Please stay on topic.  

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Much ado about nothing. The fact she was diagnosed with Pneumonia and kept up a grueling schedule for 2 more days is proof of her physical strength more than anything. FDR was elected 3 times after being paralyzed by Polio. Anyone remember President George H.W. Bush passing out in Japan and barfing on the Japanese Prime Minister?  No one questioned his ability to lead from that incident as he didn't have a right wing conspiracy theory crackpots churning out bull crap for the masses.


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4 minutes ago, kamahele said:

Much ado about nothing. The fact she was diagnosed with Pneumonia and kept up a grueling schedule for 2 more days is proof of her physical strength more than anything. 



Or proof that she is - once again - lying. This could be another cover up.

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11 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

..... violated national security over and over again.


Even if that were true, do you or anyone have any tangible proof that any useful secrets got to America's enemies, .....other than what pantsuit color she chose to visit a foreign dignitary?


What secrets does the US have which a foreign country can't find on the internet.  I even saw detailed specs for a nuclear sub on the internet.

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It is way off base to totally assume that Hillary Clinton fainted or that she has Pneumonia ... Then affter a supposed 2-3 hour recovery she is video recorded talking face to face with a child ... you do not talk face to face with children if you have infectious pneumonia...  The woman in the video dd not look 100% like Hillary Clinton ... 

What Hillary suffered on 9-11 was a brain incident where she went into a rigid catatonic seizure, she could not walk, nor even stand ... she was leaning on a concrete post with an aide holding her under her armpit. The moment they tried to move her it was seen that she could not move her feet or legs forward... All the while her neck and torso remained rigid. The aides did not see how incapacitated she was and did not grasp her fully and she pitched forward in a lurch and they almost lost her to the ground.. They then physically picked her up by the armpits and nearly tossed -- dragging her into the van -- her toes can be seen dragging the ground - she dropped a shoe off in the process. HRC's legs were still stiff - not limp.   Pneumonia makes one limp like a rag ...  This condition as I just described is 10 times worse than pneumonia ...

In 2013 - after HRC suffered a brain concussion.  She was diagnosed as having 
Right Transverse Sinus Thrombosis.  This was a serious situation and HRC may have never fully recovered from it... See the link below... discussing her condition. 

Hillary Clinton Email Archive



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The DNC may be getting a little nervous now.  They probably think they have a weaker Republican candidate for the general election than they had expected.  They don't want to lose the election and any down-ballot elections - especially the US Senate which they could possibly take back - because of these videos which are causing more and more controversy about Clinton's health. 


It also doesn't help that the Clintons are, shall we say, not known for their transparency.  Even David Axelrod, a Democrat who was an important political advisor to Obama, has tweeted:


"Antibiotics can take care of pneumonia. What's the cure for an unhealthy penchant for privacy that repeatedly creates unnecessary problems?"


One must think that the DNC is seeking to get some inside info, whether from Clinton's inner circle or more directly, about her health.  Even if her health is not all that bad, these episodes are providing fodder for Clinton's opponents.


Thus, we have this story, which other sources are carrying as well:




Here's the lead paragraph to that story:


"A former Democratic National Committee chairman says President Barack Obama and the party’s congressional leaders should immediately come up with a process to identify a potential successor candidate for Hillary Clinton for the off-chance a health emergency forces her out of the race."


It certainly doesn't look that the DNC is ready to cut her loose for now, but the mere fact that this is an issue is hurting Clinton's chances which, in turn, affects her party. 

Edited by helpisgood
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1 hour ago, helpisgood said:

"A former Democratic National Committee chairman says President Barack Obama and the party’s congressional leaders should immediately come up with a process to identify a potential successor candidate for Hillary Clinton for the off-chance a health emergency forces her out of the race."

If the truth were know I suspect the DNC is in a panic mode trying to decide the next move. One more sinking spell or coughing fit and Hillary is toast and they know it. With the first debate only fifteen days away they have to make a decision quickly.

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13 hours ago, mopar71 said:


I wouldn't be surprised. Democrats are already famous for winning the dead vote.


Hillary in a permanent vegetative state in a hospital bed would still make better decisions than Trump.

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On 9/12/2016 at 6:55 AM, MajarTheLion said:

Hillary Clinton couldn't make it standing outside on a breezy 80 degree day without collapsing? How on Earth can she hold down a demanding job like being president?



Give her a break 80 is 26.667 This is extremely hot weather as any expat living here knows. I hate Trump but I hate her more. for her sake it is September and she can look forward to cooler temps. The morgue can also turn the fridges down.


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