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Philippine president wants US forces out of restive south 


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1 minute ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

pull all the troops out and only send them back when the philipines starts paying for them to be there. dosent this guy understand his country is about to be swallowed by china? 

Duterte doesn't have a clue about foreign policy. He was a strong man mayor. No foreign policy involved in that. 


It seems to me all his bombastic hard talk is about solidying his INTERNAL power base. It's good to have foreign boogeymen. American military will do. Takes attention away from the bloody red elephant in the room ... he has just begun his MASS MURDER campaign against his own people. 

Edited by Jingthing
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2 hours ago, weegee said:

Isn't it annoying to see this....USA  have stood by this country for yonks...and this is the thanks they get....

Yep I agree...pack up wave goodbye and when they fall into trouble again....tell them you are too busy looking after Americans first....

He (The Thug)...will miss the massive funding he has been receiving from these people he now puts <deleted> on....But the Do Good UN will be whinging after a while to get the funding reinstated I suppose.....


But where will we get our maids, from now ?

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1 minute ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

hope the yanks dont put up with his s#it.  leave and dont come back till he is grovelling with his check book open.

I think the U.S. is just IGNORING him and assuming he's a loud mouthed bombastic BOZO that doesn't really mean what he says, but is doing it only for internal political deflection. It's just talk so far. 

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Perhaps not aid, but for sure easy visas to the US.  Go into any hospital in the US and over 50% of the nurses are Filipinos.  I've been to a few where it's closer to 80%.



Oh look!  10 Billion USD a year being sent back to the Philippines from the US.  Right...no benefit.

Let the Filipinos back home, the US economy would then go to a standstill until enough Mexicans and South Americans have moved to US to fill in the gaps as most of the Filipinos are working in undesirable jobs that most US citizens don't want.

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There has to be a time when the hand that is feeding will get tired of being bitten and I hope that time comes very soon. The USA should withdraw all its military staff and assets and then immediately cancel all financial aid.

lets wonder how long it will be before Duterte grasps the realities of his stupidity. 

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26 minutes ago, Kasset Tak said:

Let the Filipinos back home, the US economy would then go to a standstill until enough Mexicans and South Americans have moved to US to fill in the gaps as most of the Filipinos are working in undesirable jobs that most US citizens don't want.

Nursing jobs are highly sought after!

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24 minutes ago, coma said:

What is his position on US support for the  Philippine government reference the South China Sea ? One could make a case that "America is inflaming" that situation as well. 

You are saying that building military bases on pristine reefs in territory that is not yours is ok?

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2 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

I would like to meet a Philippino has has benefitted from AID sent by USA. I have heard of the corruption envolved but no benefits. Things like bags of rice for sale in small poor villages still in the US foreign AID bags. Not free to the poor being sold to the poor. No money no rice Yah what a great help that is.

 So some one please tell me of one personal account they have witnessed or one Philippino that has told them of the AID they have recieved from the USA.I personnaly do not know a single soul.But I can tell stories about babies being sold for a bag of rice sent from America. You all remember" rice babies"  right.



In the Philippines, TB is the 6th leading cause of death and illness and 107 Filipinos die every day from the disease. USAID programs are improving case detection rates to ensure that people infected with TB receive treatment.


90 Treatment success rate of cases confirmed

According to the Millennium Development Goals, the proportion of TB cases detected and cured, also known as the TB treatment success rate, is the number of new, TB cases in a given year that were cured or completed a full treatment of Directly Observed Treatment Short (DOTS) expressed as a percentage of all new TB cases.

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52 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

You are saying that building military bases on pristine reefs in territory that is not yours is ok?


Nope. My point is he [ Philippine president] seems to have a bee up his arse with the US, but when it serves him well he is willing put up with said bee. A hypocrite is what they call it in English.

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1 hour ago, coma said:

What is his position on US support for the  Philippine government reference the South China Sea ? One could make a case that "America is inflaming" that situation as well. 


This does not change anything in respect of the Philippines, USA and the South China Sea.


The Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement and the Visiting Forces Agreement signed during the past couple of years remain in effect, both of 'em being specific responses to the aggressions by the CCP Dictators in Beijing in the SCS. The agreements are welcomed enthusiastically by the Phils armed forces which always work closely with the Pentagon. VFA authorises joint US-Philippine military exercises on Phils soil, a big one having occurred in April.


Duterte can't lose Scarborough Shoal to the CCP because it is a powerful issue to the Filipino people. It ranges from nationalist sovereignty issues, the Phils constitution, to fishermen being unable to access the Shoal since CCP occupied it in 2012 after reneging on a US brokered agreement to end a standoff.


