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Merkel starting to feel immigration backlash in Germany


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Merkel starting to feel immigration backlash in Germany

Robert Hackwill




BERLIN: -- A million refugees arrived in Germany in 2015, with the peak migration being reached in September, when Chancellor Merkel decided to open the frontiers.


The Syrian drama produced an impressive wave of solidarity among Germans, with men, women and children being welcomed with open arms, without any limits, or any checks.


But this generosity was not unanimous. In Bavaria Horst Seehofer, head of the local government and the CSU party in government with Merkel’s CDU, demanded in January frontier controls and and a limit of 200,000 entries a year.


Then in July came four terror attacks in a single week. Three were committed by asylum seekers, and two of them were claimed by ISIL.


In a video posted by ISIL a young Afghan refugee claims he is a soldier of the Caliphate and promises to mount a knife attack. On the 18th July he injures four people on a train near Würzburg. He manages to escape, but is shot by police.


The author of the bomb attack on a bank in Ansbach on July 24 is a Syrian whose asylum demand was refused. His bomb only resulted in his death, and no-one else was hurt. 

Germany was deeply shocked by these attacks.


They only served to fuel the part of public opinion that was starting to swing against Angela Merkel’s asylum policy. Many voters got behind the upstart and xenophobic Alternative for Germany party, which made an electoral breakthrough in several regional elections.


The German authorities have made repeated appeals to the people not to associate migrants with terrorists, but admit that jihadist extremists could have entered the country as refugees.


But this has not made Merkel change her policy one iota.


“Terrorism is not a new problem that just arrived with the refugees,” she said recently. “But because not each individual refugee arrives here with good intentions we will continue to strengthen security at home. People here are entitled to expect that we do all that is humanly possible to protect their security.”


But the policy has already cost Merkel a slip in popularity along with her CDUparty, with just a year to go before an election in 2017 when Merkel goes for a fourth mandate.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-09-14
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 The so called "Syrian drama" has nothing whatsoever to do with the economic migrants arriving en masse to Germany. Merkel invited North Africans and Middle Easters to come to Germany, each and every one of them free to jump through the open doors and windows. Presumably for the purposes of filling the lefty voter rolls(i heave heard no other explanation for this act of replacing the free thinking traditional inhabitants). There are precious few coming from war zones, and those that have arrived are generally the war criminals and brutes - not the meek Yazidis or other persecuted minorities.


 A timely article on this fiasco can be read here. 80% of "Syrian refugees" are NOT Syrian. How expected and warned of on this very forum.



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No good deeds goes unpunished, and Markel, wanting to be remembered in the annals of history of the mother Theresa of letting million immigrants into Germany unchecked and haphazard like will come back to haunt her  memory for many years to come....


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It'll never sink in. Her head is  stuck too far up there to notice, even if she wanted to do the right thing it's too late, her fragile ego won't allow it.


In years to come we'll be thanking the nations that actually said no to the unchecked streams coming in. 


I'm all for helping people in need. But Merkel's blanket invite was, and still is an abhorrent abuse of power.

It's still only the beginning and already its pretty bloody ugly

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An article on the net a couple of days ago indicated how her party is turning on her which is no surprise for any leader seen to be an electoral liability.

It doesn't matter if she goes or is pushed as people like her and Juncker will live comfortably well away from the mayhem they caused for others.

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The entire crisis was manufactured for the purpose of destabilising Europe. Merkel is just a foot soldier playing her role. Their is no other way to explain how Europe with it's cherished and distinct cultures has suddenly opted to throw open the doors to people from south of the Med. Who mostly have none of the requirements to emigrate traditionally. And are mostly not true refugees. In a time when security concerns have never been higher, to allow the very people to whom the security concerns are blamed, an open door with full benefits.

It's like inviting prisoners to your daughter's slumber party.

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47 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

The entire crisis was manufactured for the purpose of destabilising Europe. Merkel is just a foot soldier playing her role. Their is no other way to explain how Europe with it's cherished and distinct cultures has suddenly opted to throw open the doors to people from south of the Med. Who mostly have none of the requirements to emigrate traditionally. And are mostly not true refugees. In a time when security concerns have never been higher, to allow the very people to whom the security concerns are blamed, an open door with full benefits.

It's like inviting prisoners to your daughter's slumber party.

I'm pretty sure she's not just a foot soldier. She makes the Eye of Horace symbol at almost every photo shoot. You can see her prepare it just for the photo op in the G20 vids.

She's saying: I'm the ruler of Europe and the others are merely minions :thumbsup:


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Merkel starting to feel immigration backlash


Good. It serves her right for not listening to the people.  Although it won't make any difference to her personally even if she is turfed out of her party. She needs chucking out of her ivory towers and her millions given to charity to live the life as an ordinary citizen in among that what she has created. 

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this woman had ruined Germany with her immigration policies, at last the German public have woken up, but i am afraid it is too late, they are here, someone likened her to Hitler, not so much as to his policies but her wanting to be in control of Europe, female dictator. and her and her henchman dictating to other countries about open borders. ??

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So far as I recall Merkel never offered entry to Germany for economic refugees. She only offered asylum for those seeking refuge from war, religious & political persecution. Primarily it was the breakdown of compliance with the Dublin Regulations that enabled the flood of economic refugees. Merkel has made it clear economic refugees are not welcome and where possible will be deported to their home countries e.g. Balkan countries.


UN / EU member countries made the fundamental error of not providing sufficient funding and resources for supporting & assessing asylum seekers in situ in countries such as Turkey, Lebanon & Jordan. On the other side of the coin positively assessed asylum seekers can wait more than twenty years to be resettled in UN member countries, of whom very few provide resettlement for refugees.

