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Thinking hard about moving back to the US

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2 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

Let's take the OP out of the picture for a moment and just focus on the economic prospects for his wife.


The OP mentioned Starbucks. I have heard their benefits are generous, but it looks like the average wage for a barrister is only around $9.18/hour. Based on a 35 hour work week, that works out to $1392/month. If you compare that wage level and Tampa's cost of living (apartment, food, utilities, transportation, health care, medical/dental insurance, child care, clothing, etc.) to Surin's cost-of-living, I suspect that the 10,000-15,000 baht per month she could earn in Thailand starts to sound far more attractive than the OP (or his wife) might presently think. Comparing her earning potential and cost of living in the US to her earning potential and cost of living in Surin, I would argue that in all likelihood her standard of living might actually drop by moving to the US. 


Also, how is she going to be able to work - even part-time  - if she is planning to start having kids?  How much does child day care in Tampa cost? As an earlier poster pointed out, what is your wife going to do while you're out on an off-shore oil rig for months at a time? Sit at home and watch the kids? At least in Surin she has family and friends who can watch the kids for a spell and give her social support.


Starbucks is an off the hip worst case scenario. In this example, at 16 hours a week, she would be entitled to full benefits. Retirement fund, medical insurance, etc. Now working 16 hours a week she would not be able to contribute much, however, with me working I can contribute to all of these things. Its basically working 16 hours to be entitled to benefits. In my work, I can not get these things due to my employer being foreign. 


Also has the benefit of exposing her to US work life and people and gives her a chance at meeting people. Is it the perfect job? Hell no. Is it a place to start? Of course.  Will she probably make less than Thailand? Probably. What about if she decides she likes working? Where will she be in 10 years? 10 years from now she could have a nice career. What about thailand 10 years from now? Most likely no different or she gets fired because she is getting older. 


Now to be frank, the wife does not have to work. I make enough and will make enough to support us both including kids if they come into the picture. 

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2 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

Whats the average time for a Thai cop to come when a farang is on the line?


Infinity - they don't give a crap. 

3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Visit California and tell me that. I miss being able to eat Thai food 3 times a day for a pittance and living in a clean comfortable room for a few hundred dollars. There is nothing like that here. You people don't know how good you have it.


I mean there really isn't much to debate here. Yes Cali is expensive, they have a state income tax (Florida does not) and they are like a little crummy country inside the USA. Its incomparable to FL. 


FL Cost of living is low, the beaches are some of the most beautiful in the nation, more rivers, fishing, nightlife, tourism, you name it. 


Im not saying I don't have it good, I'm lucky I have choices. I did however work my ass off for the opportunity I have. 


I like Thai food but damn everyday all day? Its a good default when money is low or feeling lazy but there is a reason that bowl of noodles cost $1. Im sure its better in BKK or Pattaya or whatever but where I am right now I've got the option of cook at home, thai food, KFC. There is nothing else unless I want to drive 30k one way. 


Doesn't anyone else find it weird that someone who still has a job in the O&G industry is whinging about the price of a roomy apartment with air con and all the other trimmings?


I rent a 100sqm 2 bed in Asoke/Nana for ฿40,000 a month but it's possible to get a 2 bed place about 80 sqm, fully equipped for ฿25,000 up the road in Ekkamai which is a decent area.


That shouldn't be a stretch for someone on O&G coin



OP, try it on for a few months. You can always move back to Thailand, right ? Wait until hurricaine season is about over though and if you decide to return to Thailand do it before next years season.

2 hours ago, Scotwight said:

Life is what it is and Thai go go girls as opposed to Florida go go girls are no contest.  Florida my pension lasts 1 hour Thailand it lasts all year if you get my meaning.  I think Thailand is far safer than USA as far as NK goes - ask someone who lives in Asia for details.  Why would a young guy come to Thailand?  I don't have a clue.  Money and girls and that first big divorce experience is better in the West.  Wait till you been through the washer a few times to really appreciate Thailand.  


I mean where did go go girls come from? I stated my main reasons for coming to thailand in the OP and then life happened. 


Your pension will last longer than 1 hour in florida quit with the nonsense. 


Thailand is NOT safer than the states. In any way. In any fashion. In every case. NK is not even worth thinking about. They are being watched by so many capable countries if they even try anything they will be obliterated. 