Duterte in fact just got a big 'no' from CCP to his request CCP allow Phils fishermen back to the Shoal as a gesture of good negotiating faith. Duterte has made clear to CCP the UNCLOS ruling by the PCA in The Hague is the basis of any negotiation, which CCP rejects and which is why no negotiations have begun or will begin. CCP won't ever agree to the PCA ruling on the UNCLOS -- not for any reason or purpose. 


US has fewer than 200 advisers in Duterte's home province of Mindanao which has always crimped Duterte's style. Duterte also sees the conflict there as Muslims vs the USA, rather than Muslims against the Phils. While Duterte was born Catholic he became Moro and has long standing ties to the Maoist New People's Army of the Communist Party of the Philippines, to include putting four members chosen by CPP into his cabinet. 


The guy likes insurgents of all kinds, and he's always liked 'em, which places him in an odd position as commander of the armed forces responsible for the security of the Phils.

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27 minutes ago, cardinalblue said:

The PI people living in america would pee in their pants. Promise you there would protests in america by the PI/US citizens for abandoning the PI...


Maybe Trump can block all that money going to the PI on a monthly basis?

They should be protesting against Duterte. 

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Duterte doesn't have a clue about foreign policy. He was a strong man mayor. No foreign policy involved in that. 


It seems to me all his bombastic hard talk is about solidying his INTERNAL power base. It's good to have foreign boogeymen. American military will do. Takes attention away from the bloody red elephant in the room ... he has just begun his MASS MURDER campaign against his own people. 

Meanwhile just about every Filipino wants to move to the USA. The US is loved by the majority of the population. The US saved them from Japan I guess they forgot that. 

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4 hours ago, Publicus said:

US has fewer than 200 advisers in Duterte's home province of Mindanao which has always crimped Duterte's style. Duterte also sees the conflict there as Muslims vs the USA, rather than Muslims against the Phils. While Duterte was born Catholic he became Moro and has long standing ties to the Maoist New People's Army of the Communist Party of the Philippines, to include putting four members chosen by CPP into his cabinet. 


"long standing ties to the Maoist New People's Army of the Communist Party of the Philippines, to include putting four members chosen by CPP into his cabinet."

Oh, so Duterte is a Beijing puppet ????
So, does this mean it's okay to remove him ????


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12 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

"long standing ties to the Maoist New People's Army of the Communist Party of the Philippines, to include putting four members chosen by CPP into his cabinet."

Oh, so Duterte is a Beijing puppet ????
So, does this mean it's okay to remove him ????



I'd simply reiterate that if Duterte loses Scarborough Shoal he'd become subject to impeachment by the Philippine Congress because it would unquestionably violate the constitution not to mention infuriate the mass of the population. He's going to have to work with the US on this one and Duterte knows it.


In order to establish a predicate for your first question, you'd need to connect the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP). So get to it. Don't quit until you've got it, then get back to us...if we're still here.


Duterte is looking to Japan to help him through this. And he's doing it very quietly. He already awarded the $2.4 billion new elevated rail system for Manila and its main suburb to Japan and is discussing with the Japanese a rail system in Mindanao. Beijing will not get any of these big bucks projects. Japan has donated a dozen patrol boats to the Phils and is now delivering bigger coast guard vessels. 


Recently for the first time since WW II, a Japanese submarine (with two destroyers) entered Manila harbor. They docked alongside the US aircraft carrier John C. Stennis. 

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3 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

"long standing ties to the Maoist New People's Army of the Communist Party of the Philippines, to include putting four members chosen by CPP into his cabinet."

Oh, so Duterte is a Beijing puppet ????
So, does this mean it's okay to remove him ????



I don't think Beijing views him as a puppet, but more as a simplistic bombastic man they can easily manipulate with superior cunning. In poker, a guy like Duterte loses before he even sits down, and China CCP are master poker players.

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3 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

"long standing ties to the Maoist New People's Army of the Communist Party of the Philippines, to include putting four members chosen by CPP into his cabinet."

Oh, so Duterte is a Beijing puppet ????
So, does this mean it's okay to remove him ????



I don't think Beijing views him as a puppet, but more as a simplistic bombastic man they can easily manipulate with superior cunning. In poker, a guy like Duterte loses before he even sits down, and China CCP are master poker players.

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5 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

"long standing ties to the Maoist New People's Army of the Communist Party of the Philippines, to include putting four members chosen by CPP into his cabinet."

Oh, so Duterte is a Beijing puppet ????
So, does this mean it's okay to remove him ????



You said "puppet" so you'd have to prove it. So go to it. Don't quit till you find the proof. Then get back to us (if we're still here by then).


It is a vital point that Duterte likes insurgents and insurgencies. His career shows it. Duterte is a Moro (Muslim) who agrees with the Muslim insurgents that they'd do better with the US out of Mindanao and the southern Phils. He also likes the Maoist New People's Army which is not connected to Beijing.


