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Rapists Of British Tourist Escape Death Sentence


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I feel sad for what the victim had gone through.

Rapists should be executed!

Worse crime than a murder.

I don't know about that! .. If I had a choice between the two I'd go for the rape. At least I'd survive so I could track the barstard down and blow his head off with a grenade launcher.

Seriously though .. castration would be a better option .. and I mean the whole tackle package! .. without anasthetic of course! :D


Couldn't you watch your language a bit ? :o

You have to bear in mind that family and friends of Katherine Horton are possibly reading this thread too you know.

They've been through h_ll enough, don't you think ?


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I read that the victim did not believe in capital punishment, and that therefore the mother of the victim asked for there to be no death sentence. Thats good enough for me. I cannot see any reason to continue the macho lets kill, castrate, revenge vengeance....

If the victim and victims parents do not want mindless revenge why would any unaffected party want to pursue it?

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I read that the victim did not believe in capital punishment, and that therefore the mother of the victim asked for there to be no death sentence. Thats good enough for me. I cannot see any reason to continue the macho lets kill, castrate, revenge vengeance....

If the victim and victims parents do not want mindless revenge why would any unaffected party want to pursue it?

I think you read wrong.. there was no mention of the victims beliefs / wishes... only the mother presuming what her daughter may have wished.

"The victim's mother, Elizabeth, had called for the pair to spend the rest of their lives in jail, saying her daughter would not have believed capital punishment an appropriate sentence."

I don't know about the other posters .. but I was talking hypothetically about my wishes if someone raped me.

"If the victim and victims parents do not want mindless revenge" ..

Well I'm afraid we will never know what the victims wishes would have been .. They may well have been quite different from her mothers and more in line with the wishes I expressed... who knows?


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I read that the victim did not believe in capital punishment, and that therefore the mother of the victim asked for there to be no death sentence. Thats good enough for me. I cannot see any reason to continue the macho lets kill, castrate, revenge vengeance....

If the victim and victims parents do not want mindless revenge why would any unaffected party want to pursue it?

I think you read wrong.. there was no mention of the victims beliefs / wishes... only the mother presuming what her daughter may have wished.

"The victim's mother, Elizabeth, had called for the pair to spend the rest of their lives in jail, saying her daughter would not have believed capital punishment an appropriate sentence."

I don't know about the other posters .. but I was talking hypothetically about my wishes if someone raped me.

"If the victim and victims parents do not want mindless revenge" ..

Well I'm afraid we will never know what the victims wishes would have been .. They may well have been quite different from her mothers and more in line with the wishes I expressed... who knows?


Personally I would think thast the agrieved mother who is going/has gone through something we can only imagine would best express things. However, if you care to differ that is your prerogative.

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The victim's mother, Elizabeth, had called for the pair to spend the rest of their lives in jail, saying her daughter would not have believed capital punishment an appropriate sentence.

I don't think that there's much more to add. I personally think the death penalty neanderthal and echo the words of Mahatma Gandhi when he said that an eye for an eye would leave the whole world blind.

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I didn't follow this story right to the end but I was under the impression that they had been executed already.

If it was a Thai woman they had raped they WOULD have beeen!!

Thailand once again enhances it's international reputation!

What a load of rubbish. Death sentences are frequently commuted in Thailand. This is all normal procedure.

Virgil, Out!

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In Belgium in 1995?, some men were caught having kidnapped, held as sex-slaves, and then murdered several girls aged between 12-15. My numbers are a little off, but you get the general idea. In Belgium, there was no death penalty. While watching CNN, my Belgian friend and I watched many women demonstrating in front ot the house where the girls had been held captive. My friend translated that these women were not asking for life in prisonment.

The man is Marc Dutroux, he kidnapped and raped two teenagers for months, held them prisonner in a cell in his house cave. He also abducted and killed two +18 year old ladies, amongst other crimes, probably killed his acomplice.

He finally got life sentence and lives a happy life with good food, clothing, TV in a warm cell.

He never told (confessed?) justice how he kindnapped the girls and what horrors he submitted to the girls. I believe he videod some of his actions though? His wife new all about it and was condenmed as an accomplish.