7 hours ago, autanic said:


No on to what really gets my goat.  The media will report a story, where 33 people are arrested for drug offences. Three of them will be falangs and they will have their pictures all over the paper, in handcuffs. The others will be Thais who are anonymously going about their business.


Laws passed, where falangs must carry around a sim card so the authorities know exactly where they are, who they are talking to and what their web browsing habits might be.


90 days reporting to the Police or Immigration, where you are made to feel like a bum, freeloader for having the gaul of staying in Thailand.  What will you be doing here ?  Nothing, just relaxing.  I encountered a month ago.


It is a build up of my animosity which is not good for me.  I feel resentment everywhere I go. I feel like an outsider, a freak.


That is why I have made the decision not to return to Thailand for the foreseeable future, as I am currently in the UK. 


At the end of the day, I am fortunate to be in the position, where I do not burn bridges and should I decide to return to LOS, I can, no problem.


My frame of mind at the moment, is what I am going back to Thailand for ???


There are many other Countries in South and South East Asia, which I would like to spend some of life, I am kite blowing in the wind, lets see which one wants foreigners to spend money,  rather than putting off foreigners.




I don't feel any animosity or resentment towards me or my presence here. 


The sim card thing will never happen


90 day reporting is no biggie and, frankly, you knew about it when you got here. 


I've found that much of the carping about 90 day reports has jack shit to do with the sense of restriction or the questions and more to do with the fact that some farangs simply take exception to what they perceive to be poorly-educated brown people having "power" over some aspect of their lives.


If you're planning on having kids, and the option is there to do it back home, then do it. You can always come back to Thailand in later years and the kids will have more options for the future.


Take a good long hard look at the cost of health insurance and how you would get it.  Will you be getting coverage through your employer or will you be dealing with the health gov site?  Other than that, going to Florida is a good place to start since it has no state income tax.


Also depending on what you have been doing for auto insurance, you may have to pay an awful lot to reinstate your coverage in the USA.  It depends on if you have been carrying what the Florida insurers will consider proper car insurance while you have been out of country.


My wife argues about the income tax id have to pay as a "waste" or a "rip off" and I've tried to explain that the tax that I pay contributes to the US as a whole. I can get in the car, hit cruse control, turn the music up and before I know it I've driven an hour. If I call 911 someone will answer and OMG actually show up. If I go to the hospital I guarantee you I will be taken care of regardless of my credit card or cash "guarantee". If the cops show up and a law is broken SOMEONE is going to jail and there aint no bribing a US cop.



Thanks I have to admit that paragraph did have me laughing out loud.


I think in your case your best served in Florida as you can afford a nice life there


I think for folks on a small income Thailand can be much more comfy than most States in the US

My wife & I recently moved back to our home in the US after 5 years in Thailand


For us it was a decision based on a few things + we still owned our home outright here

so not exactly as hard as those who need to move back & pay rent etc.

We also cook great meals at home as my wife is an excellent cook so we don't complain about restaurant prices here

Although of course it is more expensive to eat out here...but cheaper to cook home & better quality of meats etc.


Also as you said some thing we took for granted now we see is quite excellent here...like hospitals, lack of corruption,

quality of products etc.


Also as you said for "good" things meaning quality of cars, motorcycles, electronics, appliances even tools etc here is much greater & cheaper to boot


Do we miss Thailand? Yes 101% we have family & friends there + I really miss the vibe in Chiang Mai that I loved so much.

I am sure we will move back in the not distant future.

But, for now it is quite nice here too not to mention my wife has dual citizenship so no immigration hassles here either :) 


Good Luck OP do what feels good for you & yours. Don't base it on other opinions as others do not have your $$$ or youth or life

Good Luck :thumbsup:

3 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:

Doesn't anyone else find it weird that someone who still has a job in the O&G industry is whinging about the price of a roomy apartment with air con and all the other trimmings?


I rent a 100sqm 2 bed in Asoke/Nana for ฿40,000 a month but it's possible to get a 2 bed place about 80 sqm, fully equipped for ฿25,000 up the road in Ekkamai which is a decent area.


That shouldn't be a stretch for someone on O&G coin



I don't think the OP is on the even time rotation any more, viz "The slump in oil prices has me in Thailand nonstop for 9 months." If his employer has placed him on a longer home rotation then hanging tough in LOS will be tougher. If the OP is unemployed, then going home is the only sensible option. There's already too many oil field trash sitting on the beach waiting for a job at the best of times. These aren't the best of times.

