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Clinton scrambles to head off fallout from brutal weekend


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Clinton scrambles to head off fallout from brutal weekend



WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Clinton's campaign is scrambling to head off lasting damage from her brutal weekend. Aides are promising to release more of her medical records following her bout of pneumonia and conceding they were too slow in providing information about her condition.


Democrats said Monday that Clinton's health incident alone is unlikely to fundamentally alter the presidential race, but some also said it adds to a growing sense of uncertainty less than two months from Election Day. For many supporters, Clinton's battle with Republican Donald Trump is worryingly close, raising concerns not only about holding the White House but also retaking control of the Senate.


"If you look at the way the last couple months have gone, it feels like the race should be further apart," said Greg Haas, an Ohio-based Democratic strategist and former county party chairman.


Aaron Regunberg, a Democratic state representative from Rhode Island, said he was "surprised and concerned" that the race is so tight.


"I still think that we are likely to win, but I think anyone who's not concerned about a bigoted, KKK-endorsed sociopath being this close right now in the polls is not living in reality," Regunberg said of Trump.


Clinton abruptly left a 9/11 anniversary event Sunday in New York and was seen on video stumbling and being held up by aides. After roughly 90 minutes of silence from her campaign, aides said Clinton left because she was overheated. Several hours later, her doctor acknowledged she had been diagnosed with pneumonia two days earlier.


"In retrospect, we could have handled it better," Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon said Monday. He pledged to release "additional medical information" about Clinton in the next few days.


Clinton spent Monday at her home in Chappaqua, New York, after canceling a fundraising trip in California. It was unclear when she planned to return to the campaign trail.


Trump, who is also promising to release new medical records this week, showed surprising restraint regarding Clinton's health. He wished her well and did not repeat questions he has previously raised about whether the former secretary of state has the strength and stamina to be president.


He did hammer Clinton for her assertion Friday night that half of his supporters belong in a "basket of deplorables" and are racist, sexist, homophobic or xenophobic. Clinton later said she regretted applying that description to "half" of Trump's backers, but stuck by her assertion that the GOP nominee has given a platform to "hateful views and voices."


Speaking in Maryland Monday, Trump said he was shocked to hear Clinton "attack, slander, smear and demean these wonderful, amazing people who are supporting our campaign."


After a staff shake-up in August, Trump has largely abandoned the free-wheeling style of campaigning that energized his supporters but also led to an endless string of controversial comments about women, minorities and others. The Republican nominee's newfound ability to stay on script has coincided with tightening in both national polls and surveys in some key swing states.


Democrats are also warily watching a Senate landscape that looked to be favorable for the party if Trump proved to be a drag on GOP candidates. But Rob Portman in Ohio has distanced himself from Trump and appears headed for re-election, and Republicans are also feeling more confident in Florida since Marco Rubio reversed course and decided to run for re-election.


"The last few days feed into a sense of uncertainty," said Chris Kofinis, a Democratic strategist. He said Clinton's rough weekend raises the stakes for the first presidential debate on Sept. 26, which "will either finish Trump or, if he does well, it will create a race."


Privately, some Republicans say Trump would likely be losing more convincingly to another Democratic nominee. But Clinton's unpopularity rivals that of her opponent, and she's been unable to do much to change the minds of Americans who believe she is dishonest and secretive.


Indeed, some Democrats said it wasn't Clinton's pneumonia diagnosis or even the jarring video of her stumbling into a van that leaves them nervous. It was her campaign's unwillingness to quickly level with the public about the situation.


"Antibiotics can take care of pneumonia," David Axelrod, a longtime adviser to President Barack Obama, wrote on Twitter. "What's the cure for an unhealthy penchant for privacy that repeatedly creates unnecessary problems?"


To be sure, Clinton continues to have numerous advantages over Trump as the race presses into its final weeks.