I would rather see the man rot in a thai jail, not the getting the luxury treatement he gets in Belgium. They should give him dried bread and some water in a cave for the rest of his life.

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For those who think that these two will have a real hel_l in prison, I hate to tell you but you are wrong. They have raped and killed a WHITE women--that is more a badge of honor than anything. Prison populations tend to see falang in general as fair game.

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But the lady was also KILLED, not just raped.

Futher more their is evidence that the death penatly does not work as a deterent, just look at america, 11,000 gun killings every year, more people in prison than any other contry in the world... (The land of the free)

Your statistics about the US do not really support your comment that the death penalty is not a deterrent. China is responsible for 70%-80% of worldwide state sanctioned death and purports a lower crime rate than the US. Singapore has more executions per capita than any other country in the world and is one of the safest places in the world. This issue is not so black and white.

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Your statistics about the US do not really support your comment that the death penalty is not a deterrent. China is responsible for 70%-80% of worldwide state sanctioned death and purports a lower crime rate than the US. Singapore has more executions per capita than any other country in the world and is one of the safest places in the world. This issue is not so black and white.

The only reason America has 11,000 (or more?) gun killings per year is ..

1. Irresponsible and plain stupid gun laws

2. An over supply of Rednecks, Trailer Trash and Ghetto Scum.

China and Singapore simply don't have Number 1 .. and very little of Number 2

The Death Penalty has nothing to do with it.


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Your statistics about the US do not really support your comment that the death penalty is not a deterrent. China is responsible for 70%-80% of worldwide state sanctioned death and purports a lower crime rate than the US. Singapore has more executions per capita than any other country in the world and is one of the safest places in the world. This issue is not so black and white.

The only reason America has 11,000 (or more?) gun killings per year is ..

1. Irresponsible and plain stupid gun laws

2. An over supply of Rednecks, Trailer Trash and Ghetto Scum.

China and Singapore simply don't have Number 1 .. and very little of Number 2

The Death Penalty has nothing to do with it.


China has a lot of #2 thanks. They just call that class of people something else over there.

And can anyone really believe any "official figures" that come from China, regarding crime; etc?

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I didn't follow this story right to the end but I was under the impression that they had been executed already.

If it was a Thai woman they had raped they WOULD have beeen!!

Thailand once again enhances it's international reputation!

I don't agree that the death sentence would be more likely to be carried out in the case of a Thai victim. I think it would have been less likely that the police would have bothered to catch the murderers. This case was only wrapped up quickly because it was potentially damaging to tourism revenues and police were despatched from Bangkok. Rape of Thai (and Burmese) women is sadly routine here and rape followed by murder not unusual.

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The other way round an Isaan bar girl in Hua Hin was murdered and stuffed in the cupboard in his hotel room by a farang tourist believed to be German a couple of years ago. Having checked in under the name of "Michael, nationality German" with no surname or passport details he managed to disappear before the room maids found the body. There was no effort made to find the murderer, although several people could describe the suspect who had made several visits to Hua Hin and European police would have readily cooperated, had they been asked for help. The story rated barely a mention in the Thai press. Thais thought that as an Isaan hooker she had it coming. Obviously there was no outcry from the Isaan community that they would be boycotting Hua Hin in future!

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Men escape death for Thai murder


Two Thai men who murdered tourist Katherine Horton have had their death sentence commuted to life in jail. Bualoy Kothisit, 23, and Wichai Sonkhaoyai, 24, had appealed over the sentence for the killing.

The 21-year-old student from Cardiff was on holiday with a friend when she was attacked last New Year's Day on Koh Samui's Lamai Beach in Thailand.

A Foreign Office spokesman confirmed the two men will no longer face the death penalty following an appeal.

A spokesperson said the appeal verdict will be officially read out at Surat Thani Court in Southern Thailand on Thursday.

Miss Horton was attacked as she made a mobile phone call on the beach where she and a friend had rented accommodation for a New Year's holiday before returning to Reading University for their finals.