11 minutes ago, bluebluewater said:

I am pretty sure I will be joining you in a return to the States next spring.  I've just grown weary of this place.

Why wouldn't you?  Thailand is an intellectual desert. If you were able to speak an Asian language, have some skills and an adventurous spirit, you should travel to other countries in the region.   It is cheap, fun and exciting.   Languishing in Thailand is for the timid and vacant.  China has some really exciting places.  Cambodia, Burma and Vietnam are on the rise.  Indonesia will one day be the second largest economy in Asia.  Most of the world is looking towards Asia.   I am most curious the non-curiousness Thais and Farangs in Thailand.  They are bewildering.  The world is a banquet at which most people starve to death - Mame Denis, circa 1958 .    

1 hour ago, does said:

a good clean apartment with central air, carpet, full kitchen with a damn oven, lighting quick internet, gym & pool facilities etc.


Why do I not have an ounce of sympathy...


Why? Because I want a better lifestyle? Because I want more opportunities? When did personal drive to have a better life become nasty to you?

1 hour ago, does said:

a good clean apartment with central air, carpet, full kitchen with a damn oven, lighting quick internet, gym & pool facilities etc.


Why do I not have an ounce of sympathy...

Because those who crave creature comforts over intellectual pursuits and the quest of wisdom are boring dolts.  

27 minutes ago, Agent Sumo said:

Doesn't anyone else find it weird that someone who still has a job in the O&G industry is whinging about the price of a roomy apartment with air con and all the other trimmings?


I rent a 100sqm 2 bed in Asoke/Nana for ฿40,000 a month but it's possible to get a 2 bed place about 80 sqm, fully equipped for ฿25,000 up the road in Ekkamai which is a decent area.


That shouldn't be a stretch for someone on O&G coin


Yes, I find it extremely weird. I have so many questions. In his second post the OP says he lives in Surin? Why Surin? If you work in O&G, why not live someplace nice live Samui or an island? Living in Surin for 9 months sounds like torture, no wonder he wants to head back to the U.S. Plus, why not just fly back to the U.S. for 9 months? I'm mystified. The only foreigners I've met who lived in Surin all had ex-bar girl wives from that area where the family was, I've seen photos and it's all rice fields, in the issan area.

2 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

My son went to one of those 500,000 baht a year schools and when he got the USA, he was a grade behind in every subject. No matter the price, there is NO school in Thailand that will prepare your kid for a western education. I for one am extremely happy we moved back to the USA and my son is getting a world class education. My friends wife (age 38) has a law degree from Thammasart Uni and cannot even pass the USA written drivers test. That should tell you something right there. 

500,000/ year is not expensive for an international school. A good school is 1 - 1.5 million baht.

These schools teach 100 % English; and do not have the Back packers teachers. And a Thai lawyer does not have to know how to speak English to practice law in Thailand. I wonder how many Foreigners have not passed a Thai Drivers tests ?

The Thai school system is made for Thai kids; and they do not care about Americans or other foreigners, who think their

kids are special. If you wanted your kid to have a world class ( American ) ( 555 ) education, you should have paid for

Assumption College. Starting from four years old. 1.5 million baht. And I think you moved back to the States because

you could not make money in Thailand ! Did you watch the NFL this week ? All these players went to World Class Universities.

Most are one knee injury from working at a Walmart Store. Four years of College !! Listen to any interview of these players.



7 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


I don't think the OP is on the even time rotation any more, viz "The slump in oil prices has me in Thailand nonstop for 9 months." If his employer has placed him on a longer home rotation then hanging tough in LOS will be tougher. If the OP is unemployed, then going home is the only sensible option. There's already too many oil field trash sitting on the beach waiting for a job at the best of times. These aren't the best of times.


This is true. Ive only got 2 hitches this year and looking like I won't get anything until beginning of next year. I could ride it out and take way less paying jobs but its not a guarantee. Packing a bag and going back to the states is a smarter move because I can easily work there. And the oil patch will pick back up its just a stop gap. Sitting around not doing anything productive (Making Money/Working) bother the SH$T out of me. 


yes,, you can live as cheaply in tampa and most of florida for the same price as here,, the water is swimable,, the air clean,  great healthcare although expensive if you do not qualify for ACA,,,,, great food,,, the only thing it doesnt have is the girls and they also have way too many traffic cops,,, and the weather is much better than california as is teh water,,,,


if you dont access yourself to the ladies here,,, go back it better in florida


The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Go back to the US and you will be

wishing you were back in Thailand in three months. Take the cure. Go back to the US

for three months and make a decision then. :coffee1:


Thailand is a great experience, I'd recommend it to anyone for a few years, but it's not a place I'd like to stay forever. In the US you have the same legal rights as everyone else, you are not a second class citizen. If you are planning on having children my guess is that they will get a better education in the US and have better career opportunities as adults. In your circumstances, a move back home makes sense.