He is president of the Philippines responsible for its national security and armed forces while simultaneously he has support lines over decades into just about every insurgency and ideological opposition group or armed force. It would appear Duterte is incapable of choosing sides in almost anything concerning national security.


Add to that Duterte's simplicity of mind and he begins to look dangerous to his own country by many Filipinos themselves. He's already let down the fishermen of his own province over the Spratlys which are off Mindanao, and also the fishermen up north over Scarborough Shoal. Losing support fast on international issues.

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31 minutes ago, Publicus said:


You said "puppet" so you'd have to prove it. So go to it. Don't quit till you find the proof. Then get back to us (if we're still here by then).


It is a vital point that Duterte likes insurgents and insurgencies. His career shows it. Duterte is a Moro (Muslim) who agrees with the Muslim insurgents that they'd do better with the US out of Mindanao and the southern Phils. He also likes the Maoist New People's Army which is not connected to Beijing.


He is president of the Philippines responsible for its national security and armed forces while simultaneously he has support lines over decades into just about every insurgency and ideological opposition group or armed force. It would appear Duterte is incapable of choosing sides in almost anything concerning national security.


Add to that Duterte's simplicity of mind and he begins to look dangerous to his own country by many Filipinos themselves. He's already let down the fishermen of his own province over the Spratlys which are off Mindanao, and also the fishermen up north over Scarborough Shoal. Losing support fast on international issues.

It gets boring to hear everybody call a leader or a country a puppet.  Most leaders and countries are far from that.

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21 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

Your comment reveals the ignorance that lots of people have !    :)

This foreign aid that the rich nations give to the poorer nations, it's not for free, the aid is with strings attached.
You don't want to expend your resources protecting the Philippines ?  Well, great, tell your military to leave. Washington is in the Philippines, it's their to keep the Philippines under America's sphere of influence. Washington is there, to prevent the Philippines becoming aligned with China, got to stop the Phils being under China's sphere of influence.

Nothing is for free, and that includes all aid given to Third World countries.



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5 hours ago, Publicus said:


I'd simply reiterate that if Duterte loses Scarborough Shoal he'd become subject to impeachment by the Philippine Congress because it would unquestionably violate the constitution not to mention infuriate the mass of the population. He's going to have to work with the US on this one and Duterte knows it.


Duterte is looking to Japan to help him through this. And he's doing it very quietly. He already awarded the $2.4 billion new elevated rail system for Manila and its main suburb to Japan and is discussing with the Japanese a rail system in Mindanao. Beijing will not get any of these big bucks projects. Japan has donated a dozen patrol boats to the Phils and is now delivering bigger coast guard vessels. 


Recently for the first time since WW II, a Japanese submarine (with two destroyers) entered Manila harbor. They docked alongside the US aircraft carrier John C. Stennis. 

Publicus, Publicus. So, Duterte gives a 2.4 billion dollar contract to Japan, and Japan donates dozens of patrol boats to the Phils !   :)

Yes, Japan had to give some 'aid' to secure the massive contract, and the 'aid' was some patrol boats.  :)

You seem to forget that the Phils is importing a stack of Chinese goods. The Phils is similar to Thailand, go into a big retailer in the Phils, and, oh look, the flat-screen televisions you see for sale are mainly made in the Peoples' Republic of China.  The Phils has to pay the import bill, and this is being done by exporting a stack of food and natural resources.  Beijing removes any Philipino fears of a massive trade deficit by allowing a flood of Chinese tourists to go to the Philipinnes. Yes, tourism revenue.

As for Japan's military, that Japanese sub entering Manila harbour. Look, we all know, Japan's army has had it's bullets removed. Washington did this back in 1945/46. A good idea. Got to make sure them Japanese don't start another World War.   :)



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Exactly. Some people here reacted as if they knew the whole history of the Philippines. Ask the Filipinos first themselves and majority of them WANT this. The Philippines seems NOT a nation by herself. American IS still strangling the Philippines. Favor given, yet somethings taken over.

The US is actually protecting the "seas" residing in the Philippines. They are afraid China will take over it. 

So, is that a Problem if Philippines will ally with China?

China had been a long-year-old alliance with the Philippines before US claimed the Philippines. 

Now, the President just warned the US, because the US IS still controling the Philippines. And the President just want to let the Philippines be for the Filipinos.  


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Americans died to free the PI from Spain, died some more to free the PI from Japan. I agree, about time Americans stop dying for the PI. Let China have them, just not the entire South China Sea.


It seems those the USA intends to help save their portion of the South China Sea see this as a win win opportunity. Let some one else do the fighting and make money from the struggle at the same time. If things Walmart and Amazon sell me didn't have to traverse the South China Sea to get to America I'd say let China have it.

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