The trial of the fishermen, who were arrested within days of the murder, heard she was beaten with a parasol pole of a beach umbrella, raped and later dumped out at sea, where she drowned.

The men who had been drinking and watching pornography before they launched the fatal attack both admitted the rape and murder charges.

The judge at the court in the southern Thai province of Suran Thani sentenced both men to death by legal injection, saying their crime had "terrified people".

The men immediately appealed against their sentences.

International media attention on the murder coming as it did in the wake of the tsunami which devastated the country's tourism industry had prompted the then Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to call for the "harshest possible punishment" for the men.

Making their appeal, the pair's lawyer claimed they were convicted solely on DNA evidence and that they confessed to her murder "out of a sense of remorse".

He said they were appealing on grounds that the death penalty was "too harsh" and that their conviction was secured without eyewitnesses.

Their lawyer Prompatchara Namuang said at the weekend: "The court commuted their death sentences on the ground that they had voluntarily confessed their crime."

Prosecutors would challenge the court's decision and bring the case to the country's supreme court by 7 December, he said.

Source: BBC News - 27 November 2006

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Personally I have read all the arguments for and against.IMHO they should be executed.This was pre-medetaed murder...why should the state have to feed and cloth them for te next 40 years when the money could be spent better elsewhere?

inclined to agree thaipaully

but then again i'm a heartless beast that doesn't understand the value of life, ain't i

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  • 1 month later...

Update: Thai murder victim inquest opens

The inquest on a 21-year-old student who was raped and murdered in Thailand last year is to open in Cardiff later.

Katherine Horton, from Cardiff, was attacked on New Year's Day 2006 as she made a phone call on a Koh Samui beach.


Katherine Horton was on a New Year break with a university friend

The Reading University third-year psychology student's body was found floating in the bay 12 hours later.

Two fishermen, Wichai Somkhaoyai, 24, and Bualoi Posit, 23, were condemned to death, but their sentences were commuted to life in jail after appeal.

Ms Horton was attacked on the beach where she and a friend had rented accommodation.

Somkhaoyai and Posit, who had been drinking and watching pornography, beat her with the parasol pole of a beach umbrella, raped her and then dumped her out at sea, where she drowned.

Her body was discovered in the sea by a water biker on 2 January.


Katherine Horton was killed on 1 January 2006

The pair admitted rape and murder charges after their arrest and the then Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to call for the "harshest possible punishment" for the men.

They were sentenced to death by lethal injection but immediately appealed against their sentences.

The pair's lawyer claimed they were convicted solely on DNA evidence and that they confessed to her murder "out of a sense of remorse".

He said they were appealing on grounds that the death penalty was "too harsh" and that their conviction was secured without eyewitnesses.

The death sentences were commuted to life sentences in November.

The student's family have said they hope that "life means life" for the men and said they wished to let the Thai judicial procedure run its course.

Source: BBC News - 19 January 2007

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Perhaps the reason the death penalty is not a deterrent for these types of crimes, is because it is not given often enough, because of the bleeding heart liberals; unless of course its their daughters, their children, that have been raped and beaten to death, murded, molested etc. They do seem to sing a different tune at those times.

I know for sure, that would soemthing like rape/murder happen to someone in my my (thai) fasmily. There would bee a possie out to find the perps. And I don't think there would've been any police involvment at all

karma will sort them out!


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I've just read this:

She(Ruth Adams, Katherine Horton's friend) said she was told she wouldn't be able to fly home for a month, and that she would not be given a translator.

When she tried to leave on 5 January, police called her in for questioning and told her she could not leave without going through a Thai court.

Ms Adams, who had not slept for four days at this point, said while she was at the airport, her boarding pass, camera and phone were taken by Thai police.

She said: "I later found out they had taken copies of pictures and sold them to the press. I didn't submit any pictures."

This is disgusting in my view, firstly not getting an interpreter, this wouldn't have happened in 99% of countries in the world, secondly her belongings being confiscated and her images stolen by the police - is there no shame in this kind of thing??

Utterly disgusting behaviour! :o

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I didn't follow this story right to the end but I was under the impression that they had been executed already.