And it took you 8 years to reach this conclusion? Don't delay by a single day - book your one way ticket now, and don't even holiday here no more! As you say, Thailand is nothing but a pile of **i*

13 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

Because those who crave creature comforts over intellectual pursuits and the quest of wisdom are boring dolts.  


Thai-er than Thai Detected. 



Do yourself a favor and get off your intellectual throne. Sitting in your "room" eating noodles and pondering the meaning of life is hardly a quest for wisdom. 


7 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

Thailand is a great experience, I'd recommend it to anyone for a few years, but it's not a place I'd like to stay forever. In the US you have the same legal rights as everyone else, you are not a second class citizen. If you are planning on having children my guess is that they will get a better education in the US and have better career opportunities as adults. In your circumstances, a move back home makes sense.




Are you for real? As a foreigner in the US you have the same legal rights as everyone else, you are not a second class citizen? Wow, I obviously read different papers and watch different news than you... And I promise, I will NEVER EVER listen to Michael Moore again...

20 minutes ago, jadee said:

Yes, I find it extremely weird. I have so many questions. In his second post the OP says he lives in Surin? Why Surin? If you work in O&G, why not live someplace nice live Samui or an island? Living in Surin for 9 months sounds like torture, no wonder he wants to head back to the U.S. Plus, why not just fly back to the U.S. for 9 months? I'm mystified. ...


I am a big rich oil and gas man and we initially chose to live in Udon because it was cheaper; land, houses, basic living, the lot. I have a buddy in the same line of work and he chose to make his home in Phuket. He isn't riding the current industry storm too well for the obvious reasons that Thailand's island paradises are very expensive. Then there's the obscenely well paid big rich oil and gas man who parks his tent in Singapore but even they are hard pushed these days.


Even big rich oil and gas men have to save for the future and some save more than others by making the obvious economies.


Just moved here from Dallas 6 months ago and have many friends and ex in-laws in Tampa area. 


Housing and utilities and health insurance much cheaper in Thailand. Go visit Tampa. Don't mean to be disagreeable but no apartment for 1000 dollars in Tampa can compare to what you can get on Sukhumvit the most expensive housing in BKK. Utilities and health insurance also much more expensive. 


But live where you are happy. For some it comes down to dollars. I enjoy leaving cheaply in Thailand compared to the USA but money is not everything and time is short. Choose the place that makes you smile when you wake up and let money only be a small side issue. You cannot afford to live anywhere that makes you unhappy.  


Take care. Enjoy the Florida seafood. 

1 hour ago, yellowboat said:

Why stay in Thailand if you nine months to yourself.  I believe there are other countries and opportunities just outside of Thailand.  Why not start a business with the gobs of time on your hands.  If you were to go back to the best fed, most poorly read country in the world, furthering you or your wife's education would be your best bet.  Everybody wants to see oil fail.  Electric powered and bio driven vehicles are the future.   You are only 32 years old and have lots of time.  Go back to school.


Hate to break it to you, but oil isn't going to fail. Not in my lifetime. You really don't have any concept of how far O&G is in everyones lives. 

21 minutes ago, hobobo said:

Are you for real? As a foreigner in the US you have the same legal rights as everyone else, you are not a second class citizen? Wow, I obviously read different papers and watch different news than you... And I promise, I will NEVER EVER listen to Michael Moore again...


The OP is a US citizen, so you're point makes no sense. But I am not a US citizen. So if I buy a house in Florida do I have different ownership rights to a US citizen? No. 


I would if I tried to buy a house in Thailand. I'd discover that I couldn't, I have no right to own.


48 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

Because those who crave creature comforts over intellectual pursuits and the quest of wisdom are boring dolts.  


Well, clearly your quest hasn't borne much fruit, has it?


Can only guess at the motivation for such a bitter post - petty jealousy, frustration about not being able to afford those things yourself - but whatever it is, one would imagine that you'd have purged it/them from your oh-so-enlightened psyche.

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