Polls show Trump struggling mightily with big swaths of the electorate, including women, blacks, Hispanics and young people. His path to the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win in November is also narrow — he likely needs to carry Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania and North Carolina — while Clinton has numerous routes. Clinton's campaign is also running a sophisticated voter targeting and turnout operation, led by several people involved in Obama's winning campaigns, while Trump is banking on the Republican National Committee for his field operations.


Given those built in advantages and Trump's weaknesses, some Democrats say their biggest fear is complacency — making the tightening of the race not such a bad development.


"It really says to me and other supporters of Hillary that we have to be invested, and we're going to have to get out and work," said Missouri state Rep. Margo McNeil of suburban St. Louis, who was a Clinton delegate to the Democratic National Convention.


AP writers Meg Kinnard in Columbia, South Carolina, Michelle R. Smith in Providence, Rhode Island, David Lieb in Jefferson City, Missouri, Lisa Lerer in White Plains, New York, and Ken Thomas in Washington contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-09-13
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If Hillary Clinton will pay a political price to collapse , it will not be because of the disease - but because of the cover-up . Former President Richard Nixon was forced to leave the White House after Watergate - not because of the wiretapping , but because of a cover -up , and Bill Clinton's impeachment trial was not for fornication , but for the lie . America forgives the evidence , but will not be ignored when presenting in front of her delusion , deceit , or worse - when trying to lead her in to believing in a blatant lie....

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Unfortunately, both of the Clintons are sociopathic liars. Neither would know the truth if it knocked them up the side of the head. I always said had Bill just come out immediately, and said you I got blown by this woman. It felt good. This is a very high stress job, and there are few things that give me more relief than that. I have a problem. I am going to work on fixing it. I am a sex freak. I apologize for it. I think it all would have just gone away. But, it was his pathologic desire to lie, and his inability to fess up that got him into trouble. Same with Hillary. She just cannot admit the truth. The truth and the Clintons are just two separate entities. Never the twain shall meet. 


And I say all this as someone who despises Trump. The real shame of all this is that the country is reduced to two absolutely deplorable candidates. The situation could not possibly be worse for the US. 

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Unlike the one man band that defines the Deplorable Donald, the Democrats have a depth of talent to carry on while the Candidate takes a rest.


Bill Clinton to fill in for ill wife at California and Nevada events



Will make a great First Gentleman.

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8 minutes ago, PTC said:

Unlike the one man band that defines the Deplorable Donald, the Democrats have a depth of talent to carry on while the Candidate takes a rest.


Nice spin, but ANYONE has more political talent than Hillary. Her campaign are probably glad to get rid of her.

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23 minutes ago, klauskunkel said:

And how would you like your Hillary this morning? Scrambled, shaken, or stirred?


I want to see Hillary fully recovered from pneumonia, on the campaign trail and kicking some Trump butt! She tried to power through the 9/11 ceremony against her doctors advice because it meant a lot to her.


Fallon argued that Clinton was “dead set” on attending the 9/11 ceremony on Sunday despite being diagnosed with pneumonia two days earlier.


Heck, I take sick days from work with far less reason than that.

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I'm curious as to why so many members of her campaign and Sen. Schumer have all had pneumonia. I don't think it is contagious but what do I know, I've only lost count of the times I've had it.


Bernie would be well into the double digits at this point and the Republican Senate would be packing their bags along with many of the house. Ahem, and some people just cannot for the life of them figure out why the neocon/neoliberal, war monger, primary stealing, tool of Wall Street criminals/banksters isn't further ahead of a narcissistic, sociopath, misogynist, bigot, racist, lying, con man neofascist. Ah duh. The 2 worst candidates in history and the most disliked. America is already on a downhill slide to an oligarchy/plutocracy, police/surveillance banana republic. Well right winger, theocratic/dominionists and cowardly Democrats, you reap what you sow and the whirlwind is coming. No matter who "wins" this election it will not be the American people nor the world.

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Look, there is a shoe in the street. Hillary must have suffered a mental breakdown!


Breitbart prints this Fox Nitwit's tweet https://twitter.com/RickLeventhal.