Yes, I definitely heard the pair were tried and immediately executed.

As for rape/murder of farang, I do not want to be snippy or suggest this was the case in this incident, but girls who walk around half naked are targets for attack. Never mind the ones who get drunk/stoned and come on to local men. I have seen many of these young "ladies" do exactly that.

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I didn't follow this story right to the end but I was under the impression that they had been executed already.

Yes, I definitely heard the pair were tried and immediately executed.

As for rape/murder of farang, I do not want to be snippy or suggest this was the case in this incident, but girls who walk around half naked are targets for attack. Never mind the ones who get drunk/stoned and come on to local men. I have seen many of these young "ladies" do exactly that.

That sounds remarkably like the ancient defence of rape in that those who dress in a provocative manner are 'asking for it'. Is that what you're trying to say?

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I didn't follow this story right to the end but I was under the impression that they had been executed already.

Yes, I definitely heard the pair were tried and immediately executed.

As for rape/murder of farang, I do not want to be snippy or suggest this was the case in this incident, but girls who walk around half naked are targets for attack. Never mind the ones who get drunk/stoned and come on to local men. I have seen many of these young "ladies" do exactly that.

That sounds remarkably like the ancient defence of rape in that those who dress in a provocative manner are 'asking for it'. Is that what you're trying to say?

Definitely not. But the cultural differences between east and west are vast. Uneducated boys from Thai villages where everone dresses modestly are sure to be incited by scantily clad women. Western videos with women going home with a strange man after being bought a drink does not help the image. I have seen young female tourists entice Thai men like this many times. Even when I am in Malaysia covered to ankle and wrist, I get hit on. It may be the general image that western women are easy.

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Yes, I definitely heard the pair were tried and immediately executed.

That's not correct:

" Men escape death for Thai murder "

" Two Thai men who murdered tourist Katherine Horton have had their death sentence commuted to life in jail. "



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The grounds for commuting to life seem a bit weak, since their confession came after their conviction had already been secured by DNA evidence and didn't save the police or prosecution much trouble. Personally I think the heinousness and cruelty of the crime should have outweighed the no choice confession under Thai law. On the other hand the lower court was virtually ordered by Thaksin to hand down the death penalty in a high profile case. The Thai justice system is heavily dependent on confessions, forced or otherwise, due to the gross inefficiency of the police. The family seems satisfied that justice has been done, as they disagree with the death penalty. Life counts as a 50 year sentence here, so they will be eligible for parole after 33 years with their health ruined and teeth rotted, if they are still alive. In the UK they would be out in 7-9 years in reasonable health and ready to repeat the offence.

Her killers got better justice than the murderer of the crime busting police sergeant, allegedly shot in the head in a disco in close proximity to a wealthy politician's son who was acquitted.

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So the British Embassy were useless yet again. If you want help, I suggest you behave in an appropriate manner ie, invite the ambassador to high tea and photo opps.

The Police sold pictures to the press? Well I never, fancy that.

Tragic loss, compounded by British and Thai officialdom.

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As for rape/murder of farang, I do not want to be snippy or suggest this was the case in this incident, but girls who walk around half naked are targets for attack.

That sounds remarkably like the ancient defence of rape in that those who dress in a provocative manner are 'asking for it'. Is that what you're trying to say?

from the thread:

Warnings To Accompany TV Sex And Violence :

Friends of Women Foundation head and working-team member Supensri Puengkoaksoong said scantily clad television hosts, actors, ad-presenters, singers and dancers prompted teenagers to wear similar clothing, resulting in sex crimes.

Did the Foundation give you a work permit, Jet? :o

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The grounds for commuting to life seem a bit weak, since their confession came after their conviction had already been secured by DNA evidence and didn't save the police or prosecution much trouble. Personally I think the heinousness and cruelty of the crime should have outweighed the no choice confession under Thai law.

ahhh... but if I recall correctly, they did cooperate with the, all-important-to-Thai-law, re-enactment of the crime.

Surely that alone is worthy of being spared the death penalty. :o

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