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31 minutes ago, simple1 said:

So far as I recall Merkel never offered entry to Germany for economic refugees. She only offered asylum for those seeking refuge from war, religious & political persecution. Primarily it was the breakdown of compliance with the Dublin Regulations that enabled the flood of economic refugees. Merkel has made it clear economic refugees are not welcome and where possible will be deported to their home countries e.g. Balkan countries.





Who would ever have guessed that a huge number of economic migrants would have taken advantage of an open door policy ? 


The breakdown of the Dublin Regulations was nothing to do with the flood of economic migrants. The breakdown was caused by the flood of Economic Migrants. It was even Germany who suspended the Dublin Regulations.


Germany suspends Dublin agreement for Syrian refugees




To difficult for liberal lefties to understand that there is a world full of people ready to exploit every situation for their own benefit.


Perhaps you could give us up to date figures on how well the repatriation of failed Asylum Seekers is going.


Has Germany reached 100 yet ?

Edited by SgtRock
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4 hours ago, simple1 said:

So far as I recall Merkel never offered entry to Germany for economic refugees. She only offered asylum for those seeking refuge from war, religious & political persecution. Primarily it was the breakdown of compliance with the Dublin Regulations that enabled the flood of economic refugees. Merkel has made it clear economic refugees are not welcome and where possible will be deported to their home countries e.g. Balkan countries.


UN / EU member countries made the fundamental error of not providing sufficient funding and resources for supporting & assessing asylum seekers in situ in countries such as Turkey, Lebanon & Jordan. On the other side of the coin positively assessed asylum seekers can wait more than twenty years to be resettled in UN member countries, of whom very few provide resettlement for refugees.


I have a niece  that is a left leaning ex university student who has trained as a doctor and done "good works" amongst the downtroden poor refugees on her gap year, when she was finished she goes home to mum and dad to her very large home and very nice car ,a place where the only "immigrant" that she ever sees is the lovely man who came over as a young lad ,God knows how many years ago from India,runs the local shop and is now the father of kids who are British and only mix with other local kids and never have even been "back home" she will never have to live amongst the immigrant  dross that normal everyday people will have to,  in other words, like you she does not live in the real world.

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BBC is reporting Merkel is to meet German business leaders and will ask them to employ more migrants to help integration.

There'a a heck of a lot more to integration that giving people a job. What about getting them to accept they're now in another country with  a different culture, laws etc that they need to accept and not expect their every demand be met ?

They need to adapt not their host country.

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2 hours ago, SgtRock said:




Who would ever have guessed that a huge number of economic migrants would have taken advantage of an open door policy ? 


The breakdown of the Dublin Regulations was nothing to do with the flood of economic migrants. The breakdown was caused by the flood of Economic Migrants. It was even Germany who suspended the Dublin Regulations.




To difficult for liberal lefties to understand that there is a world full of people ready to exploit every situation for their own benefit.


Perhaps you could give us up to date figures on how well the repatriation of failed Asylum Seekers is going.


Has Germany reached 100 yet ?


Given you seem to perceive yourself as a subject matter expert you will know one of the major challenges for governments is to put in-place govt to govt agreements for forcible deportation to country of origin. However, declined asylum applicants deported from Germany was 23,500 in 2015 , 2016 projected to be 27,000. Voluntarily departures 37,500 in 2015 expected to rise to 61,000 this year. Given an estimated 40 - 50%+ of asylum seekers are currently evaluated as economic refugees it is of course in a major challenge for both govt and society regards the very slow rate of return.




Syrian asylum seekers are as a matter of humanitarian policy generally, subject to security checks, treated as fleeing persecution / war. I note both you and your fellow commentator/s have not acknowledged facts regards prior government & organisational major errors concerning the processing & vetting of asylum seekers that were the major factors in the current crisis, rather focusing on disparaging remarks.


Having worked for decades for significant MNCs I can assure you I'm not a 'lefty', what I object to on this forum is generalised harsh, ugly bigotry together with support for the 'alt right' world view that IMHO is a significant folly.

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5 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

The entire crisis was manufactured for the purpose of destabilising Europe. Merkel is just a foot soldier playing her role. Their is no other way to explain how Europe with it's cherished and distinct cultures has suddenly opted to throw open the doors to people from south of the Med. Who mostly have none of the requirements to emigrate traditionally. And are mostly not true refugees. In a time when security concerns have never been higher, to allow the very people to whom the security concerns are blamed, an open door with full benefits.

It's like inviting prisoners to your daughter's slumber party.


Perhaps people who have an interest in destroying the traditional cultures of the different EU member states; who want to see a EU federal state with everything controlled centrally from the length of your bananas to the political parties your're allowed to vote for. Perhaps they might see an mass influx of non European, non Christian, people with a strong religious identity of their own, their own culture and social norms and a history of not conforming or changing, as another facilitator?



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1 hour ago, NongKhaiKid said:

BBC is reporting Merkel is to meet German business leaders and will ask them to employ more migrants to help integration.

There'a a heck of a lot more to integration that giving people a job. What about getting them to accept they're now in another country with  a different culture, laws etc that they need to accept and not expect their every demand be met ?

They need to adapt not their host country.


A job is one thing. But as you say, just one. Most have to learn German so can't really do many jobs until that improves. Then, from what we see in many Western countries, Muslims do not want, have no intention to, and will fight against integration. Rather, they want to force their way of life, values, law and beliefs on you and demand you accommodate and respect them. And they are prepared to break laws if necessary to make that happen.

Many Muslims just want to be left alone, but equally many Europeans no longer want parts of their cities being turned into Islamic areas that no longer resemble their own culture. The latter are labelled bigots, fascists, racists, etc by the left-wing who hate their own culture and welcome its replacement.


Go to any big city in Europe that has a Muslim population of size and walk through that area. See where it feels you are.

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