Must be reading too much Cinderella. He found a shoe. Hillary must be about to die.


But hang on...


The shoe everyone thinks Hillary Clinton left behind during her medical emergency is NOT her shoe.



Let's not rush to assumptions just yet. We should wait to see what the National Enquirer says about this dramatic debunking of the Hillary Haters and their dastardly deeds.


Although that picture really does seem to nail the story.


Edited by PTC
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4 hours ago, PTC said:

Look, there is a shoe in the street. Hillary must have suffered a mental breakdown!


Breitbart prints this Fox Nitwit's tweet https://twitter.com/RickLeventhal.



Must be reading too much Cinderella. He found a shoe. Hillary must be about to die.


But hang on...


The shoe everyone thinks Hillary Clinton left behind during her medical emergency is NOT her shoe.



Let's not rush to assumptions just yet. We should wait to see what the National Enquirer says about this dramatic debunking of the Hillary Haters and their dastardly deeds.


Although that picture really does seem to nail the story.



Maybe a spare shoe they parked there...just in case she lost the ones she was wearing?

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1 hour ago, JWalker222 said:


Maybe a spare shoe they parked there...just in case she lost the ones she was wearing?


Let's see what other clues Breitbart and Infowars find to demonstrate that Hillary is an alien using a diseased body double to confuse the Deplorables.

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Aaron Regunberg, a Democratic state representative from Rhode Island, said he was "surprised and concerned" that the race is so tight.


"I still think that we are likely to win, but I think anyone who's not concerned about a bigoted, KKK-endorsed sociopath being this close right now in the polls is not living in reality," Regunberg said of Trump.


Maybe he missed the news that Will Quigg, the Grand Dragon of the KKK offered his endorsement of Clinton.  Quigg states that Hillary is a "friend of the Klan".  http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-03-14/ku-klux-klan-grand-dragon-will-quigg-endorses-hillary-clinton-for-president


Or that the Klan has donated over $20,000 to the Clinton campaign.    http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/apr/26/klan-leader-claims-kkk-has-given-20k-clinton-campa/

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It is all water under the bridge. Hillary is just not going to make it through November. Very disappointing to our party, Democrats are already working out plans to ditch her and find somebody more palatable. Just too many negatives in her basket of troubles. Time to pick up the pieces and move this along.

Edited by JWalker222
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6 minutes ago, JWalker222 said:

It is all water under the bridge. Hillary is just not going to make it through November. Very disappointing to our party, Democrats are already working out plans to ditch her and find somebody more palatable. Just too many negatives in her basket of troubles. Time to pick up the pieces and move this along.

Nobody is ditching anyone. There may be some talks about contingency plans for health reasons. Very unlikely that will be needed. 

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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Nobody is ditching anyone. There may be some talks about contingency plans for health reasons. Very unlikely that will be needed. 


5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Nobody is ditching anyone. There may be some talks about contingency plans for health reasons. Very unlikely that will be needed. 


5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Nobody is ditching anyone. There may be some talks about contingency plans for health reasons. Very unlikely that will be needed. 


That is one way to look at it.

I bet this scramble has them running all over the USA in panic mode, as there is so little time left.    Ditch her or lose....is pretty much the only option that most people can rationalize.   As much as We all love her, sometimes the baby gets thrown out with the bath water, for a greater cause. In her deplorable state..there just is no fight left.   Bill and Obama are pulling her weight....    Unacceptable.


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1 hour ago, JWalker222 said:




That is one way to look at it.

I bet this scramble has them running all over the USA in panic mode, as there is so little time left.    Ditch her or lose....is pretty much the only option that most people can rationalize.   As much as We all love her, sometimes the baby gets thrown out with the bath water, for a greater cause. In her deplorable state..there just is no fight left.   Bill and Obama are pulling her weight....    Unacceptable.


Could Hillary secretly be one of the "deplorables" she claimed were Trump supporters